HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-10-29 OCT 30 20011(12,28PM US !FORD NESS FASSBENDER PW SHOPS NO 176 P 4/4 IaIOOl .sfin,,~ FO{O ~ 'lESS ~ =ASS 3 :\J )E~, NC. LAND SURVEYING. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. W/'TER RIGHTS EXAMINATIONS CIVIL ENCINEERINC . CiEOTBCHNICAL . ENVIRONMENTAL October 29. 2001 GrassrootlS Development cia Account AbilIties P.O 80)( 2728 Eugene, Oregon 97402 RE: Subgrade EveluatlDn Levi Landing - Zook Residence Lot 107 - Arran lane Springfield, Oregon (J (p ilo Prct y- () v'\ L (\) On October 29, 2001, a representative from Ford-Nesl-Fassbender, Inc. observed and hand- probed the bUilding pad subgrade an the above referenced r~slClientlal building lot to assels the subgrade bearing capacity and shrink/lwell potential of the lair, Lot 101 - Permit No. The building pad had been over-excavated to remove surface vElgetetion and to expose a clayey silt/silty elay sLlbgrade sail, The pad appears to have been constructed atop less than 1- to 2..feet of fill. The subgrade is covered with approximately 2 inches of compacted crushed aggregate. The soli 8ubgrade had a moderate shrink/swell potentlal and Is suitable for an allowable bearfng t;apacity up to 1.500 psf The aggregate COVE~r will act to stabilize the soil mOisture content, thereby mitigating the potential for shrfnklsweli of the soli. The b~i1ding pad IS suitable for conventional residential construction With perimeter spread footings, We recommend the landscape soil slape to direct surface water away from all fo~ndations, and water should not pond adjacent to footings. Drainage from adjacent praperties should be directed away from the foundatIons. We also recommend that perimeter footIngs be remforced with at least two No 4 steel reinforCing bars. Ronald J. Derrick p,e, 11 & Hwy 99 N r SUI~e 1 OD. 1',0 Box22 7,J5. EUlene, OR 97402. (';41) 344-'852. FaJC (541) 344.992$ E',"ail'l'l'1all@fnflnc.net.W~b alte: www.fnfll.lC: nt!t ' C@rr/f/edlN.B E I DB i