HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEMA Application 1999-6-2 \. f... r.1 POAGE ENGINEERING "" Apr 12 '02 Fa~ S41-4S5-5624 , h "_ ~-!., FEDEAAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NA TlbNAI.. FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM I EUEVATION CERTIFICATE Impo!'tltnt: Read the instructJons on pages 1 r 7 . SECTION A. PROPERTY OWNER INFOR~rl0N ~ on P j5 o M.B. No 3067.(J077 ExpIres July 31, 20C2 6Ull.DlNG OWNER'S NAME ~ '-'1. \ \2.f"'? CJ.:>'1o- \' ~llAec... aL ILO'NG STReET AOOFl.ESS (Ineludlng Apt., unit, SUIte, ana/Or BldgNo ) OR P 0 ROuTE AND BOX NO \01'(01"'1 Jki)e:."'i:P (...~e- CIrf --- 5 fATE ~Q!..ljoJ.(.>.F\'U.!;>. 02... "'\14'.,. PROPERTY oeSCRIPT10N (Lot and Block Numbet'3, TIiIJl: Parcel NumCler, Legal DellQn;ltlon, ate) - l.Qi 1I0 l-e.\l1 (..~D~N.~ 2.~A-t>Pl1'i\ct-J ,"I:1l....16~1"..1l)e...~ l\s;.,--\\~c:. t.A+4i- (..OVJ.L'i'f' ?lA=i ~(..(lI,Z.l)~_ . eUILD1NGUSE (I'I g., Residential. NQMe5ldenhal, Mdltiiiii, ACCeSSory, etc.. JlIe ~ommen1ll $~_.....lf neeA!Ssary 1 ~~l Dl!-ou'T' ~ . l.ATmJDEI1.0NGIT1.JO!(OPTIONAl.) HO~IZONTAL DATUM SOUFl.CE. U GPS (Type) . ( #1f. ## ~ ## 11#' or jill'tf#mflf) W NAC'192i' U !'lAO 19a~ W USGS Quad Map W Other_ ..-..-. '.. ~ SECTION a _ FLOOO INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) JNFORMATION t . 81. ~FIP COMMUNITY Nf<.ME & COMMU...Nj,.y NUMBelR.. I a2- COUNT'!'. . NAME ---r-;;;J sf STATE -'bP~IM64=1.e.1.~ 4L?:;T1't..- __; ... lA\Me..- ' O~qq.J_ 64 MAP,ANO P,.t\NEL a5. SUFFIX 86 FIRM INOEX S1 FIRM PANEl.. B8 FLOOO S9 BAse FLOOO El..EVATiO~(Si NUMBER. OA T'E EFFECTI\lt;iREVlseo OA n: lONE(S) (Zonfl AO, US$ depth of f100dlngi 4\o'Y\G.- t\~ ~ Cc::> 2-'14'\0\ " Z qC\ )(. CS\O:1 e 1 O. Inclcste tne SOl.lrce of the BaISe Flood ElevatiOf' (8 FE! data or base flood depth entered In 99 U FlS profile LJ FjRM ~ COlJ'\mUnlty Detemllned U Other (Descrlbe) B11 Indicate ~he elevation datum used forthli! SFE'ln 89 l1$NGYD 1929 U NAVO 1988 U Other (DesClibe) 612 J5 l/"lfJ buildl"g located In a C02S'tsl Barner ~e$ol.m:es S;stem (CSRS) area or OtherwIse Protected Ares (CPA)? U YH lfSNo DeSIgnatIon ::late I b. I SECTION C. eUllf!NG EU:-VATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIREOI BUIld,ng elevatIons Ire based on L.JConst;ru~on DraWings" ~aUlldln9 Under Conitr1Jc:tlon. UFlMlShed Construction . A new Ellll'/atlon Cenlfic:ate will bf:' required wh.n ::.onstruc1Jon of the bUIlding IS complete :2 BUIlding Dloagrarn NtJrnber _ 'Z... (Se!e!:1 th'O' bu~dln~ dIagram most similar to the bUilding ~r Whl:;;h thIs certificate IS being ccmpleted - see pages 6 and 1 If nO dl1l9rarn accl.lr~tely repres,"ts the building, provide a sketch or photograph) . ;3 Elevatlons _ Zones .A.1-A30, AE. AH. A {Wltt'l 8$. \'E. V1-V30. V (With 8F'E), AR, ARiA ARJAE, ARlA1~A~O, ARJAH, ARJAO Complete Items C3<l-1 belOW accordlns; to the bcJildlng dIagram specified In Item C2 State the datum used If ttle datum 15 different from the datum lJ!Sed for !he 8FE In Sectlon e, Q;ln"ett the datu/il to that used for the BFE Show field mS<Ulurernents and datvm ccnvetSlon calculation. Use tt1e space prOVided or 'the C~ents area of Section D or Section G, as i1ppropnate to dcc:ument the datum conversion Datum 1,Ac..~ Conve~lorVComrrlenulA"t> 0.1>' "to Lt:C""- QA.-"v~ 10 ~ ~e.M..A DAi'VM '- Elevatlo/'l /'E!fe.rence mark used~ c;~~t.....~ Ooes ttle elevatlO'1 referen..ce... mati ,",sed appea~l'nl (' .". ...."..". " 1\0 a a) Top of bottom floor (lneludlng basement Off enclosure) CSl~ ~ ft.(_) 1 ....1. PROB EU AL f' o b) Top of ne.xt high&( f1eor _ '5,&J, i ft (r;) In l LAND UJW'EYOR; o c) Bot1om of lowest honzomal structural member (V zones only) ~ loA _ _ fl (m) I! 'I,. . ..... .....".... ......,..,.... -., II ~ ~~=~,;~;;~~:~."'"..equ~em ::: . ~:: !l~~ I a f) Lowest adjacent grade (l..AG) ~\ 'a.. ...J:.. ft.(.) $ j l M.\'13. SliM 0 a g) Highest adjacent grade (HAG) '5 I"'; ..:k tl(m) Jl CD JONA-THAN A.. OAKES I o h) No of permanent openrngs (flood ven.s) wjthm 1 ft. above adjacent grade. \ Cp j '" .,. ._.,"~...,..,,",. ., ..... o 0 Tota] area of aU permanent openings (flood;vents) In C3h Z,l \ So sq In (~ ~ ..~. ~t ~.Z- I i II. \1 ' ., ~ SECTION 0 . SUR'irevO~. ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION rhlS ~rtl1icatJonls to be $Igned and Geal&d by a lanP surveyor, engll'leer. or architect autl1Qnzed by law to cettJfy e1evatIon'rnformatlon cer1Jfy that tile Illforrnaflon tn Sec:tJons A. B, and C on thIS certificate repl1lsents my best efforts to intorpret tM ch.ta 8vs18ble. under.:tand that anJi 'alse st.afemen't ma~ be pU"'IS~a~/8 by line or Imprisonment under 18 US COOe. Secbon 1001 :ERTIFIER'S NAME \....... , A o'"'\A d..l . WCENS.; NUMseR ----'V'NA.~ n.~::o OIZ (... ?,. ~os !TUi CO~P"NY NAME f"~~lqNM.- ~f). ~E-'(~tt- . ~....e.. ~1!J5~1J.g. ~ "j:p~&'rI~~N.C.,.o .JRESS = em' STA' 4'10' COCE ..... 0 1bO'fuc,7...1 B.JC:.\W-E- 02- <<r1'4.00? IONA TURE ~. I I \ I J DATE Tl::L..EPHONE ,. 41 J.Jr ~ ~ ~ v'1..- oo;A-\-~ ~ pnH(jE r::-WI.I[ER~Nr __.,.;!. i.. ,-:J I~ 1 " FaA ::,41-4:iC,--C"4 - ~ __ _ _ , 0_ 'x. Hpt- 12 '02 ~p.oRT ANT In these Spdce~, ~opy tnlt c;o:'\"t;''Spo!'Jl:ljng information from Section A. i,J1L.DING ~ TRE.trr~O~:ess (InC1uCtn9 AQt., UM,~ulte, ,~ctlor 6ldg No) OR ? 0 ROUTe AND BOX NO (pco1C( .,Jk:..Oe~ -~a- ;T;' - -- STAlE LIPCODE If;€. '":;>Pc:z.l M~ \=,~ : O\lt.-~:14'im- _ secTION 0 _ SURVEYOR, iNGINEER, Of( ARCHITeCT CERilFICATION (CONTINUED) ,O~y both sides of this ElevatIOn Cer.Jficate for (1) cornrnumty'otr.clsl. (2) Insurance l!lgen~co"l'lpany, and (3) bUlld!n~ owner :QMMCNiS .JL.... .0. ,., ~ .......p c::....1"N' elf ~(:>~l~;::ral.-~ e.P'~~~~ PR'~i-le.1i!..t> ~~ />or t.:.-....\?f:~ ~l,)r'<\'~ ,..... ,p- ..... , " I - . ;F ~ (.-VVI!> A<r ~ ....' O"""..-r O~ ~ ""'_ !!?J!c}...... ""f"","",?'" "'",,",""'- d'..... ,... ~.....,.; )~ "'J"U!: ,kf~UVJ<<)>J ~ u. W ~1v<< <>, Z "'I, Pe.>\~ """"'" So'!> l \ ~..". ,""''' ."..,...... ~ _ a>-<-"~"tO 'F,e,""" PAi"'" I, I Checl< '""" IT .tlach~ Sf:CTION E _ SUILDING ELEVATION fNFOftMJ1.TION (SURVE't NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) ;;L."" AO and Zone A (w<t<<Ul aFEi.'"" o:m.'''' I~' E11h",ugh E"4 If!he Elev'- eo"",,;" ~ ..t.ndvd for use .. ,QppoIf;tIg . IformatlOn for 8 LOMA or LOtv'~F, $9CIJo" C must J:je completed 1 CSI,.uldmg Diagram Number (Select ti're bUlldng diagram most sll"111ar to the buJldmg for which t!'115 eertlficate 15 being completed- see pages 6 and 7 If no dIagram accurately reprj3Sents the bUIlding. provide a sketch or p"ctDgraph ) 2 The top of the bottorn floor (includIng basement ot aflclo$ure) of the bUIlding IS r I \ tt.(m) I 1 JiM (em) U abolle or U below (cMeck one) the hIghest adjacent ;nlIde. 3 For BuridHl9 O'agrams 6-8 with openings (see pate 7), the next higher r.cor or elevated floor (elevatlOr'I OJ of t"e bunOll'1g IS L I I ft em) LLJlrl.(Cn'l) above \tis highest aOJ/leent grade. 4 F"or Zone AO only If ilO flood oeptJ'l nl.lmber IS t\\'tllllllble, 1$ the top of the bottom floor elevated In accordar;ce With the. community'S floodplali"\ management :.J1'd!flan~? I I Yes '1' h No LJ. Unk~ow" The local OffiCl~U:;lt certlfy 1hls ,"farnatlOn In SectIOr. G SECTION F. PROPERTY WNER (OR OWNE.R'S REI:'RESENTATfVE) CERTIFICATION - .-' .' ", -"'e property' OWfler .;;Ir owner's autl1onz:ed represent~tlve who complete$ SectlOl"lS A. B. and E for lone A (wrlhout a FEMA-.ssuecl er .ornmUt'l'ty-lssued SFE) or Zone AO must :SIgn Mere 'RO~t;.Krv OWNER'S O~ OWNE;R'S AUTHORIZEORE~RESENTAT1~ NAME C;r( ~TAre ZIP CoDe .ODRESS NA T'1JRE OMMENTS OAn; iEl..EPrlONE L....l.Chec~ here 1f at"uiCh".'eflts , SEC;TrO~COMMUNtTY INFORMATION (OPT~ONAll ;"'ocal CffiClSI who' is auttlOnz~ by law cr ordman=4 to administer 'he com-;;:;;:;uty's floodplain mano!gement ordInance COI'n complete ::'!lons A. S, C lor E), and G of .t1I~ Bevatron Certl1iqate Complete the apPlicable ,tem($) and sIgn below U The InformatIon In section C was taKer from pther documantatlon that has be<en signed and embossed by a licensed surv~'or. en<:;lIneer. or;.!rP.'~e(:t who IS,,4Uthorl.:ed by i>tale or toeallaw to certIfy elevation ,nformation (Indicate the source and date of the ?revatlot:l gat'lI"!tIe Comments area below), U A com"ll!ltJI1y offiCIal ~mpl~ SectIon E for Ii bUIldIng loea1ed In Zone A (WIthout a FEMA-IS:5Ued or cor>1mUrllty-lssUed 8FE) or Zone ~O. ' " , , " ' . U l11e fQIIOWlrlg Information' (ItemS ~G4-GS), IS p~lde:d for coml"(lumty floodplain managemenl purposes 4. PERMrf NuMBER I G5. OJI.TE PE.RMllf ISSUFD I ~ OA TE C~T1F1CATE uF COMPUANCElOCCUPANCY , Issuec This perrmt has been ISSUeo tor L New ConsltructJon U substanllallmprovt:ment E=le~atlo~ of as-bUIlt fowest ftO,or ~ncludll'lg basem~t) of the butldll1g IS - SF c or (In Zone ;'0) dept!1,Qf flooding at the oUfI~g SIte 1$ leAl. OFFICIAL'S NAME _ ft.vn> D:stum _ ft.(m) Datum TInE )MMUNfT'V NAME TEl.E?HONIi DATE :;NAru~E )MMENTS -- _ , I Ch~lc herf! if attachments , ~~I Ai"'~<:; All P~FlliniT<:; J;nITinN~ 14 t:nl'1Tl R1...~' Al 1(.; ~Q