HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEMA Application 1999-6-2 PORGE ENGINEERING Fa~ 541-485-5624 Nov 14 '02 9.:.?9 P 02 ~ 'c FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAl. FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE o M B No 3067-0077 ExpIres July 31, 2002 I) : 1 Important Read the. ."structlons on paA8s 1 . 7 SECTION A. PROPERTY OWNEIt INFORMATION For Insurance Company use Pdq Number Company NAlC Number -BUILDING OWNERS'NAME Bruc@ Wlechert Custom Homes BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (lncl~ng Apt ,un:! SUIte, $ndlor Bldg No) OR P 0 ROUiE:. AND eOX NO 6690 Mo!\es Pass CITY ,. - . STATE Sorin9fiel d ' ,,' -. I')~ PROPE:RTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and BIOCk~umbers Tax P3rcal Number, Legal Descnptlon etc) I~ lev; Landing 2nd Arlrlitinfl FUe.J~r-_ C:;lices 11,l;?-1ls..t\_ ~BUILOING USE (e Q , ReSldenbal, Non-reslclen~al Addlbon, Accessoty, atc Use a \jQ/nmenlS area, If necessary ) Resi dentl a 1 LA TITUDE/LONGITUDE -(6F>liUNA~i"-' ( ##f' - ## . #II,." or ## ####ff') ZIP CODE 91478 'a~e COI.n+jLS?..1 l' + ~9tgrd, HORlzoNrAL DATUM LI NAD 1~7 1-1 NAD 1963 -sdURCE LI GPS (Typo) 1-_1 USGS Quad Map Ll Othef , SECTION Ii - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION I B1 NFIP COMMUNITY NAME:. & COMMUNITY NUMeER 62 COUNTY NAME I 83 STATE:. Spr1ngfiel d_ 415592 La~~ Oregon B4 MAP AND PANEL B5 SUFFIX B6 FIRM INDEX 67 FIRM PANf;L. B8 FLOOD 69 BASE FlOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBf;R DATE EFFf;CTIVE/REVISED DATE ZDNE(S) (Zone AO, use depth of noodlng) 41039Cl166 F 6/2/99 6/2/99 X 511.2 B10 IndIcate the source ofthe 6a$l:l Flood Elevation (BFE) data-or base r100d depth entered In 89 I-I FIS Profile I_I FIRM L.x-I Community Determined I_I Other (DeSCribe) - 811 IndIcate the elevation datum used for the BFE In 89 I_I NGVD 1929 '--I NAVe 1988 1...1(..1 Other (DescrIbe) _L.o..c.a.l 612 Is the building located In a Coastal Barner Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? I_I Yes I.x-I No DeSignation Date ~ ) .,. I SECTION C' BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMA'fION l~URVEY REQUIRED) C1 BUlldl-n9 elevations are based on 1~IConstructlon D~wI09S. 1_IBUlldlng Under Construcuonw ILIFlnlshed Construction .A new Elevatton Certificate WIll be reqUired when construction of the bUilding IS complete C2 Budding Diagram Number 1- (Select the budding diagram most Similar 10 the bUlldmg for which thiS certificate IS bemg completed - see pages 6 and 7 If no diagram accurately represents the bUlldmg, prOVide a sketch or photograph) C3 ElevatIons-Zone.!;' A1-A30, AE AH A (With BFE) VE, V1-V30, V (with BFE), AR, ARIA. ARlAE, AIVA1-A30, ARJAH, ARJAO Complete Items C3 a-I below according to the bUilding diagram specified In Item C2 State the datum used If the datum IS different from the datum used for the BFE In SectIon B. convert the datum to that used for the SFE Show field measurements and dalum conversion calculation Use the space prOVided or the Comments area of Sechan D or Section G, as appropnate, 10 document the datum conversion Datum Local Conversion/Comments Add 0.3 to local datum:to reach F.~.M..LdSltum ElevatIon reference mark used See Comments D08sthe elevation reference mark used appear!" me~.' t4~~~ a a) Top of bottom floor (mcludlng basement or enclosure) __5.12- J::L ft ~:f -; .......... A~~AL - a b) Top of next higher floor __ 515- _~_ ft ~ III l LAN SURNEYOFl: o c) Bottom of lowest honzontal structural member Ct/ zones only) _ N-1A- ___ ft (m) 1 ~.. I,'. ,.. ,., ",' o d) Attached garag8 (lop of sleb) _'E_~~__ _2. ft (. log I ~ II, j 1'\ f) Q e) Lowest elevation of mactunery and/or equlpm8nt ~ ;.. ~A...~ serviCing the bUilding (Oescnbe 10 a Comments area) S lL -~ ft W) 1! i '1 ' ORE.G~' . Q f) Lowest adjacent (finished) grade (LAG) _?l'~ .-?_ ft~) i!l .u. '1~ t~ - a g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) <; \4- 2. ft <mt ~ . JONATH/~N A OAKES Q h) No of permanent openings (flood vents) Within 1 f{ above adjacent grade ~ t-' ~"' 'i,.r',~ '" .' " ..", IJ .) Total area of all permanent o~entngs (flood vents) In C3 h Z'2.l0 sq In (...,..., ,) ........ t{r/ . ~I '7t'Y\'7- SECTION D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION ThiS certification-IS to be Signed 81'ld sealed by a land surveyor engineer. or ~rchltecl autho~lZed by law t~.~ertlfy elevation Inform~tlon I certify that the information In Sections A, B, and C on thiS certificate represents my best efforttt to mterpret the data available 1 understand that any false statement may be .oumshable b.'I fine or Impnsonment under 18/J S Code, Section 1001 -eERT1Flf;RSNAME Jonathaf'l A. Oal<es~ LICENSE NUMBER w Oreqon L.S. #2105 TITLE CO~ANY ~AMf ProfesslonaJ',Land Surveyor poage Engineering & SurveYing. Inc. /"II.II.II'<C-;:O.>l P.O. Box 2527 c'Raene ST${{ ZIP9'ffff2-0152 SIGNATURE \ '" 11, t.._" ,r l II '~ATf;"' TELEPHOM:=. _~ ---...J~ ~ II {?'Q~ a4J /485.d.5.QE -: FEMA Form 81-31. JUL 00 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION REPLACES All PREVIOUS EDITIONS (~ , PORGE ENGINEERING FaA 541-485-5624 Nov 14 '02 9'30 P 03 .. .. IMPORTANT. In these spaces, copy the corresponding Information trom Section A BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (InCluding ApI, u'M, SUite, ,tnciJor Bldg No) OR P 0 ROUTE AND BOX ",0 6690 Moses Pass CIiY ::nATE ZIP CODE company NAlC Number Sprlngfiel d OR 97478 SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER. OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of thiS Elevation Certificate for (1) communrty offiCial. (2) Insurance agentJcompany. and (3) buildIng owner COMMENT.s ,. - - - ,- _ The ~i'ty of SprincffeTa ~p._ncniiiark_~~~~rtb~a M rr;n-j?ill~d ~ifre rrr t.tJ~.tO\) of ttl~ curb at the midpOlnt of the curb return at the southwest corner of the intersect10n - -"- of 67th and Thurston Road, Elevation 512.81 f~et. , For Insurance Company Use - Nc:y Number ._ I I Check. here If attachments SECTION E. BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) - - For Zons AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Items E1 through E4 If the Elevation Certificate IS Intended for use as supporting tnl'ormabon for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be completed E1 BUIlding Diagram Number (Select the bUilding diagram most SimIlar to the bUIlding for which thiS certificate IS bemg completed- see pages 6 and 7 If no dIagram accurately represents the bUilding proVIde a sketctl or photograph) E2 The top of the bottom floor (includIng basement or enclosure) of the bUilding IS 1_1_-1 ft (m) 1_1-110 (cm) I_I above or I-I below (check one) the highest adjacent grade (Use natural grade, If available) E3 For Building Diagrams 6-8 wrth openings (see page 7), the next higher floor or elevated floor (elevation b) of the bUlldmg IS L_I_I fI. (m) I_l-lm (crn) above the highest adjacent grade Complete ItemS C3 hand C3 Ion front of form E4 For Zone AO only If no flood depth number IS avadable, IS the top of the bottom floor elevated 10 accordance with the community's floodplain management ordlOance? I_I Yes . bJ No 1-- J Unknown The local offiCial must certify thiS .,nformatron In SectIOn G SECTION F. PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The propeny owner or owner s authorized representative who completes Sections A, 8, C (Items C3 hand C3 I only). and E for Zone A (Without a FEMA-rssued or communrty-Issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign t'tere The statements In Secf10ns A, B, C, and E are correct to the best of my knowledqe PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADLJ~l;;l;l CITY 01 r\ ,'E ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE COMMENTS '_I Check here If attachments SECTION G . COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local offiCial who 1$ authonzed by law or ordInance to admInister the community's floodplaIn management ordInanCe can complete Sections A, 8-. C (or E). and G of thIS Elevation Certificate Complete the applicable rtem(s) and sIgn below (31 1_1 The Informatlcn rn Section C was taken from other docum@ntatlon that has been SIgned and embossed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or ars;hrtect who IS authonzed by state or local law to certify elevation InformatIOn (IndIcate the source and date of the elevatIOn data In the Comments area below) G2 I_I A communrty offiCial completed Section E for a bUIlding located In Zone A (Without a FEMA-Issu@d or communrty-Issued BFE) or Zone AO G3 I_I The follOWing information (Items G4-G9) IS prOVIded for community floodplain management purposes G4 PERMIT NUMBER I G5 DATE PERMIT ISSUED I GB DATE CERTlF1CATf OF GUMPLtANCElOCCUPANCY ISSUED G7 ThiS permit has been ISSUed for l-I New Construction I_I Substantial Improvement G8 ElevatIon of as~bL/llt lowest floor (including basement) of the bUIlding IS G9 BFE or (m Zone "'0) depll'l Of floodmg al the bUilding site 1$ ~OCAL OFFICIAl'S NAME _ ft (m) Datum __ ft (m) Datum ~ "rlTLE COMMUNITY NAMI: TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS FEMA Form 81-31, JUL 00 I_I Check here If attachments t<t:F1tACES ALL PREviOUS !:DIT1QNS