HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEMA Application 1999-6-2 Important. Read the Instructions on pages 1 ~ 7 SECTION,., - PROF-E~TY OWNeR INFORMATION 2UILDJ~G OWNEr'S NAME ~. J ~ ~.,,_~ 8 UILOlNG STRe;::r ACD~~55 (Jndudrna A~ lJnrc. $l.llte, iiodlOl'Sldg .N. CI ) OR P 0 ROUTE AND BOX NO ( CJ '7 CA ..::::' . , U l J I) ~ I ~"Y1 P c' 1rI... t r t\l '€..__. CITY . I'""' STAJk v.:? SO(~tr~\.J ._VI,- p~~\ ti ~;pcrP110N ~Llilt IInd BJOI;l\ NUlTItJers. T;iX-?3ree1 Numoer, I.~:ll De&:r.pUcn, e!~l 1- 5 I . L~y \ l4V1(-(t~"d-M,fdip,...., __ SUII-CING USE; (e 9.. Re,;;iaeln~I, NOn-lTilIlClenllDl Acce~Of'y. etc. U$e Ca, ""..' ~,~ lOfil=n II neC2.S1;a1'j j ~e~~4~\~~\ . LA TrruOElLONGiTUOE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM' SOUt'l.Cli: U OPS (T~) _ ( tt;#$. #I: . ##M' or !l!I\I.t......."f') U HAD 1m U NA.D 1923 U USGS OUOllf Map U I )(her MAY-06-2003 rUE 10:57 AN BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417460389 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTJFICATE ,-. p, 02 r- OM 8 Nu 3067-0077 Expires July 31 2002 Fill" l~nce Company Use ~y~ 1 Com~ NAlC Nl.lmtler J ZJPc~7ij77 SEcTIoN B. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (ARM) IN~nON .- 81 NFIP COMI>,4UNI1Y NAME & CCMMUN/iY N..~ "j 82. COUNTY NAM~ t I in STAlE .0 I rln., (.oJ SlO(~P:~\~ 4155>12.--1 La~p I...:l)j,.(,~ ... _ d~ , 64 ~~ AND PANB. ---:miSUFFlX I as ARM INDEX. B7 FIRM PANEL ea. R.cMJ 59 BllSl! ~OoD eu;....AnON(S) , NUMf!lI!R DA'Tl; EFFECTlVElREVlSEO DAn: Z~ (ZOfIe.o.o, II$e deJ;lltI of1klcdlng) i 14\ 0 ~a C.. \ \Lole, F :fWv\l'Z" 11'1 :;JIJ.(YLi f.. I. 'fPlq X -L- _.. 6iO. Indlcate the 3Qtm:e ~f~_Base Rood El2Vatlon (SFE) claIa or base ftood depth e.~"'; In 9. -'t,.)..> <'..... ~ 77;>....- '%-c~ X U FlS Profile ~RM LI COnvnuIllty Detel1T1lned U Other (De=itle) _ _ 811 l'1dlcslethe elevation datum \.Ised fcrthe 6FE m 89: ~NGVC 1929 U NAVD 1S88 U Other{Oesaibe) 612 Is the building locatet1/n a Coastal 6amer Resources System (CSRS) area Ql" Otherwise ProtedeG hea (OP~J') U Yes ~o D'=SIQnatlon Oate SSCTION C. BUILDING ElEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUmeo) C1 BUIlding elevatlonG ere ba.ed an: UconSlnJdJon DtawlnSs. UBuilding' IJnder Constn.....;.... , Wmr5hed ConstnJdlon a A new Elevallon CertJfieate win I:le ~d when construdiDn 01 the buIlding 15 complete C2. ElLllldinS Diagram Number....fi. (Seted the building dtagram most &imilar to the building for which thls certrficatt; I.S bemg completed ~ See pages 6 and 7 If no diagram ac::curately represents the budding. prOVIde a ~ or ~ph.) C3. Elevations - Zones A 1-A30, AE. AH. A (with BFE). Vi:. V1.V30, V (WIth 8FE), AR. ARIA, AAJAE. ARlA1~A30, AHlArl, ARJAO Complete Items C3a-i below SCCOrl1In9 to the buikmg magram speaiiea In Item C2. State the da1um used If the datum 1$ driferent from the dawm uisd for the ElFE Ir1 SectIon B. ccnvert the datum to that used felr the ere. Sbowjeld measurements and datum conversIon e:alculatlon Us~ the Space provided or the Comments area cl'SeetJcn 0 or SedJon G. as lIP,.........ate, to cloaIml!fIt the datum ccnverslon Oatum )J I" V 0 'Z 4. ComoennonlCcmmenw El~atlan reference matk usedC f'€.. R EV~~ Doell the elevation n:mence mark used appear 011 the IlRM? U Y H t:;6 "10 . D'.Jl) Top of bottom flear (IIlCIuciing basement or endcsure) ~ 6 14 t2. ft.( 0;' . _ ~ tl'b)Top cfnexthlgher'tlcor ('~w\ '5(-'oIl(~ 5 \(0 lft, ! I"" AEQI":"l:i',,!D 1 Q c) B~(Jm Or lowest h... ...:.......J liltnJctl.lral memner rv zones only) 1 ) IA .. -;:;- ft. i ~ .. PROFESS.' ONA. L . 0"...d) Attached garage (tcp of slab) &5 I ~ .J2. ft ( ~ ~ ~O SUR~OR at" e) l.oweG1 elevation or mad'lInery' MelIQr equipment I ~ ~ /tft..-4 a /~ . /" servli:mg ti'te building {? lfl ::L ft ( ) f i .. .OREGoN-J. .....,. e' -' Lowest adJacent grade (tAG) ~ I? 1e. ft ~ ~! JULY 20 , S93 I ~) Highest adjacent grade (HAG) E I 5 l it. ~ ) ~ REX A. BETZ r ~)1) No ef permanent opemngs (flood vents) wrtfnn 1 it aCCVEl ad]acem gr.ace Is::;.. Jd '\, . ... . ~.... tI-' rzYi) Total are.!! of aU permanent openrngs (floodvenlsl In C.Jh II ?,,,,,O sq. III (~) L" <.. Gy,:p / 'l../), / C~ I SEcnOh L) . SURVEYOR. ENGINEER. OR ARCHITECT CemFfCAOON - Trllll certrficatlO"l IS 10 be signed and :sealed by a land sUl'Veyor. engIneer, or architeCt aLJthanzed by law to eartJfy e/eval.lOl1r.formallOn I CiJrT,fy that the mtormadon 11l SQCt1tms A, B. and C on this r:;eflIficate refJl"esents my best efforts to IIlt/3fTm1t the data ~vallt;bJe J understiaf'l(/ that any fa/oSe staiematlt ITlflY be pum:irabJe bv tine onm"nsonmenf under 18 U.5 Code, Sac1Jon 1001 "._'<lFISl', HMt"l? e '" . 'f3....+.... lICEH.. NUMSEP PUS 2(,'0 (p TITLE . . A . - ~ COMPANY NAME.-, ~ - 'S1,.(.........ve1 L\a.\>\ a~e,yr . t5...-alA~ ~"~.yV\.<~ Xc' AODRESIS 3\n."f1:ttL.... 'Sh-~ cmS"("~,^~hdol~TAT~~ ZIPCCDEJ~l.f'7r SIGNATURE /.:7:. /J. -:<..r:f--. DA.\T;F.( r /' 'A03TEW'HON~._,,,,, -- u-3 _ r(,Y"':'t1i'.I': .I ~n /tq...tZ '<1 {p) tA/ {~/"'~-Dto 7 FEMA Form 51-31, AUG 99 SEE RC'VERSE SlOe FOR COr-.rrlNUATJON R.EPLACES ALL PREVlOUS EDITIONS. MAY-06-2003 rUE 10:58 AM BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417460389 p, 03 IMPORTANT In trnlse epaccs, copy the cQrresPQl'ldtng mfonnatJcnfrom Section A. . BUILOING STREeT AOORe;S.~lllcJUdln.9A?t:.UnJ>;' and/or Bldg.. No) OR PO ROUTE ANO BOX NO (~ELi R S I \.vi f" nl""\ \V~ CITY C I JJ _. STATE ZIP coee. CGmpany riAlc Number "'5 or iy-.,c,'n~.\a' ()fZ a ,If"'1-r , . I .... '. . Faf Insur:ar,c.e COl'll~any Use PolICY N\lmoer SE:CTION C . SURVEYOR, ENGlNEfR, OR AR.CHITeCT C~~nF1C~ON ~C:ONT1NUED) Copy bO~ sides of thIs Slevatlcn CertJncate for (1) CDmmuJllly ortical. (Z) Inllur.J.nce agentlcom~d (3) bU4ldIfl9 O'No-=r C;OMM~ ) Sf',., . (" . I I.. \, ~ ~ t eJ --. * ('> i f~ U:r r"'" f?( ........... 'J 1\ e \d B p \"\ L.h..;We V" If...,.... \-,e( 11\ 1 '" C. \.., ~ <-~{ ~(~- (I A:'J I V\ -r~ ~ :n-.~1 ~t'[,(e.. I'fi' cu.,b ...::;t ~'... \lVH~ rJ'('"-,,,..-k, ....~fLLV-'" (J ~ "/1\.<.-fuL\Jed C.c.)'(I1~ of ".cz..1.:tb tMvI"d -n,,:{~r'~t~"',h9VV\r\"3 a-V1 ~bVa.tL~ c;;1 ;;;~, CI~~ O~..h-<.~"'--.C<\V'\.d~dJ(,rd:",-{ +17 e.(e','/tl.ntv\. .z:; I~, l \ JJ& V DI2~_ \.IJh~ u ~~.d a~ ~4S~~ J el Q-JA t1tMO:; l1ey'e~lL , U Chec:x here If attachments se.Cil0N E. BUILDING aEVAnON INFORMATION {SUR~ NOr RE:QUIRED} FOR ZONE""O and ZONE A (WlTHOUT SFE) For Zone AO and Zon@A (wIthout BFE). C'lImplete l1i!m$ E1 thrO\I9h 53 If t/Je Elevabon Cerl1iic81e''; miended for' 1m ;3 suppcrlJng mfarmailcn far a LOMA or L.OMR--F, Section C mu:It be completed. E 1 6U11dlng OISg1'Sni Number jiii? (Select the bUildirIg clk."'..... most simdar to the building tor wtudJ tius certIficrte t1 betnIJ ccmpleted - see pages 5 and 7. If no clJagnam :acd:lrately .......""'"ent:li 1he buifdll'lg, provloe a sketdl or pj,.,Ja..",...ph.) E.2. The top cfthe bottom flctlf fsncludIDv ba5ementor e....l....ie) aftl1e butldmg IS I I ~ ft.(m) I , Im.(cm) Ll above or U beloW (Ghe~ one) the hIghest ild)aeent gracie ' - e3 For Zona AO "nty: If no flood d~ n\lJooet Is avadable.15 the tap of tt\e bottOm fIaor e:..."LJ In 8CCQ1..;..,.......witl'llhe Q:'lI11murllty'~ f100dcfaln manaqement ormnanc:e? I I Yes I I No -, l-' Unknown. The!ocal oficiaI mwt certify this ~.,;\........oon 11'1 SedJOn G S =CTlONF~ PROI"i;;k. i fOWNER (OR OWNeR'S~ REP~sanATNE) C&r.'IMCATioN . The ~Qperty owner or owner's authol1zed representabve wilo complete$ sec:llans A. B. and e for Zone A (without 8 f EMA..JsslJed or ' community-Issued BFE) or Zone AO mutt $l9'I'I hefe. - F'ROF'l!RTY OWN!;R S OR OVVNeR'S AIJTHCRIZSO RS'fUi;SEHTA1'J\n!S NAME. ADDRESS CITY ~i\<<: ;ap COOl: SlGNAnJRa. COMMENTS DATE TEw:pfiQNE U Cher.k here if attachments SECTION G . COMMUNITY INPORMAnON (OP11ONAL) The IOall offiCIal who is euthorIZed by law or ol'!iinanCe to ~ the c:mnmunJty'$ ftoodplaln management on:Iina~:e ~n complete SectlOli$ A. 6, C (or El. and G of this elevatIOn Cca~Ie. CcmpIetethe a~ic:.able dem(s) and lilgtl below G 1 LJ The mformatJon In $_;.....1 C Willi taken frtml other documenlatlan that haJs-been STgned and emclOfJSed by a ~csm;ed survevor, eJ'lglneer. or architect who is sufhon;Z;ec1 by siate or IcCallaw ttl....... "';1 e1ewton lnlO..."",,"w" (\rl(fleate the SO\lTce and date of the elevation data In the COmrMnts area below) G2 U A communrty affIc:lal completed Sadlon E tor i!I bUlldlng !Qeateclln Zone A (WIthc'-1 e FEMA-issued or _...."UJ uty-Issuad SF:) or Zone AO G3 U The following InformatJon (ltenr.o G4-GQ} IS provlaed fur c:ommlJnlty flocdlliam manalJement purpOStlS I G4 Pl:;RMrT NUMseR ' ""I Gb.LlAil:;r~ITISSUEO I GS UI'\TE C!;.~T1F~-;-c I,)F c;oMPUJ\NCEiOCCUPANCY , ISSW:!:! G7 ThiS permit has been l$:!otJed for U New CCtlitrudion U Substantial trnprcvement GS Elevation of 2!i-blJllt lowest 1Ioor 6ndudlng \)aSG....:..I) of the butldmg IS G9 SFE or On Zene AO) depth of ilcod1l'1g at the bl.ldcbng site IS l..OCAI. OFfICIAl. S NAME _ fl(rn) I Jatum _ ft.(m) [latum _ TlT1...E COMMUNITY NAME SIGNATUR.E COMMENTS Ta,EPHONE OATE F5MA Form 81.31, AUG SSl LJ Cht'Ck here If attachment!> R5Pl.ACES ALl. PREVIOUS EDITIONS-