HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1999-9-20 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (541) 484-6859 23\1o 'b~~ ~ .-: --, MORTIER ENGINEERING, P.C. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION September 20, 1999 Cozy Homes 1275 S 2nd Spnngfleld, OR 97477 RE Ambelslde Lot #49. SOllnQ:fleld. OR - ExcavatIOn, FIll and CompactIOn InspectIOn W 0 # 12145-TJM As you requested, an Inspection has been made dunng the pCI formance of the excavation and placement of glavel fIll on thiS ,)Ite In preparatIOn for the comtructJon InvolvIng foundation for the ploposed residence The excaVJtJon Involved removal of surtJce orgamc soIl and other unsuItable materIal and the placement of a 12" mInImum of 3/4" ml1lUS crushed rock In accordance wIth our stdndard procedures Pen meter dl JlllS al e to be ll1stalled and connected to approved storm drall1dge system The compacted surface of the crushed rock IS adequate tor a foundatIOn beanng capacIty of 1000 psf, which IS adequate to support the proposed conventIOnal wood frame reSidence The compactIOn of the gravel surface IS greater than 95% of a standard proctor per ASTMD698-91 (See attached data sheet) Drall1age not ll1stalled at tIme of compactIOn test I hope you fmd thIS report adequate for your purposes at thIS tIme Thank you for thIS opportumty to be of serVIce If you have fUlther questIOns, please do not hesItate to contact me at 484-9080 Very truly yours, i./ ~. %'1 Expires: 6-30~ 0/ i ( Owen Grover P E TJMJmm ~I I..JlUVI!JUllJ .. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION MORTIER ,.... ENGINEERING! P.C. 1245 PEARL STRE':T EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAA (541) 484-6859 .1'. ". ' '.. <; "t' . . . - '.... '_ ,;.j' \2.;.:/ ;\EIIELD UNIT..WEIGH1( ~~SAND CONE MEIHali~ ~j:l:j"{'~. ", : _ ~ ' . ~" '~:,,; f..: _, .~ 'L~~:''>'.~, .- ", . . .. l ...:J .,,~;.~~ ~',:-,;..':~~:~~ Per ASTM 0 1556 TEST NUMBER ~ wo#/1/'f5 DATE OF TEST 3ilJ/q5 TEST LOCA T10N "3s ~& Lot 41AW\~d~~STBY O. L,. MA TER/AL TESTED (By Visual observaflon) S ~ Q. J 12. . ~,/ It JV1')_.~ UNIT WEIGHT OF SAND USED FOR THIS SAMPLE Ps (sand) = 7 f: rJ fJc f . I VOLUME OF CONE (V1) = 0 0389 ft^3 FIELD TEST DATA Initial Weight of Jar + Sand (W1) Weight of Jar + Sand after test (W2) Volume of hole, W1-W2 - V1 = V2 Ps Weight of sOil sample (W3) = q fb ob I 0,2.- tf Ib f 1. "5 ~ \ ()l",~ \\~ 1'5.ltf~ })4 */py5 MOist Unit weight of sOil Pm = W3 = V2 MOisture content of sample, W% = (weloht mOlst)-(weloht drv) X 100 (weight dry) Dry Unit Weight of Soil Pd = Pm 1 +W% 100 -If, 1% / I Lf .- MOISTURE CONTENT- 11" weight of Jar Wet weIght J 2...5. ~ - 15,10 a- DrYW81ght hLtO{ - IS,11 net weight ~ 1/6. 7~_ = I06,J%o. - /