HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-4-17 Builtinq Permit InfO; Describe Wark{i.e.. Build Single Facnlv P.esidenee Wit.h Attac::hP.f:l. f?~raQ~' Y..Jt'Lh'~W- ~vitL tU>t -to L'iteJ.L J ()f) n Y'!JfJ'b for -rraJRt. ~;~ oJ.. Il D ttL ~ t.tnJ.ulfl~tU- v {iic-.$_ no_\ Cexoiresl (ohOne no. j ".~. ~ ~ ',.if' - n j _" ....::.~,..:.:' " , . __I.. .. ~ . ". CIIY' OF ~t"'KL~1:ot IJ:.U.J CClHS!AATION APPUCATIONlPERKIT EnERGY SOURCES: Heat !iater HeatB:r ) IIISPECnON LINE 1726-3769 Job Address 10th & Legal Description Centenrnial, Springfield yZ-- () -lAJ (...-1i,~t1iO-( P.ange ValUE: OT Hork: {000 , Owner Oreaoil DeDartment of TransDorUtion "Address Salem, Oreqon Phone Construction lender Address 'OI;SlGN TEAM (name)--- -. OSHD Phone (address) , Pri~ry , Structural Electrical !1eGhanical CONTRACTORS {name I (address) Linnea Electric Co.. POBox 925. Albany OR 97321 22-15C 10/1/90 926-4266 General . Plumbina El ectri c:a 1 Linnea Electric Co. (( same)) . Meehani ca 1 PlUt-1BIriG EllCTRICP.t. ., '~"'l.",~., .. IN;ORMATION LIN~ . 726-3iS.3 SQ. Ftg. Main . ~q. Ftg. ACC8SS. Sq. Ftg. Other New Add Alter P~p- -Fence Oemo Change/use Other- - Q CHC::!L no.' {ohone no. , (~ires) MECHANICAL Each single fixture I FEE I CHARGE: NO. I I ~~ I tHAI1r.F NO_ I Residence of furnace/burner to SQ. FT. BTU's I ~f C1iARG; NO. Relocated building (new ffx. additional) NItW circuits alts. or extensions S.F. P.esidence n bath) Duplex (1 bath) eaGh Addit.ional bath ! SERVICES I ITempora~ Construction Change in existing T"li1s1(1F'n\":e rilUltifcmily. COlim. or T ndu<rt.ri a 1 IOf amps. I COMH./IND. FEEDERS lInstall/alter/relocate I dir<1:.rib_ f~an: lOf amps. I I I I I I I Water service Sewer Storm Sewer F1 001' i'urnat;e and vent ')') .~ I Recessed wa 11 SD~ep. heRT.F'r "nd vpn~ I I Apol ianr;e vent seoal"ate Stationary ev!p_ cooler Vent fan with sina1e duct Vent systl!l!l apan fl"Olll heaj:ina or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood and duc:t Wood stove/heater I L l ISSUANCf OF PFP.11IT 2~~ TOTAL CHARbES TOTAl. CHARGES TOTAL CHf.RGES IlIiERE STATE UUi REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pen:rit shall not be valH until the label has been signed by an Eleetric;al SUlJervisor and returned to the Building Division -I-HAVE CAREFUllY EXA.'iINED t.'te completed appHeatfon for penmt. and do hereby certify that all infonnatiOl1 hereon is true and COrT'ect. ami I fur""J1er certify that any and all werk oerfoTllled shaH be d.one in al;Cordance with the Ordinances of the City of SDringfield and the Laws of the State of O~on 9l!rtaining to the werk d.escribed herein. and that UO OCCUPAnCY will be ~de of any structure without the permission of the Building tnvision. I 'further certify that IllY registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055. that i1' exemot the basis for exemotion is noted hereon. and th~t o;;~fG~~~$lan~C;logtEl~f~&~atl~ ttiJ CPoS 701_055 Ifill be U5ed. on this~rojec:. lWtE{please print) Bill F rOtJllrn ,3055 SI(;tL.UURE.~ (____ 0-!/-Yl.--WHE ~ '. 1-.. - FOR url".t~ CSE/OM..V Zone Tyoe/Const. Units Sq- Ftg.. Main Fire Zone Bedro ems Occy Load Sq. Ftg. Access nood Pl~in Stories pcey Group Sq. Ftg. Other BUILDInG PERr-trr . Plen CIe. Cecar/lnd Charges ant 65~lBlda P".,. pee Surf;harges Plan (I::. Res 3~/BldG Per Fee ! PLUt~BING PERI1'IT Feno= Charges and Surcharges ~ ELECTRICAl PERr..Ii, --~~~-~ Sidewalk Ch<t rges and $urf;haryes A/CPaving !1EOfANICAl PERMIT 1 Curb Cut Charges and ----------- Surcharges I 4117/qn x Value x Value x Value TOif.t. VAlUATIOPI ISYS~ Develap~~t Chal"Q& 0- 5't:) I I I I ITotal COlIlb. rennit TOiAi. :;gJ{p ~ '''~'"'W''''~'Q4;i7)9'O' ,~. o9':~uf'"Y'U5if3 726 3782 .' CITY OF SPRNGFLD ~ COMBlNAn~ APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. AppHe)l'lt,to furnish A. Job Address 8. Legal Description 1. exilllll>le- T.x Lot 100., Lane County Map Referen~ IT 03-43 2. example- Lot 1. 8lock 3~ 2nd Addition to springtield Estates c. Name, etc. of owner and t=onstruction lender . 0, Energy Sources l~ example- heat/electrical ceilincr/or fv. ..c.J air gas 2. ~Ie- watertleater/el........ .callor solar E. Square footage or valuation. etc. 1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. foot garage ~. 6\XalllOle- if new pl"Qject. check nlllll .. if addition. cn~k add. etc. . F. Building peMDi~ information: 1. example - construct single fiilllriTy house with an attached garage 2. exalJll)le - renodel existing garage ilt""..o far.rily . "'... 3. examole - convert single Talllny residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work. as defined in Section 303 (a> of the Strvc=tural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAK AND '-WII~ORS To avoid dl!$ign or construction delays., 8uilding Division Staff IIIUSt be able to c:on~et appropriate persons regarding design in........ .....tion Or jab site CQ........l:ions~ etc.. c II. Abbreviated Pllllilbing. MeclIanfcal ~ & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces occur in the description portion of' the Mec:hanica.l and El........... ;cal Sc:hedules., the applicant need fin-in only the No. Boxes ad,iaCftllt to the appropriate item(s) to be installed 8. Fun PIlllllbing., Med1anfcal. and E1......1.. leal Sdledules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form tbe sch@du1es have been abbreviaUld 2. If the i1:@III(s} to be inS'"..alled are not c:overed on the abbreviated st=hedules you should consult the full s~hedu les C. BUILDING DIVrSION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AIm CHARGES ON THE SOlEOUlES D. As noted on the CAP. the label lilUst be delivered to the electrical c:ontnctor for signamre by lliS e1......... ieal supervi lor. The genera 1 c.....~ ...etor is .92.t authorized to sign the elec.trical label. ItI. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application wilT ~ used as a worksheet only. Where possible. Building Division Staff will prepare a type writ"'"..en copy and return it to the apPlicant at the time tile actual perp;jt is issued for hi.s signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application. and no plans will be processed until tlIe5e fees are paid. All other fees and chargesiAre due and payable wen the permit is issued. ,. ~liR ij~Fta USE btkv PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAt~CY: @003 . PERMIT VALIDATION ~eHnii I ~ ~ :-1 ~ j :i Ei efk .flJ (j)~f 2 - Pennit applicant exempt f. viII registration with the Builderls Board because: , Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name signatur~ date