HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1982-8-4 . ~ . VARIANCE APPLICATION . File No. pSV ~z...-H:?lP Date By Comments Pre-App Conference Fee of $11 D.JC:C> Rec' d 84 t0r ~. 0:::>0 '--? ;? , ;, :' Inspected TYPE OF VARIANCE: l. Zoning: Area LC 10. 2. Roads: Setback LC 15. 3. Subdivision: LC 13. Other Access Other I. APPLICANT AND OWNERSHIP IDENTIFICATION I ~<i:...IO' (1) Name of Applicant ~~..JO. ltVt.~n Mailing Addre.ss U.:>1I' :J.ICllIcleJn ~~ Wa.L.y City Sp'L.Ln~ 0(2.., ~ip (2) Legal Interest of Applicant (check one): titleholder : lessee other (specify) (3) Contract Purchaser (if other than above): Mailing Address City (4) Titleholder (if other than above): Phone 74/-/21.,(" Code 9-7tJ-77 v' ; contract purchaser Zip Code Mailing Address City II. PROPERTY LOCATION (1) Assessors Map No. Phone Zip Code 17~.3- :J..:J...J../4 Tax Lot(s) '7t.OO (2) Property Address <:>11 NatF Iat-.Ct~ ~ ' ~. Gf>j Zip Code 9'N77 Describe how to find the property: . In-r~hY1 e-I., ~ l2oa.cL (iJa.t..tdon- (s)~LJb1:f') ~ ~~(L ~.c<:lclz..o ~ 8al!:t- ~ .-:f~ (3) - . (4) .Property in the same ownership which is abutting, or across a road from the subject property: Assessors Map No. t-J/A- Tax Lot(s) . File No. III. BASIC DATA: . Size of subject property: '/2- acres. (1) (2) (3) (4) Size of total contiguous ownership: 1/2- Zonin~: ~ Comprehensive Plan Designation: ~~ Subarea Plan name: acres. (6) ; Private I' I ' Present structures on"property: CliniC. Status: Public ib... '0' ./ JQu~a..- ~ (5) Access (road name)": Easement , ' (7) Present use of property ,(f,arm, fores~" resideptial, etc.)-=--'U-ef. ~o (8) PLOT PLAN: Please attach a plot plan.showing: 1. Property dimensions. 2. Scale and north arrow. 3; Existing and proposed roads and driveways. 4. Existing and proposed structures. 5. Water source and all pipelines. 6; Existing and proposed septic tanks, drainfields and replacement drainfield areas. 7. Features such as streams, ponds, wooded areas, etc. IV. PROPOSAL (1) Proposed variance from code requirements: ;") Oi~ -to be..- ~1tU.C.d IOfum oro~ li~ Dn In..b~ Stirc.et- ~ i.L> ..3.3/-f;-o,.,.. ~ '1 J.auAtf.J. ~ ~ vL>.50 I So we. ~~ a...\..€Vu4ne1L> ~ L 7'. t!) ~~..J.c> bc..-(OIot>oJ)---,5/c::bu:>rn f"\-Q~-"tl....Wz. 9-VI LQ..f.U..4..- _ 5t"'L.Ld'"" ~i..u 5/~ ",'de-waJ t> 100~""Ol1I.d eda.e- and.- 63 ' mrn <L rd. Na.>tl~uJ ~d IN~V\ ta~cf.a..e., ~a...u..' We..- ~t..U.Al: O-U:scttoo..c..(e, ~~ ) r;;1 &~ U o ~ . . . ..... ~ . 1 ;' '. .":-..". J . . File No. V. VARIANCE CRITERIA CONDITIONS 1 AND 2 BELOW MUST BE MET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROVED. 1. Compuance wUh any one 06 .the 60Uow.(.ng 'cJr...LtvUa: la) There is some 'Ohl(sical condition on the site tJhich makes confor>m.a1lce to the ordinance diffif!UZt or impossible. This may be reLated to existing structures on the property, size or shape of the lot, topographic barriers, street locations, .traffic conditions or similar conditions over tJhich the applicant ~s no control and tJhich TJere not self-created. . E:' )(iStLnq. cb~~~n ~im ('Nl-. ~(Jn5 usooi-tfL h;wC 4:i ~ I/') l8J/crt' oJu ~ bu..J...a..cnfi 1'0 ~fY) 1'0 ~b2d2.s , u. Ib) There is some Wtusual circ'Wnstance or condition regax'ding the property or its intended use tJhich do not apply to) other properties in the same zone. You must compare YOU!' property to other properties in the same zone, county- IJide, or you must compare your intended use to the uses perrrritted in that zone in the Lane Code. Ie) That enforcement of the code would deprive you of privileges legally enjoyed by other properties in the ~~. That is, that other property owners in the same zone enjoy privileges which, for some reason related to the code, you cannot enjoy. z. ThaLthe gJUmt<.ng 06 the viVUance w.iil. not be de.tJU.mentat to the pu.bLi.c hea..Uh, .6a6e.ty OiL wcl'.6Me OiL matvUall.y .tnjwu.oM to piLope.JttiU OiL .unpltovemel1M .tit the neM v.tc..i..u.tlf. . &leans will noT .--W~af~ ~ oc- a..::o.:Fek{ ha.uuuL l~ JUlo.:b CM- fCJ.Wt~ civ&! -Id-'aAJouJ. File No. VI. SIGNATURES I (we) have completed all application requirements and certify that all statements are true and accurate to the best of my.(our) knowledge .and belief. I (we) recognize that errors or omissions could result in delays, denial or cancellation of permits. I (we) am also authorized to submit this application as evidenced by the signature of the owner below. Owner's Signature ~ ~.L~ ~Date ~ ~ / gV ~41iL Agent's Signature Date (Owner's signature is not necessary if the agent attaches an authorization for this application, signed by the property owner.) VII. STAFF USE ONLY 1. Previous Planning Actions: 2; Data in TL/Map files: 3. Compliance with: (a) Zoning - (b) Compo Plan - (c) ORS - (d) Statewide Goals - (e) Other agencies (referrals sent) - NOTES: '1 .~: f!' ~ 4. Corrnnents: " . . J PLOT PLAN MUST SHOW: ""'~';.""':. '""::.7 . ,. ~.- '1"'. ';""~-, ~: . lane county VARIANCE SM;lPLE PLOT PLAN 1. Property dimensions. 2. Scale and north arrow. 3. Existing & proposed roads & driveways. 4. Existing & proposed buildings. 5. Water source & all pipelines. 6. Number of acres in each parcel, if partition is proposed. 'I " \, \ \' NEW WATE.R LINE """\:~'-:;--P:O-P~:E: - - - \ o _____ 5TRUerURES \, ~f7/""' _g... .~ I..'" r -, . " : : f(EPLAt.EMe.A1r , : ~!, : : OR.AIIVF/6LO , , II' I o Nc/411f3DR' WEL.L NE.W DI1AINFlcLD Cl '" .... PARCEL *1 BAt 3)0' DWI,jIOAJ - - 3ZQJ - - - CUR.50/oJ 790' I I / - I !I I I I I L/::;;" IZOO I '~' 7. Division lines (if any). 8. Existing & proposed septic tanks, ~rainfield areas & replacement areas. 9. Location of wells on adjacent parcels. 10. Major features such as streams, ponds, wooded areas, etc: 11. Requested variance with dimen- sions. LANE I I I I~ \ WELL I '" '. I -'I~..I:f.:5r/ltl . ---~ WAr I --.~1' \< .~ 0 scone TANk ~ '\ lJR4/NFfElO .. ~aD aJ"D1 E XI 5 T/N4 .5 TRUCTVRES Ceo, .eD. 480) 42.0'. // I' II Ii " " " " " " " ,'. " . , . , ,\ \ PA/(C.:L #2 /0 A t ~J SCALE' {": ZOO' 870' PRoP€KTV '-'N':) LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION I COURTHOUSE. PUBLIC SERVICE BUII.DING I 125 E. 8TH AVENUE I EUGENE. OR 97401 I 15(3) 687-4 )86 ,"- >;",,',~,- ,,'. ...j-:,- .'-:'" ~.~ .:.;..\ . ~ <I~ , ..'I--~ I ,-. ~ . ..',,,," . " , . _,." _ ,. ~. IV> . . . '. ~. ~ ,....__._.~.'_.. '~',~;';~':_7'.'~-,:"::"'...,~;..;-_"".,,~::::.....i?~,::'..~':. ~ ~:::=~:::~~,., ~~:~~:1~~-'~~~4~~~::~:~~\".:~~~:~~~;;~~' :~;~~ i~i~~_~~~;~~-;}~. _"',,"',""....""...,....,.."0..".. . "H . ..... ...,......,. -'.... si6't-i~;~1jJl .';~jj,~>~~~~:.l.:..:~~,.,.~ .._..~~.:'~:.:~ :~,..~,::".. .... . 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OR 97401 1 PHONE 15(3) 687-4186 - "--...- .._. ---_.: ".~' ~.- _:" .",~4.' en. _. ._~4.._ ':,",",_~ ; \.. e