HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1999-9-20 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (541) 484-6859 ~'}\ ~ro- ~ ~MORTIER ENGINEERING, P.C. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION September 20, 1999 Cozy Homes 1275 S 2nd SpnngfIeld, OR 97477 RE Ambelslde Lot #30, Sonn!:!:fleld, OR - ExcavatIOn, FJlI and CompactIOn InspectIOn W 0 # 12146-TJM As you requested, an JI1spectlon has been made dUring the performance of the excavatJon and placement of gravel flll on thIS slte JI1 preparatIon for the constructIon JI1volvJI1g foundatIon for the proposed resIdence The excavatIon JI1volved removal of surface organIc soli and otheI unsUltJble matenal and the placement of a ]2" mJI1JI1lUm of 3/4" mJI1US crushed rock JI1 accordance wIth our standard procedures Pen meter drJJI1s are to be Installed Jnd connected to approved storm draJI1age system The compacted surface of the crushed rock IS adequate for a foundatIOn beanng capacIty of 1000 psf, whIch IS adequate to support the proposed conventIOnal wood frame resIdence The compactIOn of the gravel surface IS greater than 95% of a standard proctor per ASTM D698-91 (See attached data sheet) DraIndge not JI1stalled at tIme of compactlon test I hope you fInd thIS report adequate for your purposes at thIS tIme Thank you for thIS opportunrty to be of serVIce If you have further questIOns, please do not hesItate to contact me at 484-9080 Very truly yours, / Owen Grover P E TJMJmm ucaV3UOI.1 .. MORTIER ENGINEERING, P.C. 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (541) 484-6859 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION -"FJELD iJNiT~WEIG~'T ~ :SAND' CONE IvJETHD[{~ ~ "'~ ~. ~..', :'::.- r',. '.~ ,.''\..,,~.. ':",;~: ,'. _ _' t .." ..... ..' . . . ;.... ';..":,,.; :~... Per ASTM 0 1556 TEST NUMBER L( wo#/2-llf'< I TESTLOCATlON ::~1H~ 5t)Aw.betsiJeLrij-jt3/J MA TERIAL TESTED (By visual observatIOn) <S ,Q ,\l-, 'lJ~ / DATE OF TEST ti 'j TESTBY 0, G, I.- 3/1' II , if YY1 /VI (j,.5 Ps (sand) = UNIT WEIGHT OF SAND USED FOR THIS SAMPLE ~G VOLUME OF CONE (V1) = 0 0389 ft^3 FIELD TEST DATA Initial Weight of Jar + Sand (W1) Weight of Jar + Sand after test (W2) Volume of hole, W1-W2 - V1 = V2 Ps Weight of 5011 sample (W3) = MOist unit weight of 5011 Pm = W3 = V2 MOisture content of sample, W% = (welQht mOlstHwelQht drv) X 100 (weIght dry) Dry Unit Weight of Soli Pd = Pm 1 +W% 100 MOISTURE CONTENT & Wet weight Dry weight weight of Jar l1'l.~- IS.lflf- l~c;,O()117 - lS,~l6___ if f a \h. ,,~ u 2.1- 3\0 G"f.:, Ot. .Ol-'l) Ib o~ Z IZ:S I Z. ~ Vt- !I?f~ 3/ A dl, 1120(,,[ / net weight = -f I 3 I Lfi 4;, = IOq IlS~~. /'