HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-7-10 11 { I, IIJtl 'J'I 'II 15 tll5~:~j.t1--- !-in I Pl-~ I\SSiJC T' :I',-':'~ [I-I.'"> Pl ,~~ S;-~.!:-. \~ i",'~,_ ,:IJ (11 ~ici-' ~;~~~:-~l-~~~;~~ -,..iiik-#- " ,l'c ':';::'{f_~;I :;!U1.:-JT:~-J glAfe,,, rIll -:,. I ~ .......11' f" t .. ~~ I!J, 5 fu(J ~hf Beal~ /\l"f:}n'L~ c.J{JIVi:1ffl~1 ~J(r:;'JJJI t1 /vv,-~ \ ,-,11\' I ,)l ...,1 (_IIl;flIJt::Jc/JUi) .,)lJiufl0ft5 - TEL 5-/! 753,5344 F/IX" 11 ?'i:l S11/ f'elGI" r\.~rlnn f IA"fC181l Homes PO Box 883 Spnnqfleld, Oregon 07478 July In, ?002 1;;'(\' JuspiJr Meadows Proiect 202.0;H hJurJt.hdion Enoln.::Brinfj nl;!COiTlInt:nolp~tion5 (Lots 12, j :J, .rind 1<1)) SprlngfiE:!d, Oregon lll~."( 1\(', tv1.'lnn' /' ( '<'I^HI: it"'f1IIP,sl, noin~ .Associates Inc. madp. 2' visit to the nbo\!c'-lcJ10rencecl project SIt8 and ::-,\ II ,j2\ l lots to examine foundation conditions [(',f develop reCOrnrl18nu,;[ir IllS it i ordt~r to oJrrect lori:'d :m'RQ of fOiltlflg Ilnrlfmninina reSllltlllrJ frnnn ,rrcr>nflllillty (;t'ln':;JrllrjjOI1, 1:1I(H1~A (:rlll<'idf"r thif.: I~,U :l( ,"\', ::j sLlrl1rilary of nul' war\<. "th, I Ii-,ll.,.. 2i 'liSll iu tile. ~ilt~ 01'1 Jurl~7 22, 2002. f' or 0ad! of lI18 sul)kd Jul." idel'l~iflp.d above, We I )h['~I"\'ed [1)$ penmeter wall ::.mrl Interim focllln::Js had 1)1;;'811 (;()I1';i1i idee!. However, HI each IIOII~,d il. filj(Jrl section of penmeter footing had 1:'1:38n Imdel"mhlAd from Lilt) installation of utilities r!rnh tll~ len~dl amJ clepth of tile undermmed Eledlons averar~ed J to 1! rL Tile supporting walls 'for lho h(Juses at eacl1lot had not been GOlIstruclilt3d, Dmin~1 (JIll vi:-lit, thp. perimeter wall fuotlngt'~ fOI: ench futmo 110\lGb wore spclnning Hid 1JWiUrpOlle(J $ection The underrrllned condillClI 115 did not appear fa (,;()n Ipl orTlISe the struttural intc'CJI ily of any or the bxisting footings, sien:lwalls or surrollnding foundation soils. We (~,( 'lIr'iI'll11I'I<led iliA II\YillPPOltAd f(HlIldatioli (:C1ntliUuIl, tlt dch.11 fl,;,ihlu ilh...;JliO\'1 L'le Ib':JLUI't;(j dt> f,'jllnvvs 'I CI;"irl allloos8 soil and any debris and from tile excavations 2, Place an initial 11ft of '18 lnclles of 7'4-inch 111IrlUS, well-graded, cl"Ushed me" in the bottom of each excavation to surround and cover the utilities. Compact the rock at a moist water clintfmt LJSlllg a vibratory plate compactor, line care to avoid damage to the utilities :1 Place subsequent crushed rock fill in maximum 12-inch loose lifts Compact each lift to 95% relative compaction according to the maxin\um dry denSIty of .L\STM 0 698 Due to the limited amount of material being placed, ader,'1.1ate compaction may be confirmed vislJally 'I, Continue the rockfill placement to within 2 to It inches of the bottom or the footmgs. or to an elevation where the eXisting footing prevents lurther fill compaction, t, J II ,- .,1 I '>'II r-, IJ)~j'I-1 fiL-J J I 'I=- {\;::-,'-,CI'~ I \ I f_ - J I k, l-f:\11F II I \'1 -, UE,e Il>an t:onuete 01' non-shrink grout to rilH llle I emainin9 void LJetwaen thG boilolTi ot the frlntlng cJIld the lop of the rockfill. Raisflrl filliTns should be IISEHi (In either side of [he footing fu Illinl((ilZe loss of the flowable backfill If foundation conditions are restored as rBCon'limended, we b8!ie\!8 adequate footing supporl \,'\Ioulri be restored. We trust this inforrnation meets your cu,rrent needs, Please call with any questions r;incorely, lJrJln~ /\ssociates II1L, ,; ,I' )fr1- ";~ ;-'>- !,. / I;' l); /\ ~--) ,/,',! l.:r! / (\ '1;/1 ,-, 1<1('1 [:\oll-e, I::; 1-:: Jasper Meadows Lots 12, 13, and 14 ~~~- ". .... ~\'\ l)fml';_ ,,7~J~\,\J ~"r~JJ' j J ~ /-~< y,',.. I ~_ ,\G1Ne'.e > (~. n- '~1 <t,.fi\.... zn.. ",' '-\"g. ! ...-., /j'j "'_, ""IlL I ~-~~ {j vlf ~ L .~~ il -,!U.~' ~fr- ,i"G~' w~'v \/f L ! J / \ 'UV25 \~~f '" i} 1 "---~ r.ftl' ;l '"'-~:~ 7tJOD \~'<-::/ ~~~~ h:v~e!~~~: 'L~~1',~ (.s J '\ .. , Project 201.037 July 10, 2002