HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-9-12 Sep-12-01 02:57P Mort,er Eng & Building De (541)484-6859 P.Ol MORTIER ENGINEERING, EC. 1245 PEARL STREET EUGEt~E OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484.9080 · F~.x (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1 877.661 9959 , \t'" / '. . \. '\ " I ~ ." .' r,', . '";>:M~"'~"'; ':...;-". "1'''', ..'i.....~j ._.' .! ".....,.... '. " "'~'~;:';.' .~ I . ~ _'~'. '.' \ ! - . '-''''' '. >;:tT~-t~l~b_. '~',: '/." ..', V ',C/;\t\:S' STRUCTURAL BUILDING ::>ESIGN · FIRE PROTE::::TION CO:JE CONSULTANT · PLAN CHECKING CONSTRuCTION INSPECTION September 12, 2001 Rainbow Valley Construction 232 W 5tlt Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 RE 6922. 6934. 6940. and 6942 A Street. Sonnafield Or - Compaction Test - W 0 13988- RDR As you requested, a compactIOn inspectIOn of the gravel under the proposed foundation has been perfonned on this site In preparation for the construction InvolvlnQ foundation for the proposed structure The excavatIOn Involved the placement of a maximum of 12" of 1 1/2. mmus crushed rock The compacted surface of the crushed rock IS adequate to support a conventional wood frame reSIdence with a standard foundation per 2000 State of Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code as adopted per the local JunsdlctJon The compaction of the gravel surface IS greater than 95% of a standard proctor. per ASTM 0698-91 . Thank you for thIS opportunlly to be of service If you have questions regarding thiS report, olease contact me at 484-9080 Sincerely, Bradley R Myers P.E \)ft. '4 , . . \, " , \, \ ,~ Sep-12-01 02;57P Mort,er Eng & Bu;lding De (541)484-6859 P.02 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (54' I 484 6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGO" , 877-661-9959 0,,-, \t. '1'/ i- '. '-'-~:!IIIl-'''~'~ ..~?. ~- ~;" - - - -. , .'. -l.' ,'II L.;I. ,~ :.. 3:"'~ ; ft. : . I ,.1;1-:. !~I~:;,_:...- "/ '- : '(';\;:1 " \',.\ . STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT · PLAN CHECKI~JG CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ~ MORTIER ENGINEERING, EC. BUlLDJNG ANALYSIS REPORT Statemeut of Coaditions and LimitatiODS CLIENT .Rmnbow Valley ConstruotJon w.o it1391lR..RDR LOCATION OF PROPERTY 6922,6934,6940, and 6942 A Street, Spnngfield Type of lnspecttm and Items uupected 15 limited to a. Structural Coowtlons b _ Weath... y.~w1ing (ExterIOr surfilces) c _ StOl1!l Drluna&e (Bwldmg. Site) X d _ Site CondItions (Soils. Geological) e _ Plumbmg (FIXtures, PIping) r _ HeMing ~Fumace. Heat Pump, An Condibonmg. FIreplace. Stoves, Clumneys) g, _ Electnce1 (Semce, Winng, Outlets) h. Other The n:pctDlIllU 1hc JllllIllIIo1e m~ till: dJl.'Jllt to mvor dcflCleDC1eS In !be coodltloo oftl1e property descnbed above and lICCOrdmg 10 the COndttlOllS COIllallIIIld Iflb rqrxt am lb .....-., ,..l. The ~+-.......... W JepOrt arc perfurmed and JnJBl'ed fur the sole, CCllfidCl1tlu\ IUIll ncluslVco U5C and "w~_..,Jon oftbe CLIENT No obhplton or . -"r._~blhty lD ~ ,." , _ , Illll!l5llllled Thll........~.llI1 tS oftht readily ~ble _ of the building a&d III limited eo vlSlal oJ:eclYatwIls ofapprll'llJrt coochhnas eXlSl:lng &l the tme of tile ...,..- -- UIlcntl1nd _ ....~ led dcftcts IIld clcfiCIClIClts BJe e~luded lI'an tbe IIIlipecllon, equlJIllCnl. CillIlSructlO<1 aru:l sysIems wID I10t b; drsmantlccl Ma.~~....; and olher IlcmS IlIIY be ds:u!IIIed,. bit the}, are 00111 JIlIn of our Ill8pcc1lOD The rc:polt 15 lI1lt a almpl lance Inspectlon or ::ertlticat,on fur !lIlJl or preK'l1ll SOt.. .~..... codes or replatMl11S of any kmd. The IlBjZdKlft lIIIIl report do not addreas 8lI<I are IlOl i1Jlcndad 10 addl"l:ll5 k possible ..... ._._ of or qef from roey potentially harmfu 1 5Ubslances alld em, , . . .... _,....J I1BzarIt; lrdudlng but DOt hmilCd to radon gl!5. !::ad plImt, asbestos, U'l>a fonneldchydc and lO",c Of f1M1nl11ble chemKdIb. Any refitreaces t!Iilde k>llIelieSllb81ance 1D oc.r report IS II1lIde iJrtbc 1I01c !11rpD5C5 oblcrtul8 our clu:nt to k pooIIbtbty ofthmrexJStence Wc are malcmg no po6J1l'C J____~...tIcm as to !belT aetuaI p-esent:e, as WI: do not do laboratory _~.._.. IfCUENT WJSbes any fiInher l:uormahlJll or l'il. _ ...., .ndallons 111 regard to II1e r . ..,.." .. oflbese subsUnc:cs. we rcwmmcnd ..,,,,__...g I spccm\u:a envlronmenlAl oonlnIctor The repor desa1bc. die property QOQCf1b<lft aad _ OJ! thu .,., of ......._.~_ 1M purpoae II 10 alert clients IX> ... _.~.J def'ecn. SU~!101I f.XllIIIllKm, N"_...:.:.:e 11I~ a1Jd tcatul'CS, appI-~, i1CClU11y elllflllS, U1~_ systems. so1ar beatms S)steMS or panels, s-pI'1Ilkler sym:rl1S. spa... plCIls.. wa-.rsolleners.Cl:IIIn! vaHlnuy:Rma, and tk *',_.___. (Ie ab6enee ofrodems, tcruuleE or od= UIiCCts arc specIfically excluded fi-om the scope of thIS rqQl WltiIeevc:!V ..........;.:lc:c1btwaumde1l>.::......N...b ...-r."J conditIOns, 110 prlllllees are....-_....d or ~Jed II/oresponslblllly IS assumed Rrl1ll.Y 1Ilm150la1dtr lbc:ilIXljle of'llII5 UISpllCt1OII. IIOl' gul wo bo bold ...... ...:~Ic fur....<lIk r"::' o. .J by cII1en. Loablllty for clamap ar..... 0lIt ofem:n or lIIIIlU10US _n be llI1IItcd 10 Ih= lXl(Jt of the scope of.......; .:101\. 1IICL.... ...."..,ollonure made coneenung the wutedllral Of' en,.., ~ ....ng OODd!tlO1lS Mortier Engll\CCrlllSo IIlI employees aM agents, 1ISSl1Inf 00 Imbdlty or le5pOll!libllny fur the COOl ofrepnnng ~ repta.::ma any ~..."...~ dcltc&5 or ckZ--._c1lilcrcummtc....ns11lB mtllt funIre, or fOr any ..........; damages. <XlIUequen.hal damage orbo41ly 11VlIli' OflUl)' 1l8ture 1be lII~pealOll and ltpLlIIl\IC ID .._.l.l: a to be U9Cli as a guarantee or ..wlT8nty, ex~'lSed Of unpiled, regardIng the adeq\llK,)', pcrlbmtance or C01Idllloo of any wpccted stluCturc, Item or system For MORTIER ENGINEERING, PC ~~,1 Y'~ Englllcer ';eplembc:r \2, 200\ SIgnatUre Title Dete "