HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments COUNTY 7/2/2007 -~ -7 r- ,I I ~~ 5:.~,,~I":Z~ (' ( 'I.. - ~:~ ( --,-_I ATTACHIMJ~NT 1 PAULY Linda I _ \ \' c:::.= _ -----.LJ_-'-- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: BAJRACHARYA Shashl [Shashl BAJRACHARYA@co lane or us] Monday, July 02,2007409 PM PAULY Linda BAJRACHARYA Shashl, BARRY Cella, FIELDS Phil, LEMHOUSE Brad, PETSCH John S PRE2007-00028,Partltlon,Launnat, Game Farm Rd RE: TP File# 9082 for PRE2007-00028 Proposal: Create 2 parcels Applicant: Larry Laurinat Assessors Map 17-03-22-00, TL 2708 Address: Vacant, Comments from Lane County Transportation Planning I The subject property 1S located 1nside the City of Springf1eld C1ty Limits. The property abuts on two roads. The west edge abuts on Pheasant Blvd. and the easterly edge abuts on Game Farm Rd. Game Farm Rd 1S a county road which is functionally classified as an Urban MaJor Collector Rd in the Lane County Transportat1on System Plan. It is a 24 feet wide, paved road with shoulder, curb and gutter along one slde (along the property edge). The segment of the road is posted for a speed lim1t of 35 mph. The subject property 1S proposed for partit10n into 2 parcels. As a result of the partition parcel #1 will have frontage on the C1ty road and parcel # 2 on the county road. Pursuant to LC15.070 (1), a lot or parcel of land adJoin1ng a road designated as a County Road shall have a building setback 11ne which conforms to the applicable zon1ng district. Setbacks shall be measured at right angles to the centerline of a straight-line or as radials on a curved road to the nearest point of the front wall of the building. Pursuant to LC 15.070 (1) (c) (1) (ff), the m1nimum right-of-way width for development setback purposes based on the functional class of the road shall be 70 feet. Pursuant to LC 15.205 (3), a facility permit is required for access serving a new structure on a vacant parcel; or a dwell1ng, including a manufactured dwelling; or if specif1ed as a cond1tion of approval in a land division or other land use decision. Parcel # 2 shall be subject to th1S requ1rement. Pursuant to LC15.137 (6), driveway and road approach spacing on County Roads shal~ comply with the spacing standards 1n LC 15.138 and comply w1th the city's development code with regards to block length and connectivity policies and standards. A driveway for parcel #2 may be prov1ded on Game Farm Road, but it shall be located at a spac1ng of 275 feet from eX1st1ng driveways. The parcels shall prov1de on-site stormwater management. No dra1nage shall be permitted from the pr1vate property onto Game Farm Road pursuant to the follow1ng LC Manual. Lane Manual 15.515 - Drainage i. Roads1de d1tches and other drainage facilities shall be designed solely to promote drainage of the County Road without interfering w1th natural waterways. Whenever a road crosses a natural channel or waterway, culverts shall be installed to maintain the natural water flow. Such natural waterway shall be 1dentified by survey of the topography and/or aerial photography of surrounding terrain. ii. Water shall not be diverted from a natural channel or otherwise from pr1vate property down a County or public roadside ditch. Lane Countv reauests the followina conditions of annroval as nart of the tentative nartition annroval: County facility permits are required to review any new driveway approaches and storm dra1nage works. The follow1ng requirements shall be met as part of the facility perm1t process. 1 , ) , , , ~)'''',\-;\' \" ... \~'1.J fl::"; l~..) (a) All re~~T~~~~~~~of~~he ~~~ ~~ty permits shall be met, con~ Jcted, inspected, and approved as specified in'the issued fac~lity permit. Facility permit requirements are ~n LC 15.200-210. (b) Per LC 15.138(6), the facility perm~t application shall ~nclude a copy of site plans for new development showing the location and width of ciccess serving the property at the ~ntersection of the property and road right-of-way, ~ncluding all driveways from adjacent properties as necessary to assure conformance w~th spacing standards. (c) Standards for private approaches on county Roads, as,specif~ed ~n LC 15.139, shall be met in the issued facility perm~t. (d) The application shall include a copy of the approved prel~m~nary partition plan and conditions of approval. Thanks for prov~d~ng us the opportunity to comment on the proposal. Please contact 682-6902 or visit httD://www_IaQecountv_ora/R~ahtOfWav for information about facility permits and associated fees. Shashi Bajracharya, P.E, Sr Engineering Associate Transportation Planning, Engineering Dlv Lane County PWD, 3040 North Delta Highway Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 682 6932 2 .. ~ ~