HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-8-13 . . (, . . .- City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment Status: Issued PERMIT NO,: 'ELE2003-00189 225 Fifth Street ISSUED: 8/13/2003 Springfield, Oregon 97477 APPLIED: 8/13121)03 541-726i3~~PrS~~Uregon law requires you to EXPIRES: 2/1312004 541-7t8~J I ut~ adooted by the Oregon Utility 541-~,fv~-;~~8~~I~~!:~~~.~~~~ItlS r~le~~~e^:e: ~o~ NO~I~~~'''T CUll! I FXPIRE IF THE WOk.~ ---- --- ---- -- ----- 0090. sicrn 1\E>ElREss::n c1'475SHENDERsON A VEAUTHORIZEO UNUt'~e'nroNEOFOR ASSESSa~is!p At'{CBtI1Jb~: (Np/03'3~13ltl~~hone COMME NCEl1~IQF'WCJMt:: numoer tor me uregon utility 1\I00111caflon ANY 180 DAY pt'FIii3\Q)F USE: PROJECT DEscRfp+ION~00200?Afi;~"s\~vice OWNER! APPLICANT: SKILLERN INVESTMENTS PO BOX 714 SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP POBOX 714 SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: BUILDERS ELECTRIC INC 541-485-0922 195 MADISON ST EUGENE OR 97402 CCB # 4296 Expiration Date: 12/10/2003 Descrintion Amount Paid Date Paid Receint Number + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less 6.30 4.41 63.00 08/13/2003 08/13/2003 08/13/2003 2200200000000001387 2200200000000001387 2200200000000001387 To Request an inspection call1he 24 hour recording at 726-3769, All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m, will be made the same working day, inspeclions requesled after 7:00 a,m, will be made the following working day, Reouired Insoections: By Signa lure, I slate and agree, thai I have carefully examined the compleled application and do hereby certify that all informalion hereon is true and correcl, aud I furlher certify that any and all work performed shall be doue in accordance wilh lhe Ordinances of lhe City of Springfield and the laws of lhe State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701,055 will be used on this project. I further agree ~ ensure that all required inspections are requesled allhe proper time, lhat each address is readable from the street, and lhal ~ ~P?\t: :a:s, pa:PIi~:b:e, :il: remain on the site at all times dur;;r~;:j;n:m ~ Owner or Contractors Signature 1 Date / Page I of I ";'''~ \0\\0 0 ~~VS . ,. .~\e6'(\.."" \f!:; 0'O~\ s90C 225 FIFTII STRlmT . SI'IUNGFIELD, OR 97477 . 1'11:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689c\0SS <t?\'~ I' . ~ ~~b ~ EU<:CTRICAlJ:l.\RM,lT APPLlCAJJ.ON ~ \0"'\"~~~0S"0 VJ City .lob Number t::/.E,::;{ {Jb!, -{)(J {'67Date (')O,~ ~"e ~~~, 1>,,6 1,,0(\ o-J'3.\' \{\C6 I, WE.Q&i1r6fj{6IfiN.~tAiJiJ;4'l'jqjy>:;.t.:t',;.~ 3. ~i;OM'i;.f..Ellf~Wlfsj3~~Y.V-ti{'::~:Oir~~i:;t.f~3~lEttq;f:,f ~ _~.~4,_~_~".,.__ __L_ _.~_i~.__)..,_""",..,, ,_ fJ..t., _..._,~~~ ..1.:..__._...... ______........._1.__ .., .._~:\.\),..~_.....,.,..Jt .3:t~.:Jf - -.~-", / Lf- 7,CS ~rvd.2 ^~ Ol>\e /' .6 <;"v,,,I> LEGAL DESCRIPTION A, '~~,i;tiesi,,~;{1i;I;:S,iligl!te'}\'~f~i!i::"'i~1MiIT,;~~;~~'~liJ!iU:ifJil!~1~iJ{ l _'..~. ._. _~. '." " ....._......,.J.<-............._.-..i~_~'S:::i~..~..~........;... ;" , ',.~. Crty'OF LJ.INGFIELD OREGON J : (-\'- , " , . , "..J. ., .. '. . I. ~ M . > .' .Io?iPFe~IPJW~re90n law requires you to 1000 sq, ft. or less ~ I d d::.b'i t~~ 0 urn Each additional 500 sq, ft, or ~~;:'';;('" S:.., .eF.~~<;>(;!:Jl~311,1':!~ p0l1ion tilcreof 1l~l\!lIllH".!l~f!o[l~tra[l~fei'a!ile{an9~explre]m"'ilrRlis Each Manufael'd l'lome or n..,,'tartedlY'ithin, 180tdavs'..f,i'suance'o";if,><0r.k is Nn1'IIv,dt.ll~r Dwelling Service or $50,00 -v\J;.:Jv. IV .......y >J1oJ ........, ...'t,;I""'f........... ...... ,Ul..._ UJ:'e~'dJ1 Suse.'ill~ff/l8~E1~~~~~t: (Note: the telephone THIS F.'E~MLT. SHAll EXPIRE IF I Ht vvunT\ mJlClJ:j"'~l>m=-A'E1"'~~f'lm!JV:m'5'mffimm';:'j i'~'''' , .' '; .';t}f.'To"/F,:,r.');f;t ~"'l' )r.;.KIfiT7'W'c,o"",{., ",o:y.;';\n<\1 2, ~,' .IfiWv:J:~<fil;lglqN:,;7"Jruql1()lV..:U!J!:'fi tru 'f~Qlw~ri>.r;.,~~..d~rs'- fi~sta\!lItjonJ '-;1l~t~lI,o.!'~ cii'i~e~~~!io,ii~\':j .. "TeenIer-Is 1-800-B3'2-'2,{4'4)( ~~.'L .,'V, , COMMENCEO'OR'1~ !\tl'AiiffJONEO' rDR .,=--'--,.," ,",_,',,~,,_""b.... Electrical Contractor RL' i lct"rS E lEt ~II( Ire At'-.i2pq&9'e!\'\'r!e~'f,IOD, / $ 63.00 ~ ~ csD 20 I Amps to 400 Amps $ 75,00 401 Amps to 600 Amps $125,00 60 I Amps to 1000 Amps $163,00 Over 1000 AmpslVolts $375,00 Reconnect Only $ 50,00 Address jCjc) /vILi( 'i i;:,( ;1" City t: t )?)t:. 'n' Phoue L}.1;C:-:' Urr) Supervisor License Number ~J ]. (/0 ,- 5 Expiration Date 10 - / . C.' /.1 COllslr. Contr. Number 4JCJ<P . cn - 0 .:\ Expiration Date ~:J 1 J_ Owners Na'J'9 G 1((iJxAYi ];n V' . Address r 0,80><-' 7/1 c.~~'nCPUd Phone OWNER I~ALLATI()N The installation is being 11IClde on property I own which is nol intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: Inspection ({equesl' 726-3769 Service Included $106,00 $ 19,00 r;;:.#-"t... ,-,:!t~'~;""l"P'!"f'"'(1l"'1';"."t';'lF:~-T1~":'-.~""'t"~'#"\;"'~ t.,-,,.~ C. l!iTeinporni-" Services ofli'eNlerS",,~~:~~;li~ _ ";l;l '~i~~r-P:' 'l:~ ::.~;~~:\~!~ ttif!, i.<' .t,~"..,\ ~"~ ':~", ,'. lh'~'~~ !(' ,>~ . ~~ ,~;..: -lt4Im",f4't'h\~~t ,~:f'~ ,1~.~~1~~#i!j;,~ Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 Amps or less 20 I Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps to 600 Amps $ 50.00 $ 69.00 $100,00 Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B" above, D ~I)l;''' ;:;:17"'T1 'Cl:-: 'r--"l-: '~~i?'~::~f;f{i"r'i;:..jt,';::1i\,~"~;\-:::rt;~/'~rn;"''';t?>f'~":W' !~,' t1i',':lii:~;,Y1\"n . ')1 anc 1 II ~Ults '~1~~1'1..~\' '.I\,.I.'i."..;i,1J:-.:t~,:' ",<,'hN",it; .llt"....V l t~l~~". t tll.'.rl ;"'" ",{...,. ".' ~''!:....',:_,;j\..'\~''~ '.' .,.....,,;....,',_:..;'!."Il''''->t'~. ..-..I.,:l'!.c.'."/J New Alteration or Extension I){'r Panel One Circuit ea~h-Additianal Circuit or with Service or F ceder Pennit $ 43,00 $ 3,00 E. t~~ I\1~~~fi~I;~li~'Ts~i61~i;f~;t1~i~if~'f:f~'~j\la~(i)f~E~;~h7"'i;t~i'i~ti6fi~ "'i-:"I/'": ~r,"<lJ ""At".' "; , ';""~",'ll..'1"";" t;"'../ "..h"'".",....1...._;,+"";~.. ,~",,,,~,, .". J'.~.,.'....",."'"j. .~.'"1'tt...,...,. . '. ._'.~'.,....._.".",..""'.."..'_,,,..:...'--" .<..;,_~~..'".'..,""',.~'.~..,,',,,.,'h',.'.. Pump or in.igation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Residential Limited Encrgy/Colnmcrcial $ 50,00 $ 50,00 $ 25,00 $ 45,00 I\linimum Electrie Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges ~..;c-r:'rP".""'i',~,.".t+;nT~\-,' .':'J.--r;-~I~~~,1:' ~~~'!~r~~ ~ 4. ''SUBTOTAL'OF ABO,VEq --', ,~' if" Po u ~ .}1f{\~j.";':m~~rt:ttt~~h;'!:~:~cs~~rd&;e:'rl'J"": ;:~~ (t? ~ ~ 0.3() q.lff C/J7~"L 7% State Surcharge I 0% Administrative Fee TOTAL Shared Dri\'c{T:)fBuilding Fonn.c;/Electrical Permit Application I-03.doc 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number ELE2003-00 189 ELE2003-00 189 ELE2003-00 189 Paymenls: Type of Payment CredilCard Description Perm ServIFdr 200 amps or less + 10% Administralive Fee + 7% Stale Surcharge Paid By BUILDERS ELECTRIC '''.~"........ ' IItr=-~-,','--," --',", .', ,i,." "".""""-'...... 1 . , .".""",,,,,_ .~.'......"i #~-". .- Receipt #: 2200200000000001387 Received By njm Check Number Batch Number Authorization Number 000141 061329 City of Springfield Official Receip'~ Development Services Department Public Works Department~ Date: 08/13/2003 2:16:40PM Amount Paid' Item Tolal: 63.00 6.30 4.41 $73,71 . How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $73.71 $73.71 . . .