HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-3-4 (2) <.; . ~.~~04-02 11:34A Mor~1e~ Eng . Bu11d;ng 0 (641)484-8869 P.03 MORTIE)! ",/ j', ENGINEmuNG, I!C. STrlUCTUAAI. aulWHO ClSION · "~E PAoreCnON CODe CONSuLTANT · Pl.AN CHECKING CONS1RUCno~ INSPECTION 1245,PEARL SfAEET EUGENE.,OREOCN 97401 Pi'fONE':&U) -484.eoeo- FAX t5'1} 484-11159 TOLL mEe IN OAEGCN 1-'71-861.99" ~ "~(;'''''o" , ~~~~ BlJlLDING ANAL V'IS REPORT Stlltem..' of COlldldollS ad Umltattolll' ~~ ~~ . ,. CUE~T. Coz)' Hornet . LOC^'nON OF PROPERlY un: 1368. ana 336& Wlltnnllk and ~375 U'" Spnllsfteld. OJe8on WOtfl43S0ltDR I ' T}/pC Qr Inspcc&~ and IlemIll1IJ*te\I is hl'lllced 10' lI. ~,......~ Conditions -- ,-,' h. __ Wtt1hcrproofllll (EIl1erlor 'IIrf,"s) c. _ SlDrm Dr1i1l4ft (Bwldln.. SIIC) d. _!tv Si.. CondatlOM (Solll. GcoIol1c:al) e. _ PlumbU'l8 (FI~tLl~S. Pipllll) , ~lllll (Fumace. HeAl P Jmp. AIr - "'Colld1uanlna. "rcpl~J Sloves. ("lIlmnc~) g. _ Eleclnul (~Iee, Winnl, OlllllIS) h .1_ Other COMPACTION , -~ Tht ""f*ioO"lltlllr die ~ Jf aJenllll ttIe clttlll to l'Il4Jor dcfll:lCtlCleJ In lilt condlUon IlflJ:le PIl)pen)' /k,..... J above ami 1CeOI'd"" 10 "'- ClJliIlIlKm -... III !hi repDJt all4 ",IIN_etll The IllIpCCl10ll tlIlll'CpOl1.rc pcrfOmtt'.1 .."'14 prepatd fbr lilt eole. COftfl44tIutl UIII ClIl:1uawt 1m IJId po1NO"'OII ~f IlIe CLIENT No oIlllflllOft at Telplfllllbt hly to other pamcs ,. lUumed ~ , , ~'O I ~,. ..l1li ,.0(lIIc fClId,ly _....tIle lII'ftlI ollhe b.iHIII",a"cl " U",,1Cd IUVlIIll&lobeCIfVAliOM ofappum COI\llI~ Cllllll"lll the 1_ oflhr 'Mpeccl.on !.alieni" ~Ied dtfcll and dcl'i~l'llNI are cl{;ludcd fi'llfll tile IIlSpectlon, 1qll11)mtllL l:OIlItN..1Ild "I "',..J WID ant be o1lt1ll1T1l1N M~"lCl\UIOt and atilclllcml 11I*Y l.c d'lewaaed, buftllcy Irc 1101 a pert of 0lII' IllIpeallm 1110 report I' fIOt a cOftlJIW1C4 ""'*'"'" of GCl\1t1ctt.lCft (OJ pbt at ptWlIll.", "" melll c:odet et ~ of 1III)''tllld TIle .lItpeclUIIIW N9M dO IlOl addr... and IN lIOIIIllClldU 10 1Cld"" the po6Olbla presence 0' 41' dInacr from 11ft)' poIIeftftally lIamlflll awltlrlClt w 0fl"i'Otlmenla1lwMd.lllClud'''1 DIlIllClt limiTed to I'IdollUU, let4 palflt. ublllOII.1lNI formaIdd1)-dc and f4ll1C or 1la1ftmel. chIatIlCaII Any,..;., "" mllde ll'llllelU ~b.llltlCC In Ollr ItpOI\ &It made for llle tole ~fS of tlt!tlllt OUt climl to the poItlb! ht) llf' IhcIUll___ W. lie RlakulJllO, .. , dlr.Cl'!IllIlltml aD 10theHctual pl'eUlllCC. _ we cIo 1101 do llbo"lllor)'tmi... l((,L1IlNT willlnany ClIMn'lnfarmattllll or 'I"" ,. ,...., mrcpr410 the prucnce of lllnt 'Ubl~IWlQII, we NCOritl'Mftd congol'" a IlIeClllwd II\v"oll__1 _lrader TIle rqlOf1 dacriba a1te pt'QpDl" ClOIIdttlOllJIfld stalll.! on Ihc date of mlpe.:tlon The pIIf1ION .. 10 tcn clHll\lt to prIIeIlt dtf<<ts. SU~lIIr'le~ lOti tlll\4lll.ltlS, I".~~.. bIt lU't" 'I\~ ("lllre., 'J1~'r.ftl;es. m~,." .""... lIlll:rcom sYllCl'lll,tolu htebnlUYl\lCIIIS OI'tlIIle"'~ .,...,., ..... poDis. waif!' IOncnen, eanll'll] IIItWUIn '}'Jr.",.. a~d lilt ptc.scnn: or "~f afrodcnts IC""tlft or 0IIltt mKCta.,. DllUlllcll~cll,llMd rlllflll~ lCllp801"dI.. rtpor1 'tV""c every rcllllOlllblC cnllfl wes made ta dIlemlllt ~ .,..,...j condjtloala. ftl)....ranteN .,e,eapnuc;t or JS!'Plltcl. No rcaptlftl1bllh) " UNIIICCl'!orlll)'llotlll Olltllde IIIe leopt aflhl'I~. nor CH' we lit held fapoll,lble for W~"", . t:- .., j ~.... LllbaktJ (ortllllqelllll~) of srron or omlUlDI\l ,ball ~ :lmtlmllC 1ha IlO>>I of !be lcopeof I'lJPCCoJOll Nc '",. "'. ".JlJonI"O 1~''9'i'''i.m\''8tllellll!l,*,II''1 t.ranatr.~I~ COIIdibolll , ~ M4Il1ICIr Ell " ..... .... lIS rmploycq I1llI JIICIUI. UIWlIc no li8bthtycr . ,.. ,. .'bllltyfM tit. Olltl ofr.-mll, or "'P~ Ill)' ~ det-k 4.dldenclot. e,u.~r cum", or ....tn. In die future, or for IllY propetty cIam,,"- COII8IpqUCfltialdlma.. CllxldJly IIlJwyotlll)'llal\IrC T1ac IlIIl*~ ~ teport a~_ltUtl..cIt4o'totlc 1oMCl...~or, ,....'.txpruacdOl'lmphed,.d1nathndcclu&q.pc .', ... _orcoNJllOftof'any., ...,.....1 . 1IInaaurc. ilem or 5Y'tertl. .' '\" l' Fclf MOATtEft ENO\lliEERNG. P {'. ,..- " " l ~.A. ~7'''' , ' ",Itllrc ff. . IIIlI ~h' '00' D.u. I 1 . _~, , ~~r-04-02 11:33A Mor~1er En~. Bu11d1ng 0 (541)484-68&8 P.Ol MORTIER ENGINEERING, Re. 124i F'EAAL.$1AEET ~ EUGENE, ~EGO"4 81'401 \ PHONE {S&1'......eoao. FAX (&41) '.a4.eaa; TOu. FREE IN OREGON 1.8n.66t;its9 STAUCTUfW. IUII.OING OESIGN · FiAt PROTECT\C)'" CODe CONSUlTANT · PLAN CMECI<INQ CONSTRL.CTION INSPeCTION March 4, 2002 Coay HOmH 1271 S. 211lllltrMt SprinGfl.ld. Or "4Tf RE: 3312,3_ and 3314 Watermark, Sprlngftel'. Sltlll8oHe1Computlon In"",lon. W.O. ~43SO-RDR c ~ " . . \"~\ .. you NqUelted, . sltelloUalnv..tlptlon wa, performed atthe<'above notecladd....... Oft FebrUary 18 and 11,2002. o.ll,n for the alte I. a. follow.: '.' ,;:-, " All fill, v........on, and unbulldabAe matI"a' h.. been removed to 'nltlvelrlde. The natIve toIlla claywfth a Unified Solla Ct..lflcltlon of CL and a pl.atfelty IneIK i,..,.,u,M 20. The _II ie highly expanalv.. A mln'mum of 12 · cNShect rock shOuld 1M InMalled wlth_~cked ..cavlltlon equipment to mod...... the affect 01 the ..panslYe lolla at the propoHCl building alte. ,"" cruthed rock shOultI be ,"'d and thMl compacted with elth.-. vibratory plete or ' ", ~Iar. Dnllnlge th.n be tn.tllIed at the perimeter footing. ~o h.'p maintain optl,!,um loll mol........ at the a"o. WIth the placement of the crushed rock, and combined with the excayatlon lb." of adequate depth and width, the .... .. prepared t. a.quate to ..aure · ,table molature content for the propoa~ foundation. ' -On .arch 1, 2002 . compaction Inspection W. performed afte, the HI> maxlmum depth of g,anull' till wa. pl.c.... The oompacted lurface of the "I 1/2" minus cruehed rock ,. adequate for a foundation beal1ng capacity of 1500 paf, which a. adequate to .uppoft the prop'" COIIventlonal wood frame .tructu.... Thank you for this opportunity to be of ..rvIce. The enclo.ed Building An.~I.It.,ort and ItaI8lM"t of Conditions and Umltationa la a part of thla report. 'f you have questions Ngardlng thla report. p.... contact me at 4144010. '", ,'-'~ '- o/IJ Y'l. ..-!.i/JJ/. t- aredley R. Myan, P.E. .. t