HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2004-5-21 , MAY-21-2004 FRI 09:12 AM BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417460389 ~. '" r@ Branch Engineering tine. May 20. 2004 Branch No 01.186 31 0 5r;h 8trli!St 8(:lf'lnl;lfll::ld, Oregon S7"'-77 (541) 748-0637 Fax (541] 746-L!389 Denms Ml1UUtt1 8745 Thurston Road Spnngfield, OR 97478 Post-It~ Fax Note 7671 IOat8sl-z110'.( l:a~t6~ 3- \rITq-\.....~~ _ n~ -'ll'rom .i) L . fC7 /l1\I"d. S 1'" \ VI U..(. II".. J , "<' ...0 ',..... I Co lDept -----4' Co ::::ne II q S 4 - 3D&? 7 Iphonu Fax II rLfl ~ e4Q"::; IFax" ~. _ Ke _ Lot 62, Levl Landmg Secoru! Ad~lt~ '\ . 6736 JacobJ~.ne>Spnn~lefa"'-= C31evallon Ce~~J Dear Denms, Attached are three copIes each of the subject ElevatIOn certrlicate Lot 62 IS located entlwly Within shaded Zone X as shown on the FIRM 41039C 1166 F \\o'1th ~ffectl"e date of JWle 2. 1999 Shaded Zone X IndIcates area.q of 500-year flood. areas of 1 aO-year flood WIth average depths ofless than 1 foot or dramage areas less than ] square mIle, and areas protected by levees i.v... lOO-year flood Call If you have any questlOns Yours truly. ~.4 /J:t!/" ~~ V - Rex A etz, PL Survey Manager \. CIVIL STRUCTURAL TFlANSPOFITATION SURVEYING p, 01 '\ ./ ~ MAY-21-2004 FRI 09:12 AN Lut~'1. 4~'1 U~ WO\.f Ol-Il3" BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417d60389 p, 02 fa)ERAJ.. Elsa::::ftI.;lENCY MANAGeMENT AGENcY NA11ONAl. FlOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FiAlA TIOH CERTifiCATE ~Relldthe~on~1.7. SEC11lDN A - PROPER1'Y ~ER 1HFcRMA'T1CN o M B No. 3067-0077 E..,......... D.:........ber 31.2005 BUILOING owNER'S NANI Far IrIstII;noy ClIn'1pan, Use. .Pa(ICY~Ml "'1 I I~ILJ 11 I I ~ - =--r "'I~ 'k '~I: / ~l L,i 7+a ~ ~ ~ BUIL.OINCf.STR~ AOO. RE~.S.1Il1li.lnclUdlngApt.. ~SulIII. 3IIdtOr61~g No )ORP 0. FlOUTEANDBClXNO ~NAIC NumDer .' '" ' . ~-, '7;&? . ~l: 0 la L aY\, ~ ,-,.- ~_-,:;:...~'"_ .:"~k"k ~ L, _ ;;r' crry '5 D'(" \ ~ 'i ~ - - STATi O~ ZIP COOiq7 J/. 77 PRO~RTY.fr5ESCRlfT.le !eN ~ filii flatCIl NllfllI)e. f, t.agal OeseftPlloiJ1:h I...~ ('2?-- -h.~1 La",.dU,,\6 <:'o..J ~ .. f..V-I _ EiUILOI~SE(e 9.~.. NOn: :,.;, , "~l.AdGillGn,,ImIilISOIy.." USes c. , ,.., zreot.ll'l'IIlellsaIy) '1-(~ ~ \~~, "'. -rua \ .., LATITUOWLONGl"~ (OPTIONAl.) H(RZC.WTAl. DATUM; SOlJRCi. U GPS (TypeJ ( ##1'... #Uti!' gr "'4IHINf) U ~ 1S:Z1 U NAD 11183 Ll U6QS Q\IlIcj """'. ___ WOller._ SECiiiN B ~ FLOOD INS~ ~TE MAP IPlftM) INFORMATION . B1. N..FIP OoMMUN\..TY NAME" COMMUNlJ:f ~ _ I ~ COlJNTY NAME iI - - . r ' f S3 STAll: . (l t ~ ('!d'5D""~ f\?lclQI5598 ~La~ L:OU":!1j OR. 64 MAPAI\I[jI"ANeI.'~$ kF1lW1NDEX 87 FIRYPANELBaR.OCO Elll.i1ASEFl.OlXII::~'rAl1ON(S) NUMBER __ DAre EFf'E~OATE ~$l., lZI'lIldAo.IIM~gflloodlng) ~IO~qe...l \&(P, r;E~\~~,?,Wi'i ~u"'... '!.119tf'1 ~.JftJ. X )JD<A~ ~ X -' 810 Indicate thUOUIW ofm. Base Flood ~ (lIFE) data or IJase tIIxld defllfl ElrlIMd in sa U i=lS Profile l)!F1RM U ColmIIIIdt ~ U OIlIer (t.......it..). 811 IndICate the ellMltlcn datum UMd forthc aFE ill f3I; J.2'I NGVD 1m U HAW 1988 U 0UIer-lDes-J...:.~ 612.15 theb\lUlllng Iccate4lftaCOast;JSamBrResCdl:29 ~.-~...(CSR3) lIftlil orOlhlKwlse PmtIiltedAllea (OPA)? W Yes ~o Ceslgnaticn Ollie... SECTICIN C - sUa.mNG EUVAnoN INfORMATION fSUftVE'{ REQUIRm) 01 eUllclingeltvationsaAl'~on:"~~ L1Buiid"lI'l9lJR!er~ ~edCol1$llUQlOn *A new E1ewtian Certtllcate Will be J'eClulred When ........;..lCllon of the buiIdlJlg IS c:ompIeIe. C2. BWldmg Diagram Number ~,(SeIect 1M buiJdsIg dlaoram mast similar W 1118 bcliding fDr wtllCh this CCI1Ilic;ate IS bemv completed. see pages 6 and 7 If no dJaOnlM aa:tII1ltety~tne buiIcling.lXOwle i15ke1d1 or~) C3. Elevatons - Zones ^ 1-A30. N!.. AH. A (will t:lFE). ve. V1-V3D. V (wih BFE). AR. ARIA, JlfJJAE.. AAlA1-A30. ARJAH, AAJAO Complete Items C3.~ IleIow aceamilg to the bUIing dlagr:am spedlled In item C2. statl1be rl:ftUm used. If the dBlwn IS dlfferent from the datum ulled forth" ell! In Section IS. _.. ,...t 1be diItIIm to tIult used ferUle BFC. Show fi:lId .......... ...""'.... ancI datum conwrslon calCl,llatlcn Ute the space ptoVlded QI' 111. C.'"""..;,.... :area of SsdlOn 0 or 5edfon G, 85 a",..p , ate. to ClDQlment tile d.uum convel'Slon ~tum ~r.r.,vnJz1 Corlw~. '_ ElevatIOn refBlllnQlll'nBrk uaed~ ~ (.(42\1 e~s,$.~" the el. .~'. n reiei"at ~ IIBI,Itj ~ar on, the ARM? Ll Yes r:f~'NO o a) T~ at l............1Ioor (lndUcIing basemeIlt or ...~..) .~I .i2.lL( : r _, REGISTERED f'\ o b) TOJ) of na.Xl higher tcor , .5 J 't t+ It. ) i.s .pROFESSIONAL --s....er~r.. ..,.... .~.,,:, ,."k1m'" "H~. .. ,>J.l4lFIM..QR/l} _ _ ,10. ! t!! l:AND.SURVEYOR o d}AttaetJfldga~(tcpbf:slab) - 5)3.S ft 1i . y' .... o e) Lowest eleYlllion of il,...,_,Jl\'llY and/at equpntny1\t,...; Ii eo. + -P....5 pf&J.. :i i ~ Gt ~ ! senncmg the mJlldlllg (De$C'!be n a c....,'".~...~ area) ) 1 J/.- tt( e ti- OREGON .,.- a t} I.owetit adJacent (finished) made (tAG) .5 J 2. _:s ft ( .2 i JULY 20 1993 I ~ g) HIghest adJacent (linJshed) amae (HAGi 15 J .3,-L ft.( \ 1 v; REX A. Berz I :J h) No. 01 permanem 0.,..,,,,,... (1Ioocj 1Iflnt:slwrth1l111t. aboW3CJ8cam gl'3Cle _13 ::, U1V. _ .. :,/ ~ iJ Total area of all pemlQMflt o'PGft... (1mad \Enm) In C3 ,dSS 1&1 Ul ~I i..-, Ev. I tI JI J,t; S- SECTION 0 . suRVEYOR.. EJlIGINER. OR ARCh,l r:a.. I CERnF1CA llON n'ls c;ertlllca1Jcn IS to be Signed and &!tilled by a lane sutW'JOl", engl",~er or 2._..l....., <3l.lttmrlZed by law tg cartJfy elewl/cln tnTOrmauor I cen1fy that t1re ml'orm/iimn II'! Secttons A. S. ana C OIl /hIs ~re ~pte~ my bed ...;~, '.' to "*f1]ltlt tile dsta BfIiliJsJJJe I understand ttral any faiJ;utalfmentmv'llle p~' bvt1ne tY/fT/or...~,....,JIt under 1/3 tJ S. Ctl4f. Sacbon 1001 CE.~rIFliR S NAlv'E " . I..I:':CNSii: NUNilER --- ---- - i,"'lE--' ~~ Jr.. B-?'t;?- --- COMPANYNAMbn Roes ~~OGP _ ~ u ..,.. v -e LA ,0 tr., V\, a. f e' r T)Y" Cl ~, .d., Bl1 '7 llf r"~y-~ Y1 ~ ~ (" . AODRESS ~ \0 .=f"l.f.j..~ So ~~t cl~~~fi"e.ld STATEOR ZlPcoc~7(t77 QIGNATUR~ /di;n d ./~ ' DAJ#tl"( 22'. 2r)df TeLE?HCNE{S4'd 7/.f.w-Otb 3 L Few- Form a 1.31, JanuSl"I2003 See re\lef5e side for ......;u.Jatll1n Replaces an pnMOUS ed'tl/)OS MAY-21-2004 FRI 09:13 AN BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417460389 p, 03 .... - . . IMPORTANT_In thee'spac:~ c:aPY' hi CDmtSpondiRg in1., ., ....t1on from 5ec:tIea A. For 1_ C",""'J Use: aUIl..CI~G STRE~ AcneW <1tlcIIId.in\1 AIlt., um. SUH=. ~ BIdtJ. N4-1 OR' PO ROlTE AND !!lOX NO Plilcy NtImIler {a::J-::!,U ~-1 c;"(..~~ [0 t. e~ " ' CITY C'. - - -r-ll1 -' ., STATE. K, c;J,ZlPCOO~ C"':':""'~~""". ' . ,-pV"\~~1\e-.~, 0 '+77" " , ".- "" . SSenON D -Sl./RVEYOR. ~'OR.AR~C_.If'lCATICN (C~UEDt ~ . . . . COpy bath SKIes of ti'lh. e:;~ ,,,,:..,. cer1lficate for (1) c:ol1'll'llUllllY ofla8l, (2) ill5lln111Ca agent -........,.. lInd (3) bulk1I~ owner ~~N1'~ ~{1V'"''Vl ~fie\d -'Be,,,,,d,. ~,..IL ~~""-J a c~uS e,\eJ cs.~.l.l Qt'e. c...lt tv.. 1tte ., -top ~6.(e of Curb Il+ 1tte.\NI.\J:ODI"...t (I (I-'rbd~r-h "f +t..e.. svu.:\-~W(s:t Cov"1l\.e~ af _&1 11-, ~~ '\ku,....,~ ~avl\o'\.f\, a", e.lev.{"h~ c)f 51'2..8\ n&:.+-t. 1)ht(.(~ a~o)~~ 1-7) cteva:nM, 5\'3,.l \ Ut;V\)'t4f - WUS u<.(.d u:S i'kt. '&\50 d ~I~v~n~~, lCbecl1heAlJ~nlll seCTION I! ..I!lUILDING eLEVATION INFORMAl1CN (SURVEY NOT RiClt.~, FOR ZONE AD AND ZONE A (WI1HOUl lIFE) For Zone AO and Zona A (Wdhow!fe). '-1...1~-t8Item5 E1 1hrovgh~. ifill. BNlilDnCa ;":'-....;,,,, lUll. ,'I.'.'. b-use as~ - Informatlon for Sll.OMA or 1..OMR..p. Sedil'.lI'l C must be compk!ted. E1. audcllnojl Olagram Number, (Seled ltIe budding ~lr'''''' II!D5t .sll1lllar to 1Ile bulldllg 1Drwtuch 1hb ., U,.:ate is be~ complelecl- see pages 6 lIJld 7. If no diagmm arruratlly . ..,........e..1le 1lUlIdirIQ. proWle a 5lI!tC1 or plHltcgrap/1 ) . _ E2 Tn8 tcp Of the bOttoflIIlIcGr(illcU:lng bIiSeInIIrIl ~ ."..J ...,n) qf~ buidl8g ~J I -\it.. On) LUlL (~) L::J ~w orL.:..J below (oheok ane) tie h1gh8lt adJIC.ai~e. (Use natlnI ple.1f awiabIe.) - ~.' Iw - .; = ' , "!I'" <. : E3. FOrelDldll~ Clagl'al115 U wIh opIllIIIIl.g5 (see page}). ~ 116Cd_ hlQlll!ttaartllelNded 1llor(8llMlton b) tJf1he llW\IlIng . .- - L.J.....j It. (m) L-L.:JlI. (em) 1IIbo\<e1M '.'W1",...tad]alzOlgrade.. C~ ltemsC3JulIll:t C3J anmmtof1otm:::r\.~'" '~'_. ::",,:T-~ 1:4 The Cgp of the platN:llm of JnlS.J",..., J aodJor ~ 5eNIdag the buildlllu" , - I 1 It. (m) I I \ ill (em) U abcM Dr LI beIuw (check one) the highest adjaa:ll1Il grade. (Use MtUIVI grade. UlIiIllabII! ) . . ~ j , ::,1 \"t' .j- E5, For Zone AO onlY" If no flIlIad dBpib C1IlI7ItI9t IS l1\/3lISbIi:. Js lie tDp t:1IlIle bOlbIm IDcIr eirvated In acootdana: "'-1\8 ___iIIs";.'-;: floodclaln .nll~!J~ernem~~ t .' Y8$ I INo I. I UIlkncwn T!Je local oftlcIaI must cerilSy1tbs""';,,~ ",~~,:.~.:,J~ s.~ .:..~..,. G . . SEC'nCN F. PRCr1:ft. ,'oWNS (CROWNER" ~"'lM?l.~11CN' < The ,"petty owner QI' owner'S~ .~,~...:.o.:",:. ,.' .COlllPI8t- SedIDdIA. B. C (IIms C3.h .;me! C3J om,). and Ii fclrZalle A . (without a FEMA-Issued or ___...lt1ily-lssued SFE) or zoae AO muSt ~n here. l1Ie ~lD In S<<:/JQns A, a, C, atIlI E In COI7fIf:t to the be<< of."!Y knowledqe. .- f\AOPERTY OW'NI!R'S OR 0NNeR1l~ REF'RiSIOO'Al1VE'S NAYt: ADDReSS I:ITY ilI'A'1;; ZIP CODE St~NATUAE COMMENTS DATI! Ta.EPHONE , '-'~"'ilabe;",.",...; SECTIoN G~coeon.".".".... 1NFORMA11DN .." .. "..NAL) " .,' The IQc;a1 offidaiWiio 15 ~ bY'taW or~"ID...:..,,:.....tbe u.......;..ily'$~ ~ 0K1.._..... call CiIHfIflIet8 Sections A, a. c (of E). and G ofllls aewIoa ~ CcImpIet8 the appliatlte iem(s) and $IlIft below. .' . I It'_ G1 LJ 11'Ie mformatlon In Sec:liM C.. tablft limn otlleI' docl.l:ncntatian 1hrlthas been signed and ~ by II ~ $III"WlYct. engineer, Of ard'lllect who Is a~.",_J by state or IDC:SlIaW 10 CI9'lIfy IlIINatlon:\ .i,. '" ,;,;i, II. OndJGate 1te.l!KM..u"","_''':'''',, ot1he eteVltiondatal1theCG.u..t"-A..areabelow.l - - ?Ir~ -""t'""'r.l,,\., ~~ I -- - ":.\ 1~7.,;~~,-;~t6d..: G2 Ll A DOmmumty aflimd.... .....;.......J Sec1Ion E for a bUlIdilg IOl:::l1Stld In 20M A ~ II FEiM-ts:lued 'C_,.......~""e:) or ZoneAO . -- . -~ ~ .. ~- ll-"$~"'. ,_ _ (;;3 Ll The followmg In;................. (llern$ G+-G9) Is pnMda:I for _..~..-lmtylDcll,;:" .,.:,;.;".",..,"JIEiIt:~. 1 G4 PERMIT NUMSe.=t I G1L CIoIIi;; ~~ITISSUE:J I Gtl_ DA.lEL.=t1l1'1CI,1'E.OftC0MJ!LlAN .:a'....N'(!f'ANCY , I~ G7 This permit has Cleen I5SlIed fa(- U New Canstl'lJaSOn L! sucstamraJ ~1'I'lef1t <:Ie Elewt10n cf as-bulit )....,...,l flrlcr(Jn~ baemCl\1.) at tile bullalng IS- * (m) Oan.m. G9 SF!! or (1I'l Zone AO) depth af1lOcXlmg at lIle tnIlldlrl9 SIte Is . It. (m) Datum' SIGNATURE:. lT1.: ~H6I'lE" ClAn: LOCAL OFrlCIAL.'S NAM! COMMUNITY NAME COMMeNi':s FEMA FQrm el~31~' January 2003-' -' I I Ch~ haNlflilZlC:tunel'itl Replaees all prevKllr.S editions