HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2002-10-9 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Pertuit PERMIT NO: 01-01400-01 ISSUED: 10/09/2002 APPLIED: 12/19/2001 EXPIRES: 04/09/2003 VALUE: $ 160,000.00 SITE ADDRESS: 1920 Henderson Ave C ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1803032002800 TYPE OF WORK Storage Building TYPE OF USE: New PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Land Use: Govt & Public Admin, Zoning: LMI, Storage bldg C ISent additional comments to Tom Rogers on 8-28-2002, addressed questions for Bldg C & B. Owner: Oregon Department of Transportation Address: 885 Airport Rd SE bldg X Salem OR 97310 Contractor Type Electrical General Mechanical Plumbing Owner Architect Phone Number: (503) 986-43~8 Contractor Information I License Expiration Date Phone 541-812-1300 541-726-8081 503-235-3193 541-607-6163 (503) 986-4338 (541) 382-5535 Contractor CRAWFORD ELECTRIC CO INC JOHN HYLAND CONSTRUCfION WESCOLD JONESCONTRACTORSINC Oregon Department of Transportation BBT Architects # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Yrimary Construction Type Secondary Construction # of Bedrooms: SETBACKS FrOlltyard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Notes: HUILUlNG IN~'URMATlUN , ~ 'tl'V~ # of Stories: ~ \'f 't~fi\'V'\ S-3 Height of j..,?\~ ~~t Floor: 10,625 Type of HeJ~. ~~t-\.\. 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'I." ~" V" . <;)<;)"'- ~\<c<Ci; ~"Si~ew8ik Type: Ci ~e ".>'f\".... . ~\).~ 'Downspouts/DraIns I of 5 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Description Garaee Type of Construction Garaee . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 01-01400-01 ISSUED: 10/09/2002 APPLIED: 12/19/2001 EXPIRES: 04/09/2003 VALUE: $ 160,000.00 I Valuation Description I $ Per Sq Ft Square Footaee $19.60 10,600.00 Total Value of Project Value $207,760.00 $207,760.00 Date Calculated 10/09/2002 Fees Paid I Fee Description Amount Paid Date Receipt Number Received By Gas Outlets 1-4 $4.00 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 d.ib Appliance Vent $6.00 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 djb Address Assienment $8.00 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 dib -Mechanical Issuance Fee- $10.00 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 dib Public Plan Review $22.48 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 dib Minimum/Adjustment Mechanical $35.00 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 djb Plan Review/Com.Ind.Pub Hourly $45.00 10/0912002 1200200000000000040 dib + 7% State Surcharee $61.30 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 djb Fixture $70.00 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 djb + 80/0 Administrative Fee $70.05 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 djb Hourly Plan Review $90.00 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 djb Fire & Life Safety Plan Review $304.26 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 djb Buildine Permit $760.65 10/09/2002 1200200000000000040 djb Total Amount $1,486.74 Impervious Surface Area - Stor Commercial Plan Check Miscellaneous MWMC Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimburseme Sanitary Sewer SDC Improvement Transportation SDC Reimburseme Transportation SDC Improvement SDC Administrative Fee MWMC Administrative Fee Total Fees Paid Prior to 9/30/02 EDeineerine-CIIIP Fire Marshal-CIIIP $2,893.80 03/28/2002 $494.42 12/19/2001 $3,067.52 03/28/2002 $128.22 03/28/2002 $97.44 03/28/2002 $812.14 03/28/2002 $3,583.71 03/28/2002 $529.64 03/28/2002 $10.00 03/28/2002 $11,616.89 8440 7569 8440 8440 8440 8440 8440 8440 8440 I Plan Reviews I 01/23/2002 01/17/2002 Appr PO Appr AG Plan review - Maintenance facility - 3 buildings total sq footage is 30,053 sq ft. Building C 10,600 sq ft, Type VN, S2(storage) I. Electric gates will be required to be equipped witb Knox keyed switches for fire dept access- obtain Knox application fro 2 of 5 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Initial Review-CIIIP Plannin2-CII/P Plannin2-CIIIP Revised Plan Review - Stru Structural Review Structural-CII/P Structural-CIIIP Structural-CIIIP . 09/30/2002 09/26/2002 01/0212002 06/0412002 10/0712002 10/07/2002 01/22/2002 02/19/2002 03/19/2002 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 01-01400-01 ISSUED: 10/09/2002 APPLIED: 1211912001 EXPIRES: 04/09/2003 VALUE: $ 160,000.00 Appr LH Delay from application date until first review because of the way plans were submitted. All three sets of plans were submitted in one large roll and needed to be separated by staff into 12 different submittals (3 different buildings with 4 copies each). LDAP and copies of DSL and US Corps of Engineers permits required prior to construction. If any builidng requires temporary occupancy before completion of entire site plan bonding will be required. LDAP completed. Received letters from DSL and Corp. See note above regarding temp. occupancy Fed Ex'd revisions to Tom Rogers. Received plans back for storage building C. Plans approved as noted. Special inspections required per notes on sheet St.1 = Concrete, Bolts in concrete, Welding, High strength bolts Fed Ex'd to Tom Rogers 1/3/02. General comments for project: Provide a copy of the geotechnical report for review, all details in the spec book need to be stamed and signed by the arch or engr responsible for that portion of the work. A special inspecti Fed Ex'd comments to Tom Rogers from Architect regarding plao review comments. See job file. Packet to large to list. Fed Exed information to Tom Rogers from ODOT from Barber Barrett Turner Architects, Todd Turner Information included I) Accessible Stall drawing 2) Accessible ramp 3) Van Sign Detail 4) Sidewalk joints 5) Typical curbs 6) Truck wash trench 7) Catch basin Wait LM Appr LM APP TR APP TR Wait TR Info LH Info LH 3 of 5 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status: Issued PERMIT NO: 01-01400-01 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR ISSUED: 10/09/2002 541-726-3753 Phone APPLIED: 12/19/2001 541-726-3676 Fax EXPIRES: 04/09/2003 541-726-3769 Inspection Line VALUE: $ 160,000.00 Structural-CIIIP 08/22/2002 Wait TR A review of the supplemental information from Star Building Systems has been completed. The following is the status of the review. I) Calculation page I by star buildings indicates the building was designed as an enclosed building. The building drawing Structural-CIIIP 08/28/2002 Info DM FedEx'd to Tom Rogers (from contractor) Star Buildig plans & calcs #10-B-38888 (38888A) for Bldg C, Column reactions for Star Bldg. 38888A, Engineering from Froelich Consulting Eng'rs for frame footing' (maintenance bldg 'B'I'C' dim 8/28/02 Structural-CIIIP 09/09/2002 Wait TR See Building B (01-01399-01) for original letter. I) Calculation page I by Star buildings indicates the building was designed as an enclosed building. The building drawings show the truck bays open. Provide revised calculations designed for the open bu SUB - CommlInd 01/24/2002 Wait JF Requesting Form 3a, 3b and applicable worksheets. Requesting Form 4a. Faxed request to BBT Architect 1-28-02 requesting information - L Hopper SUB - CommlInd 03/26/2002 Appr JF Pass Energy Code Review To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. r I Required Inspections , I Footing: After trenches are excavated. 2 Foundation: After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. 3 Slab: To be made after all inslab building service equipment, conduit piping and other equipment items are in place but prior to concrete. 4 Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. 5 Shear Wall Nailing: Before covering sheathing with finish materials. 6 Masonry: 7 Bolts Installed in Concrete: To be done by a State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test reports to City Building Inspector. 8 Hold Downs Installed: Special Inspection performed prior to placement of concrete. Provide report to City Building Inspector. 9 High Strength Bolting: To be done during construction by a State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection results to City Building Inspector. 4 of 5 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 01-01400-01 ISSUED: 10/09/2002 APPLIED: 12/1912001 EXPIRES: 04/0912003 VALUE: $ 160,000.00 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line 10 Final Fire Department. After all requirements of the Fire Department have been met. II Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. 12 Underfloor Plumbing: Prior to insulation or decking. 13 Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. 14 Backfiow Device: Prior to covering and provide a copy of the test report on site at the time of inspection. 15 Rough Gas: After line is installed and required testing and capped if not attached to an appliance. 16 Final Gas: When all gas work is complete. 17 Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover 18 Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that aU information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 wiD be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of~ope~ the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. M^^^ ~ ').-/ ~...-J t I:J. q , 0 L . Owner or Contractors Signature 6 Date 5 of 5