HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1982-10-18 . REPORT OF FINDINGS . ~I ~\.fdPy\ .I!. ~ ,cli1 :./ L.> ): wc'y . , ,/ "' Applicsnt : George Larson Journal Number: DSV 82-166 Prepared B): Dave Krogh Date: Oct. 18,: 1982 Q)NDITIONS 1 AND 2 BELOW MUST BE MET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROVED. 1. CompZiance uith any ~ of the foZlowing criteria: (a) That a strict or ZiteraL interpretation and enforcement of tluJ specified reouirement wouLd resuLt in practicaL difficuLty or unnecessary hardship and wouLd be i~consistent with the objectives of this Chapter. Strict adherence to RP setbacks would place signs in positions not easily seen and too close to structure. (b) That there an e:cceptionaL or e:ctzoaordinary circumstances or conditions appZicahLe to the property invoLved or to the intended use of the property uhich do not appLy generaZly to other properties in tluJ same aoning district. (c) That strjct or LiteraL interpretation and enforcement of the specified reguLation wouid deprive the appZicant of priviLeges LegaZZy en,joyed by tluJ OWne,.s of other properties c1.assified in the same aoning district. 2. That the granting of the variance wiLL not be detrimentaL to the pubZic heaZth, safety or welfare or rratel'ially injurious to propertiea 01' improvements in the near> vicinity. Signs proposed are 2'9"x 5'0", will not visually interfere with traffic vision and will be natural wood/unlighted so as to not distract. . . __ ._~.... _\a..................."