HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-11-27 ~ . 'Db Loc3.tion: ..3 'g'/, 0 If",-y d "-~ - I ., '-\ \ tsocaDor.': Map N /7 - a l S'kbdivi.sion: ::uncr: tPc./i/J/' J lr60 fJ"'....A/~v J/... ~d """ fJ....: ~ Iddress: ~ity: 5,p~,,,,,,q.r::..~j,, CJ~_ , ZLNPI.J ..>61 Addi ticn ="1 Remodal I ,'!obf.Ze 110m:! A"~:d."" f?d: S 1tJ'F/) . ~ Tc:z: Lot H :2 0 (> Phone: )lf7-'),l.-o6 Zip: 77 '0 Y Describe rl'orl~: . J 'X F5(j) ..'_...,,\.,...,.,.., Receivt !I .- .' ,".... ... ~ " ~-. '~.:' -. .. ,..-.. .'" ,. .., .'......... ,-. ....... ... L\~qe {t04:~:-~." ~ Siqr.ed:~ 7' I. )._<. ~ 1/.'2-/, qi) /' : Data of Applicaticn 111/6 /"f0 Value /1,7 3 , . , . ontractors 4ddrp~g Lisc~" Bldrs Hoard ;eneral 1..J./l-'1(,~~ c.,.",f"'<-<--t....... 'eo 1(0'<" >f!..."" S",Fd, f/.<J:3'f<l1 ~lumbing 5),.J. P /'-' b,...'" 1'<'1 0", ,'v<,1t" lechanical ~o...." -r..t." ,;: .~~:f- ~ / ~~~"tL'i.!;~l C ",_~ r t'-(.u7=-/(<_ ~t1peIi~~~~;,..lfL Elec t r~c inn Date: R'e'!:. Exp'i!"es f/06/<?1 7Q'7 - "<;'7 I llhonp Tt is the responoibility of the permit hoLder to see that all inopections are made-at ~he proper tims. t~at each ~ess is re~:e ~ from th. otrsst. and that the permit card is located at tJze fl'Ont of the property. '8ui!di,"'I{J Diui::io~ approved plan shell l"emain on tha Bu-Hding Site at all times. ~70C~DUP.E POR INSPECTION R~aUESJ:~CALL 726-3769 {.recorder} state your' City .:1es~gnated job nwr.ber. job address. type of in3pec~iclI -aq1.lcstcd ar:d when you !JiZZ be ready fo.r inspection. Contractors"or Q,mers name and phone number. Requests received befere 1:00 t::.J ,'il! be made ~hC same d~y, .~equests :ade ~ftcr 7:00 am Llill bz made the next :JOrki~Y. , ,'Your City DecifJ".atad Job Nwnbcr Is: "-J...LJ \ ~q,~ ~m;i~"1tf T'l'''!!~t'('j:ir.'11'' ] SITE INSPECTION: To be made 'after' c.rcav.7ti.:m. but priOI' to set up of forms. ] . UtIDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICt1L & N!'(..'HA.YICAL: To be made before any uork is ~overed. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after tre,lchcs are excavated and forms azoe erected. but proior to pouring ccncret3. UNDSRG.WW.'D P:'UM3INC" SEWER. W.1TF:R, DRAINAGE: To be fTJ'Jde prior> to fiL- Ur.g trenches. ] ] UrlDE.rWLOOR PLm!BI.YC & MECHANICAL: To be mads prior to installation of [loor insulation 01' decking. POsr AND BEAM: To be ",.ads priOtt to installaticn of fLoor ins~lation 01' decking. ROUCll Pr.U'!RJ!1C. Er.ECTn!CAL .e MECIl- ANICAL: No :JOrk. is to bc cOL'eroea ~ur.tiL, th~s~ inspections have b~e~ made and apPl'Oued. Fr.r?EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing mater'ials and beforoe framing inspec- tion.. PRA1~1!lr.: /.tu.st be requested after' apP,'ou.:z.L of rough ptwr.bing. a~ectroi- cat t. mech.:J.ni~al. An Nofing bracing t chimneys. et~. nr~st be . completed. !lo LJ::)rk is to be con- ; cealed until thiD inspection has . be~n made and appNvod. ] a ] ~ _~. .___n 'I) I INSULATION/VILPOR .BARRIER INSJ!.'..:c....J'J.Uf'l: To be made after all insu.lation ~"A . l'cquiroed vapor barroiers are in place but befor8 any lath. gypsum boarod or LUll covering is applied. and before any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: To be made aftero all droyuall is in place. but prioro to any taping. O MASONRY: SteeL location. bond ...,,- --", beama. gl'OU ting oro vertica ls in . '" accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. [2] o MOODSTOVE: After instaLlation iB ccmpleted. DE/.fOLITIO!J OR NOVE~ 8fJILDIilGS , ~ Sani-tary BI!'Jer :apped at propcrot:; lir-e " .' , .' "ll,,,,,,,,~j~\"'~"""\~"';ll 1..1, ill. 1\ ~ Septi.:: tank p-.:vrpcd and fill2~ r.ri.th gl"O:Jsl :J Final.. fl'hen above itc~s are completed and when demoLition. is compLets oro stru~- ture moved and premiaes ~leaned up. . Mobi le Hcmes :=J Blooking and Sat..:J.p . _ :=J Plwnbing connections seWer and !Jater ~ ~-Electrical Connection.. Blocking. set-up ... . .-.J and plumbing connections ,",~8t te approov2d before requesting electrical inspectio~ :=J'Ac~eSSOr1i Building :J FinaL - Aft::r p:1l"C1:es. etC. are completed. skitttinU. decks. , ., o CURB & APPROACH APR()N~ Afte,:, forms are creoted bu t pr'ior to pouring ::tJrwrete. o All project conditions. suc.~ as tIle ':~nstaZZation of stl'ect trees. "co.~lotion of tile required landscc.pir.a, etc.. muot be satisfied before the BUILDINC PINAL can be r:1qu.eotad. L:J FIlIAL PWMBIfIG :zJ FIliAL MECIIANICAl. Zl FINAL Ec.ECTBICI.L :J D SIDl':tIALK ..e DRntEfIJ.Y~ For all c~- -'~ crete paving within stroeet right- of....'..x;y, to be made after all. exca- vating compLete & fo~ uork & &ub- bass"materia.l in plaae. o FINAL DUILDINC: The PinaL BuildinG Inspection must be requested after tho Pinal Plwnbing Electrical. and Mechar:icaL InspectionD have been made and appl"OvO!d. , , o PENCE: Wher. complGte Provide gates 01' movable sections throug~ P,U,E. .1Lf,(, '.MNIICr.F:S AND CLF:,1NOUT2 nl!.':T nF: ACCES!:IRLF.. AD,'p.'iT!fF:NT TO BE '.f.~f)F. ~T /.'0 ("51' TO cr?'y I P:lr~a of 2 o . -."~ - L-COC"" Type/Cor.st: ~/ Bedrooms: Faces _ ~~, . _. "7. :JP'"?I1 fn2r~11 SO:~1'Ces TUN! s..tlJ.?okn I Heat R~' 1A1"~ House I Cara'lo Acce:HJ. 1 I Watl!r .'ltmtl!J4 L~~T: ~."" I I Rallge ~/ I I \ Firevlace 7:z I, I I Wood. to.e ~'72>~...d I ' I JOB N~~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- I Zone: \ ~ '\ Qccuoanc,~ ~ N\ \ LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. /~......... S of lot Coverage /""" .f of Stories ~ Total Height ~~ ' Topography .t::?-29L!:> L Interior Corner Panhandle ewl-de-sac I Lot I I P.&. INorth lEast South IWeet FRes. -- lITEM S~,FTG j~bin 1~~~~'~'2~ ~p~ . Caroort !q-':;- Acees80ru I x Value Building Value & Permit -I j This permit io !JNnted on the ezpreDs condition thL:2t the said construction shalll in all respects, confonm to the Ondinar.ee adopted by the City of springfield, inc!udi.ng the Zonina Crdinance, regulc.tt1tg tile ccnstru"ticn and use of buildings, and m::y be 6uDpended or revoked at c.ny time upon vie- lation of any provisior.s of said Ordinances. TOTA& VAWE II, 7~ S.D,C. flJaL.UcJ 1.5 % J . I ?2~,501 , 4".-'3'1 97. /31, I ITEM I NO, 1 Fi.-r,ures 'I I Residential (1 bath) I sanitary Sewer I Weter I FEE I $#t> CHARGE ~,o.- No pereon Dhall conotructl instaU, at.ter or change any 116'" cr e=isting ptumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, ur.leos such peroon io the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's licenssl B%CBpt that a person INJY do plumbing work to property lJhich is or.med, leased or opBl"ated by the appli- Cant. .~ IPlan Check Fee: (n".). U Ivate Paid: \1)- \ (,.,-Qc) IReceipt H: ~ /Ct\i"\ I Signed: 0.~ ' I Plumbing Perm. Bui tdina Permi t State Surcharge Total,Charges .' plwnbing Pen::i t State Sure1-.arge Total Charnes lin1' NO. 'I t!/. --0 2:,.,..0 Res. Sa. rtD. N~/G%tend Circuits I Temporary Service I ~"'~--,' FEE T CHARGE I I Where State Law requires t~.at the electrical ~rk be done by an Sle~trical Contractorl the electrical portion o/' ~his penmit shall roOt be valid untiL the label has bG:en signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. 'ELtS'C-17'f'r~ ~v.7'rl7~?i" ~r<: c>C,"7I"/y rf2 :;;~-?'ff,f?~ (~~/7: Electrical Perm it fle~trical Pe~it IITSM Furn.::Ice !!TU 's I f::::haust Hood .1 Vent Fan I W:JOdstoOJe FSE CHARGE I I. I I Mechanical Permit State Surahar(le Total Charges I NO. I I ?11!..~ ,/S- Permit I38uanca #1e~hanical Permit State Surehal'C'f: Total t;Mrae:J __ ENCROACHMENT -. ISe~~ritu Daoo3it I Storage 1/-hintenan"e I Permi t I Total Charges I Cur~cut ISidewlk I f~n~a I Electrical [,abel I Hobite lIoms 1 4--/~~~~ '.?-n=>lUJr -to- ; //-2~-~ woo '.. I HAVE CAREFU&&Y EXAMINED ths completed application for pcrmit, and do 1 hereby certify that aU ir:fo:oma.tion hereon is truB and eo,.,.cctl and I tu,.ther certify tha.t any ar.d all work pBrfor.rled shalt be do:1e in aO'O'or- I danO'6 rJith tha Ordinances of ths City of sprinaficldl and th. W..;S of tho .. State of Greg.,n pertaining to the wrk described herein, end that NO OCCV~ PANCY ""II bo IfrJd. of any otl'Ueture "ithout pormis.ion of the Suildin~ Di. vision. I [urtho,. certify that o:1ly eontra~tors ar.d e:npl"yecs lJho are i'l compliance ~ith ORS ?Ol.05S lJill be used on this project ,TOTAL A/:IOUNT DUE:" 1 1 /~s: ?81. AdlJ~ SiOll:td 11/'2--'/-;O lhtn