HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-4-16 - ~ '1';/ CONSTRljTION/PLACEMENT . PERM IT . FOR OFFICE USE ONLY " ~~~~aitr - t~~-li [JTwo Copies of Plans CmlPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. 0 Two Copies of Plot Plans TOWNSlIlI' 7 J RANGE /7 3 I 5EC1'I0~.J: 3,31 TA~ ~o OOUT 0>' OHechanical Checklist / (;/ c:?< ""' 0 Plumbing Checklist rl~UN/~ON {;t appl1. ) _).,." "iJ_ ~ ~ LOT/PARCEL I BLOCb. JJ '-7 d~.,...,r'l?"~ V/ ~,.~~/c;>( ~ J /' Plan Check Info Sheet LOCATlON ;DD~S /~" STREET ~~. ~ j Cl};}'YP PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY /A-Lf ,.~rL?~~ 'P' ~..u. 4/7 ~eSidential OIndustrial STR~U~CURREIITL" oyo.o y ., . ~ :':/ I ./ I ) 1-:0 f ~ '..?~ V 0 Conunercial Dpublic D~~/r ~t "X /& / -~~kL I $ VALUE 'OF8E0' l'OF5;;)/4 I #OFE~$ I~;;~/J~ .~~;;?'$~~~ ~~/~~/~ ;;~:2$d" - ~~R' 5 IIA>lE AIIo- ADDRESS " TELEPHONWER ~d~/ . ~ %~ CONTRACTO~'~SR~I>>"CT liS TO 5~/-/ // ./ I ~.4 . -- /?~ ~~L . n///p A' -M '7/.dR'd'~A ./~~l~ ~ /Z,y~:U ~A"/.J ~~ ~A/-~_~~.JLd '~f ' I "^"~FULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, and do hereby eartHy that all information hereon is true and correct and I furthel certifTt;l~':ny and all work perfortMd shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the Stat.e of Oregon pcrt.aininq to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any st.ructure without. t.he permJssion of the Building Division. I further certify that. registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that it exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 'will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. o .Proposed ~Existing .urn S~tbacks: CL, ots: d.. front~O ; ,1// .......,;1'.' . "I .:...-~ ~ !!!..-- ( ~ner j(l'f./J/~ a~(lL~ 3/3.o/P/ o Contractor , - 1-"-~IGNATUJu: D1<'rE - 0 Agent Part,hon #~ Parcel #/t?1;9 Parcel Size/3'':y'X' J'SJ CL, sJ.de J.nterior.:f-/ rear.€-t' PtlE k- ~~~. \ .1 6/ .4.(' e- Q ."y \:~.tDat/ . </~(/-r/ ~ Yes, see attac~. "'"Date: n n N E Date: .V/J P II /I);; A/' Lrm l1 J€.. NAME (please -print) , zone/( /1 o o F ODPLAIN: In flood hazard o RURAL ADDRESS ING: GRID COORDINATe ~ Sl'.NITATION: s, L # B, p, #/$-397 Installation Record Issued? 0 Yes 0 No Installation Specifications: Gallon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Maximum Depth of Trenches ~~-;6i~ili~~:/;;::;~<OI~~ . ~ jAYl~Qd , _ '74, Date, ?J? ;hJ'i7 wJ ~!LANS EXAMINATION: Type 5IJ GroupJ!J::=L Use CAfJ'I?R-T Comments: Date,4=(""-~LftM /hF:;b CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Fixed Fee/ Sq. Ft. Unit Cost 4/~f? ,~/O Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees ~ By, $ $ $ ~'r. =- $ $ $ $k:?~ : .$r:,.~ f; ~ BY:~; J.?: . $-~-// c??0 " X /C" (~-?z4;--/A?i') Building Fee Sewer/Storm Drain/Water Plumb.ing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge TOTAL FEE TOTAL VALUATION $ FEES PAID \ , Date: \ \ i \ 1Q~~! --r M(?R 1/ t" PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDI~G OFFICIAL!DESIGNEE- (per ORS 456.805(1)) LANE COUNTY DEPARTHENT OF ENVIRONHENTAL MANAGEHENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH 4.--1 (" - 5?1 " DATE C74-194 SEE REVERSE AVENUE, EUGENE,\REGON 97401 ) / - ~ SETBACKS AND OTHER COllDiTlDNS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED, VIOLATION CAN RESULT III REVOCATION OF' THIS PERMIT. CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE CO~'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE. AND/OR OTHER REMIS ALLOWEO BY LAW, {' IIII[H HLADY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065, A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 1I0UR AOVANCE riD CE rOR IIISPECTION REQUEST MUST BE _GIVUl, .liave the follQl,1ing infonndtion ready: Permit number, job address. type of inspection, when it will be ready. your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. " . BUILOING DIVISION: REOUIRED IrISPECTIONS 1) FOUND/\T10N WSPECTION: To be made after trenches ilre excavated and fonns erected and when all materials for the foundation nr-c de!ivel'ed on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (cormlonly termed "transit mixed") is to be \J<"ed, 111.1 tel' i.1l S !Iced not be on the job. 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDEll-FLOOR INSPr.ETION: To be made after al' in-slab nr under-floor buildln'] service equipment. Cij"illuTC"pTP-l/lg ilccesso'j:ies and other ancillary equipment items are in place ~ut b~fo~e any confrcte is poured Ot' floor sheJthing installed, inclu'ding' th~e' subf1oor. 3) FRAMIilG & IIISUL^T10N INSPECTIONS: Tu be made after the roof. all framing. fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents-a.r.e complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4). LATII AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all Tathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering 1s applied o~ before gyps~m board jQints ~nd fasteners are taped and finished. 5) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED, 110 work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given.only _ after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in th'e construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. IIOTE' All A. B, building permits require inspections for the work. authori'zed, such as but not limited to: BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. WOOD STOVE: To be made after -'Oll1!'.letion of masonrLU!2PJllicable) and when installation is cOlliP'ete, Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testing agency and the manu- facturer's installation instructions. c. r~OUILE HOME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requ;remen.ts, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections. (1) Footings and piers to comply with State fou'ndation requirements for mobile homes or as reconvnended by the manufacturer. (2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter. (3) Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. -SW,IMlHtfG POOL: Below 'grade when ste;l-i"s in place and 'before concrete is .poured. Above grade when pool is installed. . APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES"DURING WORKING,HOURS, THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT 6fGIN ~ITIIIN lBO DAYS. OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THM 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF TII), PWUI.WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS. OF INCO/lPLETE OH_~R~ONEOUS INFORMATION, ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS HILL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (I) (7) Penults shall be effective for one year ,from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a _penult has been issued the penni~ holder shall notify the Uepartment by submitting the installation record f~nn. ,The.D~p~rtment shall lnspect ~he construction ~o determine if it complies with the rules contained ~n thlS d~vls10n. If the ~onstructlon do:s comply "'11th such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satlsfactory c?IDpletlOn to.the pernllt holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Oepar.tment shall not1fy the perm1t holder and s~all require satisfactory. completion before i~suing th~ certificate. .Failure to meet the requirements fo~ sat1sfactory completion within a ~ea,s.o'1.able tlme constltutes a violat10n of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and thlS rule. Setbacks - Subsurface SewaQe Oisoosal From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Cuilding foundation Wells, other water sources Seotic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Orainf;eld 10' 10' 10' 100' ,- ' . .,.rf \} q-1 e. \_\o.>S ''''-" --.:. l- I , I ! I i I . , ~ N "l >, I - I . ~\ .. ! t \' 'I I / C ou.J1ity S r ~r (j; /,JI>-I k.. , 1'7.. S' H&>-ye/~.,-, i3-ld?",- /../"/ ,;.. ! LI!.I~ . ~<:J~ . '!o.~" f'~ .~'\. ~ \~~~~ l'~.,J ~ ~jj:.~ ~t J~i ~~~~ I I - ---, ' I l Dwn_L~nC- r I ~ ,-.) . L'~' () 11'1' ~ i. r~..' .,.- ... ,<' ,-' , 1 , [1 I I I t I r i t j , , i ! i . ! .- ___-I I"lJ i".._ ..- ;'// I f)j f) I IaN Sc-~ /~, / ,--,0 ,---- ! , I I i I 1 J ! I ! I ! I ! i i ! i / . . . . " . . I[ ,~ j . . . . . . , , ~, S' I . . . . . , .: '~ . . . . d " It . ,- . . J 3,1,' . . . .1 . . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT 0 66081 'DATE 033081 . f~PPL, IC(.iNT CLII1r,r~ ; DAPHNE ,<oDDI::: ';::'8 H,<oYDEN BI:,IDGE' ",I(\Y, SF'F( INGF I ELD.' . TLO 1703233300220SUI'lDIV MCKENZIE MANOR 2ND ADDITION LOT 3 I'lLK 9 ;"J I NEW I'lL,DG'T'YPE GM, USE RNO BDF(J-iS 00 NO UNITS 001 NO ST(J[nTS NO r<l,..DGS, ~)0'1 ...l.~ . CODE ,<oPPL NO 'ACTION DESC!'<IPTION SQ ET UNIT COST Vr,LI..J,:,TJ:ON EEE, DAy_a I'll'" CARPORT 416 5.10 2121 ~ BP ~ .BP . BP I BP ., Iii .IiP . I'll'" LC 66081, NEWR 2121 24.00 ~ PL NO. FIXTURES: NO. CONNECTORS: 15.00 EACH J . ~f[C/"1 MECI'-If'Ji'HCAL FEE . SUR STATE SURCHARGE 4% J. ~CK PLAN CHECK FEE 50% . C,:\TG: ." S/::'!'\Ij: t. .~ .:.. .. .. T,OI<EN {\PF' e BY RLH 1',(, FP SDS S1 PCK i ,. 2 COMPLETION DATE 040881 CIIH ISS 3 TOTf'1.. f7EE,)()f .. .0,: (.it, 11 ~ i2..00 . . < ,I . 36.96 Cf . I' i \..... . EST. . ~ l ) .