HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 5/6/2008 . Page 1 of3 LAFLEUR Karen From: DONOVAN James Tuesday, May 06,20081034 AM Emall, MARKARIAN Molly Carol, LEAHY Joe (HL), LAFLEUR Karen, L1MBIRD Andrew, MOORHEAD Chris, JONES Terry (Tara), MILLER Liz Subject: RE Development Restriction I SUB2008-00014 Sent: To: Cc: Thanks for clipping the attachment Jason, let's file It and proceed to platting When you bnng rn the filed restriction document and the corrective check to the planning counter the signed plat Will be provided to you by my planners for filing If you have any other questions regarding the filing please direct them to my City surveyors and we Will keep you moving' Regards, JD From: Email [mallto:email@ssw-engmeer.com] Sent: Monday, May 05,20089:45 AM To: DONOVAN James; MARKARIAN Molly Cc: Carol Subject: RE: Development Restriction / 5UB2008-00014 Good Morning Jim Attached for your reVIew, per your request, please find a PDF fIle of the final reVised Deed Restriction document for the Laurlnat Partition Also attached IS a PDF of the markup version proVided to me by Carol Schirmer Carol did indicate that she reVised the last sentence slightly per Jim Splckerman as previously discussed, and that you would aware of thiS change Please let me know once you have had a chance to review thiS and that It looks OK for recordrng Thanks' Have a good one Regards, Jason Goshert Survey & Land Use Planning TechniCian SS&W Inc. - Engrneers 2350 Oakmont Way, SUite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 Tel (541) 485-8383 Fax (541)485-8384 Emall emall@ssw-englneer com From: DONOVAN James [mailto:Jdonovan@ci.spnngfleJd.or.us] Sent: Fnday, May 02,200811:38 AM To: Email Subject: RE: Development Restriction / 5UB2008-00014 Date Received: MAY 1 2 2008 Jason, ~ Original submittal. 5/12/2008 Page 2 of3 . Just send me over a pdf of the final so I can do a qUick confirmation of the last mark ups and I will have It back to you asap You can go file It and bring me 3 copIes and the correctIve fees as discussed I WIll have the plat ready for pick up In our surveyors' office I don't want to affect any change on the mylar either JD From: Emall [mallto:emall@ssw-engineer.com] Sent: Friday, May 02,200811:20 AM To: DONOVAN James Cc: Carol; MARKARIAN Molly; LAFLEUR Karen; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; ERNST Dennis; MOORHEAD Chris Subject: RE: Development Restriction / SUB2008-00014 Jim ThiS IS fine with me, but I Will have to check with Carol as I was under the understanding that I was to record the final revised restriction with no further City review necessary provided It was revised per the markup copy provided to me Also, If thiS IS to be recorded concurrently with the final plat, Will It need to be referenced on the final plat? If so I Will have to re-publlsh the plat on mylar, acqUire notarized signatures again, and perhaps have to request yet another title report update on the County end Perhaps you could run thiS by the City Surveyor's Dept and have someone adVise me accordingly If possible It would be preferable to leave the plat mylars alone so I don't have to take another step backwards Please adVIse Regards, Jason Goshert Survey & Land Use Planning Technician SS&W Inc - Engineers 2350 Oakmont Way, SUite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 Tef (541) 485-8383 Fax. (541) 485-8384 Emall emall@ssw-englneer com From: DONOVAN James (marlto:jdonovan@C1.spnngfield.or.us] Sent: Friday, May 02,20089:49 AM To: Email Cc: Carol; MARKARIAN Molly; LAFLEUR Karen; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER LIZ; ERNST DenniS; MOORHEAD Chris Subject: RE: Development Restriction / SUB2008-00014 Jason, When the final draft of the deed restriction IS ready for filing please bring the orlgrnal to me for final review and I Will notify you when the plat and the deed are ready for concurrent filing per normal plat procedures After filing please bring 5 copies of the filed plat and 3 copies of the deed restriction back to the planning diVISion When you bring In the final draft of the deed restriction also bring the check for the amount Cited below 5/12/2008 Page 3 of3 ,. * for the corrective tree felling fees and we will receipt that In under the prevIous tree felling file We will Internally attach the deed restriction to the parcels and the deed restriction will apply to future site plan and tree felling applications under normal development procedures and fees Regards, JD From: Emall [mailto:emall@ssw-engineer.com] Sent: Friday, May 02,20088:52 AM To: DONOVAN James; MARKARIAN Molly Subject: Development Restriction I SUB2008-00014 Good Morning Molly & Jim I have been coordinatrng With Carol Schirmer and Dr Laurinat In regards to final reVISions and recording of the Development Restnctlon As I will be submitting the recorded copies on their behalf, I am the logical candidate to also submit Dr. Laurlnat's payment of the fees/fines related to the removal of trees As such, before I get the ball roiling too fast, I just wanted to verify' A) That the required amount totals $2,156 payable to City of Springfield B) How ma,ny copies of the recorded Development Restriction should be submitted, and to whom? C) Upon payment of the fine and submittal of the recorded Development Restriction, what IS the next step In regards to getting the final partition plat and associated documents recorded? Please adVIse Thank you' Sincerely, Jason Goshert Survey & Land Use planning TechniCian SS&W Inc - Engineers 2350 Oakmont Way, SUite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 Tel (541) 485-8383 Fax' (541) 485-8384 Emall emall@ssw-engineer com 5/12/2008