HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2003-10-19 OCT-19-2003 11 4iP FRO~ TO 15416876020 P 4/4 :. RonakJ J. Derrick, P E. ~20 NW lWa1fme Avenue COIVaU,., Oregon 97330 Ph. 541-1113-0220 m. ~1-751J.856S October 19, 2003 GrassRoots Thinking Inc. 1135 eal Young Road Eugene, Oregon 91401 RE; Aggregate Compaction Evaluation 901 So '1~ Street Springfiefd, Oregon Mark Callaway Residence / A geotechnical engineer VISIted the subject slte to asseS$ the overexcavatlon conditions of the budchng pad and compadlon of the aggregate 1111. The 4-$tep budding pad had been cut mto nstrlfe residual basalt sod on a North-we5terty-faclng slope A 7-foot hIgh near vertical cut eXists In the southeast comer of the building pad and thEJ average depth of overexcavMlon IS about 3 feet The building pad steps are 6..tnxhes to 3--feet In hetgh1 The pads haw been covered with 6- to 10-Inehes of %"-0 aggregate from Spnngfleld Quarry, WIth greeter fiU depths In areas of ' tree stump removal Based on site testing and probing the aggregate has been compacted ~ at least 95% of th~ ma1enals maxImum dry density as deterrmned by AASHTO T-99 method The subgrade and aggregate fill are suitable for an allowable beanng capacity LIP to 1,SOO psf and oorwentlOnal reSidential style footing construebon We recommend that all footings bo reinforced wdh at least two #4 steel reinforcing bars. and that surface water be dlrected away from the foundl:rtJons and not allowed to pond adJacent to footings Footing drains are recommended on the up slope side of the footings end surface water ShOUld be dIrected around the bUilding pad Sincerely, ~ ' /~ Ronald J Demel<. P E