HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/15/2006 ,~~ . CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 Tree Felling Application Type II ApplIcant Name Carol Schumer Phone 541 6864540 xl Address 374 West 4th. Smte 201. Eue:ene. Oree:on 97401 Property Owner Name 3-D ProfeSSIOnal GrouD. LLC Address 175 West B Street SDnne:fieId. OR 97477 Phone 541 7463521 Property Address None Vacant Lot between Pheasant Blvd and Game Fann Road Assessor's Map No 17-03-22-00 Tax Lot No 02708 SpeCIfic DescnptIOn of Proposal f,trn ffM It! 3 /ttes.fr1m J1 rYMf/m Develop vacant lot, zoned commumty commerCIal, WIth our 2-story medIcal 1 office bmldJg; ;!dr- - '1 assOCIated parkmg, landscapmg, etc The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application III correct and accurate. ApplIcant SIgnature ~~ y- r Date B ./'2... . o~ { } If the applicant is other t~ner, the owner herebugrants permls . on for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. ~ _~ .... Owner SIgnature !.br4t/ 1i) G1 {h { CJ J1lf4Ji orb { Date For Office Use Only: ( Journal NO/)r~J-Mfa.i.ffi 1L-.- Map No \ * D3~ '22..rOD Date Accepted as Complete ReceIved By Tax Lot No ~ ~ 114 IA.~ 27D~ ~ 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 5 il-726-3759 Phone .j~7':~ UA... --. ' r<;ty of Springfield Official Receipt ~velopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200600000000000327 Date: 03/15/2006 12:08:08PM Jub/Journal Number DRC2006-00022 DRC2006-00022 Description Postage Fee Type II - $150 CTY > 10 Trees Base + Per ACRE Payments: Type of Payment Paid By CredltCard SCHIRMER SCHLESINGER Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm 007040 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 150 00 1,550.00 $1,700.00 Amount Paid $1,70000 $1,700.00 ',:.' 3/15/2006 Page 1 of I "- f4!'i";:;;;''''':C~~: ",:1 - -~ . ~ ~"':J ..._ot .~rt. ~ Jj ';:0- "-: ;~~ -,. ,i"!,,,;j..s}!; < -U~~:, 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 725-3689 Notice of Complete Application Date of Letter: Apnl 13, 2006 Case Number: DRC2006-00022 Aoolicant: Carol Schirmer 374 West 4th, SUite 20 I Eugene, OR 9740 I Owner: 3-D ProfeSSional Group, LLC 175 West B Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 An application for Tree Felling was submitted to the Spnngfield Planning DIvIsion on March IS, 2006, to remove 13 trees from property located east of Pheasant Boulevard, west of Game Farm Road In Springfield. The property IS more accurately described as Tax Lot 2708 on Assessor's Map 17-03-22-00. A concurrent application for Site Plan Review has not been submitted. A Pre-submittal Meeting was conducted on Apnl 4, 2006 The Site Plan application was found to be incomplete Please note that the information contained In the Site Plan application regarding site development, grading and landscaping/revegetation IS necessary to complete the review of the subject Tree Felling request. The application you submitted for Tree Felling has been: X Accepted as a complete application The review procedure for this application IS indicated below Type I - Administrative Review by the City. X Type II - Administrative ReView by the City and affected agencies Type III - Administrative ReView by the City and affected agencies and Public Heanng before the Planning Commission. \ Type IV - Administrative ReView by the City and affected agencies, a Public Heanng before the City Council who will conduct a public hearrng and make the final deCISion If you have any questions about this process please call me at 726-4608. Cordially, Linda Pauly Planner II Urban Planning DIVISion ~ .~. Schirmer, Schlesinger + Associates INC LAND USE PLANNING, SITE DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 375 West 4th, SUite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 541 686 4540 541 686 4577 fax www ssalandscape com March 13, 2006 City of Springfield Development ServIces Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield OR 97477 RE Tree Felling Application Good Afternoon, Attached IS the Tree Felling Application as required by the Site Plan Review Application Other pertinent Information has been Included See list of Attachments below Please don hesitate to call If you have any questions or need additional Information Respectfully submitted, Schirmer, SchleSinger + Associates, Inc t~ Attachments 3 copies of Tree Felling Plan 3 copies of Survey (1) 8 % x 11 Tree Felling Plan Written Responses Tree Replacement OptIons spread sheet (current for 2006) Copy of the Deed Letter from Sarah Summers dated September 15, 2003 Letter from SchIrmer, SchleSinger + Associates, Inc dated October 9, 2003 October 9, 2003 Carol SchIrmer Schmner, Schlesmger & Assoc 1725 Pearl Street Eugene, OR 97401 RE Game Farm Dental SIte Plan RevegetatIOn and Tree Removal Dear Carol, Thank you for your evaluatIOn of the trees and possIble SIte plan for the property located north of Harlow Road between Game Farm and Pheasant (Tax Map 17-03-22 TL 2710) Takmg mto consIderatIOn the Game Fann Road Tree EvaluatIOn by Sperry and the VegetatIOnlRevegetatIOn Plan by ChrIstensen, I agree m pnncIple With your evaluatIOn The eXIstmg trees have a lImIted lIfe span and become more hazardous to development on the SIte WIth age By revegetatmg the SIte WIth ItS commercIal development, there WIll be Viable trees on the SIte for the future ThIS letter does not approve the SIte plan or gIve permISSIOn to fell trees The dental offices WIll have to go through the SIte plan reVIew process and a tree fellmg applIcatIOn ThIS letter and your evaluatIOn should be attached to the applIcatIOns The followmg IS the City's positIOn on the dISposItIOn of the eXIstmg trees on the property The property IS zoned CommunIty CommercIal and desIgnated Commumty Commercial m the Metro Plan and the Gateway Refinement Plan It IS scheduled to be developed WIth a permItted use The Gateway Refinement Plan states that the vegetatIOn should be mamtamed to the greatest degree practIcable ConsIdenng the age of the subject trees, the hazard potential when the SIte IS developed, and the locatIOn of the eXIstmg trees, I would determme that preservatIOn of the entIre grove IS not pOSSIble GIven thIS determmatIOn, the preservatIOn and tree replacement plan meets the mtent of the Refinement Plan for the scenIC, aIr filtratIOn and nOIse reductIOn qualItIes of trees The eXIstmg tree canopy covers approxImately 8,000 square feet or 206 percent of the SIte WIthm 10 years, the new trees plus the eXIstmg trees that would remam would cover approxImately 24,350 square feet or 31 5 percent of the SIte The new trees alone would cover 15,910 square feet or 20 6 percent of the SIte It IS understood that the Tree Canopy Replacement Plan will be subject to change durmg the planmng reVIew processes However, the mtent of the Gateway Refinement Plan to contmue the tree canopy WIll be reqUIred Smcerely, Sarah Summers Planner II Cc Dr Larry Launnat Brent McLean Joe Leahy Cynthia Pappas Schirmer, Schlesinger + Associates INC LAND USE PLANNING, SITE DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 375 West 4th, SUite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 541 6864540 541 6864577 fax WWW ssalandscape com September 1 S, 2003 Sarah Summers City of Spnngfield Plannmg and Development 225 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 RE Game Farm Dental Site Plan RevegetatIOn and Tree Removal Dear Sarah, As per our discussIOn on August 27, 2003 I am attachmg two site plans for the Game Farm Dental Development The first plan (SITE PLAN) only mdlcates the eXlstmg trees and which ones we Will be requestmg for removal The second site plan shows the schematic Tree Replacement Plan For our discussion I reviewed the matenals associated with tills site Game Farm Road Tree Evaluation dated May 29,2002, prepared by Nathamel Sperry, ISA Certified Arbonst and VegetatlonlRevegetatlOn Plan for the Game Farm Road CJTove, dated September 11,2002 and prepared by Ann Chrlstensen- Environmental Design The most notable conclusIOn we amved at was stated also m Ann's report on Page 1 Mamtam prominent vegetatIOn, as shown on the Natural Assets Map for Its scemc, aIr filtratIOn and nOIse reductIOn qualztles to the greatest degree practicable The site IS for sale and the dental complex IS an allowable use on property zone commercial The client retamed the services of Schrrmer, Schlesmger + Associates, Inc , landscape architects, to produce a site design that met their development goals as well as the site design standards of the Spnngfield Development Code Based on the proposed site design, eXlstmg trees would necessanly need to be removed Factors taken mto consideratIOn when decldmg which trees to remove are as follows 1 ConsideratIOn of the evaluatIOn submitted by Nathamel Sperry 2 ConsideratIOn of future health of the eXlstmg trees post constructIOn 3 Health and conditIOn of eXlstmg trees pre-construction 4 ConsideratIOns for the potential for future liability (i e limb or tree failure Impactmg bUlldmgs, cars, users) 5 Trees m the constructIOn path I also concur with Nathaniel Sperry when he states m hiS report The remaining life of these trees IS difficult to predict with accuracy Trees tend to die In stages, over a long perIOd of time Some of these trees have an estimated remallllllg life of 5 - 10 years, others longer Afew of these trees Will lzkely live another 20 - 60 years, especw/ly with appropnate mamtenance I beheve thiS stand of trees could be a valuable natural asset, however, given that the site IS deSignated for development, preservatIOn of the entire grove IS not practical If the grove IS to be preserved then the property should not be allowed to be developed as a commerCial applicatIOn I also belIeve that this IS an opportumty to revegetate the site with new, healthy, vigorous trees which will, m time (as this stand did) support the city's goals of contnbutmg to the area's visual character, air filtration and nOise reductIOn These trees will contnbute to the overall Image and livability of the Refinement Plan area Accordmg to the attached site plan the trees to be removed are as follows I have also lIsted the canopy size (as measured m the field), the species of tree and the tree canopy replacement standard as delineated m Ann Christensen's report Tree Number Canopy Size Species Tree Canopy Replacement Standard (as per Ann Christensen report) 1 46 feet Big Leaf Maple (6) 2" calOR (2) 5" cal and (2) 3" cal 3 32 feet Big Leaf Maple (4) 2" calOR (2) 5" cal 5 45 feet Big Leaf Maple (6) 2" calOR (2) 5" cal and (2) 3" cal 7 48 feet Big Leaf Maple (6) 2" calOR (2) 5" cal and (2) 3" cal 16 56 feet Black Locust (2) 2" cal , (2) 3" cal , (2) 5" cal 17 25 feet Black Locust (3) 2" calOR (2) 3" cal 18 43 feet Big Leaf Maple (6) 2" calOR (2) 5" cal and (2) 3" cal 19 17 feet Sltka Spruce (3) 2" calOR (2) 3" cal 20 36 feet Pacific Yew (4) 2" calOR (2) 5" cal 21 55 feet Walnut (6) 2" calOR (2) 5" cal and (2) 3" cal 22 47 feet Walnut (6) 2" calOR (2) 5" cal and (2) 3" cal 23 20 feet Pear Tree (3) 2" calOR (2) 3" cal Accordmg to the tree canopy replacement standard the quantity of trees reqUIred for revegetatIOn to satisfy canopy replacement IS either 59 of the smaller calIper trees or 40 of the larger caliper The attached Replacement Tree Plan shows 48 trees planted There appears to be lIttle room left on the site to place additional trees that will meet the canopy replacement reqUIrement While the VegetatlOnlRevegetatlOn Plan has ment m ItS mtent, consideratIOn needs to be given to the fact that thiS IS bemg developed as a commercial project There simply Isn't the landscape area remammg after development to place 59 additIOnal trees The reqUIrement may be met by placmg a combmatJon of smaller and larger caliper trees AdditIOnally, there IS a reqUIrement m the document that states the followmg The replacement trees shall be the same species as eXisting trees All of the trees Identifiedfor removal by Sperry are Acer macrophyllum. Big Leaf Maple Therefor, all replacement trees for the deSignated removal trees shall be Big Leaf Maple I recommend that the replacement street trees along Game Farm Road should be located In the same place as the removed trees ThiS reqUIrement will be Impossible to meet, espeCially If we follow the replacement schedule For example, one of the Big Leaf Maples along the street to be removed would necessitate mstallIng three replacement trees Tills would not be good for the health of the proposed new trees and their future ViabilIty FleXibilIty m terms of quantity and/or tree species would be appropnate here For example, a groupmg of Hawthorne trees could be planted m place of the Big Leaf Maple as they are naturally understory trees They would thrive 10 thiS locatIOn as well as satisfy the screemng functIOn Otherwise, I would suggest replacmg one Big Leaf Maple With one Big Leaf Maple, not three Big Leaf Maples No trees are shown planted on the south property lme as there IS a utIhty easement under that portIon of the sIte and tree plantmg IS not allowed ThIS would have been another area to add addItIOnal replacement canopy to try and meet the reqUIred quantItIes The Tree Canopy Replacement Plan IS schematIc and attempts to represent possIble locatIons for trees The project IS stIll reqUIred to go through the SIte RevIew process WIth the CIty of Spnngfield CondItIOns of thIS process may reqUIre change to the sIte plan and subsequent changes to the plantmg 1 revegetatIOn plan ThIS plan IS a suggested revegetatIOn plan subject to change Please call me If you need addltIonalmformatlOn or clanficatlOn Respectfully submItted, ~u u S hlesmger + AssocIates, Inc cc Dr Lany Launnat (chent) Brent McLean (chent representatIve) GAME FARM DENTAL I , I I REPLACEMENT OPTIONS I I I I I Replacement Opbon #1 I Replacement Option #2 I Quantity I Quantity I Current Size Size Tree Diameter of Removed Canopy 2006 Caliper and Species 1 46' 66" Big Leaf Maple 6 2" cal 2 5" cal I 2 3" cal 31 15' 40" Big Leaf Maple 3 2" cal 2 3" cal 5 20' 49" Big Leaf Maple 3 2" call 2 3" cal I 2 3" cal 7 48' 39" Big Leaf Maple 61 2" call 2 5" cal 2 3" cal 16 56' 72" Black Locust 2 2" cal 2 2" cal 2 3" cal 2 3" cal I 2 5" cal 2 5" cal 17 12' 28" Black Locust ~I 2" call 2 3" cal 18 43' 52" Big Leaf Maple 2" cal 2 5" cal I 2 3" cal 19 17' 12" Sltka Spruce 31 2" cal 2 3" cal 20 15' 20" Pacific Yew 3 2" cal 2 3" cal 21 55' 31" Walnut 6 2" cal 2 5" cal I 2 3" cal 22 47' 33" Walnut 6 2" cal 2 5" cal 2 3" cal 231 20' 18" Pear 3 2" cal 2 3" cal . 241 60' 35" Walnut 21 2" cal 2 2" cal I 2 3" call 2 3" cal I 2 5" cal 2 5" cal I SubTOTAL 52 2" call 4 2" cal 41 3" call 281 3" cal I 41 5" cal 14 5" cal I I I TOTAL i 60 46 We onglnally planned to replace the trees to be removed with 48 trees(optlOn # 2 of the replacement plan with larger cab per tJees) that would meet the mtent ofreplacll7g lost tree canopy In 10 years time We are proposmg 60 trees (optIOn # 1 of the replacement plan with smaller cabper trees) with an additIOnal 29 trees to create a greater canopy replacement sooner See attached spread sheet for replacement calculatIOns 3 Whether It IS necessary to remove trees m order to construct proposed Improvements m accordance With an approved development plan ,_ See attached Tree Fellmg AppbcatlOn Plan, TRl The majonty of the trees to be removed are m order to construct proposed improvements 111 accordance With the antIcipatIOn of an approved development plan Three of the trees along Game Farm Road (Trees 1,3 and 5)are recommendedfor removal by the Game Farm Road Tree EvaluatIOn issued by Nathamel Sperry on May 29, 2002 The removal of these trees will allow the plantmg of replacement trees and begin the process of developmg a healthy stand of trees for the future 4 In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, fellmg of trees shall be permitted on a lImited baSIS consistent With the preservation of the site's future development potential as prescnbed m the Metro Plan and City Development regulatIOns, and consistent With the foIlowmg cntena a) wooded areas associated With natural dramage ways and water areas shaIl be retamed to preserve npanan habitat and to mllllmize eroSIOn, b) wooded areas that Will lIkely proVide attractive on-site views to occupants of future developments shaIl be retamed, c) wooded areas along ndgelmes and hilltops shall be retamed for their scelllC and wIldlIfe value, d) wooded areas along property lInes shall be retamed to serve as buffers from adjacent properties, e) trees shall be retamed m suffiCiently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure agamst wmdthrow, f) large-scale clear-cuts of developable areas shaIl be avoided to retam the wooded character of future bUlldmg Sites, and so preserve housmg and deSign options for future City reSidents 5 Whether the applIcant's proposed replantmg of new trees or vegetatIOn IS an adequate substitute for the trees to be feIled See attached Plantll1g Plan, Sheets L6 and L7 6 Whether slash left on the property poses slglllficant fire hazard or lIabilIty to the City There w1l1 be no slash left on the property ThiS is being developed as a medical/dental complex with parlang and landscaping 7 Whether the fellIng IS consistent With the guidelines set forth m the Field GUIde to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules publIshed by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region 8 Whether transportatIOn of eqUIpment to and eqUIpment and trees from the site can be accomplIshed Without a major disturbance to nearby reSidents This IS not a major logging operatIOn The removal of 13 trees wlllnot create a major dIsturbance to the nearby reSIdents THE APPLICATION PACKET A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: 1 A complete apphcatlon page (all of the sections on the front oftlus applIcation must be filled out) 2 Three (3) copies of a plot plan* drawn to scale to mclude a) The name, address and telephone number of the applicant, b) The species or common name of the trees, c) The locatIOn of trees to be removed and theIr Sizes, d) The method of tree removal and the hauling route to be used, and e) A descnptIon of any plan (vegetatIOn and revegetatIOn report) to replace, landscape, or otherwise reduce the effect of the fellmg that addressed the applicable standards In SectIOn 38 040 of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) See attached Plantmg Plan, Sheets L6 and L7 3 One additIOnal copy of the plot plan which has been reduced to 8I/2X 11" to be mailed as part of the reqUIred nelghbonng property notificatIOn packet 4 Wntten responses to the Tree Fellmg Standards ofSDC 38 040 These standards are attached, below 5 - The apphcatlOn fee Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropnate fee A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department 6 A copy of the deed to show ownership *The Development Services Director or the Public Works Director may require the applicant to provide the services of a professional forester, hydrologist or landscape architect in order to address the standards in Section 38.040 of the Springfield Development Code for undeveloped property greater than 10 acres in size or 15 percent slope. Revised 7/00 Tree Felling Standards (SDC 38.040) 1 Whether the conditions of the trees With respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of fallIng, proximity to eXistIng structures or proposed constructIOn, or Interference With utility services or pedestnan or vehicular traffic safety, warrants the proposed fellIng The trees to be removed are m close proXln21ty to proposed construct/on, whzle others need to be removed as a result of their eXlstmg condltzon as It relates to their health 2 Whether the proposed fellIng IS consistent With State standards, Metro Plan pohcles and City ordInances and proVISIOns affectIng the environmental quality of the area, Includmg but not hmlted to, the protection of nearby trees and wmdbreaks, wildlife, eroSIOn, soil retentIOn and stability, volume of surface runoff and water quahty of streams, scemc quahty, and are geological sites In September of 2003 Schmner, Schlesmger + Assoczates, Inc entered mto negotzatzons With City of Spnngfield planner Sarah Summers Removal of the proposed trees was negotzated and agreed to through thiS process Please see attached letter from Schirmer, Schlesmger + Assoczates, Inc to Sarah Summer dated 9 15 03,and the reply by Sarah Summers dated October 9, 2003 Addmonally, we are proposmg the removal of one addltzonal tree(tree #23 as per attached plans) as the site plan changed conSiderably smce those diSCUSSIOns We are also proposmg replacmg that tree With 6 (2" cal) trees as per the Vef!etatzon/Reveffetatzon Plan for the Game Farm Road Grove, dated September 11,2002 and prepared by Ann Chnstensen-Envlronmental DeSign kls) ~ i l . 1 1 1 II .' !\',tt I'~ L ,'1= : I ~~ 1Y_7;;~ &H5ET INOEX ll'm!l'I!LL.tGl"l....oVII ...."""'" ::. 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''''''-L''''''''au.._~CUlllllQB)(C.I.V'''TIQoI_ . , _ 0lIt~~......... OlItCUllltG~1'lC;lHOI'.~I'OlIIl~ NOTEe (GBNElIO!AI..) l__ ~ _.._TDAWmIt:T1MI!8TOMKt.H~IWII"lIn'"..1IQAC; OIIl~OlIt~I<M:ll.III!:DM~n.B\IIOIII(. t.AU.,.....w.....IfIl!l!Jrl~IrT~~ ~~..IMOClAme.lC.atlIil!NL~~(Io4l___ TI'<EI!ei ~IlMOYSO .,....TO_IIIIft7VI!DW.I.....IfIl!l!Jrl~1n' ~~TO_ lN1\.II __ ~ , .....1101 t.MDM'\.IIGI!DCClICIIT1ClN J.M_c:ulIi.TI:II!CLtl2GI.a,I.:n.l "'~TO~~ , , . I . , . , , I . , . VICINITY MA'" .5" ..:1,',"11(( U ~~l~ ~ \1 0(1.)rc-:: .. GAME FARM DENTAL TREE FELLING APPLICATION ..!.....-~!_n<.,., I' . 'liD . (D' IL....l fD It> 2ft) lei) -.e GAME FARM DENTAL SI'HINGfI[LDOH '2M~laI2006 0., TREE FELLING ~ APPLICATION PLAN ~ TR1 I ~ ~ ~ i;: e.l'!OlE st>!IP." S f '\;'RIXJO'I /:;' ~ ~l~y" i @ .,... ,. Dlvhshm 0' Chle' Deputy CHeri( ,M' 1\1059', LMe Count.y Doecla and Recorda ..W"",, L lUll I:J 11m IIIIIIIIIII~ $2&.0( J "'''ra..I!~ 1.1!l!:l911/lll. 'l0~1 02/17/2004 02:08:58 Pf RPR-IIE!O c"t.cl1 ill=! CftSI.lIER oa 88.00 $11.00 S~D.OO d u ~ ~ m i ~ ~ ~ ~ IX: ern OF S~r...a.>> :US I!u .n STREET l:lor!wolGFIELD, OR 1)7"" G:mllor~ N_ ami Addna 3-D PROFESSIONAL ~UP. LLG. _ " 175W. "B"STREET, t,.;D&-;-e SPRINGFIELD, OR 1)7 17 Grantee.. Name ODd Addnwoo r'WRGR1tI1NtANn TITLE co. P.O. BOX931 SPRIN9mLD. Ok Y14" l1lIliI a ~1s. .."...~ aD tax ~ofudl be _tt6l1l;1~ .~. S ASGRAHJM TITLE NO RLT-43804 llSCJlOW NO. 81'03.16404 Tj\Jt ACCT. NO 15131110 MAl' NO. 17-os..u.8O-&701 WARRANTY DEED. STATUTORY FORM \llUl'~ fJDUAL OR CORPORATION) KNOW ALL ME1V BY THESE PRESENTS, TIuIt THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, A MUNICIPAL Cv!N unATION herti1lafter t4lle4 granIor, 1M the colllldemtlun hminafter ettl, to glTUlUR' paill by 3-D PROFE...,...,.oI.u GROUP, LLC. heTel1ltlftu CtJlJeil glYlRte" do6s henby grant, ~ ml IPId ,um", rmhJ thelium grrmtee and ... ....~.. " hein. 8llCce.uors twl4l8igna, that cutmn re4l propelty, with 1M t81UlIImU, 11... .,.X-....mfS and IlPP/UTelUl1IUt thereunto belDnglng qr appertlmwlg, ntUated m tlu County 01 LANE aNI Slau of lRfgoll, ieICribed fit jollfllVlI, to-wil; PARCEL 2 OF LAND PAR1TI'IONPLATNO. ZOIJ4..P17SO. AS PLAHl!oJ.I AND RECORDED JANUARY 23,2004, RECEPITON NO. 2004-1l048U. OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. To Have tmd 10 Hold the same unro the J4iII grtUftte (DId gratlfte'a heln, succmors IItId lISslgIIllonreT. And mid gmrrJor hereby ct'1'fM1IU to tuUl wiIh said gTflIltee wuJ g7fU1tee'a hem, SlUceSSOT! imd aasigM, thuI g1YJlltOr is lawJully stlud ill Jee simpk oj tlIe abo,t grt11IId ]JremiJu, free jrum Dll etltutlllmmcea uci!pt Subjea to tm1 and IIlllfJ&ements, mtTi&1io1fJl cm4 COvtn/l1UI oJrecord anti JhqJ grrmJur willlftlTlTl1lllUlli foreM' 1k/,1UI tIu SfIid prnIIires wuJ m" part alfl ]HU'Ce1 thereof against the lu.wfuJ dmms alUl dt11UJ1Uf1 (If all j)erlfJ1lt whrllllSoner, ucept thtm claiming wuJer the above de8&1'lbetl ~el. T/u tI'IIt and at:luld cormdm1lilHl ]1fIi4I for t1ru trt.uII/tr, smted in tmnI oj tlollars, is $898,5118.00. -However, tlu aaual CMJid,rrdion wnsms 01 or includes of"", p1f)~ f)r l'fIlue ghrm or prwnmil wllkh it (thf whokJpart oltJze) cO~Jf (in4ia#e whkh).. (The nrrlen<< betwee" the symboh *, ifnot applkable mould be dell!/etL See OIlS '3.030.) In COJJStnllllg this deed and whue 1M cante.rt so requlnll, th, smgu/Dr ~lmIe8 tJ,e plural fVU/ all gmmnrotlC4l chlP7lf~ dIIJll be IRtplIed to make tire pTrJMo1U hereof apply equall] to co1p01'Ot/Qtls cm4~ uldmtJuah. In Witneas Whereof, tire grtJ1llqr 1w exectlletl this UlSt1rmtent tIris I ~ - dIl} 01 'Ft:B /J.u ~ . 20 ~ if a torporau grantor, it 1ws cau(Jtd ill 1I4IItt to be 31glltd aM si4l tifftxtd by ill oJftcers, dilly aut/wnwi lhento by rnder of ltIlJOtUd of dwClO1'8. THIll INST1UMI!m' mu NOT ALLOWl.lSE OF TIm .......,,""']'Y U6.J0..""'..... IN TB1S!NS'l'RlJMPNl' IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAlmUllELAWSAM;l "...........ATIONII. ......,v..... SlGJlilNG OR A..........,,"" TBIS........JMEl"l"T, THE PI!IlSON ACQtlIJUN(l FEE TlTLB TO THE fRv,,-.. SHOUUl CHECK WITH'11lll: APPROPRIATRCITY OR COUNTY PIA.."..,,~ DID'AllTMBNT TO l'.Il.tUn' APPROVED Al'lJ)TO...........fINEANY LlMITSON LAWSUITa AOAlNSJ' FAIlMING OIl...."""'. J'RACTlCl!S ASDEFINI!D !NORS '01130. ,.oJ,/' ~ ( , BY: , CITY MAN M1CRAnt JitLLy .~ i' ".:- --~ OFFICIAL SEAL ] AMY L SOWA NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON ,__._u~~~~~~J~~, FrATE OF OREGON, COl./NTY OF Lttn e.. ~. FeJ;yu GUJ :3 . 20~ BY lIllClJAllL KIlU.V, AS elr'\.' tBIS ~UMENr WAS ACKNOWLEDGED a....vAI>MR ON MANAGER, 011' CITY OF IlI'IWlGF.IltLD ~~^--- tor Drea'" My ---. r<<ptrrs: j 1- 'd')" ~OD::: c.-,...., U~ 'S~(L ~~f~"D ~ ;;''I't..v<<.~ ~ ~~C~\:)I Joo.ll.:) If\'::' 'T1:l 'f"~""'" t'II.....u ('CtJ\'t~ rH ...)CU1lll~ ~_ ~ L~~\ .c:.o..\\I.Ft-AJ-( TOTAL P 02 ~ N 00' ~ ___N_~9.S7'3,!:_~_~ . N 89-S1 ,5 E .:'6675' PCL. 2 Eou .11J117';n nu "UN .Ia9""'5t~5' 'tn 12tr':h...1I 1./1/ r-t'e9"5(~S'''t:' t4t./44"" ~ i 280'0' rn m13 : o 35 AC_ I ~ I 0 I l3 Z 2705 : ~ (ji ~ 0 53 AC ! ;.; ~ ~ ZZ9S9 sa FT ~ ~I ':3 '" :~ 1;; pel. 1 ~~ jfJ;\ 3539' ~ ~ 1.... ~ ~~ """',1 ::yS3'43' "'\- 'n Z71~3' j[ 35' I 6 Z4' E ill I ~~, __-I-__4~:..._L_~.:.__ I 8 . I .. E 2' . J' ~.., (.,,1382,9' , -~l.l :------____L_____._ ----- +-----~------~~~HA-R:r7Lf)W-n--AA-n------------~-~ _5 E _, _ 93' _)~~ _ \\..;0: R~"":lf:3gT '~._ . ._ - - __ _~___ ~ '_"_1 ~ "' III _Jl_g~;E.~O.:_E_~ 7500' ru (]'> '" " " ,~ ~ 1'30. E: 9iJ7"-------- a a ~, ~I c; "", ~ "' '" 1 g I~ -U ~ I' ~ <: (f) > ZI -i CO < o I 40 r1 ), Z 'r---'ff'B'M'rlb""t""""1'3~ rJOO AY\Y1e.u.e,( 1? 'i q C;; INITIAL ~ ny..,.t orct.e-(' PDlN! . ';'~ir8':l~'--mr'Jgo-....~j;..;. :10"1'0 (c..-;:,f' q", - S-S) Ci.-kr ~ 2707 ( F-.,... s te...:\-i tY1 ') I 1 98 AC 8636Z sa FT PCl 1 2-1€H U6:>>tJ z ~ 0> " , tA :: " , ~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~~0 ~ 0 ' @.. \) . ~'\)'> S.38407. @ \f0 ?~(f) Sve2~3 - CGcZ2 \\. ldttP')~~~~':tPO~0 ~(fiy iJ!rf) . ~~ Cf[b~ SITE " ... w co f\l W II! O!:t~ '" PCl 1 <:: " U\ ~ w OJ , " ' co ~ -(.,.I ~::~ i,- -N:~~"!.7+:.~:;:~i:~. ~;;~ i '" -~. z C--) ~ c=2~ I~ l..'\.=::) - "-...:......,." \~ ~ C) ~:::J.J ~lU <5 '''' ~~ 2708 1.70 AC 74Z13 sa n peL 2 .. :I . Jc..""fF /C{ q ~ - C:Ff - J ~ <6 port (,.-,' ,,'/ III, ",.. /UI HO N,.,a..s.~};?5~/1~' ~"2~.I" ~'L.L'''' "" '"'' '1 10724' 25202 ~PCL. 2 2702 po.-rCVsv13 ~2.-/2... ~4"f ~ 2704 1.09 AC a . ~ 0.46 AC. _ ~ \) "~. ~ ~ ". ((5)~ ~ '-' \) ~~o ~- '- ~ ~ '- U\ \....-"......",.,..... - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 17-03-22-00 TL 2708