HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1989-8-4 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH ST,=:EE T SFRiNGFiELD, OA 97477 (503) 726-3753 August 4, 1989 Mr. and I~rs. Lyle 'W;lson , 3860 Hayden Br; dge Road - ~prin9field. OR 97478 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Re: Jo. Road No. 89-05-79 Part~t;on of property located ~n Spr~ngf~eld~s Urban Growth Boundary. at 3860 Hayden 8r;dge In order to obta;n F;nal Map and Development Approval the follow;ng cond~t;ons or standards needed to be completed: 1. Two copies of the Final Map (showing a 30 foot wide panhandle and the drainf;eld for Parcell) and ;ncorporat;ng any cond;t;ons of the Prel;nf.nary Plan Approval. 2. The legal descr;pt;ons of the new parcels. 3. A s;gned Statement of Water Rights form (C;ty). 4. A signed Oed;cat;on of right-of-way form (Lane County). 5. A signed Improvement Agreement (C;ty). 6. A s;gned joint use/access a9reement (C;ty). 7. Signed Annexation Agreement forms (Cay). 8. A letter s;gned by the Lane County San~tar;an stat;ng that there ;s sept~c appr ova 1 for the pr oper ty. 9. The shed shown on the plan subnf.tted shall be removed pr;or to F;nal Approval. 10. A Signed deed restriction stat;ng that the entire length dr~veway w~ll be paved upon development of Parcel 2 or 3 and shall take access from the panhandle dr~veway us~ng the agreement requ~red ~n #6 above. of the panhandle that all parcels jo~nt use/access S~nce the prel~m~nary approval letter was wraten (May 25), the surveyor 'found that the or;g;nal north property line was actually further to the north encompass;ng a gravel dr;veway. The applicants requested a d;fferent configuration with the panhandle dr~ve along the north property line rather than through the m~ddle of the property. A twenty foot-w;de panhandle would serve only ,one parcel and the appl;cants were agreeable to th~s. However. the original cond~tions have been m:>d~fied as follows: . . Page 2 W;lson F;nal Approval 1. Two cop;es of the F;nal Map (show;ng a 30 foot w;de panhandle and the dra;nf;eld for Parcell) and ;ncorporat;ng any cond;t;ons of the Prel;m;nary Plan Approval. The new Final Map shows a 20 foot wide panhandle along the north property l;ne. 2. The legal descr;pt;ons of the new parcels. No change. 3. A signed Staterrent of Water Rights form (Cay). No change, 4. ' A signed Dedicat;on of right-of-way form (Lane County). No change. 5. A signed lmproverrent Agreerrent:(City), No change, 6. A signed joint use/access agreerrent (City), No change. 7. S;gned Annexation Agreerrent forms (City),No change. 8. A letter signed by the appr oval for the pr oper ty. Lane County No change. Sanitarian stating that there is septic g. The shed shown on the plan submitted shall be removed prior to Final Approval. The shed is now located three feet from the new property line and does not have to be removed. 10. A Signed deed. restriction stating that the entire length of the panhandle driveway will be paved upon developrrent of Parcel 2 or 3 and that all parcels shall take access from the panhandle driveway using the joint use/access agreerrent required in #6 above. The requirerrent that the panhandle driveway be paved is specified in the Declaration of Water Well Easerrent and Driveway Location Restriction. All of the above cond;t;ons have been addressed. THE ABOVE MENTIONED PARTITION REQUEST IS NOW FINAL AS OF THE DATE OF THIS LETTER. If you have any quest;ohs, please call rre at 726-3777. S;ncerely,- /, ,~ ~ ~~ Assoc;ate Planner cc: J;m Branch, Branch Engineer;ng