HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PWE 1/8/2007
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L1MBIRD Andrew
From: ENOS Gene
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 8 06 AM
To: L1MBIRD Andrew
Cc: WRIGHT Denny
Subject: RE Sidewalk/Curb Work at 489 S 32nd St
Attachments: ENOS Gene vcf
I would request that all work be completed, Inspected and approved pnor to acceptance It has been my
expenence that once we (the City) permits any further progress towards the property by the owner/contractor, all
other pending work IS no longer a prlonty and IS never completed We currently have several projects that remain
In a "pending status" due to uncompleted work promised by the contractor/owner And, I discussed thiS with the
contractor at the first Inspection, as thiS IS all part of the R-O-W work requirement
If there IS an alternative to have some leverage for the R-O-W work to be completed as part of the pnvate
development, than I would be agreeable to that
Gene Enos
Const Insp
City Of Springfield
P W Dept / Eng DIV
Office 726-6026
Fax 736-1021
From: UMBIRD Andrew
Sent: Friday, January OS, 2007 16 25
To: ENOS Gene
Subject: RE: Sidewalk/Curb Work at 489 S 32nd St.
HI Gene, should we reqUire thiS work to be completed prior to approving the partition plat, or can It be conditional
upon issuance of bUilding permits for the affected lots? I want to ensure there IS suffiCient leverage for thiS work
to be completed by the developer before the lots are sold to an unsuspecting 3rd party Have they posted a bond
or anything?
From: ENOS Gene
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 20074:39 PM
To: UMBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: Sidewalk/Curb Work at 489 S 32nd St.
The 2 driveways along 32nd Street portion (on the dnveway that crosses over the set-back Sidewalk areas) are
reqUired to be full depth, at 6 Inches They are currently 4 Inches (normal Sidewalk thickness) and I have
discussed thiS With the contractor at the time the curb-and-gutter was repaired and the approaches were poured
These areas Will need to be replaced and addressed prior to full approval of the R-O-W Improvements for thiS
project Please contact me With any further questions
Gene Enos
Const Insp
City Of Springfield
P W Dept / Eng Dlv.
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Office 726-6026
Fax 736-1021
From: UMBIRD Andrew
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 15 18
To: ENOS Gene
Subject: Sidewalk/Curb Work at 489 S 32nd St.
HI Gene, we are finalizing a partition plat for a property at 489 South 32nd Street (a corner lot at South 32nd and
Virginia Avenue) Among other things, the developer had to remove and replace some driveway curb cuts, curb
and gutter, Sidewalk and planting stripS along S 32nd. The Inspection summary and case notes give a Partial OK
for the work as of October 19/06 Is there anything still outstanding that must be finished before the plat can be
recorded? Thanks