HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 2008-5-7 City of Spnngfield Public Works Engmeenng 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 736-1037 (541) 726-5931 Fax (541)736-1021 s~ 'lINGFIELD J Land and Drainage Alteration Permit Application PERMIT NUMBER~ ,.. 000(,1 BUILDING PERMIT / /' l c~ \'J\) ~ \~.)() Cl~ Site Address fC --r a I Subdwlslon ~OtA.tJ'\~~ ~ Lot QS Spnngfield, Oregon Assessor's Map 1'+ t>l. 3'" '\3 Tax Lot 621ot> PoP<t:. M~tAS 'q. L\S.~ ApplIcant Name Address CIty Sf(L\N~~ State ~ Owner Name ?Or "L.. \~ 't L Address State ZIp Phone \rV~ddress p.. (J 'E,u(\' i a-~ State ~ ZIp '11 '1), Phone p--J lSDX ldS; Zip en t..fT\ Phone 5\ L+r- L s~ CIty Contractor Name \-tt:I '-'\. S ~ CcvI MJD Sf~\N~~ Mobile Phone S"'\ L.\.. r J.-55'1 CIty S"t Lf r- ~ s;~9 ReqUired InformatJon Excavatlon, Quantity \~ \ t'-ll ~ lA.l/V1 Imported Fill, Quannty + t-.J 'U t-J 'e..... Total Destmanon KLL ~c.t\:-'U>('\\J;'V ~l1 &L '2-M I'D. tV <0 -1\1 s" l"E:. SIze ofproJect area (sg ft) \ ~O Area of chsturbance (sg ft) -._-_._._----~ 31"0 --.-- A8-03^6~dd"'- ~c.--~-~..H;-'\l~ (.J 03UUn:l:lO :~:~'!;!~~~t~~~!~:!~:~:1~1:, . \11d NOISOU3 ONIt 9NIO\ffJD O:JH::J\1.L: J 9NlMOll0:l "HI .1N3W.1tHfd3Q S)l~O'h -- 1, 111d C13I.:19NU:ldS .Ie I WYlI,OOUd NO'.LVH:II.8.1Y SiOV;B~~@ \'l' ~i\1ru DescnptlOn of Work S \ ~ G0-- ~ ~ \ L-\, \) vJ ~ rJ ~ For this LDAP to be in effect the city inspector must sign offin the box directly below. By SIgnature, I state I have authonty to SIgn thIS appbcatlOD as vested ill me as the property owner or as delegated to me by the property owner, that I am the responsIble party and wIll be held accountable for thIS applIcatIOn, and agree I have carefully exanuned the complete applIcatlOD and do hereby certify all mformatlOD herem IS true and correct Cl. cy SIgnature of owner or owners representatIve LfY- Date ~..... ').--0 ~ Issued By Fee ReceIpt Number Incomplete applIcatIOns will not be accepted for submittal. March 2005 Land & DraInage AIterahon PermIt I Contents: At a mIrumum, the LDAP plan (two sets need to be provIded) shall address the follow factors Please use the check boxes below to assure that you have addressed all of the below mformatlOn on your plans tt Site 10catJon and VlCIDIty map tt A SIte development drawmg contaInIng the followmg a) Soil types and areas subject to floodmg or landslIdes (mclude 100 year floodplam boundanes) b) EXIStmg and proposed contour lmes c) Property lmes, easements and north arrow d) Buildmg pad floor elevatIons and retaInIng walls e) FoundatIon type and foundatlon drams f) IdentIfy threatened or endangered specIes habItat (If applIcable) g) Surface draInage patterns, npanan areas, top of bank and wetlands h) EXIstIng vegetatIon type & trees over 5 mches m DBH and greater rt Delmeate areas where ground cleanng or ground dIsturbmg actIVItIes are prorubIted such as but not lImIted to conservatIon zones, wetlands, publIc or prIvate draInage easements, open waterways, natural resource SItes, buffer areas, roadsIde ditches, water features and other protected areas tt IdentIfY measures wruch WIll be 1.ID.plemented to phYSICally protect areas where ground dIsturbance IS prorubIted tt Show measures for preventIng, and/or controllmg erosIOn, sed1.ID.entatIon and other pollutants mto the CIty'S stormwater system and related natural resources rt VegetatIon speCIficatIons for temporary and permanent stablltzatIon (mclude a plantIng plan) tt Access for all velncles mcludmg a) Areas where a constructIon entrance/eXIt WIll be constructed. b) LocatIon ofverucle's wheel wash area (ilapplIcable) tt All storm draInage facilItIes, such as but not 11.ID.lted to catch basIns, curb mlets, ditches, and outfalls tt DISpOSal locatIOns and methods of contamment for the followmg a) Debns and Garbage b) Stockpiles c) Concrete Wash Out tt If a geotechnIcal report IS attached, reference It on the SIte plan Unless the follOWing mformation is to be prOVIded by tbe contractor please indIcate them on the LDAP. If the information IS to be provided by the contractor mdlcate that m a note on the plans. tt ConstructIon Schedule a) Haul routes b) Schedule constructIon March 2005