HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEMA Application 1999-6-2 ~, I '0\ -lt3(P FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE o M B No 3067-0077 EXPires July 31, 2002 BUILDING OWNERS NAME ~"") ~ ~ f3.UILDING STREE:T ADDRESS (IncJudlng~, Unit SUite and/or 81dg No) OR P 0 ROUTE AND BOX NO GS9S .S,"Y\r::O"" J-)rNe- CITY I For Insurance Company Use i Policy Number I Company NAIC Numoer '5 D'I\vv:'l F e\ cK STATEC:)K ZIPCODEfllf7f PROPERTY DEStRIPTION (Lot and Block Numoers, Tax Parcel Numcer, Le',jal DescnptJon, ete.i r Lot 4-5 LevI LC{VtdIVl~ '2Vld Ntil n~ Tt\.k: );~p (7-02-34-11 f'~ c.Jkt Z'LJOO BUILDING USE (e 9 , ResidentIaL 'Non-resldentJal, AddrtJ6n, Accessory ere. Use Comments sec:Jon IT necessary) . 'R f?~ ,~ 1'" V\. i1 ~ \ _ .__ LATITUDE/LONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DAI UM SOURCE U GPS (Type) ( ##0 - ##' - ## ##" or ## #####j U NAO 1927 U NAO 1983 U USGS Quad Map U Other Important. Read the instructions on pages 1 - 7 SECTION A - PROPPHY OWNE~ INFORMATION SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B1 NFIP COMMUNITY NAME & COMMUNITY NUMBER 82 COUNTY NAME + B3 STATE ~ ./J C~+: ~ 5pll",~ft~\~ ~t559'2- La..~e:._.q~.~",- i __ _ _. L/f<- B4 MAP AND PANEL BS SUFFIX B6 FIRM INDEX t:ll t-U"<M t-'ANtL . t:lll t-LUOD NUMBER DATE EFFECTNElREVISEDDATE ZOE@ 4ID3QC'l\Co(P F Lvet,11'i'1 JlJ\Af' -2, ,QQ4 - A B10 Indicate the source of the Base FJo~'EI~~atJon (BFE) data or base flood depth entered In 89 U FIS Profile ~ FIRM U Commumty Detemuned " . U Other (Descnbe) B11 Indicate the elevation datum used for the BFE 10 B9 ~NGVO 1929 U NAVD 1988 U Other (Descnbe) B12 Is the bUilding located In a Coastal Barner Resources System (CBRS) area or OthelWlse Protected Area (OPA)? U Yes ~ Designation Date B9 BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) (Zone AO, use depth of flooding) -5/4.. I SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) BUilding elevations are based on UConstructlon Drawmgs. Li:tsuddlng Under Constructlon* UFmlshed Construction * A new Elevation Certlficat~ be reqUired when construction of thlbtuldlng IS complete C2 BUilding Diagram Number (Select the building diagram most SImilar to the building for wnlch thiS certificate IS being completed _ see pages 6 and 7 If no diagram accurately represents the bUilding, prOVide a sketch or photograph) C3 Elevations - Zones A1-A30, AE, AH, A (wrth BFE), VE, V1-V30, V (WIth BFE), AR, APJA, APJAE, APJA1-A30, ARJAH, ARJAO Complete Items C3a-1 below according to the bUilding diagram soeafied In Item C2 Stat~ the datum used If the datum IS Clnerent Tram the datum used for the BFE In Section 8, convert the datum to that used for the 8FE Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation Use the space prOVided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as approonate, to oocument the datum conversion Datum UbI! /)1 2 ~ Conversion/Comments .. _ . Elevation reference mark used ~ ~-d2..- ~ d ~y(.e.Does the elevation reTerence mark usee appear on the FIRM? U Yes [2SLNo' o a) Top of bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) .514- ~ fi (~~ I . .... i o b) Top of next higher floor ~Cv?iwl Sp<U <- :;:; Il..o -L fi ("'" ~ / REGISTERED 'I ~)-;]uLluln or lUWe::illlullLuluill "!.-uctUFaI RleRleer r/ _oe,,,-..; 31'::1) _ ft (;* ~ ~ PROFESSIONAL ! o d) Attached garage (too of slab) S 15 7 ft (1fl1 ~ ~ LAt!D SURVEYOR : o e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or eqUipment ~ : .. "/?:- /7 /./' ./.- servlcmg the bUilding 5 \5 lit (r4 ~ ~ /c.e;~ r..'('r ~~ o f) Lowest adjacent grade (LAG) S I 4- Z- it (Ill) ~ ~ JUr~~g~~ o g) Highest aOJacent grade (HAG) . rJ 14- ~ it (~ ~ REX A. BETZ o h) No or permanent openings (flooo vents) wlthm 1 it aoove aOjacent grade -, :J"\. #2.eQfl ,/ o I) Total area of all permanent openings (flood vents) In C3h -, 5 {p sq In (~) J- (~ E)?? /2..(31/ ZoO S SECTION 0 - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION . Tnls certificaTIon IS to be Signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engmeer, or architect authonzed by Jaw to certny elevation information I certIfy that the information In Sections A, B, and C on thiS ceroficate represents my best efforts to Interpret the data avaIlable I understand that any false statement may be pUnishable by fine or Impnsonment under 18 U S Code, SectJon 1001 . ''\rIFlER S NAME ~ ~.t... LJCENSE NUMct:K '1) *,p ~ D 0\"2-- u___u......___ rL-$ 2&0 (0 TITLE - - (;UMt-'NH NAMe . - S u.. y\!ey Met V\ c-tt:)e y __ :ByuV\ c_~ ac'1 Vlt"e YIVl.e:, ~f ADDRESS "3 \ Q F\ h ~ S \r ed- ~I_$: YYVj;h e- ~J~TATb R. - ZlP CODrjq..J.y 7 ..., SIGNATURE /O'J;! 0? ~ u~V1 21, lUO Z- 'ElEPH07""I//) JiIIp-Gh 37 FEMA Form 81--31, AUG 99 - 1 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS IMPORTANT In these spaces, copy the corresponding information from ~e~tJon A BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt U~U1te. and/or Bldg No) OR P 0 ROUTE AND BOX NO (CJ B 85 ~; I vYI e II"^- J.-N--;\} e- CITY <;()y~<"~eld- . - - STA"OtE:. a7~7c9fE V .../ . - SECTION 0 _ SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both Sides of this ElevatIon Certificate for (1) community offiCIal, (2) Insurance agenUcompany, and (3) bUilding owner COMME;NTS r ' J I .. "( " ~ r~"\-\..f (J'\" S/lY",,",,:, c" I/..Q ~~ ..A./ltLr-lC-- Me,""'"J 4. C"J\/S"e/ ecJ Sc.-I/t~V/' C<.A..+ (--\... I t I .J }...l.:e....l J ,. ..........--- --(t.,"2... -tor (A, (" A"'--L-:, ~+-....rk. (~\H-h "I'" tt-< VY\ I/VI '" J rM I v,:r t2L-{t.;. SUI ,.11:, :,,..(,.It''~ --t- Co (11 G"( ,J &'"1~ ~~ -r~u.v<. +0",-", hfivt~ ') a'\^ ~[,ed6-f\'~ tAf 5/'l. f:1\ (2L h.,?h ~~ _1A,N\/{ c,d~u<J-t:"J. ~ ~/" Sr2.tU)'V()'~q uJ~,u).ed a...<:, fu rghS~~ .:.fBlc/i/411P\t: I~ Check here If attachments SECTION E _ BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO and ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (Without BFE), complete Items E1 through E3 If the Bevabon Certrficate IS Intended for use as supportIng mformabon for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be completed. E1 BUlldln""g Diagram Number ..=:.. (Select the bUIlding Diagram _most sImilar to the budding for which thIS certificate IS bemg completed- see pages 6 and 7 If no dIagram accUrately represents the bunding, proVIde a sketch or photograph) E2. The top of the bottom floor OncludlOg basement or enclosure) of the building IS I I \ ft.(m) , I lln (em) U above or U below (check one) the highest adjacent grade, ' - , E3 For Zone AO only If no flood depth"number IS avallable,lS the top of~e bottom floor elevated In a........ Jance wrth the community's floodplam management ordln~mce? '-.J Yes', U No I _I Unknown.- The local offiClal must certJtythlS ..t........,t.on In SectJon G SECTION F _ PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTAT1VE) CERTlACATlON The property owner or owner's authonzed representabvewho completes SedJons A, B, and E for Zone A (WIthout a FEMA-Issued or communrty-Issued BFE) or Zone AO must sIgn here For Insurance Company Use Policy Number Company NAIC Number PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE S Mivit;: ADDRESS en y 8iATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DA~ I~LfpHONE COMMENTS l~ Check here If attachments SECTION G _ COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local offiCial who IS authonzed by law or ordmance to adrromster the community's floodplain management ortfmance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of thiS Elevation CertIficate Complete the applicable Item(s) and sign below G 1 U The mformatlon In Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, __ engmeer, or architect who IS authonzed by state or local law to certrfy elevation Information (IndIcate the source and date of the elevation data In the Comments area below) G2 U A communrty offiCial completed Section E for a bulldmg located In Zone A (Wlthout a FEMA-Issued or communny-Issued BFE) or - - Zone AO -- .. G3 U The follOWing informatIOn (Items G4-G9) IS proVided for community f100dplam management purposes \ G4 PERMIT NUMBER. -\ GS DATE PERMIT ISSUED I Go UA 12 CfrlYii=lCATE OF COMPLIANCEJOCCUPANCY ISSUED ) G7 ThiS permit has been Issued for U New Construction U Substantial Improvement G8 Elevation of as'-bUllt lowest floor (mdudlng basement) of the bulldmg IS G9 BFE or (In Zone AO) depth of floodmg at the bulldmg site IS LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME _ fl(m} Datum _ fl(m) Datum ilTLE COMMUNITY NAME SIGNATURE TfLEOH()N~ DAtE COMMENTS 1_..1 Check here If attachments " REPLACES All PREVIOUS EOITIOt;JS :- FEMA Form 81-31, AUG 99 Page 1 of 2 IDate October 16, 2002 lease No 03-10-0012A LOMA Federal Emergency Management Agency Washmgton, DC 20472 LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) COMMUNITY AND MAP PANEL INFORMATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot 45, LevI Landing 2nd Addition, as shown on the Plat recorded In Fife 75, Slides 1152 through 1155, In the Office of the County Clerk, Lane County, Oregon COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NO 415592 NUMBER 41039C1167F AFFECTED NAME LANE COUNTY, OREGON AND MAP PANEL INCORPORATED AREAS DATE 06102/1999 FLOODING SOURCE CEDAR CREEK APPROXIMATE LATITUDE & LONGITUDE OF PROPERTY 44054,-122 905 SOURCE OF LAT & LONG PRECISION MAPPING STREETS 4 0 DA TUM NAD 83 DETERMINATION 'OT BLOCK! SECTION SUBDIVISION STREET OUTCOME 1% ANNUAL LOWEST LOWEST WHAT IS CHANCE ADJACE NT LOT REMOVED FLOOD FLOOD GRADE ELEVA TlON FROM THE ZONE ELEVATION ELEVA nON (NGVD 29) SFHA (NGVD 29) (NGVD 29) Structure X (shaded) 5146 feet 5153 feet 45 LevI Landing 2nd Add Itlon 6885 Simeon Dove SpeCIal Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) - The SFHA IS an area that would be Inundated by the flood having a 1ilercent chance of being equaled or exceeded In any given year (base flood) ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (Please refer to the appropriate sectIon on Attachment 1 for the additional considerations listed below) PORTIONS REMAIN IN THE SFHA SUPERSEDES PREVIOUS DETERMINATION ThIS document provides the Federal Emergency Management Agency's determination regarding a request for a Letter of Map Amendment for the property : deSCribed above USing the mformatlon submitted and the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map, we have determined that the , structure(s) on the property(les) Is/are not located In the SFHA, an area Inundated by the flood havmg a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded In , any given year (base flood) ThiS document amends the effective NFIP map to remove the subject property from the SFHA located on the effective NFIP map, therefore, the Federal mandatory flood msurance requirement does not apply However, the lender has the option to continue the flood Insurance requirement to protect Its finanCial risk on the loan A Preferred Risk Polley (PRP) IS available for bUildings located outSide the SFHA Information about the PRP and how one can apply IS enclosed ThiS determination IS based on the flood data presently available The enclosed documents prOVide additional Information regarding thiS determmatlon If : you have any questions about thIS document, please contact the FEMA Map ASSistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, SUIte 600, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439 i L '\~~. '\~ Matthew B Miller, P E , Chief Hazards Study Branch Federal Insurance and MItigation Administration os' / C,\....1 1->...- \" ("....' l "--J , Version 1 3 3 2418029CAS01106560012 Page 2 of 2 IDate October 16, 2002 lease No 03~10-0012A LOMA J Federal Emergency Management Agency Washmgton, D C 20472 LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) ATTACHMENT 1 (ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS) PORTIONS OF THE PROPERTY REMAIN IN THE SFHA (This Additional Consideration applies to the precedmg 1 Property) Portions of this property, but not the subject of the DeterminatIon/Comment document, may remain In the Special Flood Hazard Area Therefore, any future construction or substantial Improvement on the property remains subject to Federal, State/Commonwealth, and local regulations for floodplain management SUPERSEDES OUR PREVIOUS DETERMINATION (This additional consideration applies to all properties m the LOMA DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL)) This Determination Document supersedes our prevIous determination dated 09/04/2002, for the subject property '\~~. ~~ Matthew B Miller, P E Chief Hazards Study Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Version 1 3 3 I I I I I ; ! I 2418029CAS01106560012, s attachment provides additional information regarding thiS request If you have any questtons about thiS attachment, please contact the FEMA Map ,Istance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower '",venue, SUIte 600, Alexandna, VA 22304-6439 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 October 16, 2002 MR PAUL ANDERSON 6885 SIMEON DRIVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 CASE NO 03-10-0012A COMMUNITY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON COMMUNITYNO 415592 DEAR MR ANDERSON This IS In reference to a request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) determIne If the property descrIbed In the enclosed document IS located withIn an Identified Special Flood Hazard Area, the area that would be Inundated by the flood havmg a I-percent chance of beIng equaled or exceeded In any given year (base flood), on the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map USIng the InformatIOn submitted and the effective NFIP map, our determmatlOn IS shown on the attached Letter of Map Amendment (LaMA) DetermInatIOn Document This determmatlOn document provides additIOnal InformatIOn regardIng the effective NFIP map, the legal deSCrIption of the property and our determInation AdditIOnal documents are enclosed which provide InformatIOn regardmg the subject property and LOMAs Please see the List of Enclosures below to determme which documents are enclosed Other attachments specific to thiS request may be mcluded as referenced m the DetermInatIOn/Comment document If you have any questions about thiS letter or any of the enclosures, please contact the FEMA Map ASSistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, SUite 600, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439 SIncerely, '\~~. ~~ Matthew B Miller, P E, ChIef Hazards Study Branch Federal Insurance and MItigation AdmmIstratIon LIST OF ENCLOSURES LOMA DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) cc State/Commonwealth NFIP CoordInator Commumty Map RepOSitory RegIOn