HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-11-1 ...., - - -"1') ~ 3d, 9.p1 :0 ~J ~ .\J :SS ~ :ASS 3 : \JD:R, -\JC. LAND SURvEYING. CONSTRUCTlON SUPERVISION. WATER RIGHTS EXAMINATiONS CIVIL ENGINeERING. GEOTECHNICAL. ENVIRONMENTAL ",- \ November 1, 2001 Grsssroots Development clo Account Abilities P.O Box 2726 Eugene, Oregon 97402 RE: Subgrade Evaluation Levi Landing - Bagget Residence '? '~m sf ~ 68715 Simion Drive \!Springfield, Oregon On October 31. 2001, Ii representative from Ford..Ness-Fassbenqer, lnc, observed and hand- probed the building pad sub;rade on the above referenced residential building lot to auess the subgrade beanng capacity and shnnklswell potential of the soil. let 52 - Permit No. The building pad had been over-excavatecl to remove surface vegetation and to expose a clayey silt/silty clay subgrade soil with traces of ba,...run gravels, The pad appears to have been eonstnJded atop less than 0.5- to 1-foot of fill. The soil subgrad(~ had a moderate shnnklswell potential and is sUitable for an allowable bearing ca~acjty up to 1,500 psf. We recommend that '\ the subgrade be covered with approximately 2 to 4 inches of compacted crushed aggregate to protect the subgrade during wet weather construction and stabIlize the soil mOisture content, thereby mitigating the potential for shnnklswell of the soli, The building pad Is suitable for conventional residentIal construction with penmeter spread footIngs. We recommend the landscape SOil slope to dIrect surface water away from all foundations, and water should not pond adjacent to footings, Drainage from adjacent properties should be directed away from the foundations. We allo recommend that perimeter footings be reinforced with at least two No 4 steel reinforcing bars. 116 Hwy. 99 N., Stlltl! 100. P.O, BOll 2.2735 . Eugene, OR 9740:1. (1l.,1) 344-1852 I Fa)( (541) 344-9913 IHnalh m=lll@fnfine.netl Web sltl!' www.fnflnC! "ftt Certified WB E.I D.S.E, ~ f ( pH Engineering, Ine. POBox 42237 Eugene, OR 97404 5416892285 FAX 541.345 0200 phenglOeenng@qwsst net November 12, 2001 Jack Fowler GrassRoots Faxed to: 98&-9571 Number of Pages 2 Re SOIl Evaluation Report, Lot 52 Suneon, LeVI Landmg, Spnngfield, Oregon Dear Jack' On November 5, 2001, I conducted a slle ViSit at the above address Because the site is located In a floodplain, large amounts of fill matenal have been Imported onto the Site, Including 70. gravel and off~srte soli It was difficult to determane the preCise thickness of the fill layer, but I understand it may be as much as 5 feet thick m areas The attached report Inch,Jdea my observations and recommendations, If you have any questions, please feel free to calt me at 689-2285, Sincerely, ~~1~ Pamela J Pulham, P E Pf'flsldent, pH Engineering, Inc. 'jl"'.... l0"<:I 0el2:0 Gf:o~ If:oG ~NI~33NI~N3 Hd Wd 9~:~0 lelel2:-2:l-AON .11114/01 11'09 _ ftS03,p88 6480 I 't~.... 1_ _ PW SHOPS -" IaI 002 ::O~D ~ ~ ::55 ~:ASSB;NJ~~, \Ie. LANOSURVEYfNG . CONSTRUCTION SUPERXlsrON II WATER ~!,CHiS EXAMIli'l^fl(jN~ CIVIl:. ENGIN-I:ERING ."G1:0TECHNICAl . ENVIRONMENTAL . ( o November 13, 2001 Grassroots Development c/o Account Abilities 1/ P O. Box 2726 Eugene, O'~~""_ 97402 .;. R~: COl1;.'paction Report Levi=Landing - Bagget Residence '(Lot 52 _1~87e Simion Drive Sptingfle1d. Oregon Permit No, 01..01209-01 '. ..- q 'i On November 10, 2001. field denSIty testing was performed on the above referencect residential bUII~'tlg lot to assess compaction of the ClUShed aggregate placed over the subgrade An approximately 4-Jnch thick layer of *'.0 crushed aggregate from Spnngfield Quarry was placed ~er the subgrade and compacted The relatively thin thickness of the a.:tf.""ate caused ;S~J.8de m~rfe.~. ...0' and did not aHow for acaJrate compaction testing WIth a standard nuclear denSOmeter Therefore. a simple weight to volume calculation was perform~ on a dove sample of the aggregate, and compaction was determined to be ut least 95% of its maximum dry density of 133 5 per as determined by AASHTO Method T -99, provided by Spnngfield Quarry\. The subgr~~ Jilnd compacted fill on thIS Jot IS suitable for "'~ . "eritiDnal res.dentJaJ " cous~;tion \, J,. I, " 116 Hwy. 99 N., SUIte 100.P.,O. BOx22735. Eugen~, OR97402. (5411344-1852. Fax(S41) 344-'923 E-mall.mall@fnflnc net.Web Site www fn(lIIe net CertlfierfW BEl D B f ,<~ '~lf !f (; Soli Evaluation Report Location: Levi Landing. Simeon Dove. Lot 52 Client Name: Baggltt (Grassroots clo Jack Fowler) Client Phone 521-7006 (Jack) Chent Address: Fax f800rl to Jack at 988-9571 Date of S.. Vi'I~ 11/05101 Purpose of Evaluation: Shrink ~I for foundaflnn On Site Observations General Description of Si~ cleared grevlouslv. streets DJp.t;Ant ACCQ!Q!op to contractor -.Be wa~ fined previously With 1-2 feet of 7" minus, then 1-2 feet of soil fill Presence of large rock made penetration WIth SQiI probe Impossible FlU placed because site was in floodplain The sod analyzed was fdl, natIVe soli ,"accessible Hydrologic Conditions SOil damp at time of VISIt. rain previous day. some pondlOQ Expected SOil pet NItCS or other source New'......1II Soli COlor: dark brown, no mottles, some small rocks (less than 2 em), SOil under1am by r- gravel Soli St.IC:lunesa Cfan. ~v StmWSSt SOIl ~eres to ftnoers. stretches little on s8naratlOn of finoers I, Soil Plasticity: Shahtlv Dlastlc (SPl, 6mm roll suoports Itself. 4 mm does not suooort dself '\ Laboratory Observations Sample 1 Sample 2 Layer Bottom Top fhlckness Percent Bo"om Top Thickness I Percent I Sand 0 2.0 20 54 0 7 7 ' 53 Slit 20 34 14 38 6 1 1 5 39 _Clav_ 34 37 I 3 8 1 1 13 I 2 7 Soil Textural c.asa: SandY C1a'Lb2lm ConclusIOns and Recommendations' The ~e has Is[g.e (]"- rock over native ~Qll followed b~ SOIl fill matenal. 8S deICnbed abOVe Recommend a minimum of ew of hlQhly compacted gravel pnor to foundatIOn form ~~"o PRO,e-~ ~~~ I (~V '~o..~')1 '~~\~ ;w...,~~ . .\ ~. GON ~ ~~~~ ~~J. fII}\'V_ .... , .... Plmela J Pulliam, P E , PfRlldent, pH Englneenng, lno Expires 12131/02 Oat. Pr$pared 11/10101 pH EngIneering, loe. POBox 42237 Eugene. OR 97404 541 689 2285 541 345 0200 fax ~0'd 0e~0 Sil>~ til>S ~NI~33NI~N3 Hd Wd L~:~0 te0~-~t-^ON