HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-5-8 Subdivision: ~'r. PAl. Tax Lot H 00900 Rece'i.pt fi {(d.l'6' ) .. RESID~TIAL" APPLICI1T10iv/I'ERMIT . 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97.477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: '.'3~.?iO l--k.d,-,N ABOBBoors Map N 1/ 0 d. 10 tlJ I , LA~ . \ " .. ~ ", C'.. '\>. , ~..{1' -... .... .1\.'.... ...... ., ~ ': '. ~ \ \ ~ . CUnoP: i=" VYlI.~ A<' r A/flc" c:.. Addzoess: ~Ltc:..y fI}, n;t1J Pr.rmo: 7 4 b-y~g'3 . . ..> City: ~J. ~Q zip: Qj'-l,7 ' . . , ..... $.~,R vJ I ~w.~ n n n n N~,J Addi tion Remode l .'.lobile Homa Date of Application Contractors General '1:\"",^ V}o I ~.Q... i Plumbing .. .' I Hechanical I El,ectri.!:aL , hn-~ C'-vr>C.~. I SHOeli"l~i.ng E1ectr;ician - Descnbe r.'opk: Value tTI. ()(')(l) II ....... ,> Agdress :.l \B.."", .Lise. Ll1>-A",^,g . Bldrs Board II 5;>:;l L./ , , .. ., , . .. ... , t;A{IJ{i) f5- X -~() ./. .' , -' Sigr:ed: :-Date: Re\!. 'EXD:!.res .',. ,- ~r.onp 7~.<:;7 . ' . , ,,- , ." .:'. , ... .. - L:(': "';"<:BCf ~ Vun <""t (~~~.\ lou.r CitY Deoigr.ated Job Nwnbsp Io: FV"I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made aftep all insulation ar.d .. ~ . " pcquiped vapOl' bCIITieps are in' place. . '. ,;". . ~ but befope any "Lath, gypsW11 boa:rd' OP t.XZ7.l covering is applied, and befope' <ZT!'y i1'l13uZation is concea7.ed. .. . ~ " ~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made 161 after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY.' Steel location, boiui beam3, grouting OP verticals in accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccrrrp7.et~d. o CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: AfteZ" toms aPe erected bu t prior to pounng . . OOMl'ete. It is th8 responoibility of ths pel'mit holder to 888 that alZ. inopeetions are mad~ dt'. the p:l'oper tim~" tJ-.at each .:zdd:r8S8 is peadaDZe fl'OM ths stpeet, and that the permit aaN is locat6d at the front of thiJ property. . ABui!.ding rr;vi::ior: approved plan shall remain on th2 Bui.ZdirIfT sits at all times. . ~... . PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE..QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (pccoPderJ state your City designated. job 'm.m:bep, job addzocss~.~type of ir..3pec"f;icn l'aquested ar.d when you lJi1.Z. be ready fop inspection, Contractops. or OlJners nc:me c:n.d phone numbct'. Requests peceived before 7:00 (;';'l :.>iZ1. be made the Bame day, pequests made after- 7:00 am will be made' the next :.JOpking day. .r?W(f,,!lul T)1/mpf!tifmA ~' SITE INSPECTION: To be made after' ~ excavation" but pnol' to set up of . fOm/s. O WM~UBnU~MG. UEcrM~L& . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . klOpk is aovcped. . ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be nru1e after trenches are excavated and forms are ep6cted" but pmp to pouring ccncret~. ~' UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. DRAINAGE: To be made .tir.g trenches. iVl, UNDERFLOOR PWMBMG & MECHANICAL: ~' To be made priop to in3tal"Lation of floor insulation OP decking. SWER. W.4TE.~ prioP to fi l- ~ POST AND BEAM: To be made pnor to installation of floop insulation OP decking. ROUGH PL!JUBIllG. ET.ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :.JOrk is to be cOL'ered ,until these inspections have beer. made and apppoved. . FIREPLACE: Pl"ioP to plc.cir.g facing materials and befope fmming inspec- tior:. ~ ~ ~ FRANING: Must be pequeDted aftel' approval, of rough plwrbing, e7.ectri- cal & mechaniaal. AU roOfing bracing & chimneys, eta. nr~st be : completed. !lo lJOl'k is to be con- ..... ceaZed until thio inspection has 'be~n made and approved. ,- SIDEWALK & DRn'EWAY: Fop all con-' ., -=-, . . crete paving within stl'eet pight- ---.J Ac.:!essol"'d But.Zd:.ng of-IJC.Y" to be made aftep all exca- vating complete & fol'm wopk & sub- . base rn::ztena l in p l.a::!e. o " o PENCE: When comp7..-;te -- Provide gates or movable sections thrqugh P,U.E, .. . q(Jo~7{) -.\.....l _.:!t. o . DEUOLITION OR gOVEIJ BUILDIi/GS ~. S:mitary 88"..)er .:!apped ~t p:..opcPt-~. 7.ir.e :J'S~Pti.:! tank p'..c::p~d and fille~ r.n.th grG:J.eZ , ~ Pinal - rflum above items a1'e completed . . ....:J and when demolitior: i8 complete OP stru.:- " ture moved and. premises cleaned up. Mobile Hemes :==J'Blocking and Set-up ~,).PZ.umbing connections -- SC1.J)er and !Jater ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up .:......J and plumbing connections l1T..lst be appl'oved befopc l'6questing elec~rical inspectio~ :J Fin.:zl - Aft~l' popcr.es, skipting" decks, etc. ape comple~cd. o AU ppoject '~onditionB, such as the i.nstal.lation of street trees, co.-:rplotion of the pequire,d landscc.pir.g, etc., _must be satisfied befope the BUILDING FI!lAL can be l'aquested. ~ FIliAL PLUMBIIIG ~ FINAL I1E~HANICAL ~ FINAL ELEcrRICAL o ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Fin~7. .Building Inspection must be l'equeDted aftep the Final, P7.wnbi"J Electrical, and. Mechar.ica7. In~pections 'Jg,va....~ee~mad~.:2?~;~ppro~.F.~\; ....'" J) \";'~ :...\\....,: , '. _.'. \'\..~ . . .~~ .\.... ~...:.:...,.. ,,-~,:;". ~ \.'..... .....\.. ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUfiT!!ElIT TO f!E"M.~DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 '. r-c.ge ,:: I I 'I I I JOB NO, 9dO~70 SOLAR A~SS REQ,- I Zona: OCC:U'Panc~ G~ 1< S T;.,'pe/Cor..st: Lot Sq. Ft;;. 2x:z,'i'2D.r. LOT TYPE Lot Faces - ~/-ssr I Setbacks S af lot C()Veragt:. Interior ,- P.L. House I CCU'aqe Access. !I of Stories j I COr1ter North Total Height L Panhandle East South Topography 1~_I7_ CUL-de-sac .~~ West -- Fees -- I ~/ t:-O 5~:?L- / /tJ. oa" I e>74 jCJ4$ /7 ~ I 1 I I ,J27.#~O I. I N/A I' 443. ~I u,"'" I SIB.HI ~ J S tJo -S7S0 J /JS'CO I S-:2.S"1 J /0,"')..51, I I I I I I I 2.5' 5"0 I 1 2.& I 2~.'1S ~ ' I I t " I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'oIINED the completed application for pe1'f1fit, and do I hereby certify that all info:'117t2tion hereon is tl"Ue and correct, and I , T.U'ther certify that any ar.a all work pel"foP.7led shall be do~e in aC~Ol"- I dance :.Jith the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th~ La-..:s of tha ~ * State of OregDn p~rtaining to the work described hel"oin, and that NO OCCU- I FANCY fA1ill be m:zde of any structure LJithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I furthel" certify that o~ly contl"actors ar~ emplcyees who are in I compliance with ORS 701.0~~ will be used on this project Fc""e I '5'/~'vC'j) TW~o,u I IM/./k)Y'?/JIdvr Electrical Label I ~Clvj.r ~t,/~ ~ TO /55t(~ I Mobile Home l:;t- IS. ' tA-NE ~HAJ771 eNl//~....,.-;.~ ~ "'''''''I ' ..;I1!;tI-',"1'>.I_":,,:",PA ..._"",;;.-r-~. " /'1 ~ I I _' A~~e~1- j/~ I I Y' ~ Signad TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' /'" '1$ ",,35"1 ' ITEM SQ.FTG Main Gmom::_ Carnort I AccessorII TOTAL VALUE Is.D.G. (uct.ucJ 1.5 :r: Building Permit State SUPcha:rge Tota I r:ha..~gea I ITEM NO'1 FEE F1..:r:tures I Reaidenticl (1 bath) ~ I Sanitary S""er "PA?'J Co I ~ I I Water S7lJNw1 S"l!tIJCI:l Plumbing p.,.",,: t State Surcr.arge Total Charaes I ITEM I NO. I I R_.. Sa. fto. ~UC~ I N6!.J/Eztend Circui ts FEE Temporary Service Se'JIJJ/1t!L ~OA--L- Ele~tl'ical Per,mit State Surcharge Total Charces lITEM NO. FEE I F'ur>n:lce PTU'S J, I I E=1urust Hood I I Vent Fan .3 I JlOodstoiJe 1 fI731ri N_~ I , , Permit Issuance Mechanica l perori t State Surch.t:::roe Tntnl C'har-af'n I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC"MPi~ Deoo3it I Storage I Maintenan::!8 I Permit ~ I I CUrbcut I Sid_lk Total Charoaas x Value I I S:J-.~ I I IS' 1m 1....~.7..$O I. "43g.j I qJ,~.I' CHARGE CHARGE S' 2.. &'" e> CHARGE G/)O 4S'O 4~~ ~"o ~ L-COG~ N I Bedroom.: 3 I F.nerau Soul'ces Tuve I I' ,oieat EI ,:, r H'EA'r PUMP I Watel" HP.fItP.-T' ~~ I Range CI...1!!c:lr' I I............ Fil'eplace I--" I Wood:; tove II 2i> /viti, 'I." Building Value & Permit This pel'mit is granted on the express condition that the sdid constl'Ucti07'l shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning C'rdinance, l'egulating the constructicn and use of buildings, and I1I:2Y be sut;pended 01' revoked at c:r:y time upon vic- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . ~/O 1.0 ~ '2., :1001..f ~,. J :. .....:- IPlan Check Fee: L..jq-::l,. I Dat. Paid: ~J::>"l je,o IReceipt #: f ~">'?,. I Signed: ~ ) ~ - Plumbing Permit No person shall const'rUCt, install, alter or change any new or msting . plwnbing or cfi.ainage system in UJhole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plur..bing IJOrok to property UJhich is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. / Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the electrical. work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical'portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the 7.abel has been signed by the Electrieal Contractor. ,. Mechanical Permit R~9-1~ PLan G-xamt.ner /' ua"e1f~n ~9~ Date ,/