HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 4/25/2008 Page I of I L1MBIRD Andrew From: L1MBIRD Andrew Sent: Fnday, Apnl 25, 2008 1 47 PM To: FERSCHWEILER Greg Subject: Proposed Development 19th and Vera St Greg I just found out that Maintenance was overlooked when packets for a pending Development Issues Meeting were prepared and sent out a couple weeks ago The meeting IS Thursday May 1 The proposal IS for a 30 lot subdivIsion north of Yolanda on the west side of 19th Street Although the subject property IS Inside the City limits, portions of 19th Street and Hayden Bndge Road outside the property frontage remain Lane County roads I have prepared a duplicate packet of Information and sent It to you via Internal mall so It should reach you by Monday The development proposal shows a % street constructed for portions of 19th Street along the eastern boundary of the property Outside the property line (and City limits), the eastern one- third of the street will remain undeveloped (gravel) and In Lane County junsdlctlon Please let me know If you have any comments to relay to the applicant regarding Maintenance Issues, particularly street deSign considerations (offset crown? temporary curbing along eastern edge of the street? ways to prevent gravel from tracking onto the street surface, etc) or other matters Among other Issues, I fully anticipate most vehicles from the subdivIsion will dnve south along the Improved portion of 19th Street and across the short gravel section to reach Yolanda, as opposed to a circUitous route via Vera and Grand Vista Dnve or via Hayden Bndge Road and 20th St This could mean continuous vehicle tnps between graveled and paved sections of road Thanks Andy Llmblrd DSD 4/25/2008 D~t$ ~aceived: '/ftrbo R" Planner: Al '/ --~.~