HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-10-29 OCT 30 20011(12. 27PM U5CFORD NESS FRSSBENDER PW SHOPS NO 176 P 2/4 .,....!aI \,IU", 9385: t;J ~ FO~) ~ \I :SS Il! -=ASS 3:\1 JE~, - \Ie. LAND SURVEYING. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. WATER RICHTS EXAMINATIONS CIVIL ENGINEERING. GEOTECHNICAL. EI\lVIRONMENTAL Col0~ Grilssroots Development cIa AccoLlnt Abilities P,O. Box 2728 Eugene, Oregon 97402 RE: Subarade Evaluation J..evj~~~cIit:rtl--oudley Residence tL~ 9"l~-!'lnln~L~ Springfield, Oregon A- C~-v- CJ 1/1 L{\ October 29, 2001 On October 29, 2001, a representative from Ford..Ness-Fessbenderl Inc observed and hand. probed the building pad subgrade an the above referenced residential building lot to assess the subgrade bearing ~pac'ty and shrink/swell potential of the soil. Lot 97 - Permit No. The bl.ulding pad had been over.exc8valed to remove surface vegetation and to expose a clayey silt/silty clay subgrade soil. The sLlbgrade had a moderate shrink/swell potential and IS sUitable for an allowable blaring capaelty up to 1.500 psf. To mlilgate the pctentiaJ for soli shrink/swell, the moisture content of the a011 should be stabilized. To prepare the subgraae for wet weather constructIon and to stabilize the soli moisture e..I.Lo:.nt, we reccmmend placing at lease 2"lnehes of compaded crushed aggregate over the subgrade and draining surface water away from the building pad The bUilding pad IS suitable for conventional residential constructlon with perimeter spread footIngs. We recommend the landscape soil slope to direct $Llrface water lilway from all foundations. and water shol.lld not pond adjacent to footings Drainage from acfja~;tnt properties should be directed away from the foundations. We also recommend that perImeter footings be reinforced With at least two No, 4 steel reinforcing bars, ,,.~,~ ., 116 Hwy. 99 N., 5ul~e 100. P,O. BOll :227U. Eugene, OR 97402 .'5411 344-1852. Fa. (541) 344-9923 E.mall: ...lul@fllflne.net.Webslte.www.fnflnc:.net Cenl'fied 1MB ,E. I " B,E o PM PH ENGINEERING NO'/-13-2ee1 eb:1", \ 541 345 1321313 p.e2 Soil !valuation Report () LOcation:. levl Landing, Aaron Drive, Lot 97, Spnngfield, Oregon Chent Name:_ Dudley (Grassroots clo Jack Fowf841 Client Phone 52'/.7006 efrent Addreas: Fax ~o Jack F~ 988.951.1 Date of Site V'Sit:. 11/05101 Pw'po.. of EVBfualion: Shrtnk swell for foundation On SIte Observations Genera' DesCription of Site: Site dared pIlIviouslv. streets Dl'A.Mnt. Accofqmo to oont~qor_ site was filled previously with 1-2 feet of r l1lInus, then 1.2 feet of SOIl fiU Presence of large rock made penettatlon with sod - - -- ._.~ probe impossible beyond f3..12" Fill placed because sftfl was in floodplain The soft analyZed wes dlstUrbedlfill, . . -. - native so" inacceSSIble, alhough fill material did eXhibit baSIC charactenstlcs of expected sod types Hydrolog.leal Conditions: Sod damp at time Of vISit. ram prevlo~ d~ SOme_oondino ExpecbHI 50,. per NRCS or other BOQI'ce: Newberg, Camas,CJoquato So!l CoJor~ dark brown, no mottles, some s!"all ~cks at surface(Jess than 2 an). Jargerrocks at ~1~. Soil Stickiness CIaas;, Sllohfty ~ckv f3S) Soli agf),eres IQ fJnaea;. slretg'les lrUIe on SflDarmlJln of f'Dgers $011 Plasticity: SUahtly P1~ esp). 6mm ron SUDOOrts Itself, 4 mm does not ,/'\ laboratory ObGel'Vatlona Sample 1 I Sample 2 I Top -, Thickness percent- Bottom I Top I Thickness I Percent f2.5 12,5 -56 O. 06 - 08 146 3.8 I 1.3 28 06 1 1 0.5 38 I 45 I 0 -; 118 11 1 11 3 I 02 15 Layer Sand Slit Clay Bottom 10 125 138 8011 Textural Ctasa: ~andv..98V Loam Conefusions and Recommendations: The SIte has large (7". ) rock over natIVe $OtI followed by SOil fill materlal. as descnbed abov'!. Recommend a mmunum of 6D of i!!g!IIv oomoacted 9ravel Drior to foundation form, pnmanly due to the amount of fill material placed on the Site. ~ Pam.la J PulluJrn, P E , President, pH Engl1leerlng, lno EXpires 12131102 0l!Ite Pt.....,' "d 11110101 NOV-13-Z001 06:18 PM PH Et.JG I NEER J t.JG 541 345 0Z00 P.01 , ~ .. pH Engineering, Inc, _ P 0 )BOX 42237 Eugene', OR 97404 541 689 2285 FAX ~1 3450200 phenglneermg@qwest net ,~ . r November 13, 2001 Jack Fowler GrassRoots Faxed to 988-9571 - t Number of Pages' 2 ~ Re Soil Evaluation RepO~f'OI'}'{Levl landing, Spri~gfl'1~, Oregon ", ",. Dear JacJr.~~ I , ~_ On November 5, 2001, I conduQed I site VISit at the above address Because the SIte-IS located In a floodplaIn, a large amount of fill material has been Imported onto the s~e'J..~lng r - gravel and off-Site soli It was difficult to determIne the preCIse thickness of the fill layer, but' understand It may be as much as 5 feet thick in areas The attached report Includes my observations and recommendations. If,#,OU have/any questions, please feel f~ to caN me at 689-2285 Slncerl!ly, ~ t:L,4~ Pamela J Pulllsm, p,e Preslden~ pH Englneemg, Inc -: i' 11/14/01 11 09 5'S03 SBB 64BO PW SHOPS IaJ 001 ~, FO t) ~\lESS ~:ASSB:\I) :~,\JC. LAND SURVEYING.. CONSTRUCflON SUPERVISION. WATER RIGHTS EXAMINATIONS CIVIL ENGINEERING. GEOTECHNICAL. ENVIR@NMENTAl Novernber13,2001 Grassroots Development clo ACcount Ai),hties POBox 2726 Eugene, Oregon 97402 REa Subgrade Evaluation Levi Landing - Dudley Residence Lot 97 - 6703 Arran Lane Springfield, Oregon Permit No, 01-01208-01 On November 10, 2001, field dens~ testing was performed on the above referenced resJd.c" IllQ' bUilding lot to assess compactJon af the cllJshed aggregate placed over the subgrade An approximately 4-lnch thick layer of %'..() crushed aggregate from SplingfielG Quarry was placed over the subgrade and compacted The relatively thin thickness of the aggregate caused subgrade Interferen~ and did not allow for accurate compaction testing WIth a standard OOGIear dert~oflilMef Therefore, a simple weight to volume calculation was performed on a dnve sample of the aggregate, and compaction w~ detEJnnrned to be at least 95% of Its maxtmum dry densrty of 133 5 ~Cf ~~ determined by AASHTo Method T-99, proVIded by Spnngfield Quarry. The subgrade and compacted fill on thiS lot Is SUItable for conventional reSIdential oonstrucbon 116 Hwy 99 N , Suite 100. PO Box22735. Eugene, OR 97402 .(S41) 344-1852 .Fax(541) 344-9923 E.mail'mall@fnfine net. Web sIte www fnflne net Certified WB E I DB E