HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-11-20 . i ,,:'- ,,;225 FIFTH STREET., .,..',. :i"'!,,;,~:; ~,~'!;;j;;~ :,l'.' ".' , aTRlCALPERlvIlT APPLICATION'.' ' ':,' ,'. ~'\;SPR:rNGFiELb OREGON 97477 }t~);<,! i> ;"~";i t;! ciS ,:' 'iA., ;',", :":''11~ ;''':''(j>-l. :",.:;"., :'; ':~. L INSPECTIOl'{REQUIiST: 72g,3~~9~'~~ ~;; i~~~- ~! :;~i;;' Joh ~~';;I;~i:j{lf?; iWVU' ~~\::L~/';: " :<i~l.'~.~ t;~' 9~FI~C,~:,''..7f6~3 ~5.9 J;J;~~ t ':: :,:~,:~ {~~i~:t~ ~t_ ~;tt~~~!j ~ ,"} f;L~.. ~J ~{'.~((: ,~'_~S. ~~~::::\\J:'. ,,' t ': {:,:"::' ,~\~'~~';();~- \~~~:i, :;; ;~'.i:::: i'. ,~. 5"'; '."./' '. ~.{" 4 ~~: ~-i~: .)' (~~1'~ ~~('. .:ff:\ t, !;.~ FIF_;;.~r ~_..:. 3', . CONWLETE FEE'SCHEDULE BELO\V ~~- Ai< \\-?~~'.::l:'~ :,;~..::~.,,"~.: "~~'4._:'_ ,- '~,,,.' ....~.. -~,.".. ~:'~'.~l'''',~,;,;.",'.'.-....... l'"- '~~."'.{' ",'~'.,1'__'.~' ...\......-'t" ~:'~-~~~},; ~l~~ L LOCA,'flpr{qF~~TAL, L~TI9N f.? ~{1l;'.._,~'.~.r.~2~:!f::f..' 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ElectricalS~j;t~:lcto~;,!~;, t,f /J-Mr:~~;:~ ~~~~~:l'::~~ln, AI~.~r;~~rii:)/, ",~~l;'~{~';2;:,:~i~" : '~,:, Address ~!/t.tJ. ,;t1p 5fxLLr-",;;!'t::. 200 amps or les~ ',: ;'';~''\;.,: :~::;:-:;;. ':' '~.f~ !53,q,0 .'. ,", ::,..;.::..:,I, 0~'%l:;" /J'iJ/7^ ~ ' l.)tJ6.'ti{"l~';":::. i,::';-". 201 amps to 400 amps:::'",;,;;,: ,,;.,,,),:;;, $}5.00 " "', i :'- 7..J,.":t., 7"/7'i" , .[3:.' .,...,......"""".,.'.... . .';k'i...;\.', _I ,-. \- ." ,.",.-, , City "",:.,' ';'.';r lOne 7.' :'f.,"..:' )~~b]' :ih.,;;-, 401 amps t~",6, 00 ~~!P:,;jj.::.-.',:.' ,~_:',.:.'$ll,50~ ~';',:: 1:~i; ":;:?\"~ t.,"::-,'~,~",.'r..:<i~'...;;'c.~~~,~,,,. :601 amps to 10(j0 amps):i~'ii';\'"',, ","'" .;$16~.QO ' " ., "U , ". S upervispr :~i.ceil~c. N ~lcllilier IfCj/l~lfr:,<4'f ~~ (~:~~;;iR;!~'}~~\):~ Q"er 1 oqQ. aJTli:;siy.b!~~,~:~r:~l: ~.'.lr1V'''~ Y.<$l, ~j$~.7 5. OO\'-~, ': :1~. 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"~~~:~t \~1M.~{::;~~.~;:"~')~:~0#~~~.~' ~~{~}\:~ :<:~, ::;~';~:0~"'" Expiration Date 1;;J.//JrI't)X''ty,,.~.J...~>~r~_\.,/~-. ~~~i' ~\)J" ;\200 amps 'or-less ':1:~:J",1-<l~~i"'~' ..:~~~-,:,~',~~:-;:.~.r:';:;,$50.00":i~ .~:t,~ '';,\,<-,;?~~~~t':'1~'' "', . .... ., "~':&~i~~'~~19~:'~~~~r.20~{~~~Ps.tq~~o.R:'ali!p~g~:~r::i~j:~'::':~' f'~"t(4*~)~:99,~~,~'~f" .,'.. ~ -"r.':~, ,J,<:::.~ _ Sigriatul"c of SUJlcryising Electrician ......"t.:..:,.., Over 401.10.600 arrips):'::.~.;:",~'?~'-i-:-:..'.i'~ ~.;$1oo:o6 ,~. _. -.::~. '. ) ,:<,~!,,:,~,:\ "..... :;.: ..:t.;':,'."-.~ 0 ,-' "6'00" ,~..'\..": O'O.cO":"-;'!' .' ,. ,'-:~;,.I,:,';~':r;~"~. ':f,'>.~; ~:.':' '..;','i.,~:.(.."l-.Y'",~' ,(~""~,,'~;;',, \cr amps or 1 .' ,otssee ~",~t.,l'>'l,:,'k~,',\..~'f ,-;;;;;'yi.~~ . c. ,.,- _: . .).<{i't.,...l . \. .- .....:1' -, .,.., _~--."~ :c..~ .....~~. ",~'.--.,,-:.~ ,.. .. ..-:;.., - ,,-. . .~~. "'~"'.~~ .., ... ~ .. . .':' ''''1 "I<~ 'r' .......,\',!}~'_.,;~~. :,1." 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'.. ,-', .'. :. ~.~~ '" ~"""',.;'...'. :.;'~-::-:-:.!\ ';: : 1 " ,::' Cit/Vdd(iCJ 7~~~1011~ ";6Jt. ..7d1tJ Eac;;~~di;ional Clf~uit or with' Se~'ie/;~~' ,<,>;;,;;; '::" ,,' .',: ,',.'.. :':':: or Feeder!'ermit i,.' ~,$:J'OO ~/' ',;,;OWNERINSTALLATI@~JTION:UregonlawreqlJ!re~"ou' "': ,',,:,' ".', ,', ' , ,'i' The installation is bein'g(J\lI\~19!! adopted by the Or'1:,' ]\li'cel,~al1eolls (Scn-ice/feeder not inc1l1de~l) , ' . :'.:, "property I O\nt whichliiiiI)Quim,Q.dsfller, Those rUle~ ~r~ns~:I!~~;h installation .,., , " .' for sale, lease or renOAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952}~g~P or IrrigatIOn ,'" '- S.' :090. .You may oblam copies ot the rUlfli,gnW.Oulhnc LlfRghtmg ,Owne,., Ignatlll'e, calling (he cen\el. (Nole: the telepho '~l1llled Energy es lumber for the Oregon lJt'I't N 'f' IJ!lIluted Energ)'/Comm , . II Y olt Icatlon ro.nl,....... ,~., ...",.,)1'" . . . 'Kti'nimul11 Electric Permit InsjJcction Fcc is $45.00 + Surchargcs (pI/, ~ t,"M , I i.:J 13,UJ .:t:~ .~, .~ -y. ' (\ :~~;; .~~~';:' $50,00 $50,00 $25,00 $45,00 NOTICE: . THIS PERMIT SHAll 'EXP;REIF TliE WORK: AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS Nor' :. , COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR . .. ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. ,.. ",;' 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 70/0 State Surcharge 80/0 Administratiyc Fcc' ~ TOTAL .. .. . . City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Spriflgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO.: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2002-00141 11/20/2002 11/20/2002 5/20/2003 SITE ADDRESS: 2000 HENDERSON AVE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1803032000190 Eugene TYPE OF WORK: TYPE OF USE: Addition Industrial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Install emergency circuits to various locations throughout office area OWNER/APPliCANT: FARWEST STEEL CORPORATlOI' PO BOX 889 EUGENE OR 97440 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: LR BRABHAM 541-747-6638 68 WEST Q STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 CCB # 8699 Expiration Date: 12/18/2002 Desc rintion Amount Paid Date Paid Receint Num her: Cashier + 7% State Surcharge + 8% Administrative Fee Add, Alter, Extend Circ Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add 4.48 5.12 43,00 21.00 11/20/2002 11/20/2002 11/20/2002 11/20/2002 2200200000000000208 2200200000000000208 2200200000000000208 2200200000000000208 IIh IIh llh llh To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769, All inspections requested before 7:00 am. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day, Reouired Insnections: 1 Rough Electric: Prior to Cover 2 Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete, By Signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and 1 further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described hereilL I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readahle from the street, and that the approved set of plans, if applicable, will remain on the site at all times during construction. Owner or Contractors Signature Date NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Ai'l tOi\lI IUI\I:Uregon law reqUires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set fortI- in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1.ROO<~32-2344). 1 of 1