HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/20/2008 ENGINEERING & SURVEYING. INC. STORM DRAINAGE STUDY for the DWYER SUBDIVISION MAY 13, 2008 Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 Original Submittal CIVIL / ENGINEERING 0 SURVEYING POBOX 2527 EUGENE, OR 97402-0152 990 OBIE ST 541/485-4505 FAX 541/485-5624 WWWPOAGE NET OVERVIEW ThIs storm dramage study IS bemg prepared m accordance wIth the City of Springfield Engineenng Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). The Dramage Study type required for trns project gIVen the parameters specIfied in SectIOn 3.02 of the Design Manual IS a Small SIte Development Study. A Rain Garden IS proposed to treat the new Impervious vehIcular areas on the SIte. The homes will drain to approved splash blocks and be treated on each lot The proposed Improvements for thIs subdIVISIOn that WIll create addItIOnal storm dramage flows to the public system are future new homes and dnveways on Lots 1-4. The eXlstmg buildmg (1878 sffootpnnt) and dnveways on proposed lot 5 are not mcluded m the dramage calculatIOns. All flows from new homes on the SIte WIll be onto splash blocks on each lot and WIll not Impact the Ram Garden or the pubhc system. The hydrolOgIC calculations for runoff from the driveways were done using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method for both 2-year and 25-year storm events (see attached spreadsheets). Peak flows from these vehIcular use areas were calculated as o 10 CUbIC feet per second (cfs) for a 2-year event and 0.16 cfs for a 25-year event. The downstream capacIty of the pubhc system was not WIthIn the scope of this development proposal. The Rain Garden was SIzed per the method shown on City Standard Drawings 4-22 and 4-19 ash shown on the attached calculatIOns sheet. On SIte soils are Chapman Urban Land Complex (#25) SOIls per the Lane County SCS Manual. Permeablhty rates for thIS SOlIs are 0 6 to 2.0 mches per hour so an average of 1.3 m/hr was used for SIZing calculatIOns The reqUIred size for the Ram Garden was calculated to be 260 square feet and IS tentatIvely deSIgned as a 4 foot x 65 foot faCIlity, WIth 18 mches of rock below the planting medIUm as shown on the plans. The proposed faCIlity WIll store runoff from the proposed vehIcular use areas m the design storm (0.25 inches) and then drawdown m 5 2 hours and thus complies WIth the standard City deSIgn for a Ram Garden. The proposed Rain Garden WIll comply WIth all applicable state and local regulatIOns and requirements and will be more fully addressed at the time of the bUIlding permit application for the dnveways. Overflows from the Ram Garden to the public system m larger storm events can occur through the proposed catch basm. CONCLUSIONS Based on the deSIgn critena requirements of the EDSPM future development on Lots 1-4 can be accommodated WIth the proposed Ram Garden. The pubhc dramage system WIll not be adversely Impacted by any improvements proposed or future for thIS subdiVIsion. In the event of other extreme storm events or If the pIpe system IS blocked, runoff would flow overland to the street and be pIcked up by the public pipe system through nearby inlets and/or catch basms. Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 Original Submittal Developed Condition - 2-Year Storm, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour Storm DWYER SUBDIVISION DEVELOPED CONDITION - 2 Year FileNo 3949-2YRA QPW 5-13-08, MJK I Driveways only I total vehicular area = 5566 013 (acres) pervious area = 260 o 01 (acres) Peak 2 Year Flow = 0.10 cfs Impervious area = 5566 013 (acres) pervious area IS the Rain Garden I pervious CN = 851 S= 1 76471 02S = o 3529 Impervious CN = 98 S= o 2041 02S = o 0408 total depth rain Pt= 3 12 (Inches) dt= 10 (mln) Tc= 10 (mln) w= o 3333 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre Rainfall Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instant Design Time dlstr Rainfall Incre Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff f10wrate f10wrate (mln) dlstr (In ) 11n) (In ) (In) (In) (In) (In ) (cis) (efs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 040% 040% 0012 0012 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 20 040% 080% 0012 0025 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 30 040% 120% 0012 0037 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 40 040% 160% 0012 0050 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 50 040% 200% 0012 0062 0000 0000 0002 0002 0002 000 000 60 040% 240% 0012 0075 0000 0000 0005 0003 0003 000 000 70 040% 280% 0012 0087 0000 0000 0009 0004 0004 000 000 80 040% 320% 0012 0100 0000 0000 0013 0005 0005 000 000 90 040% 360% 0012 0112 0000 0000 0019 0005 0005 000 000 100 040% 400% 0012 0125 0000 0000 0024 0006 0006 000 000 110 050% 450% 0016 0140 0000 0000 0033 0008 0008 001 000 120 050% 500% 0016 0156 0000 0000 0042 0009 0009 001 001 130 050% 550% 0016 0172 0000 0000 0051 0010 0010 001 001 140 050% 600% 0016 0187 0000 0000 0061 0010 0010 001 001 150 050% 650% 0016 0203 0000 0000 0072 0011 0011 001 001 160 050% 700% 0016 0218 0000 0000 0083 0011 0011 001 001 170 060% 760% 0019 0237 0000 0000 0096 0014 0014 001 001 180 060% 820% 0019 0256 0000 0000 0110 0014 0014 001 001 190 060% 880% 0019 0275 0000 0000 0125 0014 0014 001 001 200 060% 940% 0019 0293 0000 0000 0140 0015 0015 - 001 001 210 060% 10 00% 0019 0312 0000 0000 0155 0015 0015 001 001 ~ 220 060% 10 60% 0019 0331 0000 0000 0170 0015 0015 001 001 230 070% 11 30% 0022 0353 0000 0000 0188 0018 0018 001 001 240 070% 12 00% 0022 0374 0000 0000 0207 0019 0019 001 001 "0 250 070% 1270% 0022 0396 0001 0001 0226 0019 0019 001 001 Q) CO 260 070% 13 40% 0022 0418 0002 0001 0245 0019 0019 001 001 > C) C) 270 070% 1410% 0022 0440 0004 0002 0264 0019 0019 001 001 "(1) C"J ro 280 070% 14 80% 0022 0462 0006 0002 0283 0019 0020 002 001 0 c:;,;) ..... Q) .... 290 082% 1562% 0026 0487 0010 0003 0306 0023 0023 002 002 C'J "E 300 082% 1644% 0026 0513 0013 0004 0330 0023 0023 002 002 0::: ~ ..0 310 082% 17 26% 0026 0539 0018 0004 0353 0023 0024 002 002 Q) .:J ..... :=E en 320 082% 1808% 0026 0564 0023 0005 0376 0023 0024 002 002 m CO 330 082% 18 90% 0026 0590 0028 0005 0400 0024 0024 002 002 0 c:. 340 082% 19 72% 0026 0615 0034 0006 0424 0024 0024 002 002 "0, 350 095% 20 67% 0030 0645 0041 0007 0452 0028 0028 002 002 .;:: 360 095% 21 62% 0030 0675 0050 0008 0479 0028 0028 002 002 0 370 095% 22 57% 0030 0704 0058 0009 0507 0028 0028 002 002 380 095% 23 52% 0030 0734 0068 0009 0535 0028 0028 002 002 390 095% 2447% 0030 0763 0077 0010 0564 0028 0029 002 002 400 095% 25 42% 0030 0793 0088 0010 0592 0028 0029 002 002 410 134% 26 76% 0042 0835 0103 0016 0632 0040 0041 003 003 420 134% 2810% 0042 0877 0120 0016 0672 0040 0041 003 003 430 134% 29 44% 0042 0919 0137 0017 0712 0040 0041 003 003 440 180% 31 24% 0056 0975 0162 0025 0766 0054 0055 004 004 450 180% 3304% 0056 1 031 0188 0026 0821 0054 0056 004 004 Developed Condition - 2-Year Storm, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre Rainfall Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instant Design Time dlstr Rainfall Incre Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff f10wrate f10wrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (In) (In) (In ) (In) (In) (efs) (efs) 460 340% 3644% 0106 1 137 , 0241 0053' 0924 0103' 0106 008 006 470 540% 4184% 0168 1305 0334 0093 1089 0165 0169 0.13 009 480 270% 4454% 0084 1390 0384 0050 1172 0083 0085 007 010 490 180% 4634% 0056 1446 0418 0034 1227 0055 0057 004 007 500 134% 4768% 0042 1488 0444 0026 1268 0041 0042 003 005 510 134% 49 02% 0042 1529 0471 0027 1309 0041 0042 003 004 520 134% 50 36% 0042 1 571 0498 0027 1 350 0041 0042 003 003 530 088% 5124% 0027 1599 0515 0018 1377 0027 0028 002 003 540 088% 52 12% 0027 1626 0534 0018 1405 0027 0028 002 002 550 088% 53 00% 0027 1654 0552 0018 1432 0027 0028 002 002 560 088% 53 88% 0027 1 681 0570 0018 1459 0027 0028 002 002 570 088% 54 76% 0027 1709 0589 0019 1486 0027 0028 002 002 580 088% 5564% 0027 1736 0608 0019 1 513 0027 0028 002 002 590 088% 5652% 0027 1763 0627 0019 1540 0027 0028 002 002 600 088% 57 40% 0027 1 791 0646 0019 1567 0027 0028 002 002 610 088% 58 28% 0027 1 818 0665 0019 1594 0027 0028 002 002 620 088% 59 16% 0027 1846 0684 0019 1622 0027 0028 002 002 630 088% 60 04% 0027 1873 0704 0019 1649 0027 0028 002 002 640 088% 60 92% 0027 1 901 0723 0020 1676 0027 0028 002 002 650 072% 61 64% 0022 1923 0739 0016 1698 0022 0023 002 002 660 072% 62 36% 0022 1946 0756 0016 1720 0022 0023 002 002 670 072% 63 08% 0022 1968 0772 0016 1743 0022 0023 002 002 680 072% 63 80% 0022 1 991 0788 0016 1765 0022 0023 002 002 690 072% 64 52% 0022 2013 0805 0016 1787 0022 0023 002 002 700 072% 6524% 0022 2035 0821 0017 1 810 0022 0023 002 002 710 072% 65 96% 0022 2058 0838 0017 1832 0022 0023 002 002 720 072% 66 68% 0022 2080 0855 0017 1854 0022 0023 002 002 730 072% 67 40% 0022 2103 0871 0017 1876 0022 0023 002 002 740 072% 6812% 0022 2125 0888 0017 1899 0022 0023 002 002 750 072% 6884% 0022 2148 0905 0017 1921 0022 0023 002 002 760 072% 69 56% 0022 2170 0922 0017 1943 0022 0023 002 002 770 057% 7013% 0018 2188 0936 0013 1 961 0018 0018 001 002 780 057% 70 70% 0018 2206 0949 0014 1979 0018 0018 001 001 790 057% 71 27% 0018 2224 0963 0014 1996 0018 0018 001 001 800 057% 71 84% 0018 2241 0976 0014 2014 0018 0018 001 001 810 057% 72 41 % 0018 2259 0990 0014 2031 0018 0018 001 001 820 057% 72 98% 0018 2277 1004 0014 2049 0018 0018 001 001 830 057% 73 55% 0018 2295 1017 0014 2067 0018 0018 001 001 840 057% 7412% 0018 2313 1 031 0014 2084 0018 0018 001 001 850 057% 7469% 0018 2330 1045 0014 2102 0018 0018 001 001 860 057% 75 26% 0018 2348 1059 0014 2-120 0018 0018 001 001 870 057% 75 83% 0018 2366 1073 0014 2137 0018 0018 001 001 880 057% 76 40% 0018 2384 1087 0014 2155 0018 0018 001 001 890 050% 76 90% 0016 2399 1099 0012 2171 0016 0016 001 001 900 050% 77 40% 0016 2415 1 111 0012 2186 0016 0016 001 001 910 050% 77 90% 0016 2430 1 123 0012 2202 0016 0016 001 001 920 050% 78 40% 0016 2446 1 136 0012 2217 0016 0016 001 001 930 050% 78 90% 0016 2462 1 148 0012 2233 0016 0016 001 001 940 050% 79 40% 0016 2477 1 160 0012 2248 0016 0016 001 001 "0 950 050% 79 90% 0016 2493 1173 0012 2264 o 01 €? 0016 001 001 Q) CO > C) 960 050% 80 40% 0016 2508 1 185 0012 2279 0016 0016 001 001 .~ C) C'oI ~-: 970 050% 80 90% 0016 2524 1 198 0012 2295 0016 0016 001 001 C'G ~ ..... 980 050% 81 40% 0016 2540 1 210 0012 2310 0016 0016 001 001 Q) .... 990 050% 81 90% 0016 2555 1223 0013 2326 0016 0016 001 001 0:: C'oI 'E .0 1000 050% 82 40% 0016 2571 1235 0013 2341 0.016 0016 001 001 <1> ~ ::s 1010 040% 82 80% 0012 2583 1245 0010 2354 0012 0013 001 001 +-' ~ (/) 1020 040% 83 20% 0012 2596 1255 0010 2366 0012 0013 001 001 ro m 1030 040% 83 60% 0012 2608 1265 0010 2378 0012 0013 001 001 0 c '0, 1040 040% 84 00% 0012 2621 1275 0010 2391 0012 0013 001 001 '':: 1050 040% 84 40% 0012 2633 1286 0010 2403 0012 0013 001 001 0 1060 040% 84 80% 0012 2646 1296 0010 2416 0012 0013 001 001 1070 040% 85 20% 0012 2658 1306 0010 2428 0012 0013 001 001 1080 040% 85 60% 0012 2671 1 316 0010 2441 0012 0013 001 001 1090 040% 86 00% o 012 ~ 2683 1326 0010 2453 0012 0013 001 001 1100 040% 86 40% 0012 2696 1336 0010 2465 0012 0013 001 001 1110 040% 86 80% 0012 2708 1346 0010 2478 0012 0013 001 001 1120 040% 87 20% 0012 2721 1357 0010 2490 0012 0013 001 001 Developed Condition - 2-Year Storm, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall Incre Ramfall Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instant Design Time dlstr Rainfall Incre Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (m) (In) (In)_ (In) (efs) (efs) 1130 040% 87 60% 0012 2733 1 367 0010 2503 0012 0013 001 001 1140 040% 88 00% 0012 2746 1377 0010 2515 0012 0013 001 001 1150 040% 88 40% 0012 2758 1387 0010 2527 0012 0013 001 001 1160 040% 88 80% 0012 2771 1398 0010 2540 0012 0013 001 001 1170 040% 89 20% 0012 2783 1408 0010 2552 0012 0013 001 001 1180 040% 89 60% 0012 2796 1 418 0010 2565 0012 0013 001 001 1190 040% 90 00% 0012 2808 1428 0010 2577 0012 0013 001 001 1200 040% 90 40% 0012 2820 1439 0010 2590 0012 0013 001 001 1210 040% 90 80% 0012 2833 1449 0010 2602 0012 0013 001 001 1220 040% 91 20% 0012 2845 1459 0010 2614 0012 0013 001 001 1230 040% 91 60% 0012 2858 1470 0010 2627 0012 0013 001 001 1240 040% 92 00% 0012 2870 1480 0010 2639 0012 0013 001 001 1250 040% 92 40% 0012 2883 1490 0010 2652 0012 0013 001 001 1260 040% 92 80% 0012 2895 1 501 0010 2664 0012 0013 001 001 1270 040% 93 20% 0012 2908 1 511 0010 2677 0012 0013 001 001 1280 040% 93 60% 0012 2920 1522 0010 2689 0012 0013 001 001 1290 040% 94 00% 0012 2933 1 532 0010 2701 0012 0013 001 001 1300 040% 94 40% 0012 2945 1542 0010 2714 0012 0013 001 001 1310 040% 94 80% 0012 2958 1553 0010 2726 0012 0013 001 001 1320 040% 95 20% 0012 2970 1563 0010 2739 0012 0013 001 001 1330 040% 95 60% 0012 2983 1 574 0010 2751 0012 0013 001 001 1340 040% 96 00% 0012 2995 1584 0010 2763 0012 0013 001 001 1350 040% 96 40% 0012 3008 1595 0010 2776 0012 0013 001 001 1360 040% 96 80% 0012 3020 1605 0010 2788 0012 0013 001 001 1370 040% 97 20% 0012 3033 1 616 0011 2801 0012 0013 001 001 1380 040% 97 60% 0012 3045 1 626 0011 2813 0012 0013 001 001 1390 040% 98 00% 0012 3058 1 637 0011 2826 0012 0013 001 001 1400 040% 98 40% 0012 3070 1647 0011 2838 0012 0013 001 001 1410 040% 98 80% 0012 3083 1658 0011 2850 0012 0013 001 001 1420 040% 99 20% 0012 3095 1668 0011 2863 0012 0013 001 001 1430 040% 99 60% 0012 3108 1 679 0011 2875 0012 0013 001 001 1440 040% 1 00 00% 0012 3120 1 690 0011 2888 0012 0013 001 001 Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 Original Submittal Developed Condition - 25-Year Storm, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour Storm DWYER SUBDIVISION DEVELOPED CONDITION - 25 Year File No 3949-25YRA QPW 5-13-08, MJK I Driveways only I total vehicular area = 5566 o 13 (acres) pervious area = 260 o 01 (acres) Peak 25 Year Flow = 0.16 cfs Impervious area = 5566 o 13 (acres) pervious area IS the Rain Garden pervious CN = 851 S= 176471 02S = o 3529 ~ Impervious CN = 98 S= o 2041 o 2S = o 0408 total depth rain Pt= 5 18 (Inches) dt= 10 (mln) Tc= 10 (mln) w= o 3333 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre Ramfall Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instant Design Time dlstr Rainfall Incre Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate f10wrate (mln) dlstr (m) (In) (In) (m) (In) (In) (In) (efs) (efs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 040% 040% 0021 0021 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 .J 20 040% 080% 0021 0041 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 30 040% 120% 0021 0062 0000 0000 0002 0002 0002 000 000 40 040% 160% 0021 0083 0000 0000 0007 0005 0005 000 000 50 040% 200% 0021 0104 0000 0000 0015 0008 0008 001 000 60 040% 240% 0021 0124 0000 0000 0024 0009 0009 001 001 70 040% 280% 0021 0145 0000 0000 0035 0011 0011 001 001 80 040% 320% 0021 0166 0000 0000 0047 0012 0012 001 001 90 040% 360% 0021 0186 0000 0000 0061 0013 0013 001 001 100 040% 400% 0021 0207 0000 0000 0075 0014 0014 001 001 110 050% 450% 0026 0233 0000 0000 0093 0019 0019 001 001 120 050% 500% 0026 0259 0000 0000 0113 0019 0019 002 001 130 050% 550% 0026 0285 0000 0000 0133 0020 0020 002 001 140 050% 600% 0026 0311 0000 0000 0154 0021 0021 002 002 150 050% 650% 0026 0337 0000 0000 0175 0021 0021 002 002 160 050% 700% 0026 0363 0000 0000 0197 0022 0022 002 002 170 060% 760% 0031 0394 0001 0001 0224 0027 0027 002 002 180 060% 820% 0031 0425 0003 0002 0251 0027 0027 002 002 190 060% 880% 0031 0456 0006 0003 0278 0028 0028 002 002 200 060% 940% 0031, 0487 0009 0004 0306 0028 0028 002 002 210 060% 1 0 00% 0031 0518 0014 0005 0334 0028 0028 002 002 220 060% 10 60% 0031 0549 0020 0006 0363 0028 0029 002 002 230 070% 11 30% 0036 0585 0027 0007 0396 0033 0034 003 002 240 070% 1200% 0036 0622 0035 0008 0430 0034 0034 003 003 250 070% 12 70% 0036 0658 0045 0009 0464 0034 0034 003 003 260 070% 13 40% 0036 0694 0055 0010 0498 0034 0035 003 003 270 070% 1410% 0036 0730 0067 0011 0532 0034 0035 003 003 280 070% 1480% 0036 0767 0079 0012 0567 0034 0035 003 003 ' "0 290 082% 1562% 0042 0809 0094 0015 0607 0041 0041 003 003 Q) ~ > 300 082% 1644% 0042 0852 0110 0016 0648 0041 0041 003 003 "Ci) 310 082% 1726% 0042 0894 0127 0017 0689 0041 0042 003 003 0 <:::) (ij ..... 320 082% 18 08% 0042 0937 0145 0018 0730 0041 0042 003 003 Q) .'!: 330 082% 18 90% 0042 0979 0164 0019 0771 0041 0042 003 003 a: C"'.I E 340 082% 19 72% 0042 1 021 0184 0020 0812 0041 0042 003 003 ~ .c (1) ::J 350 095% 20 67% 0049 1 071 0208 0024 0860 0048 0049 004 003 ... en (Q 360 095% 21 62% 0049 1120 0232 0025 0907 0048 0049 004 004 C m 370 095% 22 57% 0049 1 169 0258 0026 0955 0048 0049 004 004 c: 380 095% 23 52% 0049 1218 0285 0027 1004 0048 0049 004 004 '5> 'C 390 095% 24 47% 0049 1268 0312 0027 1052 0048 0049 004 004 0 400 095% 2542% 0049 1 317 0340 0028 1 100 0048 0050 004 004 410 134% 26 76% 0069 1386 0382 0041 _1 168 0068 0070 005 004 420 134% 2810% 0069 1456 0424 0042 1236 0068 0070 005 005 430 134% 29 44% 0069 1525 0468 0044 1305 0068 0070 005 005 440 180% 31 24% 0093 1 618 0528 0061 1397 0092 0095 007 006 450 180% 33 04% 0093 1 711 0591 0063 1489 0092 0095 007 007 Developed Condition - 25-Year Storm, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre Rainfall Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instant Design Time dlstr Rainfall Incre Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff f10wrate f10wrate (mln) dlstr (In) (In) (In) (In) (In) (In) (In) (cfs) (cfs) 340% 36 44% 0176 1888 , 0714 0123 , 1663 0174 0180 014 009 460 470 540% 41 84% 0280 2167 0920 0206 1940 0277 0287 022 015 480 270% 4454% 0140 2307 1027 0107 2079 0139 0144 011 016 490' 180% 4634% 0093 2400 1 100 0073 2172 0093 0096 007 012 500 134% 47 68% 0069 2470 1 154 0055 2241 0069 0072 006 008 510 134% 49 02% 0069 2539 1 210 0055 2310 0069 0072 006 006 520 134% 50 36% 0069 2609 1266 0056 2379 0069 0.072 006 006 ,'- 530 088% 51 24% 0046 2654 1302 0037 2424 0045 0047 004 005 540 088% 5212% 0046 2700 1340 0037 2469 0045 0047 004 004 550 088% 53 00% 0046 2745 1 377 0037 2515 0045 0047 004 004 560 088% 53 88% 0046 2791 1 414 0037 2560 0045 0047 004 004 570 088% 54 76% 0046 2837 1452 0038 2606 0045 0047 004 004 580 088% 55 64% 0046 2882 1490 0038 2651 0045 0047 004 004 590 088% 56 52% 0046 2928 1528 0038 2696 0045 0047 004 004 600 088% 57 40% 0046 2973 1566 0038 2742 0045 0047 004 004 610 088% 58 28% 0046 3019 1604 0038 2787 0045 0047 004 004 620 088% 59 16% 0046 3064 1643 0038 2832 0045 0047 004 004 630 088% 6004% 0046 3110 1 681 0039 2878 0045 0047 004 004 640 088% 60 92% 0046 3156 1 720 0039 2923 0045 0047 004 004 650 072% 61 64% 0037 3193 1 752 0032 2960 0037 0039 003 003 660 072% 62 36% 0037 3230 1 783 0032 2998 0037 0039 003 003 670 072% 63 08% 0037 3268 1 815 0032 3035 0037 0039 003 003 680 072% 63 80% 0037 3305 1 847 0032 3072 0037 0039 003 003 690 072% 64 52% 0037 3342 1880 0032 3109 0037 0039 003 003 700 072% 6524% 0037 3379 1 912 0032 3146 0037 0039 003 003 710 072% 65 96% 0037 3417 1944 0032 3183 0037 0039 003 003 720 072% 66 68% 0037 3454 1976 0032 3221 0037 0039 003 003 730 072% 67 40% 0037 3491 2009 0032 3258 0037 0039 003 003 740 072% 68 12% 0037 3529 2041 0033 3295 0037 0039 003 003 750 072% 6884% 0037 3566 2074 0033 3332 0037 0039 003 003 760 072% 69 56% 0037 3603 2107 0033 3369 0037 0039 003 003 770 057% 70 13% 0030 3633 2132 0026 3399 0029 0031 002 003 780 057% 70 70% 0030 3662 2158 0026 3428 0029 0031 002 003 790 057% 71 27% 0030 3692 2184 0026 3458 0029 0031 002 002 800 057% 71 84% 0030 3721 2210 0026 3487 0029 0031 002 002 810 057% 72 41% 0030 3751 2236 0026 3517 0029 0031 002 002 820 057% 72 98% 0030 3780 2263 0026 3546 0029 0031 002 002 830 057% 73 55% 0030 3810 2289 0026 3575 0029 0031 002 002 840 057% 74 12% 0030 3839 2315 0026 3605 0029 0031 002 002 850 057% 74 69% 0030 3869 2341 0026 3634 0029 0031 002 002 860 057% 75 26% 0030 3898 2367 0026 3664 0029 0031 002 002 870 057% 75 83% 0030 3928 2394 0026 3693 0029 0031 002 002 880 057% 76 40% 0030 3958 2420 0026 3723 0029 0031 002 002 890 050% 76 90% 0026 3983 2443 0023 3749 0026 0027 002 002 900 050% 77 40% 0026 4009 2466 0023 3774 0026 0027 002 002 910 050% 77 90% 0026 4035 2489 0023 3(800 0026 0027 002 002 "C. 920 050% 78 40% 0026 4061 2512 0023 3826 0026 0027 002 002 CI) CO 930 050% 78 90% 0026 4087 2536 0023 3852 0026 0027 002 002 > c;::) .cu c;::) 940 050% 79 40% 0026 4113 2559 0023 3878 0026 0027 002 002 C"-' m 950 050% 79 90% 0026 4139 2582 0023 3904 0026 0027 002 002 0 C) ..- Q) :!: 960 050% 80 40% 0026 4165 2606 0023 3929 0026 0027 002 002 0:: C"-' E 970 050% 80 90% 0026 4191 2629 0023 3955 0026 0027 002 002 ~ .0 980 050% 81 40% 0026 4217 2652 0023 3981 0026 0027 002 002 Q) :::l ~ :E en 990 050% 8190% 0026 4242, 2676 0023 4007 0026 0027 002 002 as 1ii 1000 050% 82 40% 0026 4268, 2699 0023 4033 0026 0027 002 002 0 c 1010 040% 82 80% 0021 4289, 2718 0019 4053 0021 0022 002 002 '0, 1020 040% 83 20% 0021 4310 2736 0019 4074 0021 0022 002 002 .;:: 1030 040% 83 60% 0021 4330 2755 0019 4095 0021 0022 002 002 0 1040 040% 84 00% 0021 4351 2774 0019 4116 0021 0022 002 002 1050 040% 84 40% 0021 4372 2793 0019 4136 0021 0022 002 002 1060 040% 84 80% 0021 4393 2812 0019 4157 0021 0022 002 002 1070 040% 85 20% 0021 4413 2830 0019 4178 0021 0022 002 002 1080 040% 85 60% 0021 4434 2849 0019 4198 0021 0022 002 002 1090 040% 86 00% 0021 4455 2868 0019 4219 0021 0022 002 002 1100 040% 86 40% 0021 4476 2887 0019 4240 0021 0022 002 002 1110 040% 86 80% 0021 -4 496 2906 0019 4260 0021 OD22 002 002 1120 040% 87 20% 0021 4517 2925 0019 4281 0021 0022 002 002 Developed Condition - 25-Year Storm, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre Ramfall Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instant Design Time dlstr Rainfall Incre Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff f10wrate f10wrate ~m) dlstr (m) (m) (In) (mL_ (m) (In) (In) (efs) (efs) 1130 040% 87 60% 0021 4538 2943 0019 4302 0021 0022 002 002 1140 040% 88 00% 0021 4558 2962 0019 4322 0021 0022 002 002 1150 040% 88 40% 0021 4579 2981 0019 4343 0021 0022 002 002 1160 040% 88 80% 0021 4600 3000 0019 4364 0021 0022 002 002 1170 040% 89 20% 0021 4621 3019 0019 4384 0021 0022 002 002 1180 040% 89 60% 0021 4641 3038 0019 4405 0021 0022 002 002 1190 040% 90 00% 0021 4662 3057 0019 4426 0021 0022 002 002 1200 040% 90 40% 0021 4683 3076 0(019 4446 0021 0022 002 002 1210 040% 90 80% 0021 4703 3095 0019 4467 0021 0022 002 002 1220 040% 91 20% 0021 4724 3114 0019 4488 0021 0022 002 002 1230 040% 91 60% 0021 4745 3133 0019 4508 0021 0022 002 002 1240 040% 92 00% 0021 4766 3152 0019 4529 0021 0022" 002 002 1250 040% 92 40% 0021 4786 3171 0019 4550 0021 0022 002 002 1260 040% 92 80% 0021 4807 3190 0019 4571 0021 0022 002 002 1270 040% 93 20% 0021 4828 3209 0019 4591 0021 0022 002 002 1280 040% 93 60% 0021 4848 3228 0019 4612 0021 0022 002 002 1290 040% 94 00% 0.021 4869 3247 0019 4633 0021 0022 002 002 1300 040% 94 40% 0021 4890 3266 0019 4653 0021 0022 002 002 1310 040% 94 80% 0021 4911 3286 0019 4674 0021 0022 002 002 1320 040% 95 20% 0021 4931 3305 0019 4695 0021 0022 002 002 1330 040% 95 60% 0021 4952 3324 0019 4715 0021 0022 002 002 1340 040% 96 00% 0021 4973 3343 0019 4736 0021 0022 002 002 1350 040% 96 40% 0021 4994 3362 0019 4757 0021 0022 002 002 1360 040% 96 80% 0021 5014 3381 0019 4777 0021 0022 002 002 1370 040% 97 20% 0021 5035 3400 0019 4798 0021 0022 002 002 1380 040% 9760% 0021 5056 3420 0019 4819 0021 0022 002 002 1390 040% 98 00% 0021 5076 3439 0019 4839 0021 0022 002 002 1400 040% 98 40% 0021 5097 3458 0019 4860 0021 0022 002 002 1410 040% 98 80% 0021 5118 3477 0019 4881 0021 0022 002 002 1420 040% 99 20% 0021 5139 3496 0019 4902 0021 0022 002 002 1430 > 0 40% 99 60% 0021 5159 3516 0019 4922 0021 0022 002 002 1440 040% 1 00 00% 0021 5180 3535 0019 4943 0021 0022 002 002 J' Date Received: MAY 101008 Origina\ submittal- - Lane County Area, Oregon 349 TABLE 13. --PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS--Contlnued Eroslon I 5011 name and Depth Clay M01St Permeabl11ty Aval1ab1e 5011 Shrlnk-swe11 factors Organlc map symbol bulk water react lon potentl a1 I ma t te r dens It:y capaclty K I T In Pct Gjcm" In/hr In/ln E.I! Pct 15E *: MCCul1y--------- 0-11 30 -40 1.20-1.30 0.6-2.0 0.17-0.21 5.1-5.5 Low---------- 0.17 4 7-12 11-55 45-55 1. 20-1. 30 0.2-0.6 0.14-0.16 4.5-5.0 Mode ra te ----- 0.20 55 ------------- 16D, 16F, 16H---- 0-11 15-25 0.90-1.20 2.0-6.0 0.12-0.15 4.5-6.0 Low---------- 0.10 3 4-6 Bohannon 11-24 18-30 1. 00-1. 30 2.0-6.0 0.09-0.15 4.5-6.0 Low---------- 0.17 24 ------------- 17--------------- 0-60 0.10-0.20 0.6-2.0 0.30-0.40 3.6-5.0 Low---------- 0.00 5 50-70 Bra111er 18--------------- 0-38 0.10-0.20 0.6-2.0 0.30-0.40 5 1-7.3 Low---------- 0.00 5 50 -9 0 Bral11er Varlant 38 -6 0 5-20 0.80-1.20 0.6-2.0 0.1670.20 6.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.28 19--------------- 0-8 27 -3 5 0.90-1.20 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 4.5-5.5 Low---------- 0.28 5 4-8 Brenner 8-55 40-50 1. 10-1. 30 0.06-0.2 0.15-0.17 4.5-6.5 Moderate----- 0.24 20B-------------- 0-20 18 -2 5 1.10-1.40 0.6-2.0 O. 12 -0. 19 5. 1-6 . 5 Low---------- 0.17 4 3-6 Brledwell 20-38 18 -3 5 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.12-0.18 5.6-6.5 Moderate----- 0.24 38-60 10-20 1.20-1.40 6.0-20 0.04-0.06 5.6-6.5 Low---------- 0.20 2IB*, 21C* , 21E* , 21G*: Bullards------- 0-4 8-18 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 O. 11-0 . 13 4.5-5.5 Low---------- 0.20 5 4-7 4-58 8 -18 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.06-0.10 4.5-6.0 Low---------- 0.17 58-61 2-5 1.60-1.80 2.0-6.0 0.05-0.07 5.6-6.0 Low---------- 0.24 Ferre1o-------- 0-10 10-18 1.10-1. 30 0.6-2.0 0.11-0.18 5.1-6.0 Low---------- 0.24 5 5-8 10-47 10-18 1.20-1.40 2.0-6.0 0.12-0.17 5.6-6.0 Low---------- 0.20 4 7 -6 0 2-10 1.40-1.60 2.0-6.0 0.08 -0.13 5. 6 -6 . 0 Low---------- 0.20 22--------------- 0-14 5-10 1. 30-1. 50 2.0-6.0 0.07-0.09 5.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.10 2 1-3 Camas 14-60 0-5 1.40-1.60 > 20 0.03-0.05 5. 6 -6 . 5 Low---------- 0.10 23 *: Camas----------- 0-14 5-10 1. 30-1. 50 2.0-6.0 0.07-0.09 5.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.10 2 1-3 14-60 0-5 1.40-1.60 > 20 0.03-0.05 5.6-6.5 Low---------- 0.10 Urban land. 24--------------- 0-8 18-27 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 5.6-6.5 Low---------- 0.28 4 3-5 Chapman 8-42 20-35 1. 20-1. 40 0.6-2.0 0.13-0.16 5.6-6.5 Moderate----- 0.32 42-50 5-20 1.30-1.50 2.0-6.0 0.07-0.10 6.1-7.3 Low---------- 0.20 50-60 0-15 1.40-1.50 6.0-20 0.05-0.08 6.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.10 i 25*: , Chapman--------- 0-8 18-27 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 5 . 6 -6 . 5 Low---------- 0.28 4 3-5 8-42 20-35 1. 20-1. 40 0.6-2.0 O. 13 -0. 16 5.6-6.5 Mode ra te ----- 0.32 42-50 5-20 1.30-1.50 2.0-6.0 0.07-0.10 6.1-7.3 Low---------- 0.20 50-60 0-15 1. 40-1. 50 6.0-20 0.05-0.08 6.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.10 Urban land. 26--------------- 0-13 30-40 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 5 . 6 -6 . 5 Mode^ra te ----- 0.32 5 2-6 Chehahs 1 3 -55 25-35 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 O. 17 -0 . 21 5.6-7.3 Moderate----- 0.32 55-70 15-35 1.30-1.50 0.6-2.0 O. 17 -0 . 21 5.6-7.3 Mode ra te ----- 0.32 60-70 15-25 1. 40-1. 50 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 6.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.32 27 *: Chehal1s-------- 0-13 30-40 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 5. 6 -6 . 5 Modera te----- 0.32 5 2-6 , 13-55 25-35 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.17-0.21 5.6-7.3 Moderate----- 0.32 55-70 15-35 1.20-1.50 0.6-2.0 O. 17 -0 . 21 5.6-7.3 Moderate----- 0.32 60-70 15-25 1.20-1.50 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 6.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.32 Urban land. See footnote at end of tab Ie. Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 Original Submlttc! o -. <9: ;:, ~ en c:: 0- 3 ~ .!. So 11 name and map symbol ~r6D, 16F, 16H----- Bohannon 17---------------- BrallIer 18---------------- Brallier VarIant 19---------------- C/D Brenner 20B--------------- Brledwell 21B*, 21C*, 2lE*, 2lG*: Bullards-------- Ferrelo--------- 22---------------- Camas 23* : Camas------------ Urban land., 24---------------- Chapman ~ 25* : Chapman---------- Urban land. 26---------------- Chehalls 3: !< ~ c::::I 1:5 c::::I CO 27*' Chehalls--------- o 0) Urban land. - ~8C, 28E---------- ;oChehulpum ~9---------------- CD Cloquato ~O*' CD Cloquato--------- a. TABLE l4.--S0IL AND WATER FEATURES--Contlnued Flood 1 nq-- Hlqh water table Hydro- logic Prequency _9E__<2!J_P__ __ Mon ths DuratIon Depth KInd Months Ft C None-------- > 6.0 D Frequent---- BrIef----- Nov-Mar +1-2.0 Apparent Jan-Dec D Frequent---- Brlef----- Jan-Dec +1-2.0 Apparent Jan-Dec Frequent---- Brlef----- Dec-Apr 0-1.0 Perched Dec-Apr B None-------- > 6.0 B None-------- > 6.0 B None-------- > 6.0 A OccasIonal BrIef----- Nov-May > 6.0 I A Rare-------- > 6.0 B Rare-------- > 6.0 B Rare-------- > 6.0 B OccasIonal Brlef----- Nov-Mar > 6.0 B OccasIonal Brlef----- Nov-Mar > 6.0 C None-------- > 6.0 B OccasIonal Very brIef Nov -f1ar > 6.0 B OccasIonal Very brIef Nov-Mar > 6.0 See footnote at end of table. Bedrock . Rlsk-ofcorroslon w CJ) o Depth Hardness PotentIal frost actIon Concrete Uncoated steel In 20-40 Soft Low------ HIgh. > 60 Hlgh----- HIgh. > 60 Hlgh----- HIgh. > 60 HIgh----- HIgh. > 60 Moderate Moderate. > 60 Moderate Moderate. > 60 Low------ Moderate. > 60 Moderate Moderate. > 60 Moderate Moderate. > 60 Moderate Moderate. >60 Moderate Moderate. > 60 Low------ Moderate Moderate. > 60 Low------ Moderate Moderate. 10-20 Soft Hlgh----- Moderate. > 60 Low------ Moderate Moderate. > 60 Low------ Moderate Moderate. (J) ~ (J) c :< <D '< I \ , ~ 1 Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 ()ril'linal Submittal Table 1.3 Runoff curve numbers for selectea agricultural, suburban, and urban areas (Sources: TR 55, 1986, and Stormwater Management Manual, 1992) CNs for hydrologic sOil group ABC D Cover type and hydroloqlc condition Curve Numbers for Pre-Development Conditions Pasture, grassland, or range-contmuous forage for grazing: Fair condItlon (ground'cover 50% to 75% and not heaVIly grazed). Good condltlOn (ground cover >75% and lIghtly or only occaslOnally grazed) .' Woods. FaIT (W oods are grazed but not burned, and some forest lItter covers the sod) .. ..36 Good (Woods are protected from grazmg, and lItter and brush adequately cover the sOlI) 30 Curve Numbers for Post-Development Conditions Open space (lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, landscaping, etc.) 1 ........ Fair condltlOn (grass cover on 50% - 75% of the area) ...... ... 77 Good condition (grass cover on >75% of the area) .. .......... ...68 Impervious areas. Open water bodies lakes, wetlands, ponds etc Paved parkmg lots, roofs, dnveways, ete (excludmg nght-of-way) Streets and roads. Paved Gravel (lllcludmg nght-of-way) Drrt (mcludmg nght-of-way) Pasture, grassland, or range-contmuous forage for grazmg' Poor condltlOn (ground cover <50% or heavily grazed with no mulch Fair condltlOn (ground cover 50% to 75% and not heaVIly graze Good condltlOn (ground cover >75% and hghtly or only occasl Woods: Poor (Forest lItter, small trees, and brush are destroye grazmg or regular burnmg) ..... . 45 Farr (Woods are grazed but not burned, a~ome forest overs the SOlI) ... ......36 Good (Woods are protected from gb92'>Jn~, aQ.'Ahtter ~nd brush adequately cover the soIl) 30 Smgle family reSidential": used for Average Percent Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre ns > 50 acres Impervious area2,3 1 0 DU/GA.. . ....... .... .... 15 1.5 DU/G~.. ... .. .. ,"m . .... 20 2.0 0 . .. ...... . '" ...... ....... ......... ... ... 25 2.5 . ............. . ... ... . .. .. .. . . ... 30 3 0 . ..... .. ..... . .. . .. ... .. . .. ............. ....... ........ .34 3.5 0 A.... .. ..... ._.... .. m'" . .... .... ........ ........ .... ... . ...... 38 4.0 D "m'" . ..... ._ ..... .... .... .. ... ....... .......... ............. .. .42 4 5 DU/GA .... . .. ............ ......... "" ............... ...... . ............. .46 5 0 DU/GA ...... . . ... ........... .............. . . ....... . ....... ......... . .48 55 DU/GA.... .m.' ... . .. ... ..... . ......... .... .... ......... ....50 6 0 DU/GA ..... .. .... ... ...... ..... .. .... .. ........... ..... ... .,. 52 6.5 DU/GA ....... ....... ....... m .. ..... . ........ .. .......... ...... ... 54 7 0 DU/GA... .. . .......... ... ......... .. .... .... ..... .................... ... 56 75 DU/GA.. ... ., .......... . .. . .. . ... ............. ., ...... ..58 PUD's, condos, apartments, commercial %Impervlous Separate curve numbers shall bUSinesses, Industrial areas & must be be selected for pervious and & subdiVIsions < 50 acres . computed Imoervlous portIons of the site For a more detailed and complete descnptlon of land use curve numbers refer to chapter two (2) of the SOIl ConservatIon Service's Techntcal Release No 55. (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed . June 1986) ! Composite CN's may be computed for other combmatlOns of open space cover type. 2 Assumes roof and dnveway runoff IS drrected Into street/storm system 3Where roof runoff and dnve runoff are Infiltrated or dispersed according to the reqUIrements m Chapter 2, the average percent impervIOUS area may be aUJusted III accordance WIth the procedure descnbed under "Flow Credit for Roof Downspout Infiltratlon" and ''Flow Credit for Roof Downspout DIspersIOn" m Chapter 2 49 39 cw- 69 61 60 55 100 79 69 61 66 60 55 79 74 84 80 73 70 79 77 90 86 92 90 100 98 100 98 98 89 87 98 91 89 86 79 74 89 84 '80 77 73 70 83 79 77 Separate curve number shall be selected for pervious & Impervious portIons of the site or baSin August 2000 Volume m - HydrologIc AnalYSIS and Flow Control !?eslgn Page 33 ~,.'''''., _ f r , :>~ , ~.., ~ .1 l' y Design Storm The SBUH method also requrres a desIgn storm to perform the rUll?ff calculauons For flow control calculauons, use NRCS Type 1A 24-hoUI storm chstnbuuon. TIns storm IS shown ill Figure C-l and Table C-4 The depth of ramfall for the 2 through 100-year storm events IS shown below ill Table C-l Table C-l 24-HOUR RAINFALL DEPTHS Recurrence Interval. Years 2 Flood Control, Destmauon 24-Rour Depths, Inches 3 12 5 36 10 446 Polluuon ReductIon 24-Hour Depths, 1 L1Inches I ~"""" // '" I J ''-" '",- ,~ ~ '~-- -"- ~ ~..------..-- 1/ y, .r ---- -~-~--- --_____ --------- 1 1 \ Stormwater Management Manual Eugene July 2006 25 518 100, 648 Date Received MAY 2 0 2008 Original Submittal PaO'e C-3 b ....."-~ 5,; 'l!"n,. f ." ( &- t.1-.r iJ,.,; 4-v- ~ 4-1'7) = 2) 56b sf ((0 ~ ^ 0o.-r-dJ.A\ ~- --> .5Aore.l drl (/~4.j , I ~ 4' [~dj'vu)v~1 ~ dh've-W~S 4 {7:So :5 f) ~ 3') 0 00 !::. f. - 5;, G " __ sf- r , , ,r' ...L IV-. f'-U V I ~ \I.> -- tI t!-h l'CAl', CIJ- (/~f2.- a.t- e-~ . /) :.L. " 4 101 ;1 - A ~ (~~) , ~'1 Ui..Jd "'r,) tt'RG - Vr-x V,,", -IIRc" ~ A/'-U, of: ~a.I~ c;c.-....~ (ere) AT ~ /J~ of ~UA. oAf i:; -Re, '::.. -5; 5 bb :s f- Q , ~ f?J.r,o ~f- fJLr ~ ::::- O. 2..~ In L , Vr ~ ~1J ,eCV1\'d ~ ~'1:-0 - ()~ ~ f!o"~ GOJ(J~ ,.e,J a,o-k =- ;:$.p ;'" L (o.2..S \ ru. ':;)~fo~ ~r J1...)~ r- ( <- 2- f, 7.. 7 0.30 If~) ~ fl. "-7 ~ Date Received: rJy- II t<[ ~ 2&0 sf" MAY 2 0 2008 Original submittal z, ~..._,,-- Npk.' fLAt> dl'"fA~" ~, -splc..s~ ~J~,,~ 0" c:4y~ ('Of f I\Qt -h Ot- 4 I )( (,5 ' ~;~ GfArd..Y\.. POAGE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC. PROJECT tJ (,v. y v- I Svb 5/'J/o& JOB NO 3'141 POBox 2527 . Eugene, OR 97402-0152 (990 Oble Street) (541) 485-4505. FAX (541) 485-5624 By;fl1'k DATE PAGE ) OF 2- VV-l ~ ) 5 ()1Y.J.wJ dov./ n) / s. (11-,,-,1) !I T (G(..J;j (12. 1I '\ (Z L + 2.~)~ + / , f. '- j, ~ ,',,!h, (~,.,.,.". tJt&W'/~"!; #- Uo) ) ~ 0.10 ~2.g , v~ ~vif -::. 1,3 t'" fAt" ) 1- -- ~S -H- ItJ ~ 4- t.+- 5 51.? (." ( 0,. ~S ) [2 (IPS ) ;- 2--( 4-~ j,~ /I~ \ (/, 3) ~ s: 17 .. ~ ~ I ?- .;:. 2- hr.e:: /5 :;7 ------- , ~,~ ~ ~ 2.+ ht'-.$ . ;. _"/CO-::1 --., Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 Original SubmittaL--- POAGE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC. POBox 2527 . Eugene, OR 97402-0152 (990 Oble Street) (541) 485-4505. FAX (541) 485-5624 PROJECT Ovy V- SJ1 BY rn Jk DATE S//3 loB I ,/ JOB NO. ? Cj ~ PAGE L OF 2- 05/06/2008 09:13 FAX 541 736 1021 05/05/2008 09:26 FAX 6414855624 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW POAGE ENGI~~~KING I(l] 002 IaI 002 ."'FlINQFtm.u ,", ..", ",.< PlJBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT fEngmeerin.g Division Pax; (541) 736~1021 STORMWATERMANAGEMBNT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK - (Area helow OW, tine fi/k.d f)U( ~ Applicant) _ (plea.'1t! retur.n. to Matr:Stoud"!"@,Cizy I!f~ringfiR1d P.uhlk Works E1lfJln.eeI'i1tg; Fro.: # 736-1021, ;Phone,#, '136-1035.) Praject N awe: Dwl{SR. ~-p-ft t') ~ _ AppIic.ant: ~ LL.. t:>~i~ Assessors Pared #~ l \-Oz.-~ "i~,$ -:2;:cl~ Date: 5 ..S;-CJ9> ,Land Use(s): (LtiR) ~~N."?l"''f ~e?t~"Al..PhoDe#: 49h-4c;o.:; At'~~ 'CM~~ Project S~e (Acres): . ~ t AU?.~ Fax #: ~~.. S'(O'"l.4- ~1"J?l~Mt'~~ill~'~I!II~:pfu"lel'~~~\~I~~f;~7~'" ~)lJ~ ~~. F~. r~~laiIl.'",f.'fl1!"" "'...~.~~~e)Hfti[ --I ~~~~~il~~~1i~) 'f ~~~l . ''']'~\~~~~~I.1i\j~I>",;,~~~l'''''''' M' "'I' .,, ,1'.' ...~ It' M ~llll".I"""')"~lI(lHl''';'i:':\.'', ..... ',H'.h'l ,",.'!';;f,,;I\','1 "',"'":,II,(i'.,,I-": ,':',1"1' r ii', Project Description (Include a copy of ASSc!'I!lorls map): Ht\p \(- 02 ...~~ l1...~ ~'31 A~~.. -;t;J ";,C> ~. 'F~ wrr-t-\ ~l'-\ e"?l~'~ ~\~~ ~*T IN.(..t,UDt=S ~oo ~,~, Of '''''~''IOI..t-S ~4~~...,.-;.(.r; ~M~It'-.\Of:;'"lL. e>f ""i-k€ ~'-"-rl( t~ V*,-,PrN-r: ~ f"~I'1 1'7 e6~-f1"6L~ FLAt l))l"~l A- 'Z ~ "Ae.\At'\~~ I~ e\..€N;~r"L Drainage Proposal (public connection(s), discharge locationCsJ. etc. Attach additional sheet(s) ifn~ce3sary: ii4t: S"t:~ ~\~"-NOi:' pe~"'D) -I-\L"-\4. ~ ~Ai> VtA- ~ Ho~ IN ToI-Le;"" CU~~ E'?I~'f1N~ FeAr WO~K ~~p 1t..\"fO ~~V"""lNDl~ pla'C..\lI~ ~~e". JIJ.~ ~ PlZAI~7 wlt..v ~ +'~O f>\~ "('0 ~~~ G~ ~W;..I~ At,o~~ +t\"'M e-ANK~ lloA-p 61tz. -r.ez..I"\INW[1Z" ,......"'('t) N.~ ~(.&)@t..u? 'N.~ 11'\ ~J'-.\:j"l..\N"-ne;lH' vJ,"t:4 ~~ ~lt..O/N&, f~,..,I'l ~...''''''', Proposed Stormwater Best Mana~me'Dt Practices: ~ ~elf ~I~ W\U,... ~ '\-{~ f'\~C> I l:'D ~JNAc"")e: ~~\;lO "'(+\~ l\'olwPef;. ~ ~f."lt-^(J Foe:.. c..ou..96'j,~ ~F ~~l.It'f: ~e~ Ne'W l'\O{~"lo~ ~urzpRec::,. W\u.,.. ~ rl..-OW -Co f'r~N,T CAt'N.~;)e'" 1'><<ZA"? FO~ ~-r~.t_~....H...kjToN (..UHI(A AlZB eu-r":;,/!>G ~ G'~(t.. -pMt! q:= ~a... ~~ , ....:....,!d~ Dt:l"M' th# lirJ~ fiJl~d t1ut:1tJL!he ~ity alp! Returned 4) the ATlPficantJ _, . , ... ., . 1 (A.t a minimlUn., aiL boxes ch.ecked by the City On thefrant and baak oft'hir sheet shall be subm'itt.ed. for an. appUcati01l to b~ completefot' $lJ.hmii'a~ although other rerpar&mfm{s may be ru!(Jusary.) Draina~e Stnd'V Tvne lEDSPM Section 4..03.2): (Note. DR may be substituted for- Rational Method) . Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for calculations) o Mid~Level De:velopmcnt Study - (u~ Unit ayd. """..ph Method foT' calculations) , o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for caloulations) Environmental Considerations: tt.~ ~ . I I III Wellhead Zone: &Ii ~ I 1.1. Hillside D~v~lopment: N./ A iii Wetlau.d!R.ipariaJ'.l,: p.J/Jt !il FloodwaylFloodplain: 1=1~~, A Ul Soil Type: 25 -<:"~o.,~m~...... -Ur ~V'\ L~~ 1M Othet' Jurisd,ictjo;r:;ls: MIA DowJ1stream A.nah1sis: f.o"""f /c.y , . N/A o Flow line fOT starting water surface elevation: . o Dr;:sign HG:t to ll..<;e for starting water surface elevation: o Mauhole!Junction to take analysis to: Retut'D to Matt StOl.lde,t (tl) City of Springfield. enwil: mstouder@Jcl,l!lprlnl!fle)d,or.us. FAX: (541) 736-1021 Fage9 of 10 Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 Original Submittal 05/06/2008 09:13 FAX 541 736 1021 Uv/Vv/~VVO v~;~o ~aA O~~40000~q CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW KUa~~ ~~b~N~~K~NG ~003 ~003 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I ~GromdaJ U~Illy: ~.2c........-- * BaJ}ed ~on the infOrmation provided on the frOlJt of U,is 3h~t::t. thelottowing represents a minimum of what is l'leededjOr an 4ppllcation to be complete /Or submittal wi.th rt:spel::t ta drainage.; howl!vel", ,hts Ii"t .!;rwuld not be 'U.),'fJd in lieu of the Sprl7/.gfit:1d Df!Velopm/Jlnt Cod~ (.SVC) r;Jr the City's Engineermg DesIgn M~l. Compliance with the3e r~rements daes not cr:mstltute site a.pprv'Jlal; 1dditional site specific infomw,tion. may be reql~ired. Note, Upon. .!Jcoping sheet submittal. ensure compleredfo1"1tl has been signed in the .~ace provided bE:lcw: 1M Ml II ,Ii o Interim Dmgu StandnrdsIWnter QuaJ,jty (E})Sl"M Chapter 3) Req'd NIA III D All non-building rooftop (NBR) impe:rvious surfaces shall be pre-trestBd (e.g, multi-chambered cOltohbas.irJ. w/oil filtration ~> fOX' ..."'......ate:r guality. Additioll2lly, a miaimum of5O% of the NBR impervJot.ls surface shall be treated by ".../,io....L.J..:d methods. o Where l'equifed, vegetative Stonnwalt:T design shall be: oonsistrot with interim design mndards (EDSPM SeotioJ:l 3.02), $(;t forth by the: Bureau of ErrvironmentaJ S"rvlceli (B,ES) or Clean Warer Services (CWS). o For new NJ3~ impervious: area less than )5.000 square: feet, III simplifiod dcsign approach maybe followed ai!l speci:tled by the BES for vegetative treatment. o If a stormwater treatmetlt e;walc is proposed., submit calcuJations/spl:loifioations for sizing:, vcloofty~ flow, side slopes, bouom slope, and seed mix consisrenI with either .:B:Es or CWS requirnncnts. o Water QuaI:ity calculations 11$ required in S~tion 3.03.1 of the EDSJ:'M . An building ,rooftop mou.nred e<juipmettJ:, or other fluid eonte.inin~ equipment looatc:d outsldc: of the building, shall be provided with secondary ctmta.inmcn\ or weather resistant enclosure. General Study :Requ.ir~ebts (EDSPM Section 4.03) AI 0 Drainage study prepared by a ;t;'rofe..c:..<:ional Civil :Engmeer licensed In tho S'C8.te of Oregon. o ~ A Qomple1;o draW8~C study, as required in EDSPM Seetion 4.03.1, mc:luding ahydrologlcal StUdy map. . 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a. .2-year storm event and OVc:rflClW effects of a 25-ycar storm cvctrt. o .!hr:: time of ooncentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minUte stan: time for developed bilsms. Revisw I;Jf DOWDstrealll S~m (EDSPM Sectiou 4.0g.4.C) o . A downstl'ealn dratnage analysIs ag described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4,C. On-site drainag~ liliill be gov~cd by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). . o .. EJ",'Vations of the 'HGL and flow Jines for both CIty 2nd prjv~ systems where applicable. Design of Sturm Systems (EDSPM Secdo~ 4.04) . 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elovation9, pipo tYPe and SIZes oloarly indica.ted on the plan set o III Minimum pipe cover shalJ be 18ln.cbes fat te.lnforoed pipe and 36 inches for plain conc;:retc and p]~'tic pipe mataisJs, or prClpe. en~,;"g calculations shall be provided when leISS, The cover shall be sufficicmt to support an 80,000 Ib load wifhout failu1'e ofd'l$ "lpe Sl'rlJcture. . o III MliIllning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4.1 ofthl!l Ens}>, All storm plpes shalf be des;gI')ed to ach:.leve a mInimum velocll)' of three (3) feet per seoond at 0,5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 i!S well, OtherlMise . 0 EXlstlng and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site .grades showing how site drains Ii 0 Private stormwatc::r casements shall be cloarly dqncted an plans wh~ privatI!: stormwata :f1owll ftQlI1 one propc:rty to another . .;-0 D:rywt:lls shall not receive runoff from any s~e w/Q being treated by one or more :BMPs, with the exCI:pUOD of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4 A). Additional provisions apply to this as TequlrCd by the; DEQ, Rei=r to tbe webslre: w'\V~' deo.~r.ate.or 1j~wo/l!ToLlndwaJuicbome.hom for mOre information o . Detention pODds slntJl be desigIled to limit runoff to pre-development rates for the 2 through 2.5-yea:r storm events '~'Thi.r;f"rm .r;hall b~ bt.clJuled Q$ Qpt attadt.menr., inside theft'tJPtt cov~r~ ofth~ storm.wlZLD' .study r, " , ~ " , , . , , , '" I "TMPolt.'l'ANT.' ENG.lNEER PLEASE READ R.El..OJ.f'A.N1:J'SlGNl ' ,,' _~"!I ---~ 'fy the above required it= lire ClompJetl!: ~d wcludcl with the submItted stormWlltcr study A.~ tbe engineer ofreco and plan set. Signature: ~ Date: ~--~-()8 Page 10 ofl 0 Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 Original Submittal