HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 7/2/2007 JUL-01-2007 21:11 P.03/05 S I' n. I N C i" I I', L]) 1I T ILl T -y H Cl ,\ J< D \\ \ lll~ 'I In ,( I , I 'i III( 202 SOLlth 18th Strc:ul Springfield, OR 9'7477-';240 Tel S41,726 2396 F..x 541 747 7 ;48 ww,^, 'lil.'lIlo1, 'HIl July 2, 2007 Linda Pauly City of Spnngfield 225 N. 5th Street I Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Linda: StJBJECT: PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2007-00033 LAURINAT/3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP 17-03-22-00 dl 1'L 2801 Listed below ate our comments for the above rderenced development proposal' The proposed development is witlun the Springfield CIty lImits and will receIve water SCrvlce from the SprIngfield Utility Board (SUB), 2. All new water system facIhtles and modlfications to water system facilItIes both in::;ide and adj:lct:nt to the proposed development shall be placed in street nght-of-way at a location and depl h of bury that meets the::. tandards Ct f t~e SUB Water DivISIon 3 SI%<<.: of waterlme and other facilities, includmg water meters, must meet the needs of th\.: SUB W <Iter Division and the long-range needs ofthe City. These needs include, but are not limited to, meter locatIon and access, sizes of water dIstribution and transmission lines, pumping facIlIties, and CommUnIcation lines 4 Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Water DIvIsion for detailed Information on the matenals and construction standards, ddallcd costs for 111stalling SUB water racihtics. and a schedule of constTuction. Construchon expenses may be reduced wIth good plaJUlJllg of requin.:d water facIl1tles, good timing of facJl1he~: installation, and joint trench opportuniti\.:s. 5. All water meters will be pldced 111 pubhc nght~of-way at a location identtt'ied by the developer Each lot or parcel must have its own wakr service. 6. Water service facllities will be Installed upon collection of development charges. Development poliCies and c..:hdrgr.::s IdentIfi.ed In this lclLer are subject to change. Actual eh4rges Will be those in effect at the time water servIce is requ\.:~:tcd. 7. Sprmgfield has several wellhead protection areas. Nmcty percent of Springfield's drInking water comes from wells. h1 every IflstanCt;:, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination. Contractors/developers/owners shall be r\.:sponslble for the safe handltng and storage of S'\SITEPI.A N\J-D ProfeSSional Group Pheasant Blvd partlhon tentative 7-2-07 doc/< JUL-01-2007 21:12 P.04/06 chemicals, petroleum products, fertiliz€:rs, and the preventIon of groundwater and storm Welter run()ff contamination. Special requltcments may be necessary for groundwater protection at this development. Contact Amy Chmltz at Sprmgfield Utility Board Water Dlvlsion for details at 726.2396. 10. Backflow preventton devices wIll be required for this serVIce. Please contact Chuck Davls at 726~2396 pnor to installing water service. Chuck can help in the selechon of the mo~t economical devICe and location Water service will not be provided untIl a backflow plan has been submitted to SUB Water Engineenng and approved for installatIOn. PLRASE NOTE: SUB development charges are pmd dlrectly to SUB Water DIV1SIOn and SUB Electric DIvlslon. Sincerely, (]d E I'Y\c-l{t:~ BaIt E. McKee, P.E. SenIOr Civil EngIneer - Water Dlvls10n BEM.mk ce. Dr Larry Laurinat, 3-D Professional Group LLC, 175 W B St, Bldg B, Springfield OR 97477 Jason Goshert, SS&W Engineers, 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105, Eugene OR 97401 \ S \SITEPLAN\3-D ProfeSSional Group Pheasant Blvd pal1ilion tentative 7.2-()7 doc~