HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEMA Application 1999-6-2 APR-20-2004 rUE 02:14 PM BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417460389 0\ -( ~i.; ^--ry d 'Z~ 1/)() 'i FEDERAL. EYERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY MA110MAl FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE lmaonant: Read th81,~,~JICticna all pages 1 ~ 7. SEC1'ION A - Pft.....c....f OWNER iIIFCRMATION p, 02 o M.B. No 3087-wTl ~ December 31. 2005 SUILbINQ 6J.tN&A.~ '""ij.ll.!J1Ill~]I5T AO~SS (\fB2IurlIn9~. lJrut SUlI&. ~ eJd9. No.) OR P.Q. ROUTE AND SOl( NO. '1 ~ G> "'f~ PI (j"'e CITY S Do(' \ "" "l ~ e l c:{ - - - STAlE oFZ. P.AQ~!;R1IOESC. RIPTI~ (Lot IIn~W/od('NymDeIs. fa Paal Numtl8r .Las;'~) ~\ ~~ \ 6..., Le v I LqJ:uiJ'" -e 4'"'1P' .nz-.t4. 1"1 ~ 8UIl.DI~SIi (e 9-., f\IIkIerdJBI. .' NQn. "I.,.,.,:"':'AacliIal,~." \Jell CcIIIm8ntlI~,~) 1S:e ~ \ cg~ "'- T{ {f- \ _ _ .:.....- '-:'. -"- LATl11.JOell..eNGlTUD! (OP11ONAl.) HCJUZQffT'AI. UA. ",Ill( SOURC2.. LJ GPS (Typ&): ( -W -w -.w at HttIW) I-J NAD 192'T U NAO 1983 Ll USGa Quad Map F<< lmuIancIllI. CamIllI", U:iolr; ~IIII' -, I Patq NIInI<<" _I.l~ ..."=:";-,,, ~ ~,llt... II~ M ..........-...... _, " ,"w"-,,,,-'"\~' ".''',-.:..-..",_--,_ .. I I /JII ~ .. II "-'I"IrI...'"'t'~11 HI II Ie ...,'""",,f/AIC NiImaIr::::r ... .." I _M11 _.....;~.w."';!.~r:;:"...I_-1~'lln;rllnDllf; >:.~J ... 111_.._" 'l'J"I'oIou '~.--.;:...f IY ZIP co~11{. 71 W 0llIet . seCTION B -Fl.oOc IP8UR.UJC& RA1Ii HAP ~ I'NFCRllAnofli B1 NJ=I COMMLJNt:fY NAME & ~R 82. COUNTY NAMe . I'l I -I B3. STAlE (l ~ +y -f/.r S:w-l~i illS 'ow La l:OU T ., -', ~~()~ 6" MAl=' k PANEl. Bs. SUFFlX atl FiRM INDElC 97 FIRM PANe. Sa FI..i:iOO sa ~ FtOaJ El.EWJ1ON(S) I NUMlilliR .. CATE ~ DAlE ~) (lllrre~.. depllulftoadmg) 410-;qe! t\G1l.o ,F :r\A,",e'~\lqq'i::rI.l!'1l" ~-t.1 }4i'Q X JJUl1~V'~ .X" B10. Indicate ile IJOUI"Ce ottt,e Base l"iood!Jevatim (ElFE}dattl ctbaselOCllde;1Cb ,. ~..'i J m 88. LI FIS Pl'OfiIe L,JlPlRAll LJ C . ',.I.,,,...ClyD0t8.,,;., ,I' J U OIber(Descrfbe): a11 IncI_ltle oIevatlun daium usefl tar1tle BfE In B8: U NeVD 1929 U HAW'888 W 0IJl<< (DeGanbe):_ 812 Is the btdldlng locatecI ill il Coast.rd8alrier R..--........... SyIltem (w.DI'WJ wea or ~ r .~,,-d An!a (CPA)? LJ Yes ~o Deslgnallon Oatil. 8EC11ON C - eua.iJJNG EJ.E.Ip..nON.~'nON (SURVEY _IRED) C1 BUilding eIeVfrtKJM~brlKdOR;.i~..jCOAaliGIionc,";, "J- Wf.lutldlng UnderConstnidm-' ~lIIlsMd eo.~ .1\ new !Ievatlon CeflIIic8l8 wtII be ~nd 1IIhen construction Cf1f1e btWIIng is compiate. C2 BUilding Cl8gnlm Number pi? (Select 1hu bailflllO _~..;;, most:smBarto Ute buakfinQ furwfnctl this ....,II.a......1s betng ~ .. see pages e and 7, If no ~......m a.........J.ely .~.......~....ll'le bIlildftlG. prD\ftdIl a .;..;, or pl.""""'\Oph.) _ .. C3. ElevatIOns - Zones A1-A30. AtE.. AM. A (W!Jh ~ 'II!. V1-V30, V (wdh BfE), AA.. AAJA. ARIAE, APJA M3C, ARlAH. AAJAC Comp/e1e "ems C3 a-i below accord~ to tM buiilng diagram .spec:llled lit Item ~ S1Ide 1l\e datum used fI the c!a1um J5 dJffetlld from the datum used ferUle BFE lrl &.:...il... B, ctxlWI111'le daf1lm 111 that used fOr1he BfC. Show field meastml!Tlel'lt5l1l1d datum CllmIl:ClIDn cak:u_n US8f the lipace pnwided or1l18 C:.,.."...,:"" are. of S&ofum D or SeaIon G, as a,.jo'''I'.;''.e to ~aClm8nt the dmumCl:llNets,en Oaillm.Ak@Ll) Zti., ConWl~'~"'i"7I.J . . EIe;;atlCln re19~nce mark used~ ~~ e rl e. Does '/tie aIe\<atiDn .-,...,_..... rRirIt used appear on the ARM? 1-. I. Yes r:h No ~) Top Qf tlotlCm lIoor (mc:ludlrlQ basement Of encIclUe) , 5J 0 0 ft.( w r. \ l!rb)TClPClfnexttllQher1loof tt.c.,,~ '$fUite:'-5"tZ..~ft. ; .. "~'~~~L ~ Bcttam of lowest hW',",w"oIi.htNCtdraj m:.".;.;;, (V ~~ ~n!y) 4LJA' ~.ft.( ":: ~ ~". '_ : A.UDLsum~. l"\R ~ ~ AU cXI - .,'- -"Tor"''OP ~biT rw......,,~ ~J e - O-fl( -.8.., -..,,, W'U'f nn~_T~ it'e)~o:::=~:'=~~II~~nt~ ,~-- ~,- - - ,~~. '.~a-/tf'-I .. ..., ./ leMCitg the butIdln9 (0._.;.... In a COImnInfS::a ~ 511 5_ ft( -~. ,.J(....., ~.. . .. i if 91.<<lWelitaaJtant (finisbed) w,...., (1.AG'J !:UL~ ft.( ~ i JUlY 20 1993 ' 'Yg) HlghBSUltlJat*ll(firullllled) grade (HAGi - 5 /' -2 ft,( ) ~ REXA. 8m I ~} No ot permanent o"fQ1S {1Iood wms} WIUlm 1 II atlO\le aaJacent grage.R .. \"" !2m)R / MnTotaJaraa10fallpenMfHmto~rllngs(bDwnts~IIIC;3.h 7!?_Q.sq III (~ ~:-",,-;, f.fx,'" j21~do5 sec11OO" D -sURVE'l'OR;ENGIN5R. OR ARC1flTEci'~ IIFlCAnCN - This certlflcatlon IS to be Slgne<l BIld 5eIlIed by a lBnci SUMygr. engmeer. orard1itBct auUlOl1Z!ld by law to Clll1lfy elllva1JOn lTlTtmmrnllr I cerl1fy fhtlt the Jnfg,........... In Sf."".,....A B. ar:c CDIJtnJs_:.._.~", ~ my bes:tetlhm to 1I'JtIrprettlle t:Jl2ii:l iJlIBJ)B~Je I unc1ersrand that 8f7Y fait. "mtnt may be ~abie by iiM 01' 1I1W1lSiDtfmt1/1t lUlder 1 S U S. COCle Seamn 1D01 ~::trlli~'SNAMr;; ':D.p \t' A-. H.e.-~ . COMPANY-NAMe ~~;::i~UM8$S.'2(;:'OG;, :5.u.v-veI.4M.lLV\,~.c;e""'- ]V~VI:~L.l !?h~""~VH1::; nr AOORESS ~ \ () ;pt .ftL\ S: -oge t - CI~ ~ ffel &/_ STATe 0 k ZIP CCC~ 7 ~ 77 SIGNATU/{I;-. ~~ 6< ;j!f/ OA~ Zi)tJ'Lf t~LS?HONiji541 J 7l1J.,~06 37 F!MA Form 81-31. January 200:3 . See rewrse skle far contmuatiOn. Rep/a'~ all preVlUilS edrtlOns APR-20-2004 rUE 02:14 PM BRANC4 ENGIN~ERING 5417460389 p, 03 IMPORTANT: In these s--. Cl.'Ipy me amespoadilll inf,a, ,~,,,,J.1lD from 5ec:tiG.. A. For 1._,.......Ccmpany Use: " eulLD~eelif~l,SS~dmg~~~~...Bldg.Ncl.JORPO RaITEAND8OXNO ~~___' :,'~'I' "~ ~'I' CITY S9V'\\o"\ f'e.tJ. STA;?;e cr_7~7CEfe t~i~:'l.\I~~~~~j~:':: , '~.... ~ - ,J. .'",'" '""''''' ... .., . . 1 $ECT1CN D.~ ~ ORARCH~~.~11ON (co,.lNJID) Copy Doth SIdes of thl3 E1eveon Ce:liOk.r.:" fIIr (1) ccllllU1lty Dfl'icaL (2) IIlSUIiiDCe ~ny and (3) lidding 0WIIer. J;QMMENT5r _ . -~(~l"t-~ ""* ~~.~-he'd '&..~d,. J...lar-~JI"'~ a ck,se..leJ "Si~fe ~'^ -t\.te~ ~p. ~I.'e tJf ,,-,,4,. --?+~{,\!l^~Dl....1- ,I tr--Lrb r~tl..lrV\. f:>t tke. S/.)l.4tl,Wl5.1 ~""C"" at .en ~ ~&. \kLr.r">~ hGH'l""1 d"'\ eteVAir~ of 512.e\ n~1JAtl.l~ a~(l~t-/ :tv, Ele\Jt:tf\M?r~.\ \ llGvlY'l.,( \llttS u~G!:l45> ik~ 'iU;\S. J G"1G"""t,~?) .ICMek~lflltbldlmtrlnts . seC110N e.. BUILDWGEl!VATlON "undlAntlH (SURVEY NOT R!QUMD)FORZONEAOANDZOHEA cwnHouTBFe) FclrZone /Ie and Zone'A (wIIha1ltsft:). ~ ltemsl!1. huU\1h a lflJze!lNllion Cat1iIIarIe iUIttRdodb_ .~ng _ InformatiGllfarIllLOMAorLOMR-F,SedionCMU$lbe,,,,"~~ill~:,d. _ _ - ~ .._, _ .. E1. BUfldlllg Diagram Number' (Selec;t ltIe IlmldlIl8 di...."',. most smlar10 1I1e budding for WIlIcIl1t\ls cenIficate JS ~ ~mpeted _ -- - seepagesGand7 lfnodl:aumna~...,.,~tbu~.pI1Mdeaaeu:blllJ'~) - --. E2. 'I11e toJl ottbe bottom 1ICIOt~ b_lI1.tat'aiJ,..~,.,.~ of1lle.~~!..LL.l It. (m) LL! In. (an) L::J 8Mlellr'l:IlJe1llw - , '~(Cfled:ontt)thehigbest~~ tva~Gnai.iflMdabla.) 'I _ '''~'..l_ 't- ""~-"_ ~ .:;,',... ''',r'~~' ~: E3 For Bulldil'lg ClaQnlIIl5 6-8 WII\ opanialp cs- ~_7), ~ .~_ ~ ~ at eIlnIated lIoor (~b) Of lie buiIJIrla iI ~ - - - '-'Ift..(m)l 111n:(Qa)above-_IIIgftest~I"~"a......:gmr:te.-C.,d,""~_CU_C3Jonflontoffaftn.,,,:-"'.,.1~r:x~...:'AlJ ~ .~ E4. ill. top of the Plstfctm ClflDiCltlneJyarldlor~_~Ol,i~. '. the buildIng., I Ilt. (m>1 I ,In. (cm)W Uu'RorL!::J beIoI'I ' (cbeek om:) the hlghestllid]at:llltgmde. _ i1"li.".,,"gxade.If~) I' - -..; '" fJ ~ ~ ~,_~ ES. For lone AO only: If no l!DCd cIep!h nIIII1MIf Is ~ Is" fDp lIflNl bo1tGn1 floor el8wted in a=~ With 1biIIiinuiu1iis~1::r;;. fJoodolaln m8n8C/~~1 t. 1 v.es. t. I ~ II UnIaIcIwII "",:_locaIofffca.I~ S8\IlfVtttis.~ IuSedlon G- o - -. 8EC1ICM F -PRCI-IlU\*' 0WN!iR(CR 0lIIIP.I-. ~ """",~5iNTAl'IVEl CERl1FICA'DCN ,'~ ._ , . The-ptoperty owner 0.. oY.inllri ~,.."~,,.J .1 "v' "","JdaaiVe.~..,.....l...;:..:,StcIfClIIS A. 8, C ,..,.,.01. C3.h and c3J"_... EbZ0n8 A . (WIthout a FE:MA.JSSlled Dr ~ BFE) or Zone AO /rW$l $ign 1Iete. 71fB Ultemmn In SfId10M A. B. C. and E 8111_"....: to the best of 'W knowlecft.1e:.. . .' - P~OPeRTY O'vVNER'S OR ~ AtJ'THORIZ8) RfPRESeNTAllVS"S NAI\fE ADCRI!SS CJfV STAIli ZIP CClE SIGNATURE COMMENTS CAlli 'l'Et.SPHONE po .. ~ .. \ . U CIIcdIIwn If lIllBchmclD ~"""'~~i~G.~'~~L~ _../....J\~;: Tiielc~ oftlClIll wbo is aldtlettied by'in or .....:.:......... tD ~.1bu CDIIlIlUIity's fioodplam mart..",...,.,,, llAilnanrfJ caD m \'" ,. SedlOll$ A. a, C (or 1:). and G Of1M ~ Cet1iIIca!B. CanIpIuts tile ...,..,.iw.1*: i1Ilm(3) and sign below. ."..:' ., :<~:' ..: G1 U The ll'lfarmRllon In SecIloQ Cwas1Usn mwCltllBr .;."",",~~.,,.l..:.~.II.1hat~ 1leen~8Dde.w.........Jbya ::.-.....:151.. ,. ,I,'. engIneer, crarctlileCh,bo l:s BuL,...:....J IlY 5filteiltlDc8llliwto certJfy elewllan mJ\" .,.,::21'\.- (Indlc;ate1tlEl~ct.1he e'-vat'- d"'-". ---) --- . "n".!'"1:.", \, ...... III ...n .....lIIttJe......... ,"I,',.....,..,aI\II8........... ~1""'~lni...t'\y<~ . - .....I1.;q-l"'.-,;I'IGn.t;!/l~ta~~,r..; G2 Ll A a:lmtnlmity 0fticiRI ccmplIted SecliGn Efate bI.,~,,,,,,, llIcated lrIZt.lneA (WlItacuta~_.......~.~.,,,.,~ l..';m;a.Pr Zone AO.. ..' - ~ --- - - ----- '\ _':'_ _ I.......~. - ... ""_ __.. j"'...":t'J.""""'i~....,).;:r.... - 03 U The fD~.. "'.......wB(ltlImS G4-(8) ls~ m......~".mllTul.,....I.. \:..... ...................., .Ii...l,...............s.. _ : G4p.~I~NUMSER "~~PiRN!!~ . r~~H,.iCA!~~.ANCy G7 This ~rmlt no bee; laSuecl fur U New COiiStru=I1 1-1 Sub5tlntlaJ ImpIDWmllI'lt ~ G8 Ete\....t..." Of as-buIlt lowest 1Iaor(1m::Iudlng De........,..;., !lithe 1Rnlding 19: _. 1t. (m) ..Dalurrl. as. are Dr (In 2011e AO) depth offiocdmg at the ~Slte I!L ft. (m) Oalutrr LOCAl.. OFFICIAl.'S NAME COMMUNrr'( NAME SIGNA"U~E ilT' J.!: ~E OATi COMME;NTS FEMA Form 61~31. January 2003 ! I CllIIdl.IIefB if aU3cr.nents ReplaceS llII previous editions