HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-7-10 I, J'J~-, lJtj .\-t I '5 r I .. 5.:: ") 31! '7 - - - EIJJ Pl-- (',SSCJG Ti\-f;-~~ rH~ \tel3 ~,,~,~la~ 2J; <.! Sddi.~: ~~~-,__--:'";i-;:;'- >!..~ ~'~'S-;Li (:;t;!l-t!f::'"J~ ~\:4jr. ~~i Ijiz~f \ ~ \/lI,--;",j /)( U: !_/II;1J1Jat:1JIJlY yu}UI,OftS tl(ll.;:, ~ wi" If: t ..,~ (,Il~ 5'lvO ~Vv eeal~ i\ ,tl:}(J'J) Go! ~tt!lfl~, lJf tJUJll ::.1 I \J..J \ -- TEL 541 753 534'1 FII), '>41 i'11 5'117 r1etrll' Mann I lrwd8n Hotn8~ 1-'0 Box 883- Springfield, Oregon 07478 July -10, ?002 i~(\: Juspi:.r Meadows Prole~t 102.0J! hJlll1drdtiun Enoln~eril1n r~ec:ornm~n(lll!ltions (lots 11, 1:)\, .tmd i Ii)) sprlngfi~ld, Oregon i-\,"-, )1- [1",' M'llln: /.1 \'I)\!; H~qlll:;'Bl, noit(~ Associates Inc. mad8 f)' visit to tl18 IlbO\f!-:!-\lcJfl"!renced project site ilnd '-;: d-,j2( l lots tn E:xamine foundation conditions [{',I develop r erOlrUTI<::1 HJsllc 1/ 15 in ord(~r tu t;(M8d Im~81 8fPRS of fi/otlflg Ilwlfmnining fASllltmo frnlll1 'rfl\:pntlltilHy rnn3tn IUion, l"'I,~Pl'iP. (:nll'~ii lpr thi": 1~.U ~r ,'is d :,iJ((iIW:lI"}1 of flllr work. W<, 1,I"d,::" <1 visit ill lIle ~nG 011 JUfl~.:~ 22, 200~ f'Of oach of tll~ sutJjed lob iclellliflecJ above, We I )h["'r'ff"d tile penmeter wall cinrl Interim footln':Js Il8d \)l?'ell r:nll';tfllc\pd. However, at f;adl Ilouse, i1 sl1<Jrl section of penmeter footing had l"{,en Imderrninflr1 ft-orn lhe Install;;jtion of utilities nOlI1 tlif;J length aneJ cJeptll of tIle undermmed El~dlons averaged 3 10 .I! fL The supporling walls 'for tho !i(Juses a1 eaclllot had not been con~~trucli8d_ Dmin~l 0\ If vl"'>i[, tl18 perimeter wall footil1gt'~ for ench futuro hOUSe; were ;<:;Nlt)nlno tho Ilnc;ufJllotlecl section The undermIned condHlClI'ilS did not appoar ,rn corllplorrllse lhe sirurtllral intc'CjI ily of Rny of the Elxisting footings, sien:lwalls or surroundin!=J foundation soils. We , HI , II (iI-11L~I-lded IliA I 1l-1"i1lrror tAd foundation t:on III tio,'] tlt dcH.11 i, J: .iilILJ It h-, a I kJ\-1 t'FJ n;''''lVI dci dt; I .. f'"lllnv',fs. CIArirl all loose soil and any debris and trom tile excavations 2 Place an inItial 11Ft of '18 Inclles of :y,j~incll minus, well-graded, crw1hed !'ael, in the bottorn of 83Ch excavation to surround and cover the utilities Compact the rock at a moist water cnnh=mt LJsinG a vibratory plate compactor line care to avoid darnage to the utilities ] Place subs€'quent crushed roc/( fill in maximum 12-inch loose lifts Compact each Iifl to 95% I-elative compaction accorrllng to the maxin\um dry denSity of ASTM D 098 Due to the limited amount of material being placed, ade~'iuate compaction may be confirmed visllalfy 1\, Continue the rockfill placement to within 2 to It inches of the bottom of the footmgs, or to an elevation where the eXisting footing prevents lurther fill compaction, ~! I 11 J j l! I ~ ~ > ' l.:,'tl~/':-, p)][!-/ I )CIII~I=- {',SSCil~ i, \ I f_ -, J I k: j-.;'il-{-- \ J I ~I- :-. USA IlOdn concrete ot' notl-shrink grout to niP L1lt:l I'elilainino void belwaen thG bOUOITI ot the [nn1lnQ and Ihe top of the rockflll. RaisArl ft'111'fil$ should be llsed (Jr! either side of thp, footing tCI 11\InWnIZB loss of the flowable backfill ' If tDlJrlclation conJitlons are restored as recon'limended, we belielfe adequate footing support li\jould be restored. We trust this information n :Ieets your current needs, Please call with any rjuestJOns. :-:;incerely, lJ()!I'H /\s&ociatEls Inr. ~___' _N /"'~,~\'\ t)r~ .,)'iiY x.""\,\I ~ ~"il'JJI' f ~~ ,..-~ v".. '. I ''''<?/''':i,G1N!.€'~, (~.\ ; '~f1g .$,.21~... ""fit 0" \ ";I;;;. \ f IC>" In" '.,L2'a , \ L_~'{j v;(~ L",~l -I:~' t- :.IJ;, j' ~ '11 q{~:> .. ) \. J' ~ X~.0;.y (/ f r "" _ .;~ '". ..r{".{i,J..." pi' ",", f l)QO t-J<.<./ "'~~~ IEV:f)IRES: 12/31/ v 7 < 1 L ........~.... _-"-! ~ -,-.-~4"-""""'~ - -- ... --~).~ -~-~-"- ,; '7 /,1 (J l./ \'- ! .. J l! Ii" ../l ,/ _----> ':' / "! :,,;;-" 1 / (\ \:,11 1"-1.)('1 l:hJll'e', I=-> 1:-, Jasper MeadowS Lots 12, 13, and 14 <) .. Project 201 037 July 10, 2002