HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-3-8 -, / "RESI~T1Al" o /~ . APPLICATION/PERMIT 625 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Div~sion 726-3753 (r\~o1' ~Jln.n t-!C.M.Arl'.I..-v'V r:6V. S+LA.h U' if{O~:N~ T= wt U nDI..(()(J I -'CO If Job Location: ASOeSGOr3 Map Subdivision: C\.mer: J:: dv J~ V"\ \ A) Address: ?:, I~ I /~i,( 6 City: n rv n. l)~ 0 0." "l/-II/ue V~ (7-< <<'yW::>O, r +-,:~(J, : 0 14'" -:'l \7i';l, ('./Jvvv..~ 'Od PJ-oOTIe:--)/....l~ ,C~S?-;).J ~Q u~Q7~7~ ~ \ n n n n Nfi1.l Desari-be r....n'.'...... fl'ork: , \ I . "....... , ., ,......-, ,1'1 >,,' rt\ : i:~ or ",..." Remodel ~ Addition Habits Home ~)y Date. of AppZ icaticn Contractors General , Plumbing i Heehanieal I E~eetri.cal ....;. "-:Ll {... I SllOe_li"-ldtt:.'l1g Electr~cian Value /IJ)/r Bldrs Board Reg. PnOTlP Address "Lise. II _RcceiPt # IIA~J\ LAG IS 0!J ' CfPt} t ~'Y~'S>' +h!'..~U- l,n-'-t";J./ Signed: Date: eB 3JQjq,) EXD:!..res Ft is the z-espontrlbility of ths permit holder to see that all inspections CU-s r.1ade at the proper tim~, that t!a.ch .:ddres8 is l"eadaDZe f1'Om ths street, and that the permi t card is 'Located at the front of ths property. "BuiUi'!Z{J Divicicr. approved plan s_hall remain on th3 Building Sit$ at a'll times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'pUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nwnber~ job aaacs8" type of irwpec-;icn l'aqucstcd ar.d when you UJiZl. be ready for inspcction~ Contractol'S 01' O/Jne:'s name end phone numbcl'. Requests received befere 7:00 ~ :.."ilZ. be made tht; eame dcy~ requests made after 7:00 am win ba nruie the nc.:ct :.JOrking day. .~fl!-I-iY'.pt1 r?j..'l'2~f!t1:r.ttR O SITe INSPECTION: To be rrade after excavation~ but pl'ior to set up of forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & I1ECHANICAL: To be made before any wol'k is aovcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be nnde after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to . pouring concrete;. U.'VDSRC.r?OUND PLUMSING" SEWER. W.1TER, DRAI/lAGE: To be TTnie prior to fH- .l ir.g trenches. o o UNDERFLOOR PWMBING & NEClIANICAL: To be made prior to installation of ftoor insuLation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. ~':--'" ROUGH PLm!BT!1c/ELECTR~ MECH- ANICAL: No ~V~~ ~~ :0 bc covered .ur.tiL these inspections have beer. made and approved. Fn~EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. D FRA"~I!lG: Must be requeated after approval of rough plwr.bing~ eleatri- ool & mechaniaaZ. AU roOfing bracing & chimncY8~ etc. rrr.lst be ; compZetad. !lo work is to be C011- .... cealed untiZ this inspection has ~b6~n made and approved. o [SJ D Your Ci1;y Deoigr.ated Job Nwnber 10: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER D-1SPE:CTION: To be made after all insula.t~n ar'.d .. required vapor barriers are in place . .: but before any lath~ gypsum board 01' t.X%ZZ covering is appl.ied~ and before . ~y intJulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be n>:uie after all dryLJall is in place" but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location, bo7u1 beams~ grouting 01' verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is completed. . o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte.... forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. o,oo:J.,S DEUOLITIOH OR ;..:OVE~ EUILDIilCS __ =:J Sanitary se'..Jer capped at p:.oP;;l't-~ lir..e =:J Septi:: tank F".Al?ed and fiZZed fJJith grO-:J.BZ : , I , ::J Final - rfhen ahcve ite."1Is are cempleted I ar.d when demoUtior. is complete or 8tru.~- I ture moved and pr.,rnaes cleaned up. " I Nobile Hemes ::J Blocking and Set-up ::J Plumbing connections -- sauer and water ::J Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up and pZwnbing conr.ections rrr.lst be approved . before reque8t~ng elec:ricaZ inspec:ion ~ Accessol"',i Build.~ng ::J Final - Aft~r porcr.es, skirting, decks, etc. are compZe:;;d. o All project conditions, such as the instaLlation of s:reet trees~ c~~lation of the required landscapir:g, etc., Tmlst be satisfied before the BUILDIllG FINAL can be requestzd. o FIliAL PWMBIJIG o FIliAL /1E':HA!lICAL l2a FINAL ELECTRICAL o o \ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated alter the Final Plumbing Electl'ical, and Mechar.ical InspectiomJ have been made and appl'ov2d. 8IDEWA['K & DRtVEWA Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- _of-way, to be made aftel' all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- . base mc.:teriaZ in pla:Je. D O PENCE: Wher. comple;te -- Provide. gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. ' D "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST.'fEtlT TO BE gADE AT NO C~ST TO CITY I P~Fe 1 of 2 SOLAR ACCESS Occupancl/ C. LOT TYPE Interior Corner I JOB NO, Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. s ~f lot C~eruge II of Stories Total. Height Topogroaphy I lITEM I,.lain I CcTtrCIf I ca~~t I Acoessol'u Panhandle Cut-de-saa I SQ.FTG X Value I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL VALUE I (lJCt.uc) ,- I.S x S.D.C. Sui Wing Permi t State Su:Paharge Tota~ Cha...-ges I lITEM IND. 1 FEE I Firtures I Reaidentia~ 11 bath} I I I Sanitary Sewe1' I I I WatM' I I I I n:mrbing Pe=it State Surcr.arge 'l'r.tl1l Cha1'(1P.8 ,lITEM NO. FEE I Res. Sa. fta. NOlJ/Extend Circui ta d. C 'Wvc ....Il- I I I I Temporary Service ~"(' clcv-""" rO Q Eleatrical Permit State SUI'~harQe Total CharCBS lITEM I Furnace !!TU' S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Pan I WOodstove I 11/0. I I I I I Permit ISsuarlCa Me~hanic::zl Pet'm'it State Surcharae 'l'ot:nl C'harrul!'1 -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SecrJ.r1.t'll D200ait I Storage I Maintenan.:!8 I Permit Total CharoGCS I CUrbcut I SidBLJaZk I Pen::e I Electrical Label j Mobile Home 'tOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" I I I I I I I I I I ~~ SO CHARGE CHARGE IS.oO 37so 1 .<1<S? ~CJ ,~ 5\' FEE CHARCE I I I ~'1.~~ r'agc " Bedr~~~:OG~ ~ E"narnu So""nes ~ T~ Heat REQ,- ~ I I I I Water Yl?atp.1" Range Fireplace Wood:; tave Type/Cor:st: I Lot Paces - I I P.L, North cast Sou th , ,ilest Setbacks House ~ Caraoe I i i I I Acceaa. Faes Building Value & Permit This pernr;t ia granted on the express condition that the sa"id construction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of SpringfieLd, including the Zoning Cl'dinance, l'eguw.ting the ccnst:ruaticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ancBs. I- I I i I I I IPlan Check Fee: Ivate Paid: IReceipt #: ISig>:ed: Plumbing Permit No person DhaZl construct, instalZ, aZter or change any new cr ~-t8ting plumbing 01' drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~8on may do plwnbing WOI'k to property which is ol.;'T1ed, leased 01' operated by the appZi- oont. ,. - Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr4t the electrical work be done by an Electrical Controactor, the electrical portior. of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. I I I , - Mechanical Permit I I I I I I- I. I I Plan Examiner vate ,. I I I I I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that a'Ll i~fo:>mation hereon is true and corrcct, and I f'.J.rther certify that any ar..d all lJOrk perron/ed shall bB do:te in accor- dance :.nth tha Ordina.nces of the City of Sp'Pingficl.d, and the: La-..;s of tho State of Oreg~n p$rtaining to the 1X'rk described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be nnde of any structure lVithout permission of the Buildin.g Di- vision. I further certify that ~ly contractors ar~ e~l~yees who arB in ~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project ~~ () " ~i~n~- L. 3)9J"I0 Date i ,..~ - . Permit No:' CJOO-::J.jS Issued by: Wr..l.-i..<.d'r"l.-" f?.y', <z.J-" b {f - Date: 3/ 5</0,(1 '.' Address: dJJ~n (JA . STATEMENT: ,INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES ~ 't ....,.. Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 2B: 1. L;:>?J' ~ ~ I own, reside in;.or will reside in the completed structure. " 2. A. L-J My general contractor is ". , Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board.. OR j r B. L-J I will be my own general contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. If I change my mind and 00 hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side 'of this form. 1, ,I ~ r--~ L. q:~r ~~igiiatUr6 of Permit'fpPlicant . ~.Jq, \0,0 Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD' " 0244J 10/24/89 WHITE COPY TO ISSUIN~AGENCY PERMIT FILE PINK COPY TO APPLICANT ~.