HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1982-10-14 ~'- - October 14, 1982 . - lane county ? (Applicant) George Larson (Address) 21 Hayden_~ri~ge_~ay, Spfld~_OR 97477 ''I~~'i{;{(; ?~:~~~)l~ App 1 i ca t i on No. _PSV_1l2-J.66___ ____________ - (Map & Tax Lot) 17-03-22-44/7600 The above referenced appl ication to _ al~~w pla:.:~ent_ of~~-=-~ign 33' from centerline of Laura Street and one sign 53' from centerline of Hayden Bridge Way. has been: xx l approved with the stipulations and conditions stated below. I denied.. The decision was based on the findings of this office (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code 10.330 The decision will become final on 10/25/82unless appealed to the Hearings Official, via the Planning Division on or before that date. An appeal may be filed by you, your representative, or any other property owner impacted by the decision in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code 14.010 . The appeal is to be fi led with this office and must state how the decision is in ert'or. If an appeal is filed, you and the adjacent property owners vlill be advised of the date, time and place of the hearing before the Hearings Official. --JJ~..j~~7'- --e'..._.____._.. David H. Krogh, Planner .Your appeal must be accompanied by a $}92.~.Q.Q.__. filing fee. CONDITIO~S OF APPROVAL None. l.ANE COUNTY I'LM,JUH-)(j (W/I:;11 II.) ,. (tJl;H 1 Iii JlJ~;f 1'1 J!lIll: '.I 1;\'11:1 HUll I JH~(; I 1/~) [ 11111 f\\'1 UI J! I f IJ\.;rNf:. nil ~J;.1f)l I !!Il~J rlU -1lfllj .~ -- ,. '1iI--' , . REPORT OF FINDINGS . i Applicsnt: .. George Larson ., Journal Number: DSV 82-166 Prepared B): Dave Krogh Date: Oct. 14, 1982 CXlNDITIONS 1 AND 2 BELOW MUST BE MET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROVED. 1. CompZiance with any ~ of the foZZowing criteria: (a) That a etriot or ZiteraZ interpretation and enforcement of the apecified requirement wouZd resuZt in practical diffiouZty or unneceaaa1"J hardship and wouLd be inooneistant with ths obJeotives of this Chapter. Strict adherence to RP setbacks would place signs in positions not easily seen and too close to structure. (b) That there are' e:rceptionaZ or e:rtraordinary cirownstances or conditions appZicabZe to the property irzvoZved or to the intended use of the property which do not apply generaHy to other properties in ths same zoning district. (c) That str~ct or litcraZ interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation wouid deprive the applicant of priviZeges legally en.joyed by thc ow",:"s of other propertiea oZassified in the eame zoning district. 2. That ths granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public heaZth, safety or weZfal'G or rrrztel'iaZ!y injuriouG to pl'opel'tiea or improvements in the near viainity. Signs proposed are 2'9"x 5tO", will not visually interfere with traffic vision and will be natural wood/unlighted so as to not distract. J .