HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1988-10-26 , - .or . SPRI.IELD_ .'i~~" ;~.:~~~ \~{;~ --~ ~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726.3753 October 26, 1988 Mr. Mike Watson Watson's Tire and Glass 111 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Oear Mike: In response to the conversation Connie Bloom, you and I had on Tuesday, October II, 1988, I have summarized and responded to each issue we discussed. 1. Why does your electric meter. need to be moved to the outside of your building? This is a SUB requirement. If you can obtain a letter from SUB stating that they have no problem reading the meter at its current location, this issue can be resolved. 2. Is landscaping allowed in the State Department of Transportation right- of-way? I discussed the issue of landscaping on State owned right'of-way with Byron Inman at the State Highway Division. He said the State must issue a Mi scell aneous Use Permi t to govern 1 andscapi ng on State ri ght-of-way. Thi s type of permit is issued on a case-by'case basis. Planning and Building staff wil be happy to apply for this permit for you, The State will not pay for landscaping their property, nor will they reimburse a property owner if the, 1 and scapi ng niust be removed. The State can i ni t i ate a vacation of right'of'way if the property is deemed "surplus". The State's vacation process takes at least six months to accomplish. 3. What extent of landscaping is necessary to meet the City's requirements? A five,foot landscaping strip is required along the north and south boundary of the property.between the s idewa 1 k and the aspha 1t parking area. However, a four..foot landscaping strip (similar to Willamette Valley WhiteGMC Truck) is acceptable. I talked with planning staff about the ~, flower box idea and they cannot be used as they are not typically irrigated ~hiCh c"", th, p1.,tl" .,t"i.1 to di,. . . The foot,foot wi de 1 andscape stri p mult i p 1 i ed by the 1 ength of your property along South A Street, 2nd Street and Main Street, minus the 35 foot driveway length, equals the amount of square footage of landscaping that is required by the Development Code. The landscaping requirement can be met by clustering the landscaping, preferably along the west property 1 ine. 4. Has an occupancy inspection occurred? No, an occupancy inspection has not occurred. An occupancy inspection is required. I have atached an application. The fee is $35.00. This can occur anytime that you would like to schedule the inspection. 5. What is the status of the billboard located on the property? You agreed to discuss this matter with the property owner, Mr. Swenson. 6. Are wheel stops and striping required in the area now used for parking employee and customer vehicles? Yes. Because you have provided customer/employee parking, you are required to stripe at least four (4) parking spaces, The dimensions of each space must be 18 feet long and 9 feet wide. Each space must have a wheel stop. 7. I s the property owner. Mr. Swenson. interested in purchas i ng the alley right-of-way? You agreed to discuss this issue with Mr. Swenson. However, I made an error in assuming that publicly owned right,of,way can be purchased by a private property owner, Therefore, two options are left: to vacate the alley or to sign an improvement agreement. 8, How wide can the driveway be on South A Street? The maxi mum wi dth allowed is 35 feet with 8 foot fl ares on each side. Translated, this means that from curb cut to curb cut, the actual length of the driveway can be 51 feet. That is wider than the existing driveway! 9. How much will it cost to apply for an alley vacation? The application cost is $300.00. That cost can be shared with Willamette Valley WhiteGMC Trucks. I have attached a vacation application. If you do not wish to vacate the alley, you can sign an improvement agreement. 10. What type of screening is required on the property? All truck rental facilities are required to have "wheel stops and a four, foot high fence, preferably chain or cable, with bollards (posts) placed at 5 foot intervals and secured in the ground with concrete footings of appropriate size and depth to prevent trucks from driving on sidewalks or over curbs". This type of fence must be located between the sidewalk and the four,foot landscape strip. A fence similar to Willamette Valley WhiteGMC Truck is acceptable. . . Let's meet again to draw up a site plan for your property. At that time we can discuss the result of your conversation with Mr. Swenson regarding the billboard and the alley right"of-way. Sincerely, . ~ Economic Development Specialist attachments cc: Connie Bloom Greg Winterowd c CP-99 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Departmerl~ of Planning and Dev ment Building Safety Division 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 726-3753 (Bus.) 726-3769 (Insp.) OCCUPANCY INSPEC~ APPLICATION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: OWNER: m-lNERS ADDRESS: APPLICANT: APPLICANTS ADDRESS: FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY--PLEASE INCLUDE TELEPHONE NUMBER: PROPOSED USE: A $ 35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT TEE TIME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE miNER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY Ol-lNER ' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF REPORT: RECEIPT NUMBER: DATE PAID: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COMMENTS: ;. ... . . VACATION WAT IS IT? A VACATION IS THE RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM CITY OVNERSHIP, TYPICALLY STREETS, ALLEYS OR EASEMENTS AND SUBDIVISION PLATS, NOT A PERIOD OF TIME DEVOTED TO PLEASURE, REST OR RELAXATION. REFERENCE: ARTICLE 9.0F THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. BOil DOES IT 1I0RK? 1. THE PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE. THE PROSPECTIVE APPLICANT IS ENCOURAGED TO MEET \lITH STAFF IN A PRE-ApPLICATION CONFERENCE TO BECOME ACQUAINTED \11TH THE STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE AND HO\l THEY APPLY TO VACATIONS. 2. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. THE APPLICANT FILLS OUT A VACATION APPLICATION FORM DESCRIBING THE PROPOSAL AND SUBMITS IT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ACCOMPANIED BY IIRITTEN MATERIAL ADDRESSING THE CRITERIA OF APPROVAL, ANY OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF SUBMITTAL AND A FEE TO HELP OFFSET THE COST OF PROCESSING. 3. REVIE\I. UPON ACCEPTANCE OF A COMPLETE APPLICATION, THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR \lILL PREPARE A REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL, APPROVAL \lITH CONDITIONS OR DENIAL. VACATION APPLICATIONS ARE REVIE\lED UNDER TYPE IV PROCEDURE BY THE CITY COUNCIL (IN CERTAIN INSTANCES, THE PLANNING COMMISSION MAY ALSO REVIE\I A VACATION REQUEST). .. OVER . . 4. PLANNING COMMISSION AND COUNCIL ACTION. THE PLANNING COMMISSION YILL REVIEY THE PETITION FOR CONFORMANCE YITH THE METRO PLAN AND YILL MAKE A RECOMMENDATION. NO PUBLIC HEARING YILL BE REQUIRED. UPON RECEIPT OF THE PETITION, THE COUNCIL YILL SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE. AT THIS TIME THE COUNCIL MAY DENY THE PETITION IF THERE IS A REASON TO DO SO; NO NOTICE YILL BE GIVEN AND THE PROCESS YILL BE CONCLUDED. OTHERYISE, THE PROCESS YILL CONTINUE AND PUBLIC NOTICE CAN BE PREPARED. STATE LAY REQUIRES THAT NOTICE BE PUBLISHED IN THE NEYSPAPER ONCE A YEEK FOR FOUR CONSECUTIVE YEEKS. NOTICE MUST ALSO BE POSTED IN :AT LEAST TYO PLACES YITHIN THE AREA TO BE VACATED. THE COUNCIL YILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND YILL MAKE A DECISION TO APPROVE, APPROVE YITH CONDITIONS ,OR DENY THE PETITION. NOTICED PERSONS MAY ATTEND THE PUBLIC HEARING AND STATE' THEIR CONCERNS OR SEND VRITTEN COMMENTS. 5. RECORDATION-EFFECTIVE DATE. THE VACATION YILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE UNTIL IT IS RECORDED YITH LANE COUNTY. THE VACATION ORDINANCE YILL NOT BE RECORDED UNTIL ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ARE SATISFIED. 6.' THE ALLOCATION OF VACATED LAND VILL BE DETERMINED BY LANE COUNTY BASED ON STATE LAY. . \/HO DO I CONTACT? THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 . . THE APPLICATION PACKET A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: 1. 12 COPIES OF A MAP SHOVING THE FOLLOVING INFORMATION: I] NORTH POINT AND ENGINEER'S SCALE (1"=30',40',50',60'). I] A VICINITY MAP INDICATING THE GENERAL AREA. I] THE LOCATION OF THE REQUESTED VACATION. I] THE LOCATION AND VIDTH OF ALL EXISTING ADJACENT STREETS AND ALLEYS. II THE LOCATION AND VIDTH OF EXISTING EASEMENTS. II THE LOCATION AND USE OF EXISTING STRUCTURES ON THE PROPERTY. INDICATE THE DISTANCE BETVEEN STRUCTURES AND THE EXISTING PROPERTY LINES. 2. A BRIEF VRITTEN STATEMENT EXPLAINING THE REASON FOR THE VACATION. 3. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA TO BE VACATED. 4. A COMPLETED NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE A VACATION PETITION FORM. THE PURPOSE OF THE NOTICE IS TO ADVISE ALL UTILITY COMPANIES, THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS, LANE COUNTY AND ALL OTHER AFFECTED ENTITIES OF THE PROPOSED VACATION AND TO OBTAIN A STATEMENT AS TO THE EFFECT ON THEM. 5. COMPLETED PETITION TO VACATE FORMS. THE PETITION MUST 'BE SIGNED BY ALL ABUTTING PROPERTY OVNERS AND TVO-THIRDS OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OYNERS. THE SIGNATURES MUST BE NOTARIZED. 6. A REPORT FROM A TITLE COMPANY SHOVING THE NAMES OF ALL PERSONS HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE ABUTTING AND THE AFFECTED PROPERTY. EVERY PERSON LISTED ON THE TITLE COMPANY REPORT MUST SIGN THE PETITION TO VACATE. 7. ANY OTHER LEGAL INSTRUMENT VHICH MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY. 8. A SEPARATE VRITTEN STATEMENT VHICH DEMONSTRATES THAT THE REQUEST SATISFIES EACH OF THE FOLLOVING CRITERIA: A. THE VACATION IS IN CONFORMANCE VITH THE METRO PLAN INCLUDING ANY ADOPTED STREET PLANS AND/OR CONCEPTUAL PLANS. B. THERE ARE NO NEGATIVE EFFECTS ON ACCESS, TRAFFIC CIRCULATION, AND EMERGENCY SERVICE PROTECTION; OR ANY OTHER PUBLIC BENEFIT DERIVED FROM THE EASEMENT, RIGHT OF YAY OR PLAT. 9. IN THE CASE OF A SUBDIVISION PLAT VACATION, A CERTIFICATE SHOVING THAT ALL CITY LIENS AND TAXES HAVE BEEN PAID. 10. THE--FILING FEE - A FILING FEE MUST ACCOMPANY ALL APPLICATIONS. THERE IS A <J3~j FEE FOR A VACATION (TYPE IV REVIEV). APPLICATION FEES ARE NO'N-REFUNDABLE. , .. .J"" . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 SPRINGFIELD VACATION APPLICATION EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY TO BE VACATED: I I STREET I I EASEMENT I I ALLEY I] SUBDIVISION PLAT 'II OTHER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE VACATED PROPOSED USE OF THE PROPERTY TO BE VACATED REASON FOR THE VACATION APPLICANT NAME ADDRESS PHONE: OIINER NAME ADDRESS PHONE: THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOYLEDGES THAT THE INFORMATION IN THIS APPLICATION CORRECT AND ACCURATE. >-l > >< IS t"" o >-l Z o APPLICANT SIGNATURE IF THE APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN THE OYNER, THE OYNER HEREBY GRANTS PERMISSION FOR THE APPLICANT TO ACT IN THEIR BEHALF. OYNER SIGNATURE PLEASE ATTACH THE NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND SIGNATURE OF ANY ADDITIONAL PROPERTY OYNER. OVER > N en 0 en z "" >-< en Z en <;"l 0 :xl en :x > '" z 0 . > :xl "" > L. o c ~ > t"" Z o ..., "" "" '" > >-< c ..., >-l '" :x 0 c c "" :xl ~ > >-l >-l :xl > "" "" 0 n :xl > en '" "" n c t"" en no '" > "" :x z '" H >-l >'l "" >'l C '" '" '" > :xl S; n "" n r. n "" '" :xl '" ..., 0 >-l <: ..., "" '" >-l C to C '" c' "" -< '"' t"" I I >-< z 0 c "" ~ :<:: '" co -< '" H '" >'l Z Z 0 . ,.r''.. , '.~ . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 CONSENT TO RIGHT OF VAY VACATION PETITIONER OR REPRESENTATIVE: REQUEST: CONSENT OF ABUTTING OWNER OF MAP NAME (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATURE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LANE, SS: ON THIS DAY OF 19 , PERSONALLY CAME BEFORE ME, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY, THE VITHIN NAMED TO ME PERSONALLY KNOWN TO BE THE IDENTICAL PERSON(S) DESCRIBED IN AND VHO EXECUTED THE VITHIN INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOVLEDGED TO ME THAT THIS INSTRUMENT VAS EXECUTED FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN NAMED. VITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS DAY AND YEAR LAST ABOVE VRITTEN. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: . , LOT NAME (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATURE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP . .: ..r..... . "'~.' . ,. . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE VACATION PETITION PETITIONER OR REPRESENTATIVE: ADDRESS: SEE ATTACHED MAP FOR THE AREA TO BE VACATED. NOTICE TO 'BE GIVEN TO: [I NORTHVEST NATURAL GAS CO. [I PACIFIC NORTHVEST BELL [I SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD (VATER AND ELECTRIC) [I RAINBOV VATER DISTRICT [I GROUP V CABLE [I STATE TRAFFIC LIGHT ENGINEER [I METROPOLITAN VASTEVATER MANAGEMENT COMMISSION [I SPRINGFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT [I LANE COUNTY PUBLIC VORKS DEPARTMENT PHONE: ~-.... " ,\ , - .. . . r CITY OF SPRINGFIELD '1 Planning and Development Department DATE OF Lt.ut..t\ April 1, 1988 DATE OF MEETING March 31,,1988 APPLICANT Mr. Mike \latson 152 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 Vern Swenson 1045 N. Old Stage Road Mt. Shasta,' CA 96067 SUBJECT CITY JOURNAL NUMBER 88-02-45. Pre-Application Conference 111 Main Street _ Zoning/Community Commercial; Metro Plan Designation/Community Commercial; Dovntovn Refinement Plan Assessor's Map~ 17033532 Lot~ 06100. The applicant proposes to relocate a glass shop and Ryder Truck rental facility from 152 Main Street to 111 Main Street. ATTENDANCE APPLICANT:. Mike \latson and Jackie \latson. . .. . . . . . _CITY STAFF.: '::Gary Karp', Cindie Harmon...Les Craigmile,' Dave Brown and Lorne Pleger.' '0' - ACTION .. No formal, action 'iliformation prior approval. vas taken, this meeting was held to provide the applicant vith to submitting a formal application for a Type I Site Plan Review ..... DISCUSSION The items discussed may not include all issues which may be reviewed as part of the actual application. Mr. Karp explained to the \latson's the reason vhy the Springfield Development Code required Site Plan Reviev. I1hat follows is a discussion of how the Minimum Development Standards required by the City for the change in use from a retail tire store to a Ryder truck rental and an auto related retail glass business applies to this property. . . . ...' Page 2 Vatson pre-App MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO BE MET (Ref. Section 31.040 of the SDC). MDS ARE APPLIED IN LIEU OF FULL SITE PLAN REVIEV TO ENSURE MINIMAL COMPLIANCE VITH APPEARANCE AND SAFETY STANDARDS SPECIFIED IN THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE AND TO REDUCE PROCESSING TIME FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL. THE FOLLOVING ARE CONSIDERED MINIMAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: [XI THE DEVELOPMENT MUST CONNECT TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. The building at 111 Main Street is connected to public utilities. [XI THE DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY \lITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES. The proposed changes to installation. use requires an Occupancy Inspection and a 8uilding Permit for any be made to the existing building, any paving and sidevalk [XI PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS MUST BE PAVED AND STRIPED, AND V8EEL STOPS MUST BE INSTALLED. Section 31.170(1)(c) of the SDC states: "Exception: In the Dovntovn Exception Area, all lots and uses shall be exempt from the parking space requirements of this Article. Hovever, if in the opinion of the City Engineer there appears to be a major traffic impact, the City Engineer may require a Traffic Study and parking may be required based on the study. In any case, any voluntarily installed parking shall conform to the design standards of this Article." -. As stated above,' if there is to be any off-street parking as 'part' of the proposed use, it must be paved, striped and vheel stops installed. The attached map shovs Tax Lot# 06101 vhich belongs to the State of Oregon Highvay Division. If any parking or truck display is in this area, then a Facilities Permit vould be required. This permit could be obtained from the Highvay Division office on Gateway Blvd. [XI CURB CUTS V8ICH EXCEED THE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE MUST BE CLOSED AND REPLACED \lITH STANDARD CURB AND GITITER, AND SIDEVALK V8ERE NECESSARY. There are four curb cuts shovn on, the plan. None of these curb cuts meet the intersection setback standards of Table 32-4 of the SDC. The tvo curb cuts on South A Street exceed the maximum curb cut vidth specified in Table 32-2 of the SDC. The curb cut on Main Street does not meet the one-vay curb cut standard. Staff is supportive of alloving the curb cut on Mill Street to remain. The curb cut on Main Street, vhich goes novhere viII be removed and replaced with sidevalk as part of the Hain Street Improvement Project. '. . . Page 3 Vatson pre-App Staff is asking for the closure of the tvo curb cuts on South A Street. There is an existing 14 foot alley along the east property line of the subject property. There are tvo options for the alley: 1. Require an Improvement Agreement for the alley. The Volvo-Vhite dealership to the east signed an Improvement Agreement for the alley as part of its Site Plan Reviev. The City vould call in the Improvement Agreements and require the full improvement of the alley to City standards. The cost vould be shared by both property ovners. 2. Both property ovners could request the City to vacate the alley (there is a $500.00 fee for the vacation application). A public utility easement viII be required to allov for the repalcement or repair of existing utliities in the alley. Both property ovners vould be required to sign a joint-use/maintenance agreement. The narrov approaches could be expanded to 35 feet vith 8 foot flares. The vacated alley vould allov the subject property on curb cut from Main Street and one curb cut from South A Street. During the meeting, Mr. Vatson expressed concern about the elimination of the curb cuts on South A Street in relation to circulation and display of vehicles. In addition, he mentioned that a billboard sign vould limit maneuvering on the site. Staff told Mr. Vatson that the response was made to vhat vas shovn on the plan submitted. Staff also told Mr. Vatson there was a possibility that another curb cut vould be al10ved if additional information was submitted. Vhen staff sugges ted that perhaps a professional should prepare'the' plan, Mr. Va tson s ta ted that vould add to the cost of the proposal. [Xl SIDEVALKS MUST BE INSTALLED WEN TRE SITE ABtrrS A CURB AND GUTTER. A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT MUST BE, REQUIRED WEN THE SITE DOES, NOT ABtrr CURB AND GUTTER. The sidevalk along the Main Street frontage will be rebuilt as part of the Main Street' project. There is a 5 foot setback sidewalk along Mill Street. Any missing or. broken sidewalk vould have to be repaired or replaced. A 7 foot sidevalk need's to be' 'installed along South A Street. Mr. Vatson questioned installing a iidevalk 'in the State Highway right-of-vay and stated that a sidevalk would limit the display of vehicles. The attached map sh6vs Tax Lot~ 06101 Highvay Division. Before a sidevalk Facilities Permit vould be required. Highvay Division office on Gatevay Blvd. vhich belongs to the State of Oregon could be installed in this area, a This permit could be obtained from the . . " Page 4 Vatson Pre-App [X] A 5 FOOT VIDE LANDSCAPED PLANTER STRIP VITH PERMANENT IRRIGATION MUST BE INSTALLED BET\lEEN THE STREET-SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND PARKING AREAS OR STRUCTURES. IF STREET TREES DO NOT EXIST, THEY MUST BE INSTALLED IN THIS PLANTER STRIP. The planter strip viII be required behind the sidevalk along Main, Mill and South A Streets. Street trees need to be installed in the South A planter strip and should match vhat vas planted by Volvo-Vhite to the east. Street trees may be installed iri, the existing planter area on Mill Street. The Main Street pr6ject viII include street trees~ Mr. Vatson questioned the installation of the planter strip on South A Street and stated that the planter strip vould limit the display of vehicles. The attached map shovs Tax Loti 06101 vhich belongs to the State of Oregon Highvay Division. Before a planter strip could be installed in this area, a Facilities Permit vould be required. This permit could be obtained from the Highvay Division office on Gatevay Blvd. Mr. Vatson and his mother receptacle/outdoor storage could be discussed. left the meeting before the above street light and trash areas or the folloving Dovntovn Refinement Plan policies [X] STREET LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED. No additional street lights are required. [X] TRASH RECEPTACLES AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS MUST BE SCREENED. If' trash receptacles or outdoor storage are used as part 'of the proposal, it should be shovn on the Site Plan and screened. DO\INTOIIN REFINEMENT PLAN Policy ,B : 2. (P. Development Code" planters) 'shall Committee's' plan of the plan may Commi ttee]." 11): . "...Vhere no 'landscaping exists, landscaping shall meet requirements (at a minimum), and additional landscaping (such as be encouraged. Landscaping within the Main/South A Design area shall conform, to that plan. Variations which meet the intent be approved by the Site Plan Review Committee [Development Review This policy viII' be considered to be met vhen the applicable Minimum Development Standards are met. 0:: _. "'..... ot' . . Page 5 Vatson Pre-App Policy I 8 (PP. 27 & 29): "The City shall continue its efforts to develop quality improvements along South A St. to achieve a parkvay atmosphere....Implementation a Tree planting... b Improved (perhaps decorative) street lighting c Installation and improvement of sidevalks d Limit and reduce drivevay accesses" This policy. ,villbe considered to be met vhen the applicable Minimum Development Standards "are met. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Virgil Langley of the Springfield Development Code (electric department) stated that the electric meter needs to be relocated to the outside of the existing building. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Mr. Vatson should probably vait until the Occupancy Inspection is completed before paying the $100.00 fee for the required Type I Minimum Development Standards Site Plan application. The deadline for Site Plan applications is any Friday. The results of the application viII be available vi thin approximately 10 days of submittal. A NOTE TO HR. SVENSON Recent, revisions to the Springfield Development Code require City staff to ensure 'that all the standards listed above are met vhen there is a change of use category or change of use.' As stated earlier, Mr. Vatson's proposal is considered a change of 'use 'and therefore requires Site Plan Reviev. Any other proposal for this property other than a retail tire store viII require Site Plan Reviev vhich addresses the ,standards listed above. 'A FINAL NOTE This area is the gatevay to the City. The City Council's goal is to improve the image of the City. The City Council adopted both the Dovntovn Refinement Plan and the' Springfield Development Code to guide the development of the City as a vhole and this portion of the City specifically as a vay to achieve this goal. This property is not being asked to install improvements above and beyond that required other. development applications. PREPAREJ:)-B'[- /Y ../~~~ t-ary'--M. Karp Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members Greg Vinterovd, Planning and Development Director Cynthia Pappas, Economic Development Specialist Gary McKenney~ Transportation Manager Connie Bloom, Manager Springfield Dovntovn Association ~ ~) "~~l\ . ,1 >0 81.. S ,; 600 I~ ':" '; i:-:-:::, ~2..;"::" :::IO r-:..:-: ". t~::.:~2-~-:-;~ . . _~ _3500~:=:::~ 10 /"';"" II .:..:.-'....-----....: '. "," '-.,', ~~---..: . "'.', .... It! . .' :_-_-:.:. I...'::~!-'ll()c:-:::JJ I .t\':'f::. ----:-.,y;~ '. ,.". ~ '.... .... 1, . ~-~-_::.:;~.._._~ .....i2 ~~~~B~~=:;:;:~.;;.,. :. j-':'...-',.. ;,. 4200",..,. ':<D' . .~~:.~;.~\?,;!..:.:<.....: .,:,-:"',:" ,", )7'4' . . '.. ' ., I' . I .."q ....' , ..' 5, .....'.6, "'u: :::.. .~ j\~:.2.;.(:~,.,~y~ U'O"'<'" .. \'i:) ". " .. ~.. " '. .. .J .6' I"" "'41 ~. 3 ,'21~~' \, :"'.;, ,,,<.:>~I.,~...r312":'::-' 330~l2J~ ~~\ (~:':, :':"....~:'. 30Go:'I::C.o'et) J<jli4 :(.>::"$:i:;:\~ .......' 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