HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendation Sheet Miscellaneous 1/5/2007 ~ McElhany 3-Lot Tentative Partition SUB2006-00050 Pre-submittal for Final Plat (PRE2006-00106) January 5, 2007 Conditions of Approval: / 1. Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, the developer shall obtain approval of a mmor variance for lot wIdth for proposed Parcels 1 and 2 pursuant to Plannmg ActIOn DRC2006-00063. J 2. Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, a 5-foot WIde sIdewalk shall be mstalled along the VIrgmIa Avenue frontage of Parcel 3 to the satIsfactlOn of the CIty'S PublIc Works Drrector. A"~&:7lt..S 10 9C O/t::.. ~ 3. ? 4 '7 . /6. ./ 7. Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, the eXIsting dnveway access straddlmg the property line between proposed Parcels 2 and 3 shall be removed m accordance WIth the tentatIve plan, and the curb, gutter and planter stnp shall be replaced to the satIsfactIOn of the CIty'S PublIc Works Drrector. 70 8E CHECJc:.Eb F1NP-'1- oil!. NO.,.- G.~~~ Pnor to approval of the FInal Plat, the driveway (mc1udmg curbcut and wmgs) to serve Parcel 2 shall be adJusted to be entrrely WIthin the Parcel 2 frontage In accordance WIth the tentatIve plan. The developer shall make any necessary repaIrS to the curb, gutter, planting strip and SIdewalk to the satIsfactIOn of the CIty'S Public Works Department. -r;; BE CHE'" v.r:b rl ,J A.1... 0 Ie. ~ 0"'" G t:A ,."lTe'b 5. Pnor to approval of the FInal Plat, three SUItable street trees shall be mstalled along the VrrgInia A venue frontage m accordance WIth the tentatIve plan. 'l>tAN~' S'l -z..-C 10 6~ cJ./.e::...~ W~AT~: I Pnor to IrutIation of utilIty InstallatIon work wIthm Virguua A venue, the developer shall obtam all necessary City permIts to the satisfaction of the CIty'S PublIc Works Department. Of( Pnor to inItIatIOn of utIlity mstallatIon work WIthm V rrginia Avenue, the developer shall obtam wntten concurrence as to tIming and duration of the project from the affected property owner located on the south SIde ofVrrguua Avenue (Tax Lot 3212). N' Jl. Pnor to decommIssionmg of the septIc tank and leach field, the existing dwelling shall be connected to the CIty sanitary sewer system I 9. Prior to approval of the Fmal Plat, the developer shall prOVIde the CIty WIth satIsfactory written confirmatIOn of septIc tank and leach field removal and decommISSIOning in accordance with requrrements of the Lane County Sarutarian. 0 Ie [:q)"I[l. ~O. Prior to issuance of Final Occupancy for Parcels 1 and 2, the house gutters and downspouts shall be connected to weepholes m the curb along South 32nd Street. I 8. / .., . -1 11. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the partItIon plan shall be revised to proVIde for an appropnate pnvate utilIty easement across Parcell to accommodate water servIce to Parcel 2. 12. Prior to approval of the FInal Plat, the electrical servIce to the eXIstmg house shall be placed underground. --,;- 8E ~ ;:::-WA l.. "0 Ie Nit! GRA.N'l"th 13. Prior to Issuance of FInal Occupancy for Parcel 2, the proposed curbcut and dnveway shall be mcreased to at least 12 feet in WIdth. -r;; 66 ctt~ ~ ,lj,~ i. 4. Pnor to issuance of Final Occupancy for Parcels 1 and 2, the dnveways shall be installed and paved at ~ least 18 feet Inside the property lmes. , I 15. Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, the curbcut, sIdewalk and paved dnveway to serve Parcel 3 shall be Installed ..; 16. Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, a hard surface walkway shall be Installed from the front door of the eXIstmg house to the proposed dnveway or the sIdewalk along V IrgmIa Avenue j 17 Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, the developer shall submIt a request for re-addressmg of the eXIstIng house from South 32nd Street to VrrgmIa Avenue. · G'AS~e:1'i'-5 AL-o,.)G, 'JIR-G\I\JJA. A"e:Nu~ 'be NOT AfPRl)~ '-~A,,\JE. pLArJ · /N'SvFFIC/E'~T "'t>ISIA~C-G" ~N\ 'S't~AL.-t.c... --r5' GAft.A.G-e- t::>oo~ --r; .A t.-l.-Q......> PA P-Ic. \,J G O~ 1l-tE. bf'--\Vev-JA"f' MATt:-J..,t