HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-2-23 .. RESIO. JTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 !,,,, - ~ ( ~-l ( \ '," ~/ /, /,c-.~ J Ii ~' l/-I /-/ \ j \, Signed' Date' Lisc.# Phone Describe fior7<: l?E??~'?6 ~.YVC.r) ~C/1WCC fr?7/70 70 gC,;5/Pc-h"'C~--:S /b~ 55~{.) /}'?c:;c/z-cr. '7 <i:1 ;g - & ? Value Job Loaat1-on: Pc.< /0r'u-C#&~ Assessorc Map # Subdiviswn. Ol.mer: Add:roess: Ci ty : Nf?LJ Addition Remodel Nobile Home Date of Applwaticn Contraators General : PlwrUJing 5~# /6..~~~,- .. I Eleatria;i . -" - ... / Mechar.iaal Construation Lender SPRINGFIELD ~ 4-$7 Tax Lot # Phone: zip: Add.~ess Exp1-res ~"/ -12!f155 . C-?.:>-'9 ~ -<~;~~~P:f"~~~~~P -g7// 5-2/-$7 ~/-6J,)7" 3. ... "-.,,,....,--/ "r // / -- "--- It is the responsibility of the permit hoUler to see that all inspeations are made at the proper time, that ec:.ah v.ddress is readaD:e from the street, and that the peI'177i t aard is "located at the front of the property. *Bui!di~ Divic1-o~ approved plan shell remain on tha Building Sit~ at all times. PROCEDURE POR INSPECTION REQUEST'CALL 726-3769 (reaorder) state your City designated Job nw;;ber, job adiress, type of in3pea~icn requested a~d w~en yOU w1-ll be ready for inspection, Contraators or Ol.mers nc:.me and phone nwrUJcr. Requests reaeived before 7:00 ~ :.'ill be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am will be made the next :.Jorking day. Reauipp-d InsDP-aticns O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after exaavat1-on, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHfiNICAL: To be made before any work 1-S covered. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring aoncret~. UNDi::RGROUND PLUMBING~.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made pnor to fil- lir.g trenahes. [KJ o D UNDERPLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installat1-on of !tOOl' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM' To be made prior to installat1-cn of floor 1-ns~lation or deakirlfj . POUCH PLlP.1BI!7C. ELECTRICAL & f.fECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered unt1-l these 1-nspections have been made and approved. FI?EPLACE. Prior to placir.g faaing mater1-als and before framing inspec- tion. PRAl'INC' Must be requested after approval of rough plw;;b1-ng, electri- aal & mechanical. AU roofing braaing & ahimncys, etc. must be aompleted. No work is to be con- - aea led until this inspection has "been made and approved. o D D Your City Desigr~ted Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION' To be made after all insulation ~4 required vapor barr1-ers are in plaae but before any lath, gypsum board or waU covering is applied, and before any 1-nBulat1-On is aonoealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU d:rywaU is in plaae, but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel loaation, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance W1-th U.B.C. Section 2415. o D WOODSTOVE: After installation is acmpleted. 8?o/<o DENDLITIO.'! OR ".'OVED BUILDIivGS :=J San1-tary S8'..)er capped at p~opcrt':1 line ~ Septic tank p~ed and filled with Gra~el ---, Pinal - f"hen above items are cCl'lTDleted ---l and when deMol~t1-on 1-S complete ~r struc- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Mob1-le Homes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing aonnections -- sewer and water ~ Electriaal Ccnnection - Bloaking, set-up ~ and plumb1-ng aonnections ~~st ce approved before request~ng electl'1-cal inspect1-on :=J Aacesso1"" Bui ld-:-ng ---, Final - After porches, skirt~ng, decks, ~ etc. are aJ.mpleted. D All prOJect conditions, such as the 1nstallat-:-on of street trees, coryplet1-on of the required landscaping, cta., must be sat1-sf1-ed before the BUILDING FINAL aan be requested. [E] FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL ,0 o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have been made and approved. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but pr1-or to pouring conorete. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE n1DE t1T NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 D SIDEWALK & DRIl'E~/AY: Por aU con- crete paving with1-n street right- of-way, to be made after aU exca- vating complete & form work & cub- base material in place. D PENCE: "-'hen compl~te -- Provide gates or movable secticns through P.U.E. o c-age d JOB NO~~/2~ SOLAR AI ~~SS REQ- Zone. Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Zot Coverage # of Stories TotaZ Height Topography lITEM IMain SQ.FTG Cazoac;e Carport I Accessorl/ S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (va~ue) 1.5 x BuiZding Permit State Su:t'chmoge TotaZ Cha..~ge8 lITEM I Fi:::tu:r>e s IResidentiaZ (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer '271 I I Water \ " } . PZwnbing Permi t State Su:t'cr.arge TotaZ Charaes lITEM Res. Sa. fta. I Naw/Extend Circuits Tenrpormoy Ser>vice EZeatricaZ PeI'l71it State Su:t'aharqe TotaZ Charges lITEM I Furnace PTU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove I Permit Issuance MechanicaZ Perrrrit State Su:t'charae TotaZ Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~drity Deposit Storage Maintenarwe I Permit TotaZ Charqes eurbcut SidewaZk Fen~e EZectricaZ LabeZ I Mobi Ze Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * Occupancl/ Group: LOT TYPE Interior Corner PanhandZe CuZ-de-sac x VaZue , I NO. FEE CHARGE "'" r I I' I Wo~1 ,- I I I * NO.' FEE CHARGE -I I NO. FEE CHARGE I I " I l~ I I I~ /-Z:L-', * L- CO G~ Tif,!e/Cor.st: Bed:t'ooms. Eneral/ Sources Heat Water 'Ieater Range FirepZace Woodctove T'-JDe I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P. L. 'House ' Cmoage North I I , Access. I I I I I II East South IWest -- Fees -, Building Value & Permit This permit ~G granted on the express cond~tion that the said construction shaZZ, inj alZ respects, confoI'l71 to the Ordinance adopted by the C~ty of SpringfieZd, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, reguZating the construct~on and use o~ buiZd~ngs, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation o!j any provisions of sa~d Ordinances. _i * .., PZan Check Fee: Date Paid: Reca~pt -#.: ~ / Sig-v:.ed . _', '" * r-- ~Plumbing 'Petmi.t No person shaZZ construct, instaZZ, aZter,or,change any new or existing pZumbing or drainage syste~ in whoZe Or in'~art, unZess such person is the ZegaZ possessor of a vaZid pZwnber's Zicense, except that a person may do pZwnbing work to property which is owned, Zeased or operated by the appZi- cant. Electrica I Perm it Where State LCI1J) requires th.at the eZectricaZ work be done by an EZeatricaZ Contractor, the eZect~caZ portion of this peI'l71it shaZZ not be vaZid unt~Z the ZabeZ has been signed by the EZectricaZ Contractor. * I Mechanical Permit I I , * ~'7J # IE PZan ExG.l71'iner PL ~ c7~ <' -:< 'f- 8') IJar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted appZicatwn for peI'l71it, and do hereby certify that aZZ infoI'l71ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ara aZZ work perfor'7led shaZZ be done in accor- dance with the Ord~nances of the City of SpringfieZd, and th~ L~~s of the * State of Oregon p9rta~ning to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY W'/..ZZ be made of any structu:t'e without peI'l71ission of the Build~ng !J1..- vis~on. I further certifb that o~Zy contractors and e~pZoyees who moe in compZ~ance with ORS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this project J l ~:~ ~~~ Signed G d-d~-B7 Date "'. ( ~ I No, 10 ~?l::t:::>N is:" P>o ~ n ) T~s-c hol.-ts~ lo-:r~ z- S~. ONl oN 'IOU '( J.. erO ~ 3, 1.sL S I. ~rS" - 'B...dr- ----- - -- - --- Atf-~__f\?~ '=-__'1:0 . "Be- ~pl.ctc-ed 0;;1 A.J. .. ~r; ~ . .._. ... 1-- /Q.tL;5 _ J::_ ____ SC~~C- T_ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___ X LO rl ;--:___ .srlte:.c=r_____ _ _________ ______ ____ __ " " -.J "'~ . _ -- v,\/e; $-1------__ L_ _ _s Ti!.~-et::.r ~ ~Y' _~__ X-'~-3.3- . 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STATON CONSTRUCTION INC ~ 2q394B AIRPORT RD 1 I EUGE"-lE OR 97402 I !;! ~~~4?~ SIGNATURE OF LICENSEE/REGISTRANT 814-050-302 (4/80) , ~s,---,s"------"l!I~m' .lE-=--.6.-----,s---,lE~_,1EI._.,.S---:S.-IS1-S~1EI' 'I:.ItSE-,:- - - - - - --,. - ----~---- . . I J - --- ~ - --- -- - ~ --- - -- -- - --- ---- -~- - - -- -- --- --- --- -- - -. " ~ .: ;~ 1! ~; q IJ "ow> WI . .....; DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY LICENSE FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE , ~::-:. ;~ ~~ ::r..IOi:~ 2"Ul. t- 1 _>~ no:.: -, ~ C~~~O~j<:;~~ ':If.'': "':), I .,,,.~ -- , I '~J'--"r'" r-l~ 10 ........10 _...... _ _'- _ l -,..~-------') 'I,": 'l ~~ I (' ~~~, ~~ I I >- 0.. o U w w en 2 w U ...J Payment Received. I _:2_ ~r:: ':;:...::.-'~ - :c. 1-:=:_T'~-::-7.:,.-, - T _'-'J'...~/~_~ ~ J..:: i;r4:. :=;(~. License Issued 7-1-3~: =:1::-re11\-::; I '-...._ ~17u.0':": \-\,~ ~ .- ---- ClcenseeXPlres. .: -'. '-..., - <0' - r 7 ) L ,; III ~-= .. L: ,-" ...J----- :_} )_ )c)