HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-10-29 OCT 30 20011C12 27PM USQ="ORD NESS FASSBENDER 1"W tSHUt':::I NO 176 f. 3/4 ~ YYo) iJn~,8" -:0 ~) Ilt ~\JESS ~ :ASS 3: \JDER,\JC. LAND SURVEYINO . CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. WATER RIGHTS EXAMINATIONS CIVIL ENOINEERINC . GEOTECHNICAL. ENVIRONMENTAL October 291 2001 Grassrcots Development clo Account Abllltie$ P.O Box 2726 eugene, Oregon 97402 RE: Subgrade Evaluation Levi Landing - Thomas Residence L.ot 104 - Arron LIne Springfield, Oregon lo \u'6' Ao"oV\ LN On October 29, 2001, III representative from FoRf"Ness-Fassbender, Inc. observed and hand~ probed the buildIng pad subgrade on the above referenced residential bUilding lot to assess the slJbgrade bearing capacity and shrink/swell potential of the sOli Lot 104 - 'Permit No. The building pad had been over..excavatect to remove surface vegetation and to expose a clayey silt/silty clay 5ubgrade soli. The pad appears tQ have been constructad atop le,;s than 1- to 2.feet of fin. The subgrade is covered with approXImately 2 Inches of eompacted crushed aggregate, The soil subgrade had all moderate shrink/swell potential and is aUltable for an allowable bearing capaCity up to 1,500 pst. The aggregate covlerWlIl act to stabilize the sod mOisture content, thereby mitigating the potential for shrink/swell of the soli. Tt1e bLllldlng pSQ IS sUitable for conventional residential c::cnstrudion with perimeter spread footings. We recommend the landscape soil srope to direct surface water away fram an foundations, and water should not pOnd adjacent to footings, Drainage from adjac:ent properties Should be directed awa.y from the foundations. We also recommend that pan meter footings be reinforced with at least two No, 4 steel reinforcing bars 116 Hwy. 99 N., Suite 1 DO .P.O, Box Z213S. Eugene, OR974D2 1(841) 34'MBSZ I Fax (541) S44-9923 E.rn;lIl: macl@fnflnc.netIWebslte; WWW.fnflnc.net Certified W EU. I D.B.E