HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 2008-5-20 -" lAND & DRAINAGE ALTERATION PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Project Name Job # LDP2008-00064 Address 6489 Dogwood Spnngfield, OR 97478 Status Approved Map & Tax Lot 17-02-34-43-02900 Date: May 20, 2008 Prepared by: Todd Singleton Public Works Engineenng City of Spnngfield 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 (541 )726-5931 tsingleton@cl springfleld.or us Applicant T J Mablnouri. __ PO Box~ 1~S Springfield, OR 97477 Owner(s): Same as applicant SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Initial LDAP site inspection/pre-construction meeting IS required prior to any ground disturbance. When all work on the site IS stabilized and the construction IS complete call for a final inspection of the site. Call 726-5849 to schedule all inspections 2 Refer to City of Springfield MUniCipal Code 8 300 Grading for additional requirements 3 A spill kit IS to remain on-site from the start of construction through the duration of construction The spill kit should at a minimum contain absorbent, spill booms, and spill pads The spill kit IS to be.place in an area where it IS eaSily VISible and accessible in case of a spill emergency 4 The applicant shall follow all recommendations made In the Level 1 Geotechnical Investigation and Report by K & A Engineering, dated March 28,2006 5. All exposed soil shall remain properly covered by an approved matenal/method (mulch, straw, plastic, etc ) during the wet weather season from October 1st to Apnl 30th. 6. The issuance of this LDAP permit shall not Include the approval of the structural fill matenal located beneath the proposed bUilding footpnnt. Approval of the placement of structural fill shall be In accordance With the Oregon Structural Specialty Code and approved by the City Building Official In addition to the SeismiC site hazard investigation report for facilities as defined by ORS 455 447, where footings Will bear on compacted fill matenal, the compacted fill shall comply with the provisions of an approved geotechnical/engineer report. : Ot'J:'lCE COJY . Land & Drainage Alteration Permit 7, r..lltc: m/Pr:...fnllr fppt in hpight Will rp~llirp ::I Ipvpl ? Qe.Qte.cbJ;ljcal an::l~~la .. , , , LAND & DRARrfAGE ALTERATION P OORAM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTACHED GRADING AND EROSION PLANS ARE APPROVED WORK ~~AY BF.GIN AFTER ANY REQUIRED PERMITS ARE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND AN INITIAL LOAP INSPECTION APPROVING COMMENC ENT OF THE W RK PROgoSED HAS, .f 2 oc~pge c ~. .5/20~~ AP~ED~ . DATE By Signature, I state I have carefully examined the approved permit and do hereby agree to comply with the requirements of the permit and I certify any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, applicable City Standard Specification and Drawings and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work descnbed herein I further certify only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on thiS project. The perm Itee , for himself, his contractors, and employees, agrees that the approval of the grading permit In no manner presumes or implies the approval or terms of approval of any other future permit required by the City for the site and Indemnifies and holds harmless the City regarding any future approval of a future site plan, partition, subdivision, or any other required permit that may cause any work completed in compliance with the grading permit to be altered to conform to the final permit approval and further agrees to save, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Spnngfleld and ItS representatives from all liabilities, claims and Judgments for damages by reason of injury or death to any person or persons, or damage to property from any cause whatsoever while In, upon, or In any way connected with the work covered by this grading permit, and does further agree to defend the City In any claim anslng out of or as a result of the work done under this permit. The City may inspect the work site described In this permit at any time during a one-year period following the receipt by the City of notice of completion of the described work and specify, at the City'S sole discretion, any additional restoration work reqUired to return the site to a standard acceptable to the City. The permltee will be notified in wnting of any work reqUired and will have 30 days from the date of the notice to complete the work Work not completed, at the end of the 30 days will be performed by the City and the costs will be billed to the permitee. I further agree to ensure all required inspections are requested at the proper time, the project placard is readable from the street and the approved permit and set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction and until removed by the City. Pnnted Name' Signature' Date This permit and the placard are to be displayed in a conspicuous location during all construction and are to be removed only by the City of Springfield upon final inspection. Land & Drainage Alteration Permit Page 2 of 2 a K & A Engineering, Inc. P.o. Box 23624, Eugene, OR 97402 521 Market St., Suite B, Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX engineering March 28, 2006 Project: 116.05 Alberts Development P.O. Box 10545 Eugene, OR 97440 Subject: Geotechnical requirements for Individual BUilding Lots Mountaingate Subdivision phase ilia, lots 1-43 Springfield, Oregon Revision 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As requested, K & A Engineering, Inc. is providing additional recommendations for the development of individual residential lots for the subject new subdivision. These recommendations are supplemental to those presented in our original geotechnical report dated April 15, 2004 which were made for overall development of this subdivision including earthwork, drainage, and stability for roads and utilities. The purpose of this document is to provide additional criteria for geotechnical evaluation and recommendations for the design and construction of individual single-family residences on individual lots of this phase of the subdivision. RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION I Levels of Geotechnical Investigation To be consistent with criteria established for phases I and II of the Mountaingate subdivision, we are identifying two levels of geotechnical recommendations, Levell and II, that we recommend be implemented for individual lots on this phase. Levell criteria is the least restrictive based on a lower level of risk, and level II criteria is reserved for those lots that may present a higher level of risk from development from the standpoint of stability, drainage, or foundation support. Levell Geotechnicallnlfestigation / General Recommendations Levell geotechnical investigation is reserved for those bUilding lots where ground surface and subsurface conditions are generally known to consist of competent soil or bedrock and having natural slopes that are not significantly steep and do not present issues with long-term slope stability. For Levell lots, a site-specific geotechnical investigation is not required for submission of plans for permit review. Foundations for these lots are expected to consist of conventional construction, inClUding cast-in-place K & A Engineering, Inc. Levell! Geotechnical Investigation General Recommendations We recommend a more developed geotechnical investigation for lots where suriace or subsuriace conditions present steep slopes, higher-than-normal groundwater levels, poor subgrade soils, cut slopes exceeding 4-feet, or construction on native or imported fine-grained soil fills. Additionally, some of the building lots present unique challenges in access and foundation construction due to steep and high road cut and fill slopes. These lots we have also recommended for level II geotechnical investigation. We recommend Level" status for lots 78-80, 82, 84-86, 89-91,97, 99-108, and 112-114. Leve/II Lot Categor.ies Level /I geotechnical investigation can be made for groups of lots haVing simIlar identified existing or potential , geotechnical hazards. Thus, a thorough and detailed investigation can be made for bUilding sites, the cost of which can be shared by owners of lots having similar hazards. Table 1 groups lots of Level II status by similar existing or potentia! geotechnical hazards. I Lot Group 112-114 105-108, 82, 91 101-104 78-80, 84-86, 97,99, 100 Existing Geotechnical Hazard These lots are in a known area of poor surface and subsurface drainage. Standing water on the natural, undeveloped ground surface is common. There appears to be an excessive amount of surface runoff from the south slope. Expect poorly drained, highly plastic and highly expansive silty soils. The issue is stability of foundations on weak, saturated, or expansive soils. Expect that deeper foundation excavations or special foundation systems may be necessary to provide adequate foundation support, inclUding granular fill, drains, and final grading. Expect steep natural slopes WIth high, steep cut slopes from the paved street grade. Expect steep, natural slopes. The issue is overall slope stability of natural slopes and in zones of expected high cuts and fills. Some of these lots may have competent, hard bedrock near the ground surface, in which case they may be downgraded to level' status. Expect relatively high, steep fill slope from the paved street grade to the natural ground surface. The issue is providing adequate access to the home site while preserving fill slope stabilIty. Foundations should not be supported by road fill soils. Building Plans for Level II Lots We recommend that, in addition to the recommended submission elements for Levell lots, a site specific geotechnical report be submitted that makes specific evaluations and recommendations regarding cut slopes, fills, steep slopes, poor soils, and drainage issues. Levell! geotechnical reports should include the follOWing: 1. A summary of the site investigation and existing conditions for that lot which mayor may not include subsurface test pits or borings or soil testing. Note that the need for and number and location of subsurface test pits, borings, or subsurface testing is left to the jUdgment of the geotechnical engineer. However the documentation should demonstrate a reasonable basis forthe recommendations made, Project. 116.05 . Mountaingate Subdivision Phase Ilia, Springfield, OR Client: Alberts Development Page 3 of 4 March 28. 2006 , LOT 95 MOUNTAINGATE 1ST ADDITION .r LOT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES THIS OOCUMENT IS PROVlOEO FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INOMDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT REFER TO mE SUBDMSION PLAT, RECORDING No ___-----. RECORDED COvENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTlDNS, RECDRDING Nos. 2DD5-03370 AND _____--- AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 6'~ " I _:~ 6.9 o "- " 6'~ o " ' ~ " V). ~ ,~ '" .~ "" ~ ~ o \. S88'02'45"E 120.81' \ \ \-U \ I.l) "- r-..... cr> ~ ~ 0 0 "- ~ "- '- " VEG~ ~ SETBACK EASEMENT " " '- 7.00' - ~!... 95 ~ 20.00', ) ':::-, PR.UE ~ - . - 21742 SF 26.00 R8/VATE JOINT USf-.... . , ' ACCESS fASEMOO---.... ....... ~ ..... ~ ....... " -0 - 'q,~ ~ r.5'1.:>- "Q '*' v. 1 " ~ SCAL[' 1"=40' 40 o JB'........"'~l"'T'''''.- ~__..0I~"li: . '- 40 _..r- If LOT STANIJARJJS ANIJ GUlIJEUNES . J5X LOT COVD?AGE PER SPRINGFlEJ.I) DEVELOPMENT CODE 16 o.w . SPRINCFlEJ.I) LAND #/0 DlWNAGf ALTERATION PERJ,{ff (LD4P) REQUIRED FOR EROSION CONT1?Ol. . ClASS A OR B ROOFING IS REQlJIRED . SUBJECT TO FIRE PROTECTION PlAN _ . TREE CONSERVATION EASElJENT - RESTRICTS BUILDING LOCATION, VEGETATION REIJOVAL AND fENCING (SEE rotR's) . LEYEl. ONE FOUND4T1ON ENGINEERING ST#/DARD (SEE GEOTECH REPOIff) . S!DEWAJ.}( REQUIRED . /WARD TREES NOT SHOWN #/0 UolY BE PRESENT; TO BE DETERMINED 8Y BUIlDER AT nME OF CONSTRUCTION . VEGETATION SET84CK EASElJENT - RESTRICTS BUIUJlNG LOCAnON, VEGETATION REltIOVAL #/0 fENCING (SEE rotR's) THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORIJATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDMDIJAL LOT DEVELOPMENT REFER TO THE SUBDMSlON PLAT, RECORDfNG No 2006-22556, ALSO FILED AS COUNTY SUfNEY FILE 39753, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDfTlONS #/0 RESTRICTIONS, RECORDING Nos. 2005-oJJ70 #/0 2006-22568 #/0 CfTY OF SPRINGFlEJ.I) DEVELOPMENT SEJMCE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FUU DITNLS LEGENIJ o . '-......./ ---, ~ w--E mJ !:AT &--ww-@ I!J @--ST--@ rn- ~'&.~~~~ Zll/Z/2 o . PUE PSE , SET 5/8' IR W/ It1'C IoW?KED "Fi..s 655: NOT FOUNO FOUND 5/8' IR w/ It1'C IoW?KED "Fi..s 655. EXISTlNG PUE UNE EXISTlNG PRNATE EASEMENT UNE EXISTlNG Ii'04DWAY UNE EXISTlNG " CONTOUR EXISTlNG CONTOUR INDEX EXISTING ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER #/0 UNDERGROUND UNE EXISTING G:4S METER #/0 UNE EXISTlNG WASTEWA7lR MANHOLE. UNE #/0 ClDN()IJT EXISTlNG WA7lR METER #/0 UNE EXISTING STORM MANHOLE. UNE AND CLEANOIIT EXISTlNG TElEPHONE PEDESTAL #/0 UNE EXISTING PUE AND PSE EXISTING VEGETATION SETBACK EASElJENT EXISTlNG DECIDUOUS TREE EXISTlNG CONIFEROUS TREE PUB/JC tmurr EASEMENT PUB/JC SLOPE EASElJENT LOT 95 - MOUNTAINGATE 1ST AIJIJITlON ~ TOPO FOR HOUSEGUARD SURVEYEIJ: MAY 14, 2008 -- - Te I IJOG1YOOIJ STREET _____ I :('i!J , , / / !~ ',j ~ EXISTlNG 2000' PRNATE tmurr EASEMENT EXISTlNG 2600' PRNATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT ~ L 1 SCAI.E. " = 20' 20' 0 20' w' ~__r-L._._,____._ .T ",.",.,...", r---~---- --g 1 t'--- ! O.r'~'~CE c~r~Y- . (Y) .---. ..--l '<:t ~I,",\ ~..-... ~ t'--- '<:t t'--- - (j') , : ;'_ - .::- iEflATIONPROGRAM - . ..-t ~l"'R1NGFIEL(ll:!; . 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