HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-2-16 It is :n. r."Ponaibit.i.ty of the pnmit hol.dlrr> to s.. that aZZ inspections aro r.tati.4 at :hs pzoopU" tims" t;r.a"t ~h -=ddrU8 is r.~!~ from ells str.st. and that tho psrrrrit oard is located at tho fran. af tlls prep.,.t... ISui!.ding Diui::io!': aprroved plan shall. r:.,~.:f!: tpt Building Sit~ at a1.Z timBS. PROCEDURE POR INSPEC'l'ION REOl!EST: Call. ~1p(jeecozrdt1.r) stat. your City d.esignatad iob l'UDl".b,,:r, iob addN:ss, type of in:rpec:icn l"squeetsd ar.d. w.'".an you :.n:z.z. b. retzdy for inspClCt"..on, Contractor's or CNnnos nt:mfl c:nd pha1uJ number. Rsqtu:sts receit:ed ceiczofl 7:00 G::t .'in be """" the sams dJ:;J, rsqussts """" aft"" 7:00 am r.n:n bs """" tlls >U:-.... '-">rking day. , (72&;-3710 9) r_ City DsrigMtsd .ab Numbt;Z' Is: ....BUJIj-:Jf r.-r!irJl /. 0: SIT! INSPEC':'ION: To be m:z.a.. aftn' D INSULATION/VAPO.q 3ARRrrR !'!!SPE:C"!'TON: _......~ but pM.c:- ta ..1: up of To b. ntZd.8 aftsr aLt inwl....--ti.?n aNi toms. reqsr;Z'fld t1ap0Z" b~ aN in place .0 UNDERSLA8 FWNBINt:, KLECTRICAL & but before.any . lath. ~psum bo~ or 'lo!ECHA11ICAL: To be 11ItZtU before an&' :.uz.z. . aoVeM.~ 1.~ appt.1.4d, and blllors lJOrk is ~ovcred. any 1.MUZatum: t.8 concsa.1.sd. o .: .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT _ SPRINGflELD_ 225 North 5th Street ' ' Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 \ \". ,"'.'- I Jab Wc3tt.:m:__A,.:J ~~ ~SCQSoor3 Map # ~",.t-J IX.-- I-iJr:--M~ , T""tat# SUbdivision: ~ o.m.r:~A~.A- ,/ JJ ~ ~2ddNS3:~3,\~ 2I..y~ nr, i.l" _ C!ty: ~A.- ,L.~ 1j> ()(l, Q 0 · Phons: 7 U7- 7/1' Y Zip: q 7'; 7 7 o n n n ,VIt'.,J D..cribs Wark: X II,- Additicn I:tt--cr . RfZ1ffO.:!4l Mobil. ,qamfl X Dats af Appliarn:cn La1ltraCtors 1/ "'fval"" .-\ 10. Address :J- / , -. f .:L Gomsral Plumbing Electrical , rl- ,'.ftJ~har.ic.::.t CO'fl8tructicn r.~ -:r~ .fL.- J_ '>!-/... )na...:....J D FOOTING I POUNDATIC.V: Ta b. """" attar trfmchds are _.......,.......Jd and forms an ercct.d, but prior to pow-ing ccncr.'t.. , ., D MASONRY: St.el lo:ation, bond Wm~CROU..D F~lJM!!rNG\ SEJI'E:!l' W.1~~. bll4m3, grouti.ng or varticcLa in DRAINAGE: To bB nra.:U pl"1.Cr to J-:'z.- a.accrodancs rJi.eh a.B.C. S.ction L....g tl'fmcllss. ~ 2415. UllDE.t!FWOR P'{.w.1BING & UeC!1ANICAL~ WOODSTOVE: Aftsr i.natalZa.tion is To bs nuas pM.o:r to l.n3tal.l.a't1.01l of ccmpl.sud. /'Lorn> i7tBUZa:tion or dscking. POST AND aEAM: To b. ~ p'l"iot" to D CURB & APP.rNJACH AP.~N: Afte:> forms instal.l.:I'ttc71 of floor inst..:Z4tion or are 6Nctsd but prior to pouzring d6ck:i.7ttJ. .:on..."T8U. ljOpGR PLllH8I."1t;... FrjEC':'R!CAr. j .'<fECH- D SIDETlALK & ::JRr/EWAI: For aLl can... ANICAL: No '..Jerk. "':8 to oc cot,'Bl"ea creta parnttg lJitht:n streQt right- ur.ti~ thesB i.nspec~.s havs bQB7l of-wcy~ f:D he ma:U a;'tlt' aLZ. e%Ca- I7kltU and approv..:!.. vat".:ng ccrrrpl4ts " tom tom"k J zub- FIP.EPl.ACE: Pr-ior to p1..acir.g tacing bas. nr:tmaZ in plaall. I1Il:t.rials and befot's framing inspec- tior.. D DRYWALL TIISPECTTON: Ta be """ aftU' alL drywLz. is in plac.~ but prior ta cny t<%pi"!/. o o D o o D~: ~ compt..ts -- ?rovitis gatsB azo .7tOVabt. sBcticns thrcugh P.U.E. P'P.AJ.~TNC: Mu:Jt be rsqtlS:Jt.t af~U' approvaL of 1'OtUJh pturri:,.i.ng~ atacm- aaL & .'1Iechan~aL. AtZ roOfing bracing ~ ahi.mncys~ et~. /7C.Oat be aamr1Lstad. ,110 wrJe is to bs con- ctlaiQd untit thio instlscticn has b.... """" and approv.d. D . Rcce~pt f~ :5' TO& 7 a;ood sID ve- 4% /5. OD toO SiQr.ed: Date: ~.du-- .c.-fIn-Pi ~. I Lisa. ;; .:::,ircs Phone f? ;).0 /:j ? DeJ.fOz.ITIO!l OR .l1Ot"!'D 3UIZ:::iGS :=J Sani~ 1lQ)C' ::c:;pei =t ~F~ Zir.. ~ Sspt*: tank p-...Ilrrp~d w..:. Ii Z. "ad :..'i tit ;ra.:J6 L . :J Finat - JI1um r:Dove it~8 JZ'S aa::tpLQted . ar.d whtln ::er.lc~i~.:or. 1..<1 a~t.":. or struc- ture moved ar.d ?l'~3.8 :: ~tll71'lC up. Mobi Zs Hcm8B :::J Btocking and sat-~~ :::J Plumbing connsct~ns .- SaJBI' c;nd wa::ar :::J EZ.cotrica~ CcnnectW1! - Bt,')ck-;-:.:J ~ set-up. and pLumb1.71g .:onr.ect-:..=ne 1:':"'':3t =11 a;:provea before requQBting BL.~=ricaL ~r.BpSC~~ :::J A.ccIlBGOl"":i Bui:di..~ :J fin::Z - Aftcr.?::rc.i-:es. sk~rti1tf~ dscks~ tl~. are compl.8t~a. D ALl. pr"Oject oondi~ns~ sue.'": as ths instaLlation of S:r8et trees. a~l.;-:i.:m of" :iut required Uuvisccpi7'.g~ etc. ~ must 00 satisfiod befol's ~r" aUILDI.:C Fr:.'AL .:an =e zosqttsstad. o FINAL PWMBING o ?1NAL ,'.(E(;IJANICAL o nVAL ET.ECTRICAL o o FINAL SUltDIlle: 71:e FinaL BuiZdiYu] Inspection must bo zoequeatit:: at":er ;;"8 ~r:"-!.nat ?!ur.:bin; EltJctriaaZ~ and .'1echar:icat 1nspect;i.ona havs been mads a7Iti approved. "'AU ,'.fANHOJ;ES AND CLEAl/ours MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJU$T!fEllT TO SE HilDE AT NO CQS; TO :1'1''1 I F:::.~e of.2 I IJob I!umb(!f': F~O/37 i Zone: -. . jLot Sq. ptg. : t of lot C""erago i g of Storie. ! Tota 1.. Height i Topography OcCUDan.ctf Group: WT TYPI: InteMc1* Cornel' PanhandZe CuI-dB-aae FSE CllARCE I I I I I /~. ()Ol I I I I /5. ()() I , rhOI /5. 'in 01 * l'ITEM I Il.trin IGcrt:Jall i I",","" ..._.. I ACCe880Jlt1 I I ! SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE: Is.D.C. (VCi-UC) 1.5 := Building Permit State Suroharge Total Cha.....gea I lITEM I NO. pre I I . I I Pi:rturee I ReaidsntiaZ (1 bath) I I I San:itary S8ttJfJr .1 I _or I I I I PZ;mzln;ng Pe=i. t State Surcr.arqe Total Charaes lITEM I NO. ' FEE Res. Sa. rta. i .N€W/Erttmd Circuits I Temporary Service I I, I EZs:J1:M.ca1. Pe:l'mi.t State Sur!::h:zrafl Total C'hart;S6 lITEM I~ce PTU'S I E.::haust Hood I Vent Fan I W:;OdStOiJ8 NO. P9l'mit l::BUa1lCa Me:Jhanic:zl Permi t State Suraharae Tt'J"tn l Cha1"flRfJ I -- ENCROACHl1ENT -- I Sec-mtll DzPOsit I Storage I Maint~Q I Permit I Total Charaas Curbcut sidaIa. Zk I Fen:!9 Electrical Label MobiZe Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * x Value CHAHGI: CHAHGI: I I I I I I I /j: ~O I * Pago 2 Referer:ae Numbers: .. L-COC #: T"VTJe/Cor.st: Bedrooms: Enerau Sources lieat Watel" Hp1'1tp.T' Range FirsT' Zace wo{xUitove T-.roe I Lot Face. - I Setbaok. I P. L. House Carage Access. North r:ast South IWest ~I ..- Fees I I r--k. -; ~ ~ Builaing Value & Permit This J1flrm:. t is granted on the e.xpress condi tion that the said construction" sha1.:L~ in aZ1. respccts~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield~ including the Zoning crdinance~ regutating ths construction and UDe of bui7..dings~ and may be BUBpsndsd or r6dcked at c:ny t":.me upon tJio~, lation of any proviaion.s of said Ordinances. * I I I * Iplan. Check Fee: Dat. Ptr:.d: I Reodpt #: I Signed: I I, I I I I i I I * I- I I I I I. Plumbing Permit No person ohaH C0718truct~ instaz:L~ aLter or changs any n6w or eristing p1.umbing or dJoainage systsm in "whole or in part~ unless such psroon is ths 1.egal poSSSS80r of a vatid plumber's licsnse~ e:z:cept that a person rrrzy do pZumbing ..x;rk to property whioh is OOlMd, Zoased or operated by the appZi- "et::tnt. Electrical Permi t Where State lAZJ requires fhtrtr'thll electrical IUOrk be dons by an EZsctrical Cantractor~ thsheLectrical portion of this permit shatz. not be vaLid until. the ZabeZ has be"" signed by the I:ZectricaZ Ccmtractor. Mechanical Permit Plan t;:r.a1fl't,ne'l' ual;e I SA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the camp letsd app Lication for pBrrn1. t, and do hereby certify that aU information hereon is true and correct, and I f'.aother certify that any ar.d all r.JOrk pBrfornJed shall be done in acaor- dance with th8 C L,.....~aB of the City of Springfic"ld~ and the La:.Js of thr3 '" State of Oreg"n pertaining'to the work dsscribad h8l"e-:.n, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrr:zde of any Btructura t.1ithout parmission of tha Building Di- vision. I fta'ther certify that D:'/,ly contractors and errplbyees who a1'S in ccmpliance L1ith ORS 701.055 !.JiZZ be ussd on this project 4 "L~AO~ Signad .;)-I'.?-2.....J Date