HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 5/8/2007 PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: 5-8 -07 / Dave Puent - Building /' Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire ./ Gary McKenney - Traffic v/Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering v Les Benoy - Public WorkslEngineering Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying Planner. cl' ~ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-00028 Date Submitted: 5/7/2007 Proiect Name: Project Description: Pre-Submittal Meeting - Tentative Partition Application Type: Job ,\ddress: Partition Tentative Game Farm Road North of Harlow Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703220002708 DISCLAIMER: ApplicatIOns will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur . between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meetmg and Submittal of the Application for Development Review Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns A Planner will be assigned the following busmess day and WIll contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. PRE-SUI? fAUL8 PRE.SUBM\TIAl REC'D MAY 7 2007 'lanJobPnnt rpt 5/7/2007 2 24 44PM Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Services Depal huent Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, May 15,2007 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00028 (pART TENT) LAURINAT/3-D PROF. Assessor's Map: 17-03-22-00 dl TL 2708 Existing Use: Vacant Address: Game Farm Road North of Harlow Applicant submitted plans partition one lot into two parcels Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, May 15,2007 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m. Planner: Linda Pauly 2. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00027 (SITE MOD MAJOR) MCKENZIE- Assessor's Map: 17-03-36-22 TL 4601 WILLAMETTE HOSPITAL Existing Use: McKenzie- Willamette Hospital Address: 1460 "G" Street Applicant submitted plans to make major modifications to the existing hospital site and to develop a parking lot. Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, May 15,2007 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Linda Pauly City of Springfield 'Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Application, Type II Subdivision Tentative, Partition Tentative Applicant Name: Phone: (541) 746-3521 Company: 3-D Professional Group, LLC I Fax: I N/A Address: 175 West 'B' St., Buildinq 'B', Sprinqfield, OR 97477 AP~licant's Rep.:' IJason Goshert I Phone: Company: IsS&W Inc. - Engineers !Fax: Address: 12350 Oakmont Way, SUite 105, Euqene, OR 97401 Property Owner: I Dr. Larry Laurinat I Phone: I (5'41) 746-3521 Company: 13-0 Professional Group, LLC IFax: IN/A Address: 1175 West 'B' St., Buildinq 'B', Spnngfleld, OR 97477 1(541) 485-~383 1(541) 485-8384 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-22 Detail Map No.1 TAX lOT NO(S): 2708 Property Address: Vacant; Address not yet assigned. Size of Property: 1. 70 Acres / 74,213 Square Feet Acres ~ Square Feet ~ Proposed Name of Subdivision: Partition Plat for 3-D Professional Group, LLC Description of DiVISion of Parcel 2, Land Partition Plat No. 2004-P1750 Proposal: (Map 17-03-22 Detail Map No.1, Tax Lot 2708) Existing Use: VACANT #, of Lots/Parcels: 2 Avg. lot/Parcel Size: 37,105 sf Density: N/A du/acre Zoning: CC - Community Commercial Applicable Refinement Plan: Gateway location: City Limits J8l Associated Applications: NONE Pre-Submittal I Case No.: (l)q)l-{][JlDate: Case No.: Date: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ TOTAL FEE'S $ Overlay District: Plan Designation: Commercial Urban Growth Boundary ~ 5-1-D7 Reviewed by: ~ Reviewed by: U Postage Fee: $ ) LJ 2CO(o ; fXXJJ-2- Revised 12/4/2006 Brenda Jones Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the Items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft Will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain Issues need resolution before the final land use decision IS issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages In the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal: D Case Number: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the pre-Submi~t~e~n:.1- Owner: n4f:vb~~ Date: '1 lIt4tf~;t STgnature / I L;:J ~Iut /f) Jlfl( /I.; ,() II I:- Pn nt I ReVIsed 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the Information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Print ReVIsed 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones ~and Division Submittal. _ _quirements Checklist *If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department. The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. 2. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant IS not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. 3. One additional copy of the land Division Plan reduced to 81/2"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. 4. Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. 5. Stormwater Management System Study-four copies of the study with the completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. 6. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32.020(1)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIA must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. 7. Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copies of the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All of the following plans must include the scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation. All plan sets must be folded to 81/2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer IZ[ Vicinity Map ~ The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed N/A 0 Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain on site N/A 0 The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department ReVIsed 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones >~ The 100-year floo, ,>lain and floodway boundanes on ~ site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Spnngfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ~ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Tentative Land Division Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 ~ Location of all existing and proposed easements o Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale ~ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting ~ Location, widths and names of all eXisting and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other nght-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land diVision I8l Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails ~ Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter stnp ~ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mainS, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points Phased Development Plan required if redivlsion is proposed. The plan must include the boundanes and sequencing of each proposed redivision. Any redivision must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements. c. Grading and Paving Plan ( 0 Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer \ 0 Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system D Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations , /, J D Pervious and impervIous area drainage patterns NIl\. '\ 0 The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained lD EXisting and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) o Amount of proposed cut and fill N/A N/A RevIsed 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones 8. Additional materials that may be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31.030: r D Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement D Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as speCIfIed in SDC Section 16.100(3) D Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW D A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently If } there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present N/A, D Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay district D If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC Article 38 D A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there IS a wetland on the property D Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review D Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the land use application '- D Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of Provisions as speCified in SDC Article 10 or 11 Revised 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones ~ ~ 6 f_...o ~- ~- :::~ 1-= - 1 Jc 1*' Ic( '1 ~ - eer - J '1 ~ p~t \ ~ ,,,' ''', uu uu uu uu l'j.,as':;)J:?5'"f;, :l:i'2~ li ~ 1072-4' (-- 1'/'" ",0 "" "" "',....u:I- PQ 2 ~~ . ~I . 2702 po.+cpsve ~2..-11... ~'+=f j' a ~ 2704 1.09 AC, ~ : ~,. ~ 046 AC. 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EXISllNG AND PROPOSED EASEMEI'(TS ARE I>S SHOWN HEREON "!HE SITE IS AlSO SUBJECT TO AN ANCHOR AND GUY EASEMENT GRANTEO TO MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY, RECORDED MAY 19, 1926 IN BOOK 148, PAGE 493, LANE COUNTY OEEDS AND RECOROS NO SPECIFIC LOCATION OF "!HE EASEMENT IS INDICATED IN SAID DOCUMENT NOR ARE ANY POWER POLE GUYS OR ANCHORS PRESENT WITHIN "!HE SUBJECT PROPERlY LOCATION AND TYPE OF EXISllNG S11lEET UGHTS ARE I>S SHOWN HEREON AND ON 'SHEET 2 - SITE ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING CONomONS PLAN II OF II' NO NEW S11lEET UGHTS ARE PROPOSED 3 NO S11lEETS TREES CURRENTlY EXIST ADJACENT TO "!HE SUBJECT PARCEL NO NEW S11lEET TREES ARE PROPOSED 4 PROPOSED STORMWATER AND SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION POII'(TS FOR PARCELS 1 AND 2 ARE I>S SHOWN HEREON AU. O"!HER lITIUTIES ARE AVAILABLE FROM WITHIN "!HE PHEASANT BOUlEVARD AND GAME FARM ROAO PUBUC RIGHT-OF-WAYS /oS SHOWN HEREON 5 NO FUTURE OR PHASED REDMSION OF PARCELS IS PROPOSED lEGEND FOUND MONUMENT EXISllNG SPOT ElEVATION EXISTING "lDP OF CUR8 ElEVATION STOP SIGN FIRE HYDRANT WATER VALVE WATER METER WATER VAULT ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER ElECTRIC METER ELECTRIC VAULT POWER POLE WITH NO UGHT POWER POLE WITH LPS LUMINAlRE S11lEET UGHT CURB SIDE S11lEET UGHT WITH LPS LUMINAJRE UGHT SITE UGHT GUY WIRE CABLE TV RISER CLEANOUT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STORM SEWER MANHOLE CURB INLET CATCH BASIN G/oS METER GAS VAl..VE TElEPHONE RISER TElEPHONE MANHOLE TElEPHONE JUNCTION BOX AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CONNECTiON EXISTING MAIL BOX EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE (SIZE AND SPECIES I>S NOTED) EXISllNG CONIFEROUS TREE (SIZE AND SPECIES I>S NOTED) GATE FENCE UNE CONTOUR WITH ELEVATION STORM SEWER (SIZE I>S NOTEO) SANITARY SEWER (SIZE I>S NOTED) EXISTING CURB UNE EXISTING UNDERGROUND WATER UNE EXISllNG OVERHE"AD WIRES EXISllNG UNDERGROUND GAS UNE 20- YEAR TIME OF TRAVEL UNE SOIL TYPE BOUNDARY r ~'.<~~)-/,l EXISTING CONCRETE :j: 10 ~g 1<0 ~r=! .... :j: ~~ 1<0 ?r=! .... " D<C1D W 11-flR .. ~ M" ItOW UTILITY NOTE, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2007 lITIU1Y LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON A COMBINATION OF FIELD SURVEY OF 08SERVABLE EVIDENCE ANO lITIU1Y COMPANY LOCATION MAPS AND ARE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION ASSES~OR'S MAP 17-03-22-dl, TAX LOT 2708 SHEET 3 OF 3 o m _0'" Wo -0 IWD [TO III EVO pp-o- 1", ):( <:> <0- m Il:) @ @ [0] CI ~ III tl> J8D 0"8 TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION PLAN TENTATIVE PARTITION FOR DR. LARRY LAURINAT SE 1/4, SEC 22, T17S, R3W, W M SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON S5fW 9nc.-Englneers SURVEYORS f PL.ANNERS 2350 OakrtlOOt WlJy Sulle 105 . Eugene O"'UO" 97<101 . (541) <le5-8383 JOB NO 07-6563 656JEXIS DWG 04-26-07