HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1998-11-6 12..11'87 11:11 ..01 UW" SPFD DEV. SElt. 1. &.<<:Aft. or DIULLot!T%OIl I.JI;LPD Ha/I f"( (!,i7. ~ n,,-1 ,'lldll /f......e'>~.'ir'ji...../~. O~/~ .. IlIICUftPII . . lOll) \/oll~QP.- ~ll2.r:CrLrl:I::L!- . 'orait' .r. noa_tr...l.ra'lo an' explro if work 11 not uan_ wi tllla 180 deJ' 01 i,IUIIlC' or U wrll 11 ll18,.n'" tor 110 Up. 1000 sq. ft. or 1'" Ia~h acI' it i 01\&1 SOO IQ. It or portlon t lIereol Each Kanul" 80". or lIo'ular Dv.1UIII S.rvlc. or '....r a. wIB-- nisrau.anClll at 'I. servtco. or ,.-.n . . .tAlt&11atloD, Altoration. Ilourical eoatraccor/JiV'US I.j;.."c/ &i.t,.d1Z:/IL4J.r aalcx:atioll: A"ra,_')/. n. an" 4~<i< 200 .... or 1_ 201 ..pi to 400 aap' Clt, ~1.1qpn'" ~ t/'b'l-QD1'6 401..... to 600 a.p. 601 ..... to 1000 ..... .."rvi,or 1.1cea.. lIUIIbo&' /q<;,J.. 'R FT Over 1000 ..,,/volu - 11)"n lecoMact On1)' - b,iradOft Dat. -r <:OUU Coatr. Iluber CJ9: ,1.//5 Sun S 85.00 S 15.00 $ AO.OO S JO.oo - . 60.00 '100.00 - '130.00 - UOO.oo - S 40.00 - e. t..poral')' S4rvlca or ,.-on la.ta11ation, Alt.ratlon or l.locatlon 200 ..... 'ft 1... ,40.00 - %01 .... co 400 ..,. - . n. 00 - Ovor 401 co 600 "P' I 10.00 Ov.r 600 a',. or l000ViIt, '" ... .sov.- b,ir.tlon Date tccddu .tr~ I . OV1IU,Il" fY}f'v"I.I)l'n; Add"" _ Cit, Pbofte --~ Tbe lD1tallatlOn S. belac .... on 'L'" rt, I OVII vl\SCIt 11 DOt In tell'" ror ,al., 1.... or reat. OIIMrI lipatanl g. IUAch Circuits rI7 t1.~L=nze ".v, Alt.r.tSeft or IXt...Son 'ar 'anll . n.oo - I. lIi.cal1anooul (..rvlcl/feader not Included) -Iach in.tal1atlo. 'ue, or i~rS.atIOll SiID/outlin. Li'-tinr LS.l t" IMcpli.. 'oJ' Ltott.. lnerp/eoc. on" circuSt lacla A4.i tiONl Circuit or vlth Slrvl~o or ro,'er '.rait 5. I. ,...n'&.. or ~ ~x Stat. ~~c.. )I ...tnt.tratlv. P.. 'l'OTAL DIlISI 1--{' df ~ ~. Meldn. .,qp-' _9_.'" //~ yr/' . 2.00 - $ 40.01> $ 40.00 - . 20.00 z::: . 36.00 _ Z{J. <a:? ~ L ~..n ~ '/,,1. It? 0