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Permit Correction Notice 2008-5-13 (2)
>, , , ..t; '..~ -. , 1 . .," " , ' f. v ',~.J "~J'.. _ ~'" .. L .} City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street - Date: .5 / 11/ oG Job# L~ .- f'),C) 7 70 Address:_ c.. 72-\\' ef~ /~M..-' Inspection Type: .;u /}/~J kk fJrlev~L r ~~ V' ( 1!t-PA.o- ~il;;J ~/o~, tA(:'/JA.-;:OJvI p~ /~ l~ >>JM~ a:/::b; f7 -) ,lA/(/,. V V" U ....; / 1, I f7J'IlM /___ J' / (~2-I-II?- H/t.~) /2, l/ /l;tt;uL X ~ i;; ./~-fh- J..e~ }p"JJ- /~ Ov-A.l ~/dJi ,rfrt.!/,1.ur.1.1J.;,\ 3 N -R ~.(~. (6-' 2 'I Z:t- " 10, 7- :JlK) f/ ..... TO: }r) Corrections and reinspection request shall be mad~Wi hin _ C/ calendar days. n/ D /.r-- Call for reinspection ~yes Na Inspector ~ .Date: NNNNNNNNNNNNNCal1 for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN \.~ ~'~