HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/5/2008 ! IClty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'D U;:FI~~~_" MAY 5 Z008 -..... ~ Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal: I Partition Tentative Submittal: Applicant Name: giLL. [7V~'(6R Phone: 72eo-Olt2il Company: N/A . IAddr~~~: 5~iJ~ !HU~<?To~~" 1<00 ~'~fJ 8LD, OR., ,'1141~ ~ "'A_' Applicant's Rep.: ~Al';t=; 8i\.1&rINeE?I4IN1 ~ tful2\1ey Iphone: 4t;?-4-7D~ Company: Fax: 401?- 17IoZ4 A~dress,:" <:q~q"t?f5ie t~~'l~~~T j~Y'1~~f? ",OR L q'1402- j ',\, Property Owner: [?ILL. D~'{t=:"R - ElL~ DuJJop~~e: Company: k.VA ~ Fax: Address: '55'58 ~t1rv\ (lo0 Spvt~f,'V\J l5K 17-Y1-g ^ "'~A "" '> 0 ~,... ~ -<< , , ^':;;f'::' "t';\-<@> A; , "1 ~'::-'- v n ~ <" / -,'~ ':- ",~;wr ~ ' , ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Ic-02-Z0 /TAX lOT NO(S): ?O"3 Property Address: '77(00 HI6jH tsANKc;, I20AD t?pRli\l9FI~L.D OR} Cj141tO Size of Property: ~~ ~7 (0 Acres 0 Square Feet J:g1 Proposed Name of Subdivision: ~V~i? Descri pti o~' of "~ , If you are flll;ng In this for;'" ;;"'h;;~d':' p;~a;~ attach ';~ur' proPo~~1 ~~scnPtl~~~ this application ProDosal:~Wi?D\~117~A 35:0'1<0 Sf ~U::I ~ iNTD (5) iNDIVIDUAL L.ofs. Existing Use: (I-DR) LoN DBNSorJ'( 12eh1l7t;t-J1IAL # of lots/Parcels:? !Av9. lot/Parcel Size: "( 000 sf IDensity: 5" du/acre Si natures: Please slqn and rint your name and date in the ap ro nate box on the next Fax: ~, Associated Applications: ~N21Jct6.,. OOOIZ- Pre-Sub Case No.:f(f2i1Jl. {)(J)2- -:r- Date: 5/~ {O{ Signs: Reviewed by: ~. iu~ Case No.: Application Fee: $ 3 ?in 00 3:Jo~ Date: ITechnical Fee: $ Reviewed by: Postage Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: rt\51Do&~ DOOr 0 ~*#~~....--,,~ .J;7J'~~""'~ -<- vv~~q-",~~ ~'Y;.~~ ^^~ ii"'rn~0~~" ""' ~'~~~.:<t_...:i,:",v~_ ~ ";:~1;::N~~~""0~~~~, >:<:" ~Y"FA~"t,,"'W'sr~k ,-m~_i ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 1, Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner s,gnaturbs are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner'~ original signatulJYCNiII not be accepted. ; I / Pr -Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this appllca n IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the re- Submittal Meeting Date: Signature~ /~ Print ~ I ~ Submittal I represent this appilcat n to be complete for su Il:\=al to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on this ap Icatlon at the Pre-Submittal I tlng, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for pro sing the application IS provided hrr or the information will not be provided If not otherwIse contained wlth, he submittal, and the City may begl1n pro sing the application with the information as submitted ThiS statem serves as written notice pursuant to tl ie requlr ents of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete appllcatlo Owner: '. Date: Print ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 Own~r Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. owner:64/JL y;; ~fc<> ~j/roate: ..yh.3./~B Signature ./ '/ c- . ~l~ II JJ ()J CI e'y, r;,.v rEUye/( 4 ,7Y2 t/. LL~, Pri nt ' Submittal I represent this applIcation to be complete for submittal to the CIty. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete applicatIon. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE-SUBMllTAl REC'O MAY 5 2008 ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 / ~ l1 ~ TENT A TIVE PLAN FOR BILL DWYER SECTION 28, T 17 S, R 2 W W M MAP No. 17-02-28 TAX LOT 303 SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON MAY 2008 SCALE I 40 E- !:l !:l IllI E- '" :I: E- ll') Il') ~AL NOT!;!? I J~~C~~l~~L ~LI~NL~~s~~~Q TboE'i~~~ ~~~I01~1f^tIND THIS PROPERT\' :2 THE eXISTING HOUSE ON PROPOSEO LOT 5 IS TO REMAIN AS WELL AS ~~~J~~G lrlb~~tS T~~O~~WIMTE~~:~R~M~~~~ p~~p~~fl~~~E~~Y REMMN :5 ~~U fFEsT~TT~~OPlo~TEY ~EWIJ~~NT~~N~E~^ ~~~O~ ~~:1110~oJ~oX~~ ~~~TH COMMUNITY PANEL No 41039CIl615 DATED JUNE :2 I09Q -4 NO WETLANDS EXIST ON THIS PROpERTY 5 W~INEll~~~OBU1~gl~~ ~~R~~ ~~e(!~~11;~otf~JtE~~LLN~i ~~~~~~Sf~EES ARE PROPOSED WITH THIS LAND USE APPLlCA TlON M SHOWN !:l U < ..l p., ~ 1 :I: E- ll') Il') 15 THE SITE FALLS ENTIRELY OUTSIDE THE 5 YEAR TIME OF TR^VEL ZONE AS SHOWN ON THE WEllHEW PROTECTION AREA8 CoNTAMINATION SOl;lRCE INVENTORY HAP DATED SEPTEMBER 2004 ., SOil TYPES ON TI-IIS SITE I"CCOf![)ING TO SCS SOILS SURVEYl MS CI-I"PH....N VRB^N lMlO COMPLEX 8 THE NEMEST TRM>jSIT FACILITY IS ROUTE 8X ....NO IS LOCMED APPRO)( 2400 FEET A'WAY "T THE CORNER OF THURSTON ROW "NO 58TH STIlEET I) NO SIGNIFICANT CUT OR FILL IS PROPOSED WITH 1HIS l"ND USE ^PPLlC" TlON ~r- POAGE ENGINEERING &: SURVEYING, INC, POBOX 1527 . BUGBNB ORllGON f7f.O:& . (541) 'U H05 lOB No BU9, DWO U-49TBNT, OWN BY CDN DATBI -4 OS VICINITY MAP NO SCALE . LEGEND ~XIST1NG PROPERTY UN!: -----.- PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ~xISTIt.lG 6 WOOD FENCE ~XIST\NG WIRE FENCE r _ EXlST1HG CONe SIOEW"lK l" (f; EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT I'ROPOSED STREET TRE!: OWNER/APPLICANT Bill DWYl:'R 5558 THURSTON ROW SPRINGFIELD OREGON <;17478 PHONE 12e 0187 J?i REGISTERED ~ PROF,E ~~3rV1 AJ'lD S~j YpR I '',(_.~~ ' OREGON l SEPTEMBER 23 IQn THOMAS F POAGE 1301 EXPIRES OECEH~ER JI 2008 rRE-SUB~~D MAY 5 2008 PAGS 2 OP 3 / (4; TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR DWYER'S SUBDIVISION Map 17-02-28, Tax Lot 303 APPLICATION NARRATIVE The property proposed for development IS owned by BIll Dwyer The property currently has one single farmly dwellmg on It to remain. The subject property contams approxImately .81 acres and is proposed to be dIVIded into 5 lots, all of which will be single-family resIdential lots The resulting development densIty wIll be 5 lots/acre The Metro Plan desIgnatIOn and zoning classificatIOn for this and all adjacent propertIes IS LDR - Low DensIty ResIdentIal The proposed residentIal use and development density are consIstent with the eXIstmg LDR zomng classIficatIon. \. Proposed improvements wIll mclude an 18 foot wide paved dnveway from the front property line to the pan portIOn of proposed lot 3 as shown on the TentatIve Plan. The eXIstmg overhead power and service pole will be rerelocated and the proposed lots WIll be served WIth underground WIre utIlitIes. The water servIces WIll connect to the SIte VIa proposed water meters along High Banks Road and WIll be m a common trench to the proposed parcels north of HIgh Banks Road. The sanItary sewer lIne will lIe WIthm the proposed 26' WIde easement and connect to the eXIstmg 12" Sarutary Sewer mam at the south SIde of the property parallel to HIgh Banks Road. Those Issues whIch requITe a more detaIled dISCUSSIOn are addressed as follows: Lot Dimensions - All proposed lots meet or exceed the mimmum lot size standards as defined m S:PC SectIOn 3.2-215/3.2-220. Storm Sewer - Storm dramage for the proposed development WIll be dIrected to a sediment control faCIlIty on SIte then to eXIstmg catch basms located m High Banks Road Tlns system WIll be deSIgned ill accordance with the Best Stormwater Management PractIces GUIdelInes during the bUIlding permIt process Roof drains from the eXIstmg residence currently dram to weep holes m the curb of HIgh Banks Road then to the eXIstmg catch basms ill SaId road SOlI types on the SIte (according to the SCS SoIl Survey) are primanly Chapman Urban Land Complex ThIs urut is maInly for urban development but, IS also used for yards, parks and open areas around and between bUIldings whIch wIll work well WIth post development condItIons, PRE-SUBM\TTAL REC'O MAY 5 Z008 ('\ r b~\/ 1 Streets - TIns development will be served by two eXIsting entrances and one proposed. The ,/ ~~ ~ easterly most access wIll serve the eXIstmg residence, the westerly wIll serve proposed lot 1, and JI'Iv the applIcant IS proposmg a new 18 foot wIde dnveway apron to accommodate the proposed 18 foot wide paved surface whIch will serve the remaining lots. All eXIstmg and proposed access WIll be off of HIgh Banks Road which IS fully developed and runs the entIre length of the property frontage. ~ V Trees - Die s~cr~ams a FIlbert Orchard as shown on the TentatIve Plan. Current plans are to remove all trees that are located withm proposed lots 1- 5 except the tree m the front yard oflot 5. The tree in the front yard of proposed lot 5 WIll remam and IS protected by the eXIsting resIdence so no preservatIOn easement around tills tree IS proposed. Any new trees shown on the TentatIve plan are subject for review by CIty staff to fulfill and meet the CIty'S Code and requirements, Trees wIll be planted behmd the eXIstmg SIdewalk and m the publIc right of way of High Banks Road as recommended by staff dunng the publIc nnprovement approval process 3949Narr wpd PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 5 2008 , \ ~ We 5 t ern Title & Escrow 497 Oakway Road, Suite 340 Eugene, OR 97401 Office Phone: 541-485-3588 Office Fax. 541-485-3597 Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County Attention: Lisa Lemonds 497 Oakway Road, Suite 340 Eugene, OR 97401 Date Prepared' February 13, 2008 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT FOR ISSUING TITLE INSURANCE File Number' 5220 Property Address. 5560 High Banks Road Springfield, OR 97478 J Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County IS prepared to Issue a title Insurance policy, as of the effective date and In the form and amount shown on Schedule A, subject to the conditions, stipulations and exclusions from coverage appearing In the policy form and subject to the exceptions shown on Schedule B. ThiS report IS preliminary to the Issuance of a policy of title Insurance Issued by Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation and shall become null and VOid unless a policy IS Issued and the full premium paid. ThiS report IS for the exclusive use of the person to whom It IS addressed Title Insurance IS conditIoned on recordation of satIsfactory Instruments that establish the Interests of the parties to be Insured; until such recordation, the Company may cancel or revise thiS report for any reason. Thank you for plaCing the order With us. Any questions regarding the clOSing of thiS transaction should be directed to Lisa Lemonds, your Escrow Officer at 541-485-3588 or emall atllemonds(Ci)westerntitle.com. Any questions concerning the Preliminary Title Report should be directed to Jerrilyn Egger at 541-431-3710, or emall atjeaaer(i:i)westerntitle.com. For copies o(exceptions, please contact our Title Department at 541-431-3710 or email yourrequesttoeuaene(Ci)westerntitle.com. Prelimmary Title Report Page 1 of 6 PRE..SUBM\TTAl REC'O MAY 52008 " Preliminary Title Report Order No 5220 SCHEDULE A 1 The effectIve date of this preliminary title report IS 5:00 P.M. on February 07, 2008 2. The policies and endorsements to be Insured and the related charges are: Policv IEndorsement Descriotion ALTA Standard Owner's Policy Liabilitv $235,000.00 Charae $788.00 PROPOSED INSURED for Owner's Policy Bill Swyer ALTA Extended Lender's Policy (Simultaneous Issue Rate) AL TA 9,8.1 and 116 Endorsements PROPOSED INSURED for Lender's Policy To be determined $187,000.00 $300.00 $100.00 Local Government Lien Search $15.00 3. Title to the land described herein IS vested In' June E. Relyea, Trustee or her successors in trust, under The June E. Relyea Living Trust, dated May 26, 1993, and any amendments thereto 4. The estate or Interest In land IS: \ '- Fee Simple 5. The land referred to In this report IS described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" PRE-SUBMllTAL REC'O MAY 5 2008 Page 20f 6 I Preliminary Title Report Order No 5220 Exhibit "An Beginning at a pOint on the Northerly nght-of-way line of County Road No 440, said pOint being 1,485.17 feet North 770 11' 20" West of the Southeast corner of Section 28, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Meridian; running thence along the Northerly nght-of-way line of County Road No. 440 North 770 36' West 176.0 feet, thence leaVing said nght-of-way line North 120 24' East 202.52 feet; thence parallel to said nght-of-way line South 770 36' East 176.0 feet; thence South 120 24' West 202.52 feet to the pOint of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY {) 2008 Page 3 of 6 Preliminary Title Report Order No 5220 SCHEDULE B Except for the Items properly cleared though closing, the proposed policy or policies will not Insure against loss or damage which may arise by reason of the following' , STANDARD EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as eXisting liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public record; proceedings by a public agency which may result In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, Interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons In possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records, reservations or exceptions In patents or In acts authorizing the Issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water 4. Any encroachment (of eXisting Improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining land or of eXisting Improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land. I 5. Any lien, or right to lien, for serVices, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, Imposed by law and not shown by the public records. SPECI AL EXCEPTIONS': 6. Taxes, including current year, have been assessed with an exemption. If the exempt status IS terminated under the statute prior to the date on which the assessment roll becomes the tax roll In the year In which said taxes were assessed, an additional tax may be levied. Exemption: Veteran 1 Account No.: 0112423 " 7. The rights of the public In" and to that portion of the herein described property lYing within the limits of roads and highways. 8. An easement created by Instrument, including the terms and prOVISions thereof, Recorded: February 19, 1958 Document No.: 32562, Lane County Records In favor of United States of America 9. An easement created by Instrument, including the terms and prOVISions thereof, Recordeo' January 14, 1991 Document No : 91-01787, Lane County Records In favor of: The City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon '- PRE-SUBM1TIAl REC'O, MAY 5 Z008 ' Page 40f 6 " Preliminary Title Report Order No 5220 10. AR P;:'C:Pr::oeJalt created by Instrument, including the terms and prOVISions thereof, Recorded' Apnl 8, 1991 Document No.: 91-15843, Lane County Records In favor of. The City of Spnngfleld, a municipal corporatIOn, acting by and through ItS Spnngfleld Utility Board, and unto It successors and assigns 11. A certification of trust under which the trustee(s) hold title, to the herein descnbed property should be furnished for our review. END OF EXCEPTIONS Note: Exceptions 1 through 5 may be modified or eliminated from the AL T A LENDERS EXTENDED POLICY, based upon receipt and review of the following: A. If a survey IS not required for loan purposes, Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County will not require a survey B. Proof that there are no parties In possession or claiming the nght to be In possession other than the vestees herein and that there are no eXIsting leases or tenanCies. C. Proof that there are no statutory liens for labor or matenal, including liens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for workmen's compensation, whIch have now gained or hereafter may gain pnonty over the Insured In the forthcoming policy Note. Taxes paid In full for the year 2007-2008 Onglnal Amount: $4,297.83 Tax Lot No.: 17 02 28 00 00303 Account No.: 0112423, Code 19-00 Note: We find no Judgment liens or tax liens against Bill Swyer. Note: There have been no vesting changes In the last 24 months. Note to Lender: Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County IS the correct name to use If you are gOing to use this company as the trustee for a trust deed In this transactIon. PRE-SUBMlllAL REC'O MAY 5 2008 Page 5 of 6 '. Preliminary Title Report Order No 5220 Note' Title Insurance Rate Disclosure Notice The tItle Insurance charges for this order are disclosed In Schedule A of the Preliminary Title Report In some circumstances, a reduced charge will apply. When It appears to us that a transactIon qualifies for a reduced charge, It IS our policy In Oregon to Identify the reduced charge on Schedule A of the report. The reduction usually IS computed as a percentage of the Company's basIc rate. If a reduced charge appears on Schedule A, It IS one of the following: Reissue Rate: A dIscount of 25% of the basIc rate applies when there has been title Insurance on the property wIthin the prevIous three years. Builder-Develooer Rate: A discount of 35% of the basIc rate may apply when a party to the transaction IS a bUilder or developer and the property IS residential. lender Post-Foreclosure Rate: A discount of 35% of the basIc rate may apply when a seller acquires the property through foreclosure. Contract Fulfillment Rate: A discount of up to 50% of the basIc rate may apply to an owner's policy Issued upon fulfIllment of a previously Insured land sale contract. leasehold to Owner's Conversion Rate:. A previously Insured lessee who exercises an option to purchase In the lease may obtain title Insurance for the purchase with a 50% credit from the prevIous policy. Post-Construction Permanent loan Rate. A discount of up to 75% of the basIc rate may apply to a loan policy for a permanent mortgage when It refinances a previously Insured construction loan. Reoraanization Rate: A discount of up to 65% of the basIc rate may apply for title Insurance to a business entIty that IS affiliated with a prevIously Insured business entity. Coroorate Emolovee Transfer Rate: When a corporatIon transfers an employee from one area to another and the employee's corporation or one rendering employee transfer services acquIres the employee's property with title Insurance, a discount of up to 50% applies to the resale Simultaneous Issue Rate: A speCial rate may apply when two or more polICies are Issued Simultaneously, such as a loan polrcy WIth an owner's policy or two loan poliCies. IF YOU THINK A REDUCED RATE APPUES TO YOUR TRANSACTION BUT IT DOES NOT APPEAR ON SCHEDULE A OF THE PREUMINARY TITLE REPORT, PLEASE INFORM YOUR ESCROW OFFICER OR TITLE OFFICER by contacting them at the phone number, email address or mailing address shown on the report. End of Report cc: Keller Williams Mid-Willamette Realty Attention: Heather Peterson PRE-SUBMITfAL REC'D MAY 5 2008 Page 6 of 6 0' . ;t f\~ I ~ Q 'f'- IIlro ~. t- , ,;' Ii ': ~ J t) I ...~ ,28 34 11 APPROX. ,~,;/ 1/4 COR. ""'0 ::::c II'T'1 . s:~ ~co :s: ~ ?> :::::c o d ~ f',) <::) <::) co I} '...\ (I : " {; . ~ <l"' :t: ~I ~ I. ".l " t, I}. I 1 '~ ~ (~. : 'I i t 'I . , t If} " 00'S_~ >-.- ~ ~. ~r SEE MAP 17 02 28 t-= -(I) ,.LJ-ST-, .c. - l() to SEE MAP 17 02 33 12 l~ ,.... ... THIS PLAT I~ H.Jh (OUR AID IN LOCATING VOUN LAND WITH PEFERENCE rei :)TREETS ANO OTHER PARCE',0 WHIL~ rrll3 Pl.-AT IS BELlE.vED 'i) rlf COR- RECT, THIS G')MPL\I'IY A5SUME!:l NO L1ABILlTY.~' )~,. ANY LOSS BY HEASON OF~E:LlAI\J( E ntEREON WESTERN T1Tl A: ESCROW COMPANY OF tANE' COli '( f' '", ~) ..>',za ~'1-. '. 45.;.0"", ,-, ~~~ : ~ .... t :)~ I ~~ ~ " ~ ',. ~" \ 1 ~ ... \ ~ .... J) \ ' .... " " 1. , J ~ t "( ~V6~r ( . .:. .... 'to ! ... , ,\ .#y..8' - .3 ~ :!,,~- -_.%c' I. 1 1 7 & 33 34 SEE MAP 17 02 33 11 .' '" '~"" - ,\: U'J'{-l Uq.q "J'lJ\.........l..JJ.J.... B-\RG.\l:\ A.:\D S-\LE DEED--ST-\TL TORY f'OR\I JL.\IE E RELyEA, Gr..lntor. conveys to JL:-iE E REL'xEA Trustee or her ~ucceSSOrs In tmst, under (he JU::--iE E RELYEA LIVING TRUST, dated May 26, 1993. and any ame:oclm-::nrs thereto. Grantees, (be follO\'vlI1g redl property sltuated In Lane County, Oregon, to-W1t' See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by thiS reference lncorporated herem Subject to streets, decldr:ltJOnS, and easements of record and fIghts of the pubb.:: therem True conSideration for thlS conveyance IS S -0- Ocher valuable comlderatlon (Here comply With the reqUIrements of ORS 93 030) Ddted c...... _! .. - .....\-) T~IS IHSTRU~ENT ~ILL NOT ALLO~ USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LA~S AND 'E3uLATICNS BEFORE SI~,ING OR ACCEPTING THiS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK ~ITH THE ArPRO'RIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLAHNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES O,,-;/j :: f'.-<--/,/:- ::c-- June B Relyea [; Q;;~M~;"~6-93~05~EC 10,00 Ql;?:-:';Y. ~6 - 93IW5F'Fi.JND 10.00 2~;~M~(_26'93~05h&T F0ND :0.00 STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ) ss Persondlly ..lppeared the above named June E. Relyea and acknowledged the foregomg mstrument to be her voluntary a~t_and deed on May~ 2~, 1)93 Before me ;;:: (/.- l j /' :/:y./_ ,/ "" -, Not..ny Public for Oregon I: . :)<';>'" \1y com'rmssion expires -+-10-94 " v' ~ .I \ - I - n c'.. u' ~ - -){. : .l:> ~ ~-:-.<1"J6'<' ~ :~,. ~ ~". . l.... .,< '-r f --'.,r .... ',,"':) , "" ./ ( " " , ,,~ (OffiCial Seal) . '. 't..~~~ BARC \IN AND SALE DEED June E Relyea Deed Dd:vered to, (Grantee) After recording return to: '~'l'!ton E Gifford, Attorney at Law Cnh'} a change is reque~ted, aU tax statements :.halI be sent to the following address; J U:1e E. Re lyea, trustee 5560 High Banks Road S;mrrgfie!d, OR 97-+78 /.. ~ PRE-5UBMITIAL REC'D MAY 52008 ~ , - ......-, ~ - -'J"'"' " . . 9331.991 EXHIBIT "A" Begmning at a pomt on the Northerly nght-of-way hne of County Road Number 440, saId pomt being 1,485.17 feet North 77 degrees 11' 20" West of the Southeast corner of SectIOn 28, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Mendian; Running thence along the Northerly right-of-way line of County Road Number 440 North 77 degrees 36' West 176.0 Feet, thence leaving said right-of-way line North 12 degrees 24' East 202.52 feet; thence parallel to saId right-of-way line South 77 degrees 36' East 176.0 feet; thence South 12 degrees 24' West 202.52 feet to the point of beginning, contammg 0.82 acres more or less, m Lane County, Oregon. c: "'0'<: ~i~ ...."'0 V> 1~ :So!:: - '-' "'0 ~ = '; ~ <5 -~- ~ "'0-0 ex: ~ c: >,- a: l'O-,,:~ ~ ~~ c: t: {,; < ,.. .;, - .. :> 0 g-t t- ~ ...... ~ ll"\ ..., .T -t >, i:: N c: GI ...c _ Lt) ~~ ...J PRE-SUBMiTTAt REC'O '" o c: u~~ ==l ou r:1') ~j ~.J: :. CO ~c .. c: c: 0'0 c: ::._ .1"\ ::> ::> ::>"'0 c: 0- ,... 00 -;.- <3 >-~ uu M/W ~ 2008 0_ >- .. c: c;,; C :) ;2 .. .. - =' =;?7 t c: c: > ~8 ..:.::1: .a ex: jj c<> ,,, I ~~ -.? ~; "fJ J ~ r - , .- " t!~;~.. .-- ~ ..'"":. r- .:' ~ r.,.: ,~~ . _ ...j 1 ~~r tE,' t-~}~~ . - ~";_ t,"", " ~~... - _J_ '-__ , E7:. """ ~ l ~ ~ L_ {.- - t':'-:-:., ' "' ~t .....:/ p. ',"'" - ~~"~ F' ,:.- 1$ ~ t-.'.", ' <"" " l'-" .'~ ...:'.... T [~: ~~ -'.r, ' ~-~ ~ ,> , - ~ ~ ~ oS I, PUBLIC WORKS DEP ARTME~ / Engineenng DIVISIon Phone Fax (541) 736-1021 STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK <~:::~;:~ ~ r, >:~' ~ , ~ ~ ' ~>< <_ ~~ ~ ~ ; :n: ' x ~>~~ ~ ~~)L ~~ v > _ \ ,'i~:~~ ' ::: ~~\; x>~",." ,<}:/;Y '<, < = ~ ~ ~~ <'S ~ 2 ,,# ~~~~;::v<~D " ;:0",:: ~~~_ < :~V;; :h;[~ v~ ;F;;L, ","::; ',,; ^', ^; , "::::::-j:;4.l eq)beloJ11,thlS lmeJilled out bv;ApplzU,lJI.t)',: .,-; " .. <.,;u;)l: ,;, i)",.,.", .;,;Fi,;,::. ",", , ;:;"ii , ' ;:I1~' r;tJr~'to,ii~iiStouder;@lity,ojSpriiigfiefitfRubZic,irfor~' E~gin~l!:fi~i; Ji;;;: #,]36:1 fiJ;;PhQ!}~~ft:, ;7j"6::1,(}j5l)~;':;;:'~2)~ ~~''', =>.~_, "x ...x ~ A ~~, '-~ ,.. ~,y,. v.<_ = _,,. :: v _ ~,_.. v ~~ M"~~'~' ..~~~, ,,~>,...~ _"":'; '<V"~~"_vV~ :<~~"'~-"'A ,~~- VH .. ~ ~ Project Name: \M~6R PPdZ'-P\\l~N Applicant: 97\I..\... Vl.Ui.e::R.. Assessors Parcel #: l\-OZ.-'l.,cz, \~~ ~"Z" Date: 5 -~-o~ Land Use(s): (LOR) (.,.ow 'VEN?I,'; g:~IOsN4iA0'hone #: 4-~C; -4C;OS ACA-EI\.l( (CMi2...!<=-"') Project Size (Acres): . 0 \ AI.-lZ~s Fax #: .q~~-5<.oG-~ Ape,rox. Impervious Area: L 1. 147 ~Q, FT'. Email: ~N~(6??o~e:, t'o4G:! " ~;;'~'#ElA~~~i~;., :~~vitY~---~;P:"~%t-~:;~~$:;;;<<L. ~~tjih*~-.<~7:=f*~k"" ~\, ?~i'W~<:;"':'k~:"t~'"":~-y;r~:-'0'F#L;::~<~ <<> ~~045%~~ '''*t>_0}''tttttM'-\~it:~''':~ Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): f.A.A-P t"l- 02. -z.~ -n....-M:: ?o"3/ l~p~D'f-. -;~J 3>,D <?~. ~1', v.)\\'+t A1<-\ e'?-l~lhlc.., e.~\DeNc..Er' -r-H~T 1N,(...t,UDE:!S -><000 ~,F'T. OF \l'o>\pe~\(\ol-.lS ~4~!.E. "TH6" 1Ze~A-n'->iOc;;1L bf i:-t€' pz.o~-r<? lS;> V~vA-N\": \\.\S f~~.,q t~ e.6!...p'-n"a~ \'=~ IPl1+\ ~ -Z ~e-r VA.'Z..\Prl\O'r-\.- t ~ t?Le.f;A-r'l9N. Drainage Proposal (PublIc connectlOn(s), mscharge locatlOnCs), etc Attach addITIonal sheet(s) 1fnecessary: ""it\t: E'i{l;.""IN~ ~''Pb.''"1'J(.E'" P\Z.A-n...r-? 'Q) +-Il&t\.l. 13Ai.i/1-":? ~AV VlA- '-"eGI> HO~ IN L-i-L6"" (.UlZ.~. 8''tI~-rING-; R-Ar w01'{K pelUML-A~?> II-.t.""(O ?;?~JZ.iZOW~IDI~ f\:'-y;:.,V10US ~~c:!', i\1G'K( Rmf I?1Zf\'lt-.I"? wlt...v ~ +\ft1Z-D p\~C> "(0 e~\?1"l~ CA-T~ "'SN?I~ AW\o..l~ +t'''-t4 0~t'4K~ 1ZoAI) 8lZ. -ree-MINA-"tt$" IH\'O N.';5L.O ~~~u....? IH~ 1M Cc>N::ru-N~/-r1C9N W\1;1-\. "'i'1-tE: (?UIL..{')INL., ('~t-'{ i"( f'fl',.y /~. . Proposed Stormwater Best Mana~ment Practices: Ne;w ~Df ~tT11.JC:;. W\u.... ~ 1-(.11\2.0 f'\P'~C> ""0 ~INAt""")e: <?~---rw\!'~ "li-1f:T 1,'J..u.)Pe~ ~ <?t....I.i"^.p ~~ GoL..!.EifnoN DF -~;e:'Vl"..Ae"I\T, Or~e-~ Ne"W 11I..\P6tZ-\lfOUS <;'UlZf=AGe7 Wil..l.,.. '7+t~ 'Fl.Aw ,",0 ~OS'~N.T !ATH.~WPI:r ~flk;.~>?rd' ~,~ .,~;UU~~~ ,~+{\~ "~,rt.e';>,>~u~~'o,G,~~.~ ie-,.J~,~~,.Of.,3":fNfD- ~~ . :' ']:'<;'S:~"'!::;0." :.; },-;-~ {Area'below.tnts lme. (dled.our 'bv ihe C'.ltl' aIld'Returned to" the :A.vphcantL M ,:.:.,. '. '^. !;.' " )\;!;!:f;':1::;i,i~;i>~i::a:~F2Imum, :a;Il:hpxe4 checlfE:~Dj 'thif Cztyph the fronfJp,!cljJCic?i"of thz,Fshe?t:{~rJlll5?i/;jqfnVt~dX.. ' , ,;;>::,.,:'t)~F:,::~ fO!::fLn apphcation,io be cornpletefor s~bmLttal, 'aliHou:gli,oth~r FeqUZ!ements may be' neci,is'ary J'. " Draina!!e Study Tvne (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note. UH may be substituted for Rational Method) o Small SIte Study - (use RatlOllal Method for calculahons) o MId-Level Development Study - (use Urnt Hydrograph Method for calculatlOlls) D Full Dramage Development Study - (use Urnt Hydrograph Method for calculatlOlls) Environmental Considerations: D Wellhead Zone o WetlandlR1panan o Soli Type' Downstream Analysis: o N/A o Flow lme for startmg water surface elevatlOn o DeSIgn HGL to)lSe for startmg water surface elevaTIon' o Manhole/JunctIOn to take analYSIS to, o HillSIde Development: o F1oodwayIF100dp1am o Other JurisdIctlOns PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'CI MAY 5 2008 Return to )iIatt Stouder em City of Springfield, email: mstouder(a.;ci.springfield.or.us. FA..X: (541) 736-1021 Page 9 ofl 0 COMFLETESTUDYITEMS r 'F~Officlal Use bbly. ""j * Based upon the mformatron provided on the front of thl.S sheet, the followzng represents a mlmmum of what IS needed for an appllcatron to be complete for suhmlttal with respect to dramage, however, this list should not be used m lieu of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) or the City's Engmeenng Design Manual Compliance with these reqUlI ooe~efmWRI'frI1~tIMlft~ approval, Addltronal site specific mformatlOn may be reqUired Note Upon scopmg sheet submtttaf ~MYm~~nye~InM been signed In the space provided below MAY 5 Z008 Interim Design StandardsIWater Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd N/A D D All non-bmldrng rooftop (NBR) rmpervIOus surfaces shall be pre-treated (e g multI-chambered catchbasrn w/Oll filtration medIa) for stormwater qualIty AddItIOnally, a minrmum of 50% or the NBR rmpervlOus surface shall be treated by vegetated methods D D Where requIred, vegetatIve stormwater desIgn shall be conSIstent WIth mtenm desIgn standards (EDSPM SectIOn 3 02), set forth by the Bureau ofEnvrronmental Semces (BES) or Clean Water ServIces (CWS) D D For new NBR rmpemOliS area less than 15,000 square feet, a srmplIfied deSIgn approach may be followed as specIfied by the BES for vegetatIve treatment D D If a stormwater treatment swale IS proposed, subrmt calculatIOns/specIficatIons for SIZIDg, velOCIty, flow, sIde slopes, bottom slope, and seed nnx conSIstent With eIther BES or CWS requIrements D D Water QualIty calculatIons as reqUITed m SectIOn 3 03 1 of the EDSPM D D All bwldrng rooftop mounted eqmpment, or other flmd contammg eqmpment located outsIde of the bmldmg, shall be proVIded WIth secondary contamment or weather reSIstant enclosure General Study ReqUIrements (EDSPM Section 4.03) D D Dramage study prepared by a ProfessIOnal CIVIl Engmeer lIcensed rn the state of Oregon D D A complete dramage study, as reqUIred rn EDSPM SectIon 403 1, rncludmg a hydrologIcal study map D D CalculatlOns showmg system capaClty for a 2-year storm event and overflow effects of a 25-year storm event D D The tune of concentratIon (Tc) shall be deterrmned usrng ala rrnnute start tIme for developed basrns Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) D D A downstream drarnage analYSIS as descnbed m EDSPM SectIOn 4 03 4 COn-SIte dramage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbrng SpeCIalty Code (OPSe) o D ElevatIons of the HGL and flow lmes for both CIty and pnvate systems where apphcable Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) D D Flow hues, slopes, nm elevatlOns, pIpe type and SIzes clearly mdIcated on the plan set. D D M:uumum pIpe cover shall be 18 mches for reInforced pIpe and 36 rnches for plam concrete and plastIc pIpe matenals, or proper engrneenng calculatIOns shall be prOVIded when less The cover shall be suffiCIent to support an 80,000 lb load WIthOUt faIlure of the pIpe structure D D Manmng's "n" values for pipes shall be conSIstent WIth Table 4-1 of the EDSP All storm pIpes shall be deSIgned to ach1eve a rrurumum velOCIty of three (3) feet per second at 05 pIpe full based on Table 4-1 as well OtherlMisc D D EXiSting and proposed contours, located at one foot mterval Include spot elevatIOns and SIte grades showrng how SIte drams D D Pnvate stormwater easements shall be clearly depIcted on plans when pnvate stormwater flows from one property to another D D Drywells shall not receIve runoff from any surface w/o bemg treated by one or more BMPs, WIth the exceptIOn of reSIdentIal bmldmg roofs (EDSP SectIon 3 03 4 A) AdditIonal prOVISIOns apply to tills as reqUITed by the DEQ Refer to the webslte \N\YVv deo state or us/wa,'2:Ioundwa/mchome hcm for more rnformatIOn D D DetentlOn ponds shall be deSIgned to lumt runoff to pre-development rates for the 2 through 25-year storm events *This form shall be zncluded as an attachment, znside the front cover, of the storm water study I; , I , " = l;.MPPRIA1VT: Jj\;<;L\EER PLE~4SE READ"]ELOWAlvlJ SiGj~r!,: ^ ^ ,:l Signature ere . ce~fy the above reqUITed Items are complete and included WIth the subrmtted stormwater study \ \ As the engmeer of recor and plan set Date ':7....~ -08 Page 10 of 10 J!~~~ ;~ ~ f;:- '- ~ : ~..;~ ;:._v--::::~ ;:r:~>=--: ~ ~J ; ~ -...: ~_"';:....,..:: t' ," ~1~ - . , -- ~ . n - .,J4 ~?~ ...:r~ 180.83 AC.s l---- ~ ~ 300 ,~ , ~ Lot 4 ~~ ::SE. COR.:;'1 e...s. POWERS D.L C, 49 ~.~"+""","l.''!Y-~oo.'t,...J _ -- ~"BC. ~-as~ JO;;;;--;;' - - I 42 oa.ar .,. ;t""'1:' .1.t1' " N, COR, A. MANN _C. 74 -, I I I ~I ~I ~1 " gl ;l:l >BY'll "t!a04- "P,)~ II! \'7 E. ~......I -""'h c:rF= ""'- "'-... ) 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 8 55 AJ:..S 4- I SEE MAP 17 02 28 :>pROX, '4 COR, r-: ~J-ST~; to ~ SEE MAP 17 02 33 12 , , '\ -~ ~'\-.i.~;;"' '": .. <V~~> A ~~ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC,'l) MAY 5 2008 I) ~) ~) I) ~) ~) ~) ~) () ~ .() ~) () * I I I ,)~ ~ ~:) ~:) :) iQ ,3. s a9'SJ 11r E (30~~_:--..- V JOoo' )l ~~I> I)' ,~ .i,~~ . ~ Ill,,) ":i ~" I ~,,~~}~~: 011<<1\=02 I :l;:C~ aw-.,/UC"'"' ~ U 'Y T------)~--- II ::J ~~~~ Lo't 5 i I I - - -;UD~';;;- : ~ " ,~ ~ - ~ '" " '~, .:: . ~ 5 Ilt -t- ~~It__-::. ~ N.E. COR. ;/') JESSE M.MANN,) ,~ D.L.C. 74 ~) C E ) ,J) ~ 01~ ~@;;\j ~.\S 0rf6 c' ,", ~] ~'z "- E 1 ~ t~i (~ll t (~t () ~ , ~ o. n 000 ... 1V",!;f- 0 0 ~ k.hS'" ~f' o 34 L 17 02 28 l' N N o l' 0.. <::: :::E w w (/) / ::~ ~ ~~ ,~t~ '" "'"I,.......'t I ~ ',f~ ,J~ \. 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", ..' ~,~ . ..' . .. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541.726-3759 Phone , of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200800000000000587 Date: 05/05/2008 3:11:42PM Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00027 DescriptIOn CTY SubdIVISIOn Tentative Pin Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By POAGE ENGINEERING Item Total: Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm 8515 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 336 00 $336.00 Amount Paid $336 00 $336.00 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY {) 2008 cRecemtl Page I of 1 5/5/2008 "LAFLEUR Karen Subject: Location: PRE2008-00027 Pre-Submittal Meeting (Sub Tent) Dwyer - Molly _SP _ ConfRm616 Tue 5/13/200811.00 AM Tue 5/13/20081200 PM Start: End: Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Required Attendees: LAFLEUR Karen, MARKARIAN Molly, Pre-Submittal Group A Pre-SubmIttal Meeting for a SubdivIsIon Tentative has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 13, 2008 @ 11 00 - noon In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS application IS Molly Markarian The applicant submItted plans to create a 5-lot SFR subdivision to be known as Dwyer SubdivIsion Please confirm your attendance at this meeting Thanks Karen PRE-SUBM\TTAL REC'O MAY 52008 1 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00027 Date Submitted: 5/5/2008 Proiect Name: REL YEA/DWYER SUB 5560 HIGHBANK Project Description: Pre-Submittal for Tentative Subdivision - subdivide LDR parcel into 5 lots Application Type: Subdivision Tentative Job Address: 5560 HIGH BANKS RD Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702280000303 DISCLAIMER: ApplicatIOns will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tIme of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and SubmIttal of the ApplicatIOn for Development RevIew. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 wIth any questIons or concerns A Planner WIll be assigned the followmg business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. PRE-SUBMllTAl REC'D MAY 5 2008 PlanJobPnnt rpt 5/5/2008 3:1035PM Pre-Submittal )1eeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, May 13,2008 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2008-00027 (SUB TENT) DWYER $336 Assessor's Map: 17-02-28-00 TL 303 Address: 5560 High Banks Road Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans to create a 5-10t SFR subdivision, Dwyer Subdivision Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, May 13,2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Molly Markarian PRE.SURM\1TAl RECvO MAY 5 2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00027 5560 Highbanks Road --- -- --- SITE Map 17-02-28-00 Tax Lot 303 North .. PRE-SUBM\TIAl REC'O MAY 52008