HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments COUNTY 4/28/2008 'J L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: BAJRACHARYA Shashl [Shashl BAJRACHARYA@co lane or us] Monday, Apnl 28, 2008 12 42 PM . L1MBIRD Andrew SHANKLE Wilham E, BAJRACHARYA Shashl, FIELDS Phil. LEMHOUSE Brad, PETSCH John S ZON2008-00018,subdlvlslon.LAR,Butler. N 19th St Subject: Andy, Here are Lane County's Comments. I can attend the May 1, 2008 meeting if my presence is required. Thanks, RE: TP File # 9391 for ZON2008-00018 Subdivision Name: Jackson Subdivision Address: 2778 19th Street Assessors Map: 17-03-24-31 TL 2000 Applicant: Mike Butler Proposal: Create a 30-lot residential subdivision Comments from Lane County Transportation Planning The subject property is inside the City limits of the City of Springfield The property is proposed for development Into a 30-lot subdivision The subdivision abuts 19th Street. 19th Street at thiS location IS a Public Road not maintained by Lane County, also known as a Local Access Road. The subdivision plans to connect 19th Street and Hayden Bridge Road With an extension of Hayden Bridge Rd. The unconstructed section of Hayden Bridge Road is Inside the Urban Growth boundary but not annexed Into the City limits. The constructed section of Hayden Bridge Road is a County road, functionally classified as an Urban Local Road In the Lane County Transportation System Plan. It IS a 36 foot wide curbed road at the westerly end which narrows t<;> a half road width 15 feet wide. The Assessors map shows a right-of-way width of 70 feet for the road. The unconstructed section also has a right-of-way of 70 feet LC 15,225 Unopened Established County Right-of-Way , Rights-of-way legally established for County road purposes over which roads have not been constructed shall not be opened for purposes of private access or land development at public expense. Construction of roads in these circumstances shall be as specified by faCIlity permit and through the land development process, If applicable, at the expense of the applicant. Lane County will not open nor maintain the Hayden Bridge Road right-of-way unless It IS constructed at private expense (under an approved Lane County Facility Permit) to urban standards for Local Streets in LC 15.704, including a paved roadway, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks There are one foot reserve stripS at each end of this section that have not been released to provide legal access to adjacent properties. Local Access Roads North 19th Street is a public road, also called a Local Access Road (LAR) , that runs along the east margin of the subject property. The applicant proposes to dedicate and improve west half road width fronting the property. Transportation Planning recommends the annexation of 19th Street in ItS entirety in order to facilitate an orderly transition to urbanization of the area. Because of its status as an LAR, It would automatically become a City street and the City of Springfield would have full 1 Date Received:~~!'l~__- Planner: Al jurisdiction over the construction of public improvements. In the absence of annexation of the entire width of North 19th St, County Transportation Planning will request that the road be vacated as the County can not enforce County Codes on LAR roads inside a UGB Facility Permit Requirement LC 15 205 (3), a facility permit IS required for any work within a County Road right-of-way including road Improvements, sidewalks, new or reconstructed drrveway or road approach Intersections, storm facilities, utility placements, excavation, clearing, grading, culvert placement, or any other facIlity, thing, or appurtenances. Facility permIt shall be issued only when N 19th St is vacated. Lane Manual 15,515 - Drainage i. RoadSide ditches and other drainage facilities shall be deSigned solely to promote drainage of the County Road Without Interfering with natural waterways Whenever a road crosses a natural channel or waterway, culverts shall be installed to maintain the natural water flow Such natural waterway shall be identified by survey of the topography and/or aerial photography of surrounding terrain. ii. Water shall not be diverted from a natural channel or otherwise from private property down a County or Public roadSide ditch The following is provided for informational purpose only: Pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes and as adopted in Lane Code (LC) 15.010, a Local Access Road is a Public Road that is not a County road, state highway, or federal road. Pursuant to ORS 368, the County and its officers, employees and/or agents, IS not liable for failure to Improve Local Access Roads nor keep them in repair. ORS further provides that a County may spend moneys on such roads only if it is determined that the work is an emergency or if: (aa) the Director recommends the expenditure, and (bb) the public use of the road justifies the expenditure proposed; and (cc) the Board enacts an order or resolution authorizing the work and designating the' work to be either a single project or a continuing program. The County has no authorrty to maintain North 19th nor keep it In repair. Lane Countv reauests the followina conditions of aODroval as Dart of the tentative Dartition _ aDDroval: (1) LAR section of North 19th St. shall be vacated. (2) Hayden Brrdge Road-County faCIlity permits will be required to connect the dedicated side of road with the existing North 19th St. The follOWing requirements shall be met as part,of the facility permit process. (a) Per LC 15 138(6), the facility permit application shall include a copy of proposed plan for new development shOWing the location and width of access serving the property at the Intersection of the property and road right-of-way, including all driveway and road approaches to be retained, relocated, I added or closed on the subject property, and adjacent properties as necessary to assure conformance with spacing standards. (b) Stormwater from the subdivision shall be handled on-site. (c) The facility permit application shall be accompanied by a copy of the approved tentative plan and 2 Date Received: I//ufro(/f I I Planner: Al conditions of approval. Thanks for providing us the opportunity to comment on the proposal. Please contact 682-6902 or visit http IIwww lanecountv.ora/RiahtOfWav for information about facility permits and associated fees. 3 Data Received: ~I!Z!/~~_______ Planner: Al I /