HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/17/2008 (3) I,. "7 Lb- "315 '3 ,City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision D~t~~ HtiCeived: APR 1 7 2008 ,~;~ '-.... Onginal Submittal - - -- - - ---- --- -- --- - - - - ---- - -- -- -- - - - -- - -- - - - - I AppJ~cC:lti~n :W:-vpe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (AppNci!nt: ch_e~k one) _I Partition Plat Pre-Submittal: Partition Plat Submittal: Subdivision Plat Pre-Submittal: D Subdivision Plat Submittal: Applicant Name: "\ e..r\ '00 'L~ Phone: 'T:l-Io-b 7':L l Fax: 486b Mo.,,," <O~ ,,' Sfr'l~~JJ...; o(L 9747B Applicant's Rep.: (Vlo.-v-\Jl ~ \L\I"4 Phone: b~b-q],..1t Company: ~l'lJL~ ~>\_ ~c.....~~.1o.. Fax: t.ftt,Y-Oj6"3 j !Address: eno, ~'1 ~ C"\ I\l...r-~ ; b.~ ,. ()(L q I~O~ Property Owner: \-\';;~.;t"~r ~ ~ ~ Phone: 1-'11- r~ Cl'T Company: Fax: 7,-/1- f::,9. R' !Address: .p, t). Bo"," 4 ~& " s f{'I~f-,-c1.J-; 6(L. Oft<.f Ii ASSESSOR'SMAPNOd7-D')...-~2-4( I;AX LOT NO(S): ~OO.~oJ. ~D~ ;o"-{ 3bS- . , , , Property Address: Y.9.{:-h Md.L~ ~ I Size of Property: I 08 S Acres 'JgJ Square Feet D Proposed Name of Subdivision: M ~ Lv- ~~~~ I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand;)please attach your proposal descnptlon to this application. Proposal: +~ ~\U~ (\N-l~~ lot,~ l;L l~cl l:ct, o..~ (.c,M""~~ ~. IExisting Use: ~\~~ I Tentative Case #:S\l\&200'-~Ob~ # of Lots/Parcels: ,:;.. IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: 6.t3S' sf I Density: ~. 5l..{ dujacre Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date tn the a ro riate box on the next a e. Company: IAddress: I Associated Applications: S'u 6 tfJC6 - {)()oU:/3 S~ ~ Pre-Sub Case No.:?'<(_26b6"'~ Date: '- Reviewed by: Case No.: ~2a~- 6Do1-o Date: 4-/71)8 Reviewed by:J~ Application Fee: $ 1-1 ~G, :~J ITechnical Fee: $ I 0 ~ 'Z..... I Postaqe Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ '2-2- 1 tf, ~ ~ PROJECT NUMBER: <f ~~ aDb - 'ff]m7- ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 6 ... Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre- submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal fhe undersigned acknowledges that the IIlforrl1allon III L111'; application IS corrpct and a( curate for srherJullllq of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS prOVided herein or the Information Will not be proVided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application With the information as submitted ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: '- L oL Q,.: Date: Sign-ature I~ 'k Je / L ~ _o.i$C!'L~-YJ_ __ _____ __ _ _ __ ____ Print 'i~CJ~-q~___ Date Received: APR 1 7 Z008 Original Submitt~1 ---.;:;::::I:) ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of (, :, Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application witho~t the Owner's original sig-nature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the Information In thiS application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature '" Print Submittal I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent With the completeness check performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the Information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the applicatIon IS provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained Within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application With the informatIOn as submitted, ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: ~Q,' , Signature ~ DoV\ ~I': ~.(:,'V\ ~ )(cLC- b .'r Print Date: 4. ~ . 0 ~ f;./ E 1+ F 1-1 " ... i _ i Date Received: , APR 1 7 2008 Original Submittal (1 ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number SUB2008-00020 SUB2008-00020 Payments: Type of Payment Check Cash Job/Journal Number SUB2008-00020 SUB2008-00020 Payments: Type of Payment Check Cash cRecemtl RECEIPT #: City of Springfield Official Receipt levelopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000234 Date: 04/17/2008 Description CTY Subd >NonLDR Base +616 Ac + 5% Technology Fee Paid By SPR1NGFIELD-EUGENEHABIT A TFOR HUMANTIY MARV KRUSH Item Total: Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How ReceIved tJ 1518 In Person tJ In Person Payment Total: DeSCriptIOn CTY Subd >NonLDR Base +616 Ac + 5% Technology Fee PaId By SPRlNGFIELD-EUGENEHABIT A TFOR HUMANTIY MAR V KRUSH Item Total: Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How ReceIVed tJ 1518 In Person tJ In Person Payment Total: Date Received: APR 1 7 2008 Original Subnlittal Page 1 of 1 2:59:17PM Amount Due 2,166 3 1 10832 $2,274.63 Amount Paid $2,274 62 $001 $2,274.63 Amount Due 2,166 3 1 10832 $2,274.63 Amount PaId $2,274 62 $001 $2,274.63 4/17/2008 ".- .. < .ff ~ () ::J a::: t- IN-$T 1 i:Jj . I In ~.. i:fr &j " I I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00020 4866 Main Street '" ASIERSJ Date Received: APR , 7 2008 Original Submittal SITE Map 17-02-32-41 Tax Lot 300, 302, 303,304,305 North + I" After recording return tQ: Dean S. Kaufman 142 West 8th Avenu€' Eugene, Oregon 9740J / DECLARATION Of COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICfIONS FOR LOTS 1- 10 AND TRACT A, MEYER ESTATES CLUSTER SUBDIVISION THIS DECLARATrON l~; made this _-'__ _ UdY of _ ___~ '-_~_~_!....~~__~_'J_____' 2008, by Habitat for Humanity/Springfield-Eugene, un Orpgon Non-Profit CorporMlon, hereinafter referred to as "Declarant," whose buslne~..s ddrJre~s I', P.O. Box 488, Spnngfield, Oreyon 97477. RfCIT AlS: 1. Declarant is the owner of certdlrl real properly in lhe City of Springfield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, more particularly de~.(nbed as Lots 1 -. 10, inclusive and 1 rdct A, I\1eyer E:states, 21;\ plat1 eel <.md recorded _. .. _ . _ _. __ 2. Declmanl desires to provid(~ for the pi t!',ervation dl1d tmhanternf~nl of the property values, rJeSlr.lbility, amcnltle<; ilnd dU'dcti\lenf'~,s 01 the Propr,tlf'~l and improvemont5 tllereon dnd to provide for tt1f:H rIldlnter'lflnce. To t.hat end, I )ecl()rant desires to ~ubje(t the PrOperties to the covellunb, l.ondjtion~;f rest.rlction5, e('l,pmpnl~" and liens hereinafter set forth, each dno (.)11 of wtm h j'~ and iue for the ben. III ()f thf' Properties and each Owner thereof. J. Decl,3rant hereby c1e( Idl e~; lhdt all of H\(> Properties dw.r IIl>pd abov(', I (}(,Wl hCI with the improvements now existln~J nr t.o be COllstJ uclod th€!reOll, :-.Ilall be Iwld, <iold, conveyed, hypothecated, encumbel/'ll, uSf.'(I, o((upied, tmd Improved 5ubJecl 10 the following covc:'nants, COr'loit-i0I1t;, m\)tfl(tlons, pasem0nts f.lPO "(-Ins which atf~ for t1l(' purpose of enhanctnfJ and protectinq the vahH:, det:>iralJlllty tlIlld tJttractlvmlc"" of the PropertIes. These covellants, conditions, I w.lI illIOf\<" CaSE.mlent'i Ilnd liens --llilll run with the Properties and hf.") binding on all pattie', hiJvinu or ;)cqlJirinq any Ilyhl, tItle or interest in the Properties or ;my pall thereuf, IJ1Plr I1Plrs, ~lJUe!)S()I<', d€'visee5, qtdntees and assigns and shall jl1un~ to thp benefit of, be IInpos€'rJ upon and pal.'. to the slIccess()r in interest of ScUdl and all of saiti Lot.s d..> a ~enlllllrje in favor of and enforceable by Declarant, its ~,UC(('SJ(Jrs and df)~IQns; and tho Own0r' or Owner', of any Lot. 4. Derllarant seeks to creilte low cost hornt!~ tor qu:;'!lIfle<1 nomebuYf'1 '. In tln environment of hope, dignity, and tI u1y 11Un1dll PXI',l('ll'l(.;; fof' (ill PPi ~~(jnl) r(o";ldll1<J WltllIrl the PropertIes sublect to this Df:claratH)f), The qualification5 1:or ownf'rsh'p of these home'; incturl~1 <p,\r.onomic fwed iJnd particlp€lting in a minimum nurnbt~r of hour~ of 'wrVlce on f)(Jclarant's proj(\ctc; ilC; specified by the rule:.; 01 thf: Declarant 5. -r his DeclaratIon is e:l conditIon precedent to HI!; aW~'ll1 of c~rtaln grant funds and/or governrnental apprhviJls of Declarant's proyrml'l<J and <ttmll be execlJl eo (]IlcJ recorded in the official land deed lecords of the jurl~)dl(;t:i()nS ill whl(;h the property I'; loo'3ted in order to cn;~df.~~ U~rt.iJin ({)V(:nants runnln<:l wl!h t.bE" Irlnd for the plIr po<,e of enforcement of the ,Jftordabillty rcqlJlrmnentli of ilj1phc.ablf; ~lmnt In'l')qrams, 6. Declarant Intend~, to cunstruct ,EN (10) ilf1'onJ.1uh.: I ~"jjdenUdl sti1j(.tUfPC; with il total of fEN (JO) l iVlI19 Unl1s IljJon tnf l>rOp€ltv t.;lil)j(~\ t ro 1h,:, f,hl{ I;)UJUOIb t R . d a e ecetve: Page t of 13 .. D[ClN..'A II UN (.11 c. OVr.NI\N \ ' CONDI1 j I ,us 1\1 ~t \ i( ~_ ;- ! f{ if~ I H INI:) lee-R,> LI(~,.I.l1 i,II')r l: \ 0' 1I1.1 ,lit 11'1 'I , APR 1 7 2008 "Irw',w ~'.,:y {''Ill;', , ' 7. It is contemplated that Individual Units within a single structure may be sold to and held by dIfferent qualified owner'3- dS defined III Declarant's rules. 8. Declarant desires to provide for the preservation of the values and amenities In the descnbed development and for lhe maintenance of common facilities and elements shard by Unit Owners. DECLARATIONS: 1. .Qstfinitions. When used herein, tlw following terms ~,hall have lh{' followlI1g meamngs: 1.1 "Association" shall mean (}IK\ I efer fo Meyer E~tates Homeowners Association, an Oregon /lon-profit corporation organizl~d under thf~ laws of the State of Oregon, its successors and assigns, 1.2 "Owner" shall mean the record tlolder of fee Simple title or the holder of equitable title under a Land Sale Contract of any Unit, includIng the Declarant wIth respect to any unsold Unit. Every Owner shall be t reatf!d for all purposes as a slI1gle person for each Unit held, IrrespectIve of whether such ownership is Joint, In common, or as tenancy by the entirety. 1.3 "Propertie:," shall mean and refer t.o lhJt certain redl property hereinbefore de<'lcrlbed In J{edtal 1 hereof, illld stich dtlchtions ttlf'It!to a~, may Itpleaflp.I he brollght witllin the jlJri~dlctlon of Ow AS~;oU.ll inn, 1.4 "Common Area" shall llleJn all f(,:i:ll p/(lpt~rty and i.lPlJurleniJfl{ (H) Iltf~reto, now or hereafter owned by the Association for the (ornrnon ll!)O ~nd e/ljoynwnl of the Owners and all Common Area~; 5ubsl:~quently dI1l1CXl.'c1ll1erelo. Thp Common AI e() to be deeded and owned by t-he AssoCldtion IS de5i~Jni)ted "( ornmon Area" 011 the ~\J"dlvI5Ion plat of said Properties and dn)' ~)upplcrnental r Jec!ar alton, a'; plat I (-"(j ~1nrJ recol f\c.d at ,_ _"_'_ ...__.., Offic.iill Rf~cmd~, of l.ane County, On~qoll. 11..5 "Lot" stlall fill'. H1 and I (-ller t.o any ~,(!pa' ~I ely d(:<")iqnat{ld plol of land shown upon any rl:lcorrled slIodlvlslon map 01 ',did Propprtie:; 'wltl, tl1i~ e)((l~ptl(llt of the Common Area(s). 1.ti "Improved Lot'I !;l'lall rnr.)ll with U Hnplf-!tpd Livln(J Urllt. ther['f)1l 1.1 ''liVing Unit.1I st1all Illean uny plJrltOll of dllY ~tl uclure Intended tor IJse, occupancy or ownership a~ residence by orl(~ rdrrltly loqelher with ~-jflddle<ll)t df~lached garage as the Cd~;C fll<JY l)u ( and patio5, oed:, entry pOI<...hp~) and ~)tep~ dPlllJl tenant thereto. 1.8 "Declarant/( :5hall mec1n r.md I etCl to Ilabltat fur Hurndmty/bpflnyllf'ld EUI~ene, on Oreqoll non-protlt corporation, its !.UCCHS$Or!; (\nd assigns, if sudt successors or assigns should acquire unimproved llJt~:. from thl1! Declarant lor tile pu"pose of development :1~9 "Street" !,ilclll mCdl1 und rerar to tJ'le Iml)1 uve.:! PIIV(}t~ l:lC(;e::;s !itre~t~; dnd lO(.~US !~tlOWII upOn dn)/ n~.c()rd~d ~lllJdivi~iOI'I pli)1. (Jf s4.1id Propt..lrf.hH; 1.10 \\t>llernber" shall mea" dnu rdpr tu f'V'Ty' pn:;nr\ \), nntlty who /lold~~ membem!lip 111 the Association, 1,,11 "Institutional Hulc1er of ;1 First MorrQaqp" c;ti;lil mr'(JIil a holder of a fw)t mortgage, trust deed or eqUIvalent ~!curfty Interest III d Lt.'" or impl''OVHments thereto, If such holder is tI bank or So;1Vin9s and loan iJ&SOcldtlon or (..':;tablls~led rnortqaqe company, or ClIlY otlll.:'1" entity ::hurlellJil uncfel ilnv fl;~dl~rai 01' St,ltf! agenc.y. Date Received: Page 2 of 1.3 - OECLAHA nUN OF (O'l[NAN'1 'l, CONnJ noN', ANI! Hflli-mwrJr IN-.:; APR 1 7 2008 (:r&R', nr><i'itdIlIU' ('I \H II~ 'ilt1rw .i-..' ~~ '(t rv-~ ftf, :14 !i~ ' 1.12 "Unit" shall mean the resl{Jentlfll dwelhn~J Unit and the parcel on which that Unit is located, together with all other improvements now or hereafter located on that: parcel. 2. <~Del1.1l..Rlg~. 2.1 Q..wJJ~[s_.Eas~me.ot~ of ErUQYm~~lt. Every Owner shall have a nght and easement of enjoyment in and to the Common Areas which s~lc-)B be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot, subject to the following provisions: (a) The' nght of the Association in accordance with its Artlcle~ and By- Laws, to borrow money for the purpose of malntaimng and Improving the Common Areas, to mortgage said Common Areas for such purposes, and the rights of any mortgagee in said Properties shall be suhordinate to the rights of the Homeowners hereunder; (b) The righl of the ASSOliation to promulgate reasonable I ules and regulations governlnq such rights of use, from time to time, In the interest of secunng maximum safe usage of Common Areas by the Members of the Association without unduly infringing upon the privacy or f'njoyrnent" of th("' Owner' or occ.upant of any part of said property, including, without bemg Iirniied UlcJclo, rulps I'(~:.trictiny pt'tr.,OIl'> under or over designated ayes from lJ~inq c.ertain portion:.. or ~ud I pl'OPUlty durillq cerlClin times, and rensonablc requl<ltions iFlll If!fiITktiull'. I e~,pr:\<Jil1q, but l10t beinq limited to, parkl1l9, speed and pct~); ilnd (e) Th(~ /"9I1t of t1)(' A~,'.uclatlon tu di2dicdtc Dr fr'Jn!)h;~r ill! or tJIlY piJrt of the Common Area to any public. ayenC)', authority or utility fm such pUtp05~S and subject to sllch conditions as may be dqteed to by the ~1eml)(11 S. No such l1ecJicnllon or transfer shall be effective unle:..s (i) an in:~trunlettL d!jlef1my t.o SUdl upuk dtlon or transfer signed by TW()-THIRDS (I n) of fv1(~tnbel~) of the A!.;oc.iaUon i 1(\'; been recorded, and (ii) exu~pt a~ to the grtmt of (~,)r;crnf)nI5 fo! utilities and simildl 'II related purposes, all t1older~ of first rnnrtg(J~lc Ilnw~ on clllY of IIIP I ois 01 lrnprovenmllt<. ll1p.reto have approVf~d such dedlOJtir)n 01 II rll1',jpr. 3. Mem~bip !)ruLVot.iml.Jj;9']~' 3.1 Geo~~(oLPlgo. .vI J)e''(ejopmont. ftlC DC<<:ldl ant 1M:, fiipd a ;~lJbdIVI(,Il)n plat covenng the Properties which is and ~il1ail b~~ ~ubj(-;rt 1.0 Uw, Declaration COf1~,jst Iflg of Lots 1 through to and Tract A 01 rl;!.~yer l~)tnle", Clu'1'ter ~ubdlvi5Ion, as pldtted and recorded in Slide _.__f File . _ __ _, HeLcption No. _ _ _ .1 Official ~(~(ords of Ldne County, Oregon, logt'tl1cr witll areilS designated rY'; Common An~(l~ or open space, The Lots within the purview ot lhi!.. lJedl3ratiorl ilH~ Lois 1 thro\lHh 10 and Tract A, t~ether with the Common Ar(1a~. 3.2 Re~9J)je~j Qwnf~r~bJ.J.). t vety persQII or Pl'lt jtv wh<) i~; ~ I'ecord Owner of Cl tee or undivided fee interes,t in any Lot which i& ~,ubl~~ct by u"v'~tlaflt:s of I uc ord to assessment by the As.soclatian, Including contrac.t ~<:lIel!.< sh,dl ht:';~ proprietary Mmnber of the A<lsociatioll. Tile forCf1{)ln~J i;~ not jntendj:~u to 1I1dudlJ pt't'Jon5 or eniiU~~~ who hord an interest merely af~ security fw the perform<Hlce of im obllgi:ltlon, Mell1\)ersh1r shall be appurtenant to and llmv (lot btl ~{,)P(.ll ~11:l'd I! om (llfVllurr,hip of any Lot or Improved Lot, whith Is sub.led to ;:1!~..~S31nent by {'tl(J A(~soriljllf)n. OwnC1lshlp uf such Lot shall be the s()le qualification tOi rnembpt~>h;p ..mll !;halt iJllt()rniltlt:~lIy r omrnf'nce upon a person l1ec:on lIng :1uch OW, II~( and ~11(11l iJi.1 r ~mat!r.<<~1I1 I.l~! minale whr'l! c,uch own~rship sht:lll tt"1 n~inclte or be trin\~I.~rred. Date Received: APR i 7 2008 Original SubmittaL Page 3 of 13 - bEC.LARA'llON OF o NCNMJ 1 S, CONi)lTI0N~ tiNt I .I(S 11<i{'110NS rO~J~.. r)l''{td..~tl')tl OJ It. em ,IWly.II:.., 4. Mainten_~pce ~jiS_~01g~~, 4.1 .creatj.QIL J~LjhEL1-'-E:(L j:!fl(,L P~fs0f1qL.Qb1l9QtjQfL J)J __8s.~~S~fIlenls. The Declarant, for each Lot owned withm the Properties, hereby covenants, emo each Owner of any l.ot or Improved Lot by acceptance of a deed thE~refore, whether or not it shall be so expressed In such deed or other conveyance or (,Jgreement for conveyance, IS deemed to covendnt and agree to pay to the Association: (i) annual or other regular periodic assessments or charges as establl~)tleu by the As~;ociation from time to tune, (II) special assessments for capital improvementsr imd (iii) any other special assessments or charges as hereinafter provided. Such assessments shall be nstabhshed and collectpd as hereinafter provided. The annual, regular, and speCIal <lssessments, together with Interest, costs and reasonable iJttorney's fees, shall be d c.harge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which each suet1 assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with interest, costs and reasonable attorney's fees shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessments fell due. The obligation fOI delinquent assessments shall remain d lien upon the 'property until paid or foreclosed, and shall lJe a personal obligation of successors in the title unless eX!)1 essly waived by the Association. At any tIme that any ~kH i.. of thfl Common Area,; or any ot her P,lf t of scmJ property or any resiclt:~nlial Living Umt or huildh 19 · jr imp' (N'~mC!nt IOCtltcd thcf('f)r! i~, not properly mclintained ~Ild k~~pt In ~lood order and ll~pajr by ttlf~ f\;';oci,itiOI1 or olllf'rwlse, to thE.~ extent reasonably neceSSlll y to protect dnd pre:,el ve 1Ilf' dpp~~c.1r ante dnd value thereof and the appearance dl1tj value of the remainder of :;aid properly, lllen any institutional hold(~r of () fll'~l mortqdqt~ upon (lilY part of <;aid property or Uvlnq Unit or building 'located ttw~reon, upon glvln~J written r1utiu'~ d~~ 11mt'lnattet provided, ',l1iJlI be entitled to exercise tilt! right~ of tlle rllorl9(}yor-(IWnE~r of sud\ plOj.)erly as a 1\1f'l1lbpr of the Association fOI ,\ pt~rl(Jd of ONE (I) year following the d,lle of '>>tH:h n()tl((', DUring said period of tune, such mortqdgep:, ~hull bp qlven notitt: of JII regular and <;peClal meetings of the A~soclanonr thf? owner. rnorlqaqor ~,tltlll recervc SIJLll not.lu' dl')() and may attend such meet 11\95 dS an Ob~;l~f\/er. ':l<lid nolice 2>l1all quote this pal aq: ,lph and shall be sent Cert itied UnltJJd ~-)tate'~ Mail, rel.U!ll rer€'lpl reque~..ted, to tI,f' owner- mortgagor~ d copy by I eyular mail lu the A:)~,oClation, dt the IJst knowll address of each. 4.2 P-urQQ~~__ Q1 .A;,~).e~(u~~n~. Hle d(;)Sf~~~lIIent!; IHVlpd by thl' A':,uuation through its Soan1 Of OWtKtor1) t;l1all b(~ used ex( luSIVt'ly to promole thp, tlpall h, safety and welfare of tile OwnerS In the PropmUa~ ilnd III pel/Ocular to!' I,he improVf_mll'llt~ and maintenance of thl.:~ Common An:ldS dnd Of t1)C' Living llllit;; p\ll'~ IIi)nf to Ow) ~,('( t ion and Section 5 below, 4.3 ~mQ_unt. 01' Al1mml As~~~9me.nt, _E5tclb!lst)ttl~llf.. of J{~S~JVf! hUh.J Thr> Board of DIrectors of t f1(] ASSOCIation shall fix the amount of trlf' annual aS~l'\sments, and may make ad.1ustm(mts thereto that It dt'em!) necc~ry or appropriate, vI. a levd suffiCient to. enable It to pro\fI(je for thfl Irnpro"~m~rlt~ rnpilir, malnlenanc{', replacement, management <<md insUI cmef! of the Proreli I~; eJI Kl to pt'Ovld(~ fclr '",PrvlCf'S and facilltie5 devoted to ~,)u('11 (lurpO',E'S, and r;~l(lil !l1{ lude ddequat.e reservp', for lhr general OpEll"aUOn 01 tile Ac):)orlatlon and for del erred m?JlJ1foo.1m:p of the Pmpertlf"'^ said maintenance, repaIr c..~nd repl(JLt:ment is morE' ~pe(.iflC:l:)lly r.E!Jt forth in ~'J(~cli()n '>, and shall be for wtmtt:'v€tr oth~r purpll5te(;) tilt" Bo..,mJ of Uh'f".I')i\ may from lime to time del~m to be If! li 1(> (()!lt~LUve lnt ei -:;st of tile tlll'.:rn(wf'; 4.4 S;pe<:.tQl AS~~s~n:~~nts (9r._ (;illll1lJl JmPJ.(jyel04~rtl~.i. fn tlddillon t(J uIHHJdl assessments authorized abov(~, the N1SOClation may jpvy, lrl any J!;sessrnenl year, a special assessment applicable to that ynnr only tor U1C pwpo~,n of def,'ayiny, in whole 01 in part, the (Ost of any cOllstrIJdlol', n.yonstructlorl, n"~p.ah (lr ,rpIC)()Ntltll1t of ~..faJ.llt al . Improvement 1I1-'on I.he Common Area or pc15cmunb, Illdutilhg nxtlJr~Y~\:1 'jMfqm~pd. APR 1 1 2008 Page 4 of 13 - DE-Cl Jl.,~/\ T[l IN ur (lJVr.NM,n:) CONDn r()N~ ANt) H~ S,l Hi( n< lHII cr:&R" PI" I.!. l\<lJII f11 l}1 (jfJ .,nnt'd:.l. .. S b Onglnsl u mlttaL _ ____ ___ property related thereto, the maint.enance or repillr of private streets, and/or repaIr of the Living Units and other similar speCIal cost'". Said assessments shall have the assent of TWO-THIRDS (2/3) of the votes of the Memt)ers who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly (ailed for this purpose. This section shall not prohibit the Board of Directors from authoriZing capital e)(penditure~) for replacement, repairs or improvements from funds generated by regular assessments. 4.5 No1K~ and~Q_u_QIYmJ9LAnv A<;llon Ayt.b_Qrjz~JLUm;leLS.~clion ~1. Written notice of any meeting called for the purpose of taking any action authorized under Section 4.4 shall be sent tl) all Members not less than THIRTY (30) days nor more than SIXlY (60) days In advance of the meeting. At the first such meeting called, the presence of Members or of proxies entitled to cast FIFrY-ONE percent (51%) of all the votes of the membership shall constituW a quorum. If the required quorum IS not present, another meet.lng may be called subject to the same noticE! reqUIrement, and the required quorum at the preceding meeting. No slIch subsequent meeting shall be held more than SIXTY (60) days follOWing t.he prccedinq meeting. 4.6 Rese.rves. At the time of initial conveyance of each Lot, each Owner shall pay to the Association, in addition to such other ()ssessment!~ and charges as shall then be due and payable, a reserve in the amount of lWO-'rwELFTHS (2/12) of the then established annual assessment. The reserve, or such palt thereof as requin=~d, may be held and applied by the A~)so(.iation dS full Of parlidl pClymenl I.oward suO) Owner's delinquent assessments cwui chal9cs. Such apphc atian of i:ln OWrlf~r's le1ierVf' account shall not relieve the Owner or relea....(~ lh(' ItHld of ,mv obn~JatJ(ln tor l.hf' df'hnquent assessments or charg("l. 4.1 UoJform K.alf.L9f J\'J"~e5~!m~f11. r he dnl1ual W' uthtllr regular pC'r1odlc assessments and spedal iI55E!SSrnenl~> must be; fixpd at a unIform rdte called th(~ "BaSIC Rate;" provided, however,. th\~t OecliJt.mt Shi)11 not b~ obllqated 1(1 ptly any d5~)(>'-.sments for the Lots which Dedar,:mt owns until a nome has been cons.tl ucted thereOl1 and an occupancy permit IldS been issued In respect Hl()lctO. fhem.Jfll)l", Detlarant ',hall pay the same assessment for any such Lot a$ any oth(~r lot Owner. As specified ill ~)('cllon 4'/, said assessments $hall be prorated dnd pJid 1)11 c' monthly l>.J<w;. 4.8 !)pl~_QLCQQ)m~o~€rl1_Glll of Ann_uc,i1 M_~s~mQO~~ _ Q_lJeJ)Qt~? T I II \ <mnual assessments provided fur herein a'> the \'Bil~ic RrJh~" shall lommen(;() a<., III ell! lots except as noted In Section 4.7 on ill<! first day of the fl10nth following ttw (Ollveyance of the first Lot to all Owner. The first annual ilsc;essmenl shall t>0 ;.ldjLJslpd at I (ll ding to the number of l1lonlh~ remaimnq In the c(llend;:)f Vf'.ar. Th(~ succeedlnq ;)nnual assessment tor all Lots ')hall be for i.t futl yetll. The Board ot l)lre(.tor~ Shdll fix th~ amount and send written notice of Ole annual llSSCI):,ment( s) t () each Owm'f (,ubJl'd thereto. The asse~5menl(s) ''illdll lIe due on lhp frr~,t delY of (:'dch month, unless otherwise provided as per Section 4.l and shull be ONl:..'fWt:L~T'" 0/12) of tile total yearly assessrnenL The A!-isoclalian ';hall, upon demand, .;:,friO for a reasonablp rhi1rqe, furnish a certificatE! ~,'gned hy ,m officer of the A<,soci,ltion ~.('ttJnq forth whf'lhpr the assessments on a !ipc(lfletl '- ot h;we been Pr.ucl. 4.1 f;{f!;ctQ( N~~n:~qYllt~nt ot _As~s.?rn~[It;?;. _ ~t~IJ1~d.i~f) nt..lh~ llt,~c.iat.i(JI}. Any assesslllent nol pdid wittllfl THll< t { (30) day:; aftcr 'he duf' ddl () shall bem Interesl from the due date dl tho '(;lh~ (If TEi\! perc€mt (10%) pel annum. HIe AS5o(.idllon may bring an aCtion ,,11. lawr with fespccl to liens upon real prop~~rty, llgaif~~t the Ownf'1 personally ()bhgatt~d to p(~y the samt:, ur. forc(Jose the lien ug(Iir)~lt fhe pmpel1y. The secretary of Sc')id Association :;hall tile in thf;' ofOce of the Olrel tor llf Rocorch, County Clerk, 0" approprit1te recordel of COn\leYdn(~S uf L(H\\'~ COlJllty, Statu of Of oqon, a statement of the arnnunt or ~ny such chal'r~~!.I or iJs~e~:.;n)l:'nt~ together with InlNE'st as aforesaid which hcwe bE~(Ome delinquent, and upon payment in fUll thereof, shall execute and ftle a propm release of the lien ~!curillg flIP <;nme niP aggrngatp amount of such a5Se$Slw~fli. togelhE~r wIth intor<j~t, costs iJnd e)l,pcn)e'j and a n~n(jonabl€' attorney's fee for the filifj(~ arId E!I If 01 , l~fntf'nt then=;()(, :llle)!I con!JtH utl' a lierDad:~ I Rebelwed P13g€1lj of t'3 .1)[ClAIMTIOr4 or COVf.NANi ~J, CONlJn10N~ ANIJ I<tl:> i IoHU f( 1~I(J tt.Jitll~ (~>{ j," (,11(\1111 \ WI NJ dllf'Y d ,". APR 1 7 2008 Original SubmlUcu_ residence location with respect to whICh II is fixed and on any Improvements thereon, from the date the notice of delinquency thereof is filed, until the same has been paid or released as herem provided. The Owner cJl the time suc.h assessment is incurred shall also be liable for any defidenr.y rf:malnlllg unpaid after any foreclosure sale. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by non- use of the Common Area or obandonrnent of his/her Lot. 4.10 5.Y.12ordInJtLQf1_QLlb~-Llen.J_Q__Most9.d~~. The lien of the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien on any first mortgage. Sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Lot pursuant to mortgage foreclosure or any proceeding in lien thereof, shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payment;; which become due pr ior to such sale or transfer. Such unpaid assessment shall be a common expense of all the Lot Owners, Including such purchaser or mortgClgees, hi~,/her successors or assigns. No sale or transfer shall relieve such Lol from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof. 4.11 I;xemDt Prop-tillY-, fhe followll1Y property subje<.l to this Declaration shall be exempt from the assessment created herelll: (a) all Propt~rties expressly dedicated to and accepted by a Local publiC lluthorily Including reserved utility easements; and (b) the Common Areas dr\{j all other Propertics ownf~d by the ASS()(latl(m. s. .IMliin~se of,j;Q.mm.9Jl.AO:~g~t The ASSOClallOIl Slldll rCd5oll,J\)ly Illrlll1l(llll or provide [tll- the I(,d~,onclblp maintenance of tllE.1 Common An.'J:", illrludinq, bill not hmitt!d to, lrees, shr ub), yr ass, landscaped areas, streets, drjvewtJy~), walks, paU l~, retflining wails, hqhts and signs. Further, the ASSOCiation ~hall pi ovide maintenance tJnd rt'lpall' of all buildln~r', drains and building sewers which Ii(~ In, on or Ulld0r thr' Common Arcos or l.iving Unit IOCdti0l1S. Except to tht-l extent ~;ucl1 damage I~) (ovt:!red I)y dny type of insurance wilh a waiver of subrogation In fCJvor of such Owner, In tile pvont that tile need for dny such maintenance, repair or n?plac(lmenl i~, (-alJsf~d throuyh thf~ Willful or nFlgliycnt act or omission of the Owner, his/her fam"v, lelwni, 9uests Or Ill\fllpw" the co~,1 of such maintenance or f(lpairs may, in tile dl!;uetion of the DlreL1:ors, be added to and hecome a part of the assessment t() which SUdl lot is ~)ulJ,ect a~; a lien I and enforcedt>lr~ In I he same manner. E.ach Owner shall he responsiblc for OIall'ltEil1lnq, and kE*~pln9 III 900U order and repair the Interior of his/her UVlnq Unit anti yard dnd any fen(f~s within lot lines. 6. ~!LMftlut.fln,~.qbJl_bon". The followll1~1 common flhlinll'llilnCe 01>11 lj<.1 Unfl', ~.,hilll llenpfit ilml Ilt' hllldlnQ upon the OWner of iil IJdrcul iilS against the Owner of Ulf! ()djlJlninq parcEll of 1111' r.,ame Lot, his/her successors and i35Slqns. It Is the intent of the Dednrtmt that thf' {()rnmOI1 maintenance obligalionr, de:,cnbed l1ereaftm consi ItLln1 (I hindinq and suhslsting covenant and a9re'~ment between U11! Owner of eaeJ, Unit within (I single hom(~/t1uplex. However, such covenants c3'1d Obligations shall not lle enrorcefJbl~~ by an OwnE:'r of a Unit aga.nst the Owner of another Ulul when those Owner'> do m,t ()wn Units In the same duplex. It I~, th(~ plH p()~,e of ttll.;~se common m.llntNII:1f1ff' ohllgatlons to pnforce uniformity of appearance, quality o~ materials and rnain1.<NMnce within an indivldllal duplex, but ~ot bpt\/V(~t~n !';epali:lf /? dUI)leJ<cs In tI')(~ devplopm€:l\l. .~ Owner~, of Unrtc, ~)"all t1avl: dnd per form HI<' follow:nq t olornOl1 mi11nf(:-lnance obligations with respect to th\,! .elCl,ioiIl1ny Urut:;: (a) The roof. (!xt~~nor SIdil19 and exter 101 I r irn of t Ill-: Living Unitt; shall be, within such categ(\n~s, construc10d of the sanw m.:Jt.~rtd' iln:i tlt..' of fIle t)ln~ (~nl. I h~ exterior window~., ~lhall be of Uniform tit 16fgn, a e ecelv d APR 1 7 2008 Page 6 uf 13.. DEUARAT1C!N or: COVlNMHS, ctJNLlITION~ AND hf'\ lIW r lO~rigtnal SubmlttE.ll - CC&R3 f.)l1< lar,ill\lll OHH OH 'i:ltlny dol. (b) The exterior of the Living Units sh(111 be painted a ullIform color. An accent paint may be used If the entire Living Unit IS accented in d consistent manner. No more than THREE: (3) exterior paUlt colors shall be u(j(~d on a single Living I Jrut. (c) The roof, e)l:lenor palllt, extenor sidlllg, extenor t rIIll, common f ene es of the Living Unit shall be rnUllltallledlll qood condition and repair. (d) The cost of maintaming such common facilities shall be shared equally by the Owners of the affec.ted Living UllItS. If such authonzed repairs or maintenance are paid for by one of the Living Unit Owners, the other Living Unit Owner shall pay his/her ONE-HALF (1/2) share thereof within TEN (10) days from the date of written demand for payment and presentation of a written accounting of such expenses. Construction, repair or maintenance of common faCilities sllall be authorized if the affected Living Unit Owners have mutually agreed as follows: (i) The deciSion to institute LOmlnOn facility maintenance and repair, and the decision of who shall perform such work, shall be by mutual agreement of thp affected Uving Unit OwnE~rs, subject to the requirement that all living UllIts, Including the common facilitif~s, be 'maintaln(~d in good condition, rfJpair dnd overall appearance. (Ii) Materiais, colors JI1lJ d(Y:>lqn~) to be us(:"\cl in (or!slrudion, J rpall or maintenanCe of any Lommon facility shall be select(d by mutual agreement of the affected Living Unit Owner!;. ( e) In the event the Jf11'ctpd Uvin9 Unit OWller~ (<lIHlot ilyree dS to f)rle 01 more of such matters ir1Volved ill comrllon fitnlity conslruc:tloll, n?pj~ir or fllililltt'f1(1nCe, such mati:~rs shall be d(~cided by arbitration utili1.in9 the service!; and rufp', of the Arbitration Service of Portland. ~;ulh arbitration shall be commenced and held In Lane County, Oregon, and imy dibitralor'<; dw,ud OldY IJ(~ ellh~r€d ilS ,1 ludgment In flIP Lane Count)' Circuit Court. (f) The 1itorm wat-el dr dlnaqe swal€' ~.,hJII lw rnnmt(.irn!d by the A;c,()( Idt ion ar, provided In the Ea~~~ment. and Mamtpllill1CP Aql f~ernpnt 7. ti~hm~n~. If any portion of ;3 party wilH or any nthf'r pclll of ~l IIVIIKJ Unit ()I ',I r \jcture, including, but not limited to, foot overlldngs, enlty P'-ll( hl~,~, d(!( k~), step!; and fiiPplalcs, now or hereafter cons.tl'l.Ktcd by Declarant upon :,c1ic! property E'rltroaches 1I1HJrl any part of the Common "reils other them thOSE~ pdrl~l of the ('.ommon Areas actudlly used for public sanitary and stclrm sewpr'~, or upon lilt' Lot or Lots u9x1 01 dcslgnakd fur use by another Lot OWlwr, an (}ilSement for the em roartunp/'lf 1$ qranted and rp'~{,lvr:'d and shall exist; and be blndin9 upon the Declarant and upon all prE'sp.nt and futurp Owners of any part of said property for Ow benefit of the present r!lncl futurE! Ownet', of such encroaching building or !;lruclure for the putpu!>(~ of oClupyinq S<Jfl1e; it:' the cv(:nt d structure, (,onsistin9 of mor(~ than ONE (1) Living Unit b.~.('Om~s partially or totally destroyed or in n~ed of repair or I eplacement, mutual and rf;t'Ip~oC~1 easement s are granted and reserved upon th(~ Common Areas In t3nd upon eacll Living Unit and Lot for the benefit of I Ill"' A')socidtion ~md l.he adjacent Owner 01 ()wner~ to U If' (~J(tent reasonably l1eceM1c3ry or ddvlSable lo make r~pajrs dnd/<Ir lopltlCe(nent; and minor encroachments resuH m9 from ..:Jny such reptlir') l'inct/or wp1acements ilnd the maintenance thert\()f dl'e 11<:,~rf;,:by I,Jrantf:.'d and rc5t~rV(~d (01 lIH~ 1)I.~nAfit of the pt(-'srnt and future Owners Ulen,XJr. 'The easeroonts :or em IOvch/llellt Ilcrain granllxJ allrJ reserved shaJl n.m Wllh the lt~nd. Date Received. APR 1 7 2008 Original Submittal ~______ _ _ Page 7 of 13.. DEel MV\TlON OF { Ul/rN/\N 1"';, CON01 rll)tJtl ANI J IH ~ i~' j(' II' I1J\ COlin!, rll'dtllAhllllli ~11 Of-! ,'1I)\1,J('C 8. ]partv Wallt!. 8.1 GenelaLB.Yl~s_QLI..QwJ~Ll\Q-DJy. Each wall which IS built as a pan of the onginal construction of the Living Units upon the Properties and placed on or immediately adjacent to t'h(~ dividln9 line between the Lots owned by different persons shall constitute a party wall, and, to the extent not inconsistent with the provIsions of this Section, the general rules of law regarding party walls and liability for property damage due to the negligence or willful uds of omissions shall apply thereto. 8.2 ShannfLQ.tJ~,~p_qlLqlld Ma-'Ilt~na.m;~. The C05t of reasonable repair and maintenance of a party wall shall be shared equally by the Owners whose Lots abut sue!, wall. 8.3 Destf1jQ,iQJLby_fire Q.L_Qtbf~LQt~JJQJty. If a party wall is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, any Owner who has used tile wall may restore It, and if the other Owners thereafter make use of the wall, thtN shall contribute to the cost of restoration thereof In proportion to such lise, without prejudice, however, to the nght of any such Ownel S to call for larger contributions from the other under any rule of law rE~arding liability f'Or negligent or wilHul acts or omiSSions, The word "use" as referred to herein means ownership of ;1 Living IJnlt or other structure which incorporates such wall or Jny p~lrt thereof, 8.4 ~!llb~r.mQgftD9, NolwIlh5tandlrlg (my other proviSions of thiS ~)I)( 1lon, an Owner shall bear tilt"' whole cost of furnlshinq Ihe necel:lsalY pro1ettion aqilln~)t the elements, in additIon to any liability for consequential darnaqes, as d result (If his/her family, tenant's, contrdct pllrehaser's or other invltees' negllgellt 01' willful dl.t whiel1 causes the party wall t.o t)r~ exposed to the elellwnl<;,. 8.5 EiQ.ULJQ _C{lntrib!JtJ911 J~UfJ~, VIltlh Ldn.a. 1 he I iqtll of dny Owner to contnbution from any other Owner under this Se(1ion S~li]1l be applJltenant to the land nnd shall passlo ~tllch Owner's su((e~.sors in tltlp. 8.6 JnS\..!(iJDCt.:."1 0 the extent tllOl any lo::)s, d~3ma<Jl~ or deslruction tIJ (1 party wall and/or the (.on~equen(es thpreof is covered by IfYJiUrdnU" witl1 Wrllver of subrogation in fdvor of !i\J<..h OWllel, \ hl~m ~"~lli he no (ldim Or' (dUse of action lor ,;uch loss, damage or destructJ()I) againr,1 sudl OWfll1t. 9. Eas~.nt$.. AU conveyance;) ot land 51tudteo in t1)(~ I'rnperlie;;., rTIad(! by the DocIt3rdnt ,md by all persons claiming by, throu9h, or under 111(' Oerlarant, ~hilll be sul>jet.l to the foregoing restrictlon5, conditions rJnd covenant;-" whethf~r or not t11e same be I'xpressed in the instruments of conveyance, and each lllld nvery stich Instrument of conveyance shall likewise be deem~~d to grant i}n(J resetv.~, V1ihetht~r or not. tl1E'.! Sc"ul1e bf.' dedared therein, mut.ual and reciprocal easernr~ots ovm and C)noss ell of the Cornmoll Areas of said property for the purpo~es of traveling by fool or fcsllng or othmwise'belng therein, and over, tinder and a{.~oss all portions of said property (e^c~pt those portions thereof ac.tually io.nded to be occlIPied as living space In any huUdh')g now nt hereafter located upon said property) ,mcJ speCifically IIwludlng (wilhout lwinq lunited thereto) the interior of party walls, attic cr awl spaces and I he area below tlm hvlnq spdn~ In any living Umt, tor the purpose ()f uuildlng, conslruclll1g and mcunlaining Ulldcrground or concealed electric and telepho(U: Ilrle~l, gas, IttJatef, sp.wer, stUfll'l dl'alnfJgu Hhe1s, mdio and television antennae and cablt~, 11nd other utilities and <'f~lvl{ (~~~ now Of' thereafter commonly suppHt.'d by public ulilitie~) Of rrH.loicipdl corpori1tiol1~: and UP€Jh all Common Areas for C0f16trUCtin9 ancl maintaillinlJ thereon 5tre{~1!j, Liliveways, onwments and statues, lawns, landscaping and plantm:1 itreCJs thereon. in the eVtllll th~re is a fr)llure, or (J need to adjuf,t, lcin<:ale, or aJtfll' the ~Iedrlc lInclll'rqmund $y5t~m, thfl Developer/Owner or (my ~,utJseqUt-~nt Owner will he n15ponsible for 1~I1Y and all (ot;ts. The property shall be pcnnanenllv sllbjl~Lt t.o these h\stndiotl~. Ail of suld (~tlSempnts Date Received. Page 8 of 13 - DECU\RA110N or ( OVI NMfI '>. CONDlIIONS ANll PE$lIUCBON~J (('JlJlt~ V~!~J.II ;111011 0 I 04 {~R 'lillII' ".1( APR 1 7 2008 Onginal SubmittaL shall be for the benefit of all present and futwe Owners 01 property 5ub]ecl to the jurisdiction of the Assoc:iatlon by recordp(J (OVenant5 and restrictions, recorded as hereinabove provided, and their tenants, contraLt purchasers and guests. Said easements and rights of use, however, shall not be unrestricted but shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations governing :;aId right of use, as promulgated from time to time by the Directors of the Association in the interest ot securing maximum safe usage of said easements without unduly infringing upon thf~ privacy of the Owner Of occupant of any part of Si)id propelty. An easement over, upon and across all parts of the Properties IS granted and reserved to the Association, its successors and assigns to thp. extent reasonably required to perform exterior maintenance and to perform other maintenance reasonably necessalY or advi~Jable to protect or presE'rve the value of the Properties dnd the Living Units thereon. In addition, an easement over, upon and ilcross all parts of the Common Area IS reserved by the Declarant, Its successors and assigns who acquire undeveloped Lots for development, or who represent public or private utiliti(~s, for the purpose of constructing the project, installiny and maintaining utility services or Clny other requirements needed in the development of ttle Declamnes property. 10. Use Restricti!U)i. All Lots shall be used for residential purposes and no building shall be erected, iJltered, placed or permitted to remain on any Lot other than a single family dwellln9. No manufactured homp or manufactured dwellinq .,flall I)e permitted on the Propmties, ami no recreation;)l vetlide may be used as a rf~Slden{ e, either temporary or p('rmanent, on any part of thf" Propeltif3'~, (a) Easements for acc('!>s. installdlion ancl mc:),ntelwllce of ulJlitlPc; and drainage facilities are reS4~lved and/or dedicotf~d iJ'; <;tlown on the recorded pl;]l. (b) No ~.truct\JIE' of ;J ternpOli'lI'Y char;)(1('I, Ir,llh:~I, b~:.I~mf~nt, partly finished house, garage, barn or other outbllllcling <;llall 1)11 w)('d on arl'{ l. (It at dny limp as residence, either temporary' or D~trnanent. (c) Each yard shall bf~ Idn(jt,CCtpeu nol m()n~ Hldfl ~.lIX TV (bO) ddYS i1f1er occupancy, exc.eJJt when occupancy o",curs after Ort()lJt~r 1 cHld bt~f()fe Mav I All Ytlrds shall be a:na.ntalned In a neat, clean I onoillon (md gr n5~. '1hal/ lJf! watered i}lld mowed regularly. (d) No Ownel sl1rJlI allow dny con Hnon IdW r1lIlSal I( (:' IJpOl1 thaI Owner's property nor engage In any use or practice WhlCll IS tile SOUl Cl~ of ClnnoyarlC p to oHler reSIdents, or which interferes with thE! peacpablr: possession and proper u!>e of other Properties by ot1wr resirlE~nts. f::ach Ulllt <it1<llllJe nldintalned in ~lood r(~pair fllld uver-all appearance. (e) No sign of (lny kind shall he display(~d to lhe public view on any lol p.xcept ONE (1) pn.lfesSlonal :Jigil of not mOl f-~ than one square loot, ami one sign of nol more than five square feet, cJr.tverti'Siny tile property fur sale or rent, hoth c)f whtr.h siyns mllst be located not less than TWEN'IY feet (20') from the fnmt propt::fty line. t (1) No armnals., Ilvt~lOCk 01 poultry of allY KInd \htJlI lJe I aif~, bred or kept on any l.()t exc~pt thAt () maxhmHlI of THREE (3) o09S 1')1 THREE: (3) cats, or a combination of cat(~j) and d09(s) whic:tl loldls "HRfJ~ (:I) l)tlt~'1 Ql il total of THREF (3) of any ottler household P(1tS cl5 defilled uy Ut'l Code I !lt3y be k(~pt, provided they drE' not kePt, bred or ITh'3lOtaim~(i rOl ,my commerual pUIPo:,e, al~' kt:pt under rOlllrol, ,1nd do not crMte offensl've 01' objectionable noi5f~ or odor i\.ny IlUt1.ldp. animal rnust bf~ contained in a I~(;nnel or f)tht~r enclo~,tlm. No ao: urnultJllon of wt,~.le will' be allowed on the yard,'purklng 81't~o~, {)I' ~ny Coml"'i101'l Ar(la. Date Received: APR 1 7 2008 Page9ofU-~DfCL^RAlrONOf COVE-N^NT\CONl)JfI()N!)ANLli{P;II~IC'llt~rl' IS b ' cmR', ['Irvl,lf,lIJl1f1 01 OHJIl :l'f!h' ;"l( 9lnS u rmttal__ - ------.-. (g) All valid laws, zOning ordinances and buildln9 restrictions of all governmental bodies having JurisdIction of the subject property shall be observed and complied with. (h) No fence, wall, hedge, shrub 01 other obstaclf~ shall obstruct the line of vision between THREE feet. (3') and FIVE feet (5') vertical, within FIFTEEN feet (15') of the front lot line, except trees which shall be trimmed of foliagc not less than FIVE feet (5') above the ground. Foliage on youn9 trees not sumciently tall to trim shall be exc.epted. All fences shall comply With City Code. (i) Trash, garbage or (Jtrler wasl e shall be kept 111 sanitary containers, emptied at least bi-weekly. All inCinerators, garbage cans or other equipment for the 5torage or disposal of such matenals shall be kept in clp.an and sanitary location. Storage of any goods, chattels, merchandise, material, fuel supplies, or machinery shall be wi~hin the walls of the structure or enclosed by tight fences that screen such property from sight. (j) Any home bustne~s conducfed on the (Jroperty shall be in accord(1rlce With City regulations and codE~. (k) All environmental r eyulntlons shall he complied With p<lr1lcularly concerning disposal of motor Oil, paints and otllcr tlOzanjow, matenals. (I) Each Owner of a Ihut <,hall mamtalll, rqJdir, (lnd if IIcf;dcd, tl'plrlLC tile penmeter fence within their propcr1y line for ~;o lony d~, th4? ff':nu~ i"l requlIl'd bv thE" City. {m} With the exception or ,-' lender III PU'> ,.e~5ion or u Lot followillY iJ ddaull In a first mortgage, foreclosure proceetllilq or (lilY deed or ottlE'r rll rClntJell1f~nl 111 lieu of foreclosure, no Owner shall b€i pClmil\cd to 1('1\1 or ICilS~ hl'>/iwr lJillt, (n) Asc,o<:iiJtIOIl Dlrector~. Will Ilave JUII'~diltlon over actiVIties per rnll1f~d In the Common Areas. All dispute:;, c.omplalnts or fllattms of change In existing or future use restrictiom; will he submit tC'd to the A%oClc'1tIOIl Ulrect'OJ 5 fOI rlllJil.r <it Ion or reqlllation. (0) No party wall shall be ajlf~red ~) .1.. to dlrnini~illlt)("\ Ore resi'?ldI\fP, sound transmisslon or ~}truclurClI c.apablhl1C~i of ~(jld waU. (p) Storclge of ilny kind, H1c1udlnQ; I Hit not Ilrl1ll{~d tu, gOod~11 chattels, merchandise, material, ruel, supplies or ma(tllrlpry sholl IJG within wallS of the LiVing Unit, or enclosed by tIght fonce~ thdt (omplet ely ~>cr et~ll it from 'jlghl. There ~,I1{l1l be no storage of material of JIlY kind Ifl Ille parkinrJ areas. <;t:omqn under LJnlt~. shall be screened- from view and kept In (\ neat and tltJy manner. Th(~ Board of Directors of the Association or manager may F(~gulate the nature of items which may I'~ placed In or on windowS. decks, patiO';, and the outside wall') that ,IW vic.iblp from other loll) of the Common'Areas, or ()ut~lde the Properties. 11. ~.iUOl@1~4.11ioo...&mg,_'~'m.~~!!'1I1Iijgr~" 1:tt.1 1\ ':olhlll! be the duty ot the Bu;;lrd of Dire(lor~, .as rtU&te~' for ltlf? ASSOCldtiol~, In it'> ~;olt\ di~;trel;L)n, to P,.ocut~ Jfld maiflf~~iJl ~,t. {)I\ tlrnp.~ firo and Iiubllity insurance coverage and to pay the premiums fOl ~11<1 h~$uranr.e rrorn the asse~l~mf'nt') previously referred to trl Section 4_ The pOlicy(les) (hel\~irwf\'(>r r~ferred to a~. the "policy") is Inore sp4.."'<.ifif:ally dl!Scnbf~(/ bf~l{)w: (ill) Th(~ BOdrd shall fHOCUIl! dlld rnainlclltl (1 polity to inSlllP ttle Declarant, the 130ard of [)1I'lIClor5, 011 !Cflru, the tHJrtCJ9inlJ cl~wnl, otht~l' (lmpItIYf~es of the Association and lhe UnIt' Owners i.l9dinst liuhlh1V to th.-, publiC' or the A~Qet~~1!e~~ed Units and 01' the common elements, ilncJ then invlt4:\~~S ur tf!rMnts) InCiddrlrto or aric,lny . APR 1 7 2008 Pilgl~ 10 of J3 ~ DfCl ~RJ\TI(lN (JI- COVLNAN is, CDNDITION:.. Mm lH.:t;lHl( ThiNS C(&Hs rlf'rI,ll <1110" I) I 04 08 -rtl\llt d\Jl Original Submittal out of the ownership and/or use of the property, or operation of contractors of construction work under a comprehensivp. general liability form. There shall be all exclusion from the policy coverage for ltvin9 Umt Owners (other than as Member of thp. AssoCiation or Board of Directors) for liability arising out of acts or omissions of such Living Unit Owners and liability incident to the ownership and/or use of the part of the property as to which such Unit Owner has the exclusive use or occ.upancy. limits of liability under such insurance shall not be less than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars ($500,000,00) for ONE (1) person, ONE MILLION dollars ($1,000,000.00) for any ONE (1) accident, and THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars ($300,000.00) for property damage. Said policy !>hall be issued on a comprehensive liability basis and shall provide cross liability endorsement wherein the f1yhts of named insureds under the policy shall not be prejudiced as respects his, her, It or their action against another named Insured. 11.2 Insurance obtained hy tile ASSOCIation shall be 90verned by the following proviSions: (a) The Association shall assess the cost of such insurance against each Owner, on a pro..rata basis, and such ussessment shall be a lien and be collectible and enforceable in the same manner as all (j<;~lessrnents provide for herein. (Il} Workel~;' u)lnperl',ation IflSIHJIlC(' to tile' p)(.tcnt nl~(('('(;IHY to comply witll any aJ1plir tlble Ii.lW~~" ((:) All policies ~-,hdll 1;.' wriltell with tl1l' Sidle (If Oregon or () r ornpany IJc~nsed to do busines~, in the StalT~ or Oreqon (HId ttoldlllg rI riltlrlll of "AIf 0/ I>r>tter by the Best"s Insurance HejJorts c.L1rrent (:It tht' tirne the 11l5Ur;'lnO? 15 WI ittcll 01, pllor to the initial meeting of" th(~ AssocleJtion, one all PptilblE' to Ot~c1at'rJnt and ~,hclll contain appropriate waivers of (~u/)roqatioll" (d) All IOSS,l''-, under pullcic(, Ilercdftcr In force rf!~larclif1(:J the plOlJerty shall be settled exclUSively with ttle Boarcl of D/rf\1 :tors 01' ltc:. uuthorized repre<:,f~lItatlve; provided, however, thilt where a f1r~,t rnortqaqep ha!' been (Je~;ignated a" a 10'...:,> payee by a Unit Owner, such rnortqagep SbrlU t1f~ f:>ntitI0c1 to sf'ttle loss(J''; as to the mortgaged Unit (e) Each Living tJflIl Owner :,/ldli 1)('" rP.~,pon~t'ble ffJr obldlJliny, at hiS/her expense, insurance covering tlisjtler propf'rty IlOt Insured under Se( ltun 11.1 above unless the ASSOCIation ugree~ (I! Ilerwi~l( " (I) The Goard Sh(ll1 n~v1ew not IC~ls frequently than anrllldlly the adequacy of itc; illsuranC(:' Pro9r am (]nd 5t~Cll"f' adclltlonnl insut'i\l If f~ ayaln!;t Clddilional risks as the Board may deem udvisat>le for tile protection of t.he n~sldcnt:tal L1VIIIY Unit- Owners. The 60"rd's condU~.aons and dctlonc; shall bp r<efX)ltcr!d t () the Member (, of the Association. Copies of every policy of Insurance procured by the l30ard <,lIdll be available for Inspection by a residential Uvlng Unit Own€!I' (or ((lntt(1tt purchaser) at thE' office of the rncJlluging agent. The Board may also procure Ill:;,urcmce against such additional risks as the Uoald may dH(~rn advisablE' for Ule pf'ol~ctl(Jn of the re~ldentlal Unit Owners" 11.3 C911\J~~trlrhJt:tQO J)f.l;Qrnrm)[l_J)J!~Q. in tilt? OVf!O! tlltl! (JIl 01 any portion I)f the Common Arcd is dJ)woprlt;1te{l dE, thE" mSllllllf romj(;tl'nrM1tClf) or tht~(lt thf'tI~of, tile following rules. and 9lJid~lInefl ~hall apply: (Ii) !Z!;'12m_~nl~ti.9it b~' AJ).$Q~i!J!IPIJ. ill":: He-d! d of IJjrertort, of the ASsociation shall tmve the rinht and duty to represent ~(Jch ()f th(l Own~rs for tile putpO!)e qf negotiating i.lOd ~onte~t'inC), if it d€em~, ~ d,)lng {o h~ ,nece~safY Of appropriate, any condemnatIon award offered hy ih\;~ (ondemOlll9 lluthority In qupc,tlOn and may dutflorile cxpenditlJI"l$ ancl aS5e5Sm(Jnt~ to retaIn (~tJ(~qllntl! cot11W~ ~EP~~pr d experts for such purposes, IVe APR 1 7 2008 Pllgo 11 of 13 -" Dl:CIAHA1'lON UF U)VHU\N1 <), tONDl nUNC; MJ() 1~151HlC rlOW; (.(19R& n..d?r,ll1m 'II IH ~ lltft1y,(~)' Original SubmlttaL__.~__._ _._ (b) t\lIoJ~~tion_.QLCQDdemn9J'-Q[I~YlQrd. The Board of Directors of the Association shall allocate and distribute any condemnation award received by It wIth respect to the Common Area to thp. Owners In proportion to the diminishment In fair market value Incurred by them wIth respect to their resped lve Lots and improvements as a result of said condemnation. (c) l\l.bitriJtlQ.D. In tile event of any controversy ansing under thiS Section, each of the disputing parties shall choose ONE (1) arbitrator and such arbitrators shall choose ONE (1) additional arbitrator. The ll-iREE (3) arbitrators shall resolve the controversy by majority vote cJnd said deCiSion shall be binding upon tlw disputing parties; provided, any action or deCl~~ion of the Board of Directors pursuant to this Section shall carry a rebuttable presumption of correctness for purposes of said arbitration proceedings. The disputing parties each shall pay all the fees and expenses of the arbitrator designated each of them and shall pay equally all fees and expenses of the third arbitrator. The disputing parU(~~, each shall pay their own expenses In connection with the ar bitration. (d) B~tel!tiorLOl_RlgbJ~. Nu proviSIons of this Section 11 A shall be construed as negating the right of the indiviuudl Owner:; to such inodental relief as the law may providf' as (1 rf'sult of thp (OndCr1Hldlloll of thr Common ^n~d, (e) l'lo.ilce_.tQ JY.tQrjSlage~, Holdpr~) of fjt~t !ll()l tl:ldgl~'.; on dny I ()I and/or the Improvements thf-:reoll ~~hilll rer(-?IVe timely wnltf'n Ilotiu' I)f ;lrlY ConUPI1Hldtion or eminent domain proceeding affcLtll1q thp Common Ared~~ or elf:Y purl10tl thereof, 12. 1ifmfJal PrQYl~i9.M. 12.1 .r;.ofQ[Q~DJ~nl. All rpstnctions, conditiow;, covenants, r cservdtlow" liens and charges now or hereafter impo~,ed by th(' plovisl{)ns c.ontc1l1lcd In this Dpclaratlon shall bind and inure to the benefit of dncl be enrol ccable by allY proceeding dt IdW or In equity, by Declarrmt, the Associatloll and the Owner or Ownels or any port((HI 01 ~ald property and their heirs and aS5ign~1, ,:tnd eflch of their legi\llt~pm~lentatlves, and failure by Declarant or by thE~ Association or by .lny ()f tIle DroP~liy Owners 01 lhplr legal representatives, tlCU~, successOl~) or assiYllf) ill f'nfmu' any or sllch lonoitlons, restrictions, of charges herein COlli ;lIned Shi111 in no ~vel1l t)l? (ipenwd rl waiver of I he right to do so. Upon /(~quest, the holders of fll~)t rnolt9ag(~S sha/llJe entitled II) tecelve written notice from the AssociC\tlUIl of (my <1pf~ult III t1H~ perforrnilnce by the I at Owner/mortgagel~ of any obligation under thic; Declaration or IJY 1I1P By~l.iJwt., of the Association which IS not cured within -, HIRTY ('JO) days, In tile' (!vent SIJlt, action, le~Ic;.l1 P'UI eerllnfJ 01 ml)llration is In',tlluled to interpret or enf(lrCe \hl~ terms of tlll~, Declllrclllon, the prevailing par1y shall Lw entitled to recover hiS/her reasondble attorney fees lncurmd therein at such arhit.ration, tnal and appeal, with such f~es to he determined by the arbltJ ator Or' ttll' rourt. In the' event of iJl"bitration, the losinq party shall also pay ttJ(~ I p(}sonabl~l (( IHlppnsation of any arbitrators tl'Prelll, 12.2 S~v(~r ilbllity" 111valldflt i('/1 ot iJny Dllf' qf tIIP;~(~ (f)\II'fldllh or re5t I itllonr, by judgment or court order Sllt111 in no way affect any (,\tIer PWVI',IOI I', which shall renwin in full force and f'tiell. 12.3 ~;>!l!yon1~!lt Any 01 .III rights, p(lWt~I'" fJod rt''';Plvations of Df.'( k~r ant herein contained tnirt be assigned to th~~ AssocIatIon or l~l .my othflr (Orporiltion or association whicl't 15 orgi)llllC1.1 or which may hereafter b\~ orqalHled and which will assume the dUtj(1~; of Declarant hert'under pf.:'rtalning to tJ\f.? lldrtlculur rights, pOWf~r<; and reservations a~5ignedi ...:;nd upon aYly I:.uej) C(JrpClriitlOIl t-~videncin~~ its Intent in writing to accept such a~slgnment ,jJl(j a!l)Sume ~iu(h dutU!5, It. !.hQII, to the extent, of such assignment Jnti a~suflle ~LJcll rights <<.lnd puwer!; nlld lw r'l1l)jp.@a.~~e~>>f~d. Page 1~ of 13 . OECLARAnON {)f' t))\iI:NNIII::', CONllll1(jIIJ~; !\NP IJi":--HU( now, CU~R'i Prddl ;ltlrm IP \)1 'flf; n\trl, flu; APR 1 7 2008 Original submittal obligations and dutIes as are given to and as~,umfx1 by Oeclarant herein. All rlqhts of Declarant hereunder reserved or created shall be Ileld and exerCIsed by HabItat for Humanity/Springfield-Eugene, so lonq as it owns any intere5t In any portion of the Properties 12.4 8._m~I]..91nS;l1t_~. (a) tiow_ProDoseq. Amendments to this Declar<ltlon shall be proposed by either a maJorrty of the Board of Dlrec1"ors or by Owner~ holdlllg THIRTY percent (30%) or more of the voting nghts. A proposed amendment must be reduced to writing and shall be included In the notice of any meeting at which action is to be taken thereon or attached to any request for consent to the amendment. (b) 8Roroval Ji~gJHred. Except as may otherwise be provided In thiS Declaration, any of the covenants and restr Ictions of thIS Declaration except for the easements granted above may be amended if such amendment IS approved by SEVENTY-FIVE percent (7:'/';')) of the Members ()f tlw ASSoCIatIon. ^ny amendment which would limit or (jlmllllsh any special Declarant riqhts established In thiS Declaration, including tile nght of the Declarant to annex additional pllases, shall rE'qtllre the wntten consent of the Declal ant. (c) B~_~;9fJtQ.ti.QIJ. All arnendl1l(-~nts shall become effective when reduced to writlllg, executed hy the appropriate Association officers unci recorded 11\ tilE' OffiCIal Records of Lane CountYr Oreqon. WHEREFOR[:, llllS Dcclarallofl I:; exeCulf'd effective lhe dale flr~)t (l!Jove wnlten. Df:(lARANT: HABI rAT f=OR HUMANTTYjSPRINGHEUJ-EUC[N[, an Or egon Non -PI of It c.orporation By: _. ~__b .--- '- - - i r- ',- -.-- -- .-- ,-! I v" I J c: ~__~__ .!.-__~ f . .___,,_~_ _)6~L,t.!..~_~ I.:', STATE OF- OREGON ) ) S~" County of Lane ) I Personally appedrpd ____12.\,.:-._\, J__\.l\."-_._. . ____. ._._ ___, who being duly ~~worn (or affirmed) did say that he/she IS the .1.'1_~_S;.0-l.\'~~~._ \JI~ _J:.!_.JYJ .h__ __ of Habit.al fot' Humallltyj Springfield-Eugene, an Oregon non -profit corpol atlon, anti ttldl the se()1 affixed to the foregolllg Instrument IS the corporat (I 'leal of si)ld cor pOfi1tlon i:lnd I hc1t said Il1sl f urnent was signed and sealed in behalf of s()icl corporation by ;)1.11 h()nty of It:., bOdru of dire,dors; and he/she acknow'ed~]ed saId Instrument to be Its voluntdry act and deed this ;;, i. " day of \:- (\\[\.\_:t},\'-"",,' 2008. ___..L_.________u_-: (Ii ------. --- - I Before me: ~-~ ~~...~~._._,.., ... ...-rtt"'11: ...., -""'""""""'~"'''''''''''...! .......-.....'llI...._ - ~~'bi..('f. II' 'I\~II\I ,:11\1 -, ~[,,'....~ "" .., " \, ,\1~~ ,'f I~".L V com 1 f_ 'I . , ~~) N01;il,(f'llllil(' .1f11(IO/IJ l , dl / , "llt/'II'" '--'UI/ "'. .h>l(JN NO lm';)("l My e<lMMln/.I' IN r gr'll1l ',II Ilnl~^il' , _......--.10 '( f' ")11l11.1 -.-.. .......~".... <,...,...- "'" """---~"''''''''-''''~~I ",~\ I, _, (,~ /~'') Not;;Y-~~ltt;1i:~"'--' Date Received: APR 1 7 2008 Original Submittal Page 13 of 13 - DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITION:; AND RCill,'ICTlnl\J~; C(1Wr, Df'c1,lI ,jtlQll 01 Otl.08 -attilY \ I..'c After recording return to: Dean S. Kaufman Cox & Associates, LLC 142 West 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 CROSS-EASEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PARTIES: TERlI L JOKINEN [Jokinen] - and - HABITAT FOR HUMANITY/SPRINGfIELD-EUGENE, an Oregon non-profit corporation [Habitat] RECITALS: 1. Habitat is the owner of Lots 1-10, Meyer Estates Cluster Subdivision, oS platted and recorded on ~_~_i._, 2007, Official Records of Ldne County, Oregon, and Jokinen IS the owner of Lots 11 and 12, Meyer Eslale~) C1u~)tE!r Subdivision, as plCJttecl and recorded on , 20OS, Official Records of Lane County, Oreqon. 2. The parties desire by this agref'ment to provide an operation~ mainlenrmce plan for a bio-infiltratlon and storm water system whIch shall serve both H,lllllal and Jokinen's properties and allocate the cost and re~p()nsibllily for Hle maintenance thereof as provided herein. 3. The bio-infiltration and storm wdter system ltlereaftpr the sWdle), as ~.hown on the plat of the Meyer Estates C1uslf~r Subdivision, IS located approxImately 7/8 on property owned by Jokinen, and 1/8 on property owned hy Ht)bital. Eventually It Will be owned by the Meyer Estates Homeowners Association, an Oregon non-profit corporation, to be created, and Jokinen. Each party de5lrE~s to grant the other an easement for the use and utilization of the swale all the terms and conditions prOVided herein. Attached hereto as Exhibit "^," and by tllj~> refmente Incorporated hf'rpln IS a legal description of the sWLlle. AGREEMENTS: 1. The foregOing Recitals are herehy Incur por aied by rcfert'n((~ as if fully 'Jet forth herein and are true. 2. For ar1d in consideration of thp mutual promises and covenants conlalllC'd hel eln, Habitat hereby grants and conveys to Jokinen, and Jokinen tu~teby grants and conveys to Habitat, a perpetual non-excluslvc easement to utili7.E' t~at' portion of the ~,wale on the grantors property in conjunctll)l\ with the grantee's use, as more particularly described upon the Meyer Estates plat, for the purposel of providing storm water disposal and blo--inflltration under the 5tand0fd~ rJnc1 quid(llinc') of the Oty of Springtleld, and as further provided tlf'reln. J. The cost. of maintiJinlng cmd It;! 1<.11 ling the' I'Vcilt'l ~,11.jll be. paid C!(J foll()w~' (a) Thl' rv1t.~Yf~r l:statf~~) lIe; flf.:K>wrH'1 s A<.i<;O( i;,1tion I HdlJilllt'~ suu (",(,nr III interest]: FIFTY percent (!)OO/o). (b) Jokinen and \1('1 ~uc('C(/,otS In inteie~l (I',> nWlll'f~) of Lot "]: -rwl NTY- FIVE percent (25%). Date Received. p.'lge 1 of 3 -- CROSS E:^SE:f\1ENTS AND r-1Adl.l r I-N^Nn: A<..IU llVl.:N I IHoswalE' JI.'kUlf'11 I a<'.'lllent Hi M,lllll"p 111'1" AQIPCllIl:'flt q 27 07 dor APR 1 1 2008 Original SubmittaL (e) Jokinen and her successors in Interest as OWI1f~rs of Lot 12: lWENTY- FNE percent (25%). 4. Attached hereto as Exhibit "B," and by this reference incorporated herein, are suggested operations and maintenance plans for the swale from the Storm Water Management Manual and issued by the City of Springfield. Insofar as relevant and applicable, Habitat and Jokinen shall follow the gUidelines set forth in Exhibit "8" In maintaining and repairing the swale. 5. In addition to the swale, thiS agreement shall also apply to relevant storm pipes, sewer lines and all other infrastructure utilized by the parties for the disposition of storm water and bio-infiltration, Anything to the contrary notwithstanding In ~3, Habitat shall have the maintenance responsibility only for those pipes and lines which benefit Lots 1-10 owned by Habitat. Jokinen shall havE~ the sole maintenance responsibility for those lines serviCing Lots 11 and 12. Provl~led fUrther, that Jokinen shall have no financial responsibility to maintain the swale, until and unless Lots 11 or 12 have some development activity thereon. 6. This easement and agreement shall be perpetual and shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of each of the parties. 7. Each party shall Indemnify and hold the other J)arty 1harmless from any loss, liability or expense of any kind the other palty may inCUr as a result of (J party's negligence or intentional wrongful act involving or relating to tile swale and related Infrastructure. 8. Each party may enter upon tile' swale at such times as may be reasonably necessary to repair, replace or maintain the swale or any of ,its related Infrastructure. The parties shall agree among themselves as to the alloc.(JbQo\:of such responsibility and whether or not some or all of such responsibility srlUlI be cOJ;1tracted to a qualified third party . 9. Jokinen may, at Jokinen's sole discretion, elect to relo<;ate the outflow pipe from the swale which bifurcates Lot j L. Surh relocation shall be, at Jokinen's sole cost and expense. Any relocated outflow pipe shall be built in such a, fashion as to meet all City of Springfield applicable codes and permitting requirements." In the event of any such relocation, this easement shall be moditied so that all of the terms and '- onditions herein, Indudlng Habitaes right to access the relocated pip€! ;fur malnrenance, shall be applicable'tO the rel(jcat~ pipe and easement. ',!' 10. The parties shall meet on an as needed basis tq" deCIde abOut Ilf~cessary maintenance and related responsibilities for the swale. In 'ttl~ event ~of a disaqreement between the parties [voting power <;hall be proportionate t6' the proportion of Ule cost of maint~~~ing ,and repairing the swaj(~ bOrne by a party]} ttI~ paltl(fs agree to submit such disagreement to medIation and in the event such mEt<<~iatlon IS' ul1$uccessful, to final binding arbitration, with the arbitrato,t being a mqtu,~U~~itrtt:ePtabl~ Person familiar with the maintenance and engineering requirements of cH;Y~ sud1 a~ that subject to this agreement. The parties understand and agree that in any such arbitration, there will not be "a prevailing party," and that each party shall be 'l'Ellqulred to bear ttleir own attorney's fees and 1:05tS. ; I ': 4, , I,,' ': ) I; , 11. This easement is appurtenant to the real propertY, owned by':each grantor respectively anp described above. It shalt be perpetual' a,~~' is yt-anted)Ubject to all prior easement$ and encyn1brances of record. Howev~r, if If: H; abarld()~fJ for u period of THR.EE (3) \vears or more (the easement shall not, be ~fl~ldered' 'ab~ndOnE:.'Cl until Jokinen's prOperty Is developed and the swale is utilized, ana thereatter ~abandoned"), Each grantor, their heirs, successors and assigns, will execute suth documents as the other party deems appropriate to terminate the easement ' : Date Received , , Page 2 of 3 -. CROSS-l:ASEMI!N rs AND MAIN ll:NANCf: AGRFEMbN'l !;llt)!)w&le .1Okll1('11 f::tlSement 1\ Malnten,lI'rt' Aqfehment 9 1.7. 01 lloc , ' APR 1 7 2008 'Original SubmIttaL.. , , , ." I I' , , ~ ~ J';rl 12. No permanent building or structure shall be erected or placed by either party In the easement area. Subject to the foregoing limitation, this easement may be used by either party for any other purpose not inconSistent with this easement, and acceptable to the City of Springfield. 13. This easement is intended to be a covenant and restriction running with the land, and shall be recorded in the Official Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon, and such recording information shall be referenced upon the plat for Meyer Estates Cluster Subdivision. -111 DATED this ~ day of October, 2007. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY I SPRINGFIELD-EUGENE, an Oregon non-profit corporation By: Title: "'" / .' . , '(.71.:" \. too. '- (~. '- 't> (" Iv (', ,-~ 1 r I 1/1) 1: v .1 . '_ j .~ :\._L~.. '-...-- TIERIl. JOK~EN . , '1 " .> , I' \ '~,. 1'), f ",_ i ~ y -....... ~-- ~._--...- STATE OF OREGON ) ) 55. County of Lane ) Personally appeared \'\111" (.'~~II" ~!:'__._.._________..J who being duly sworn (or affirmed) did say that he/she Is the _ F, " oJ ~_ LA 0.\ I):}! _\~~./. _ of Habiijlt for Humanity /Srringfield- Eugene, an Oregon non"profit corporation, and t/lat the ~I afflxed to the foregoing instrument Is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument wal.) signed and sealed In behalf of said corporation by' authority of its board of directors; and he/she acknowlec,Jged said instrument to be Its voluntary ad and dee~ this :;\[ {. day of October, 2007. " Before me: ,~ ....~--- '~ _... ~w..........~ .....~ of f I~;t^l ~.~.Al SANDY OERllICI<SON NO f/\,:' ,Jljlll!" ()HI:G0r~ COMMic;,~I()N WI :Hl001? MY COMMISSj()r~ ' YI'IHl~, ~Mv ;g, ([JOEl /. I' I, ~1"r.'-1;"',' !,.d~__. Notary PubliC for' Oregon . My Commission Expires: .. _ _' . : , / L_..... .....-w.~~...... . ... ,... _~ ............. ~____ ~, STATE OF ORtEGON ) ) !is, County of Lane ) Personalty appE?'..ared the above-named TERI l. .J()KIN~N, and acktrowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act and deed, t.his ~2li.,day of OctOber, 2007. Before me: ;:1 ' , \t1' '" ./ ~_J..""'~"""'''''''''''I''''''".,,,, r........'l...~.. _;.. I,.....__~___'" . -/\ " r If '-1('1,\\ "(11' ~j~~\/!f l)b~I~ICK:SON I / ~lpl. ,11\ P\.:~I~~~.!fll'U()t'l I ~ . COM\,'rj!,j(IN W~ ,11:'(1/'11'1 I ,~.&:~~~~?:~~~::~(1:j.t ).'~~i~~}i 11r.y ,'fi}o'Jft ; f ' '. ~ I ,*, ~ .. j '" ~1 04 IIIJII' \ -".. .....I~ ..., .~. ,1.) - p",,) ~ ,~_ ...._I""""..-"1T...--f'''i'I.''N~....,.lIt ~__~_\.J:..:ti-Je,i.,.-da.~'t,,~ -- ~ - Notary Public,for Ot~gon My CommlsslQt'l f){plres:___S i '. j _.L Date Received ,\ , IPt I' APR 1 7 2008 I I Page 3 of 3 "":' CROSS~EASEM1~TS AND MAINTENANCE AGHHMEN'f ~ " -~ ._lJosement. Main"""'" All"""""'. ZI"O'"dOt II Origir'lal Submittal 'i I ., I J " { Ie.. t,; l-: \- 1 Blo-swule Easement Beginning at a point on the North line of the A. W. IIammitt [)onation Land Claim No 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian. 693 66 feet Ea"t of the Northwest corner of said claim: thence South parallel to the West line of saId claim 1216.76 feet, more or less to the North linc of the right-of-way of the McKcnzie Highway; thence along said North Imc of the McKenZIC Highway. South 890 44' 00" East 173.06 feet; thencc leaving said North hne. North 00 18' 21" East 100 00 feet. thence North 89044' 00" West 5.00 feet to the True Point of Reginning; thence North 89044' 00" West 26.70 feet, thence NOlth 00 18' 21" Ensl 165. j 7 fect; thenoo South 890 44' 00" East 26.70 fed; thence South 00 18' 21" Wl'st )(15.17 feet to the TI'UG.' Puint of Beginning in Lane COlU1ty. Oregon " il pate Received jlr f ,;~ APR 1 1 2008 Original SubmlttaL_. ., . , -, Vegetated, Grassy, and Street SWf Operatlons & Maintenance Plan Swalea are planted or grassed open channels 1hat trap pollutants by filtering and slowing nows, allowing particles to settle ! out The swale should drain within 48 hours of a storm event. All facility components, vegetation, and source controls shall : be Inspected for proper operations and structural stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of i instaUation, 2 times per year thereafter, and wlltlln 48 hours after each major storm event The facilrty owner must keep a \ log, recording all Inspection dates, observations, and maintenance actIvities. The facility owner mUlst keep a log, recording . all Inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities The following Items shall be Inspected and maIntained as : stated: I . ... .-....----...... ..- ...---.....- .' swaie Inlet (such 8S curb cuts or pIpes) shall mamtaln a calm flow of water entering the swals. ...------ : . Source of erosion shall be Identlfled and controlled when native soil 19 exposed or erosion channels are forming I ~ ,. Sediment accumulation shall be hand-removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control I measures. Sediment shaD be removed If It \s more than 4" thick or so thick as to damage or klll vegetation 1,' . Inlet shall be cleared when conveyance capacity Is plugged Sources of sediment and debris shell be Identified and corrected. . Rock splash pads shall.be replenished to preve.nt erosion. Side Slopes shall be maintaIned to prevent erosion that introduces sediment Into the swels . Slopes shaU be stabilized and planted using appropriate erosion control measures when native soil IS exposed or erosion channels Bre forming. : Swale Media ,shall allow stormwater to percolate uniformly through the landscape &Wale. If the swale does not drain within . . 48 hours, It shall be tlUed and replanted according to design specifications. 1 : . Annual or semi-annual tilling shan be Implemented If compaction or clogging continues . . Debris In Quantities that Inhibit operation shaD be removed routinely (e,~" no lass lI1an quarterly), or upon discovery ; Swale Outlet shan maintain sheet flow of water exiting swale unless a conectlon drain is used. Source of erosion damage i shall be Identified and controlled when native soU Is e>.~d or erosion channels are forTmhg- : . OutletS such as drains and over1and flow p~ths shan be cleared when 50% of the conveyance capacity Is plugged ; . Sources of sediment and debris shall be identified and corrected. : Vegetation shaD be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering whBe protecting underlymg soils from erosion Mulch shaD be replenished as needed to ensure survIval of vegetation. ; . Veg~tatIon, large shrubs or trees that Interfere with landscape swale operation shall be pruned. ! . Fallen leaves and debr1s from deciduous plant foliage shall be removed. . Grassy swales shan be mowed to keep grass 4" to 9"'0 height. ; . Nuisance and prohibited vegetation from the Portland Plant List (such as blackberries and English Ivy) shall be removed when dIscovered. Invasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced, . Dead vegetation and woodfmater1al shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when swale I , function Ie Impaired. Vege1Stlon shall be replaced WIthin 3 months, or immediately if required to maintain cover density ; i end control erosion wh~re 80115 are exposed. .\ , SpUl Prevontion measures shaD be exercised when handling substanoes that contJm\lnate storttfWater. Releases of . I eouutants shan be~lTect&d 89 ~ as. ~entl"ed. ., ~. I . \ . ~ . Trallllng and/or wl1tten guldan~ tnfonnatlon for operatlng end maintaining 8wl:tles shall be proVIded to all property ~ner8 and tenants, A copy of tI)e .O&M Plan shall be provided to aD oroP&rty oWOfJ~ .and tenants. Access to the &wale shall be safe Bnd efficient Egress and Ingress routes shall be malhtalned to design standards I Roadways shall be maintained to accommodate slza and weight of vehicles, If applicable : . Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the swale shall be removed . . Gravel or Qround oover shaD be added If erosion occurs, e.g., due to vehloular,or oedestrlan traffic. ! Insects & Rodents shall not be harbored In the swale Pest control measures shall be taken when Insects/rodents are ; found to be present i . If sprays are considered, then a mosquito larvicide, such as Baclllus thurendensls or Altoslde formulations can be applied only If absolutely necessary, and only by a licensed Individual or contraclor I . Holes In the Qround located in end around the swale shall be filled. " used at fir;. 'iJH8. the rOliowfii;;,wiii be apPllcabie:' ..--. ...-.- . ! Che~k Dame ahaU control and distribute flow. . . c8uaes for altered water flow shall be Identified, and obstructions cleared upon discovery I . Caus~8 for chann~~i~~on~,~~ b~,i~~~tJ~~ and repli~??_, ~.~. _ . _,_,,: ~,"- -~ Stormwater Management Manual Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1, 2004 .1 i ! ~ Page 3-14 EXHIBIT PAGE "B (, J l. /J -,> .~ " . , "~'r' ... l~'t! " , , " 11.,r ." or : , t . . Date Received APR i 1 2008 Onglnal 5ubmlttaL After Recordine: Retl To: Ten Jokinen 4866 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 GRANT OF TEMPORARY BLANKET EASEMENT & DEED RESTRICTION RECITALS 1. Teri L. Jokinen is the record owner of Lots 11 and 12, MEYER ESTATES, Reception No. . Lane County Oregon Deeds and Records. 2. The City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, is responsible for the approval of the plat of MEYER ESTATES. 3. RESTRICTION: Unless otherwise authorized by the City of Springfield, Lots 11 and 12 of MEYER ESTATES shall not be allowed to take vehicular access via North "A" Street. 4. There are utility lines serving Lot 11, which cross Lot 12, BLANKET EASEMENT: Teri L. Jokinen does hereby create a temporary blanket easement across Lot 12, MEYER ESTATES. Any power, water, phone and cable service that lies in, across or above Lot 12 to service Lot 11 may remain in place until either Lot 11 or 12 is further developed. At that time those utility lines will be placed in either the public or private utility e~ements provided. Further development is defmed as any structure that requires a building permit. The easement shall sunset before either (a) a building permit is final or (b) a certificate of occupancy is issued. The cost of the relocation ofthe utilities will be the responsibility of the owner of Lot 12. , ~/ , ---0--..c- ,-:70t7 ;:{n.fz~ Teri L. JokinerY -.....-----..._----~,,--._-- _OFFICIAL SEAL . AARON M ZEH NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO 420885 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT 3, 2011 STATE OF OREGON) )ss County of Lane) ... " Personally appeared before me the above-named Ten L. Jokinen and ackno~edged the fore,$oing instrument to be her voluntary act and deed this 1,. c;- day of .A(lf~' l , 2008. / /// I 17/ r;~ Nof.ary Public for Oregon V' My c~mmission expires: ~+ Q,c, \zof ~, 2-D t \ After ,,,,,,,..<ling retUl Steve and Teri Jokmen 4866 Main Street Springfield., OR 97478 ~]:fwA VIT OF CONSENT BE IT KNOWN BY THESE PRESENT that BRANDT FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., is the beneficiary of that Deed of Trust dated March 29, 2006, recorded March 30, 2006, Reception No. 2006-021710,-Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that the property described, in said Deed of Trust, is being subdivided by G. Stephan Jokinen and Teri L. Jokinen. NOW BE IT FUR111~R KNOWN that BRANDT FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., Beneficiary, does hereby agree and consent to the platting or the above referenced subdivision plat. Dated this ~ 2. day of "-X'5u , 2006. ~,c<~<iL \J ~ for BRANDT FINANCIAL SERVICES, 1Ne. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: State of Oregon ) )ss County of Lane ) ",." ,,_..._... ....... ",~'. . . .'. _. ". ..._... _. ".... R_," ... . ... . ; OFRC~SEAL DONNA M SMITH NOTARYPUBU~REGON COMMISSION NO. 401409 MY COWM!SSION EXPIRES FEB. 4, 2010 PersonaJlx appeared B S fj.,awl-4- P-re ~ " d..' r on this ).~ ~ day of ^,,,./~w.- 19,z,r , 2006 and they acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. the above named ~ for Brandt Financial Services, Inc., (\1 '. . -") ----... - --'- -. ~. /J;(J)l~H. /J;(. , -'~L-:tL - , Nota'ry Public for ~o~ My Commission Expires Fe b ~, .)..0/0 Date Received: APR 1 7 2008 Original Submittal. Apr 02 08 11:248 Teri Jokinen 541-728-8721 p.l After recording return to: Tori Jokinen ' 4866 Main Street Sprfngfleld, OR 97478 AacJ:lWA VIT OF CONSENT BE IT KNOWN BY THESE PRESENT that HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION n, is the beneficiary of that Deed of Trust dated De......I.ber 27, 2005, re.......Jed December 30, 2805, ReeeptioD No. 2005-103458, Official Records of Lane COUDty, Oregoo. BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that the property described, in said Deed of Trost, is being subdivided by Tori L JokiDen. The 8ubdivisioD Dame is Meyer Estates. NOW BE IT FURll1JjR KNOWN'daat HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION II, Benefidary, does hereby Ile,i..... aDd CODseDt to the platting of the above referenced subdivision plat. 'J,-d ~_\ Dated tbis ~ day of -_- ~\" "iLl ~.V'C-~.~ .')-\ ~ , 2008. ,as for HOUSEHOLD J'INANCE CORPORATIO,N II ~ ~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: State of /:t4/ 6,.-1' ec; I.rJ County of! filii ~ ) )Is ) ( Pe~oDaUy appeared the above Damed aI-hila it't/S , as ,1j..Il/JtL7 Ina/1tt(e/" for Household FWance Corporation 11 OD this ,,> ;Y day of. . 0. Vll / , 2008 and they aclmowledged the foregoing mstrument to be their voluntary aet aad de~. /)/rw;:' C/~ v .. .. ... . .. Notal')' PubUc for Oregon M I it..-t! -OS' Y Commission Expires T~"---~~".!.'- OFF;C~~~~' . .~ ~ RHONDA COLLINS , " NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON , COMMISSION NO 385963 ~ ~_~t;~_~O~!~S~~~~~ 18. 2008 ~ Date Received: APR f 7 2008 Original Submittal ~~ After l,^^,lding relli.. .0. Teri Jokinen 4866 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 DECLARATION OF VARIABLE-WIDTH PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAIN 1 ~NANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: A. Declarant: This Declaration of Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and ~ce Agreement is made by Springfield-Eugene Habitat for Humanity, the owners of, the real property described as MEYER ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Lane County Official records, and the Access and Utility Easement as described in Exhibit "A". I B. Purpose: This Declaration of Joint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Ao-"...w.ent: is made to specifically provide for: , (1) Acc6ss to Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES, and (2) Maintenance requIrements of the Access Easement, and f' (3) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using said easement_ WITNESSETH. Now therCfore in cOnsideration of the fVH;'5u~ recitals, which are expressly made a part of this Declaration of Private Joint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Ao-"..~uent, the undersigned hereby declares as follows: . (1) Declaration of Access Easement: There is hereby declared, granted, conveyed and created a 'perpetual and non-exclusive easement as a means of ingress and ';'51~S to and from Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES. It is expressly understood that no rights outside the Access Easement are provided. (2) Extent: The easement "l~ by this declaration are not personal or in gross but are appurtenant to each said Lot (3) Durabon of Covenants Binding or Successors and Assigns: The easement created by this declaratIon shall be pennanent and peJ]Jetual and shall constitute covenants runnmg with the landTand shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of all heirs, successors and assigns of Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES_ (4) Exclusive: The Private Access Easement provided herein shall be exclusive to owners, herrs, successors and assigns (and their guests) of Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES or any portion thereof and each shall be entitled to use the Access Easement for the vehicular and pedestrian access purposes for which it is provided_ Date Received: APR 1 7 2008 Original Submittal ..,. (5) Maintenance: Any p:av.,erty owner of Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES may cause the Access Easement right of way or any portion thereof to be maintained or repaired. The party causing said maintenance or repair to be done shall pay for such work, and other property owners of Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES using the Access Easement shall be liable for contribution based on that party's relatIve use proportional to the total roadway use. This payment shall be made in a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of expense. (6) Taxes: ReaII':a1uyerty taxes shall be paid by the owners of the p.vpv.i.j upon which the easement is located. (7) Indemnification: Each party shall indemnify and save any other of the parties hannless from any liability, loss or expenses resulting llvUI that parties agents and employees, any independent CuUL.Qctor hired by that party, and that parties p';'hU~""';'~, invit.ees, licensees and guests unless that injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to Cv'uL.~bute to the expenses of mamtenance of the Access Easement. (8) Further Documents: In the event that any further grants or easements are required to document and e1r~hJate the easement created herein for Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES or portion thereof, Grantors each represent that each will execute said grants of easements. ~e~~ Don Griffin, Dirett'br for Springfield-Eugene Habitat for Humanity 6 ' "27 <07- Date State of Oregon) )ss County of Lane) T~e ab~ Don . as Director for Springfield-Eu~en. e Habitat for Humanity, actcpeW!ed~~ egoing before me this tl'1 day of l\ /1.1 tU , 2007. /~ ~ l'UOlic for Or~ My Commission Expires: '+ t fJ? ~dJt1 :--- ~FFICIAlSEAl l II S PEfRCEY NOTARY PUBlIC-OREGoN ~} COMMISSION NO 391438 1L~.c~~~~:~~ Date Received: APR 1 7 2008 Original Submittal '.- " Exhibit "A" Easement Descrintion: Beginning at- a point on the North line of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 693.66 feet East of the Northwest comer of said claim; thence South pamllel to the West line of said claim 1216.76 feet to the North line of the right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway; thence South 890 44' 00" East along said highway 173.06 feet; thence North 00 18' 21" East 305.89 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 890 56' 36" West 10.00 feet; thence along the arc of a 18.00 foot radius curve to the left, the chord of which bears South 490 40' 3T' west 23.27 feet, a distance of 25.30 feet; thence North 890 54' 50" West 23.00 feet; thence North 0005' 10" East 47.77 feet; thence North 890 54' 20" West 119.74 feet; thence North 00 18' 05" East 26.80 feet; thence South 890 54' 20" East 138.24 feet; thence South 470 47' 18" East 43.47 feet; thence South 00 18' 21" West 30.30 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: APR 1 7 2008 Original submittal. .\PPLlCA TION AND PERMIT TO occm JR 0 5 M 3 PERFORM OPERATIONS UPON A STATE HIGHWAY I 8 5 6 7 See Oregon Administrative Rule, Chapter 734, DIvISion 55 r;~;s-- 05/ KEY#-~-- ---- - --- --I --- ----~ --- ---- - ---- GiN-ERAL-LOCA TION-------------------~- ------- PUFWOSE OF APPLICATION _ _ ___ __ _ _(TO_ ~Qf\I~_IB!,J(J LQEm.l\]"l'L~AJNT A1N) _____ I-I POLE TYPE I MIN VERT CLEARANCE L LINE N/A N/A ~-------------- --------------------- ----------- ---~- -- TYPE PERMIT NUMBER HIGHWAY NAME AND ROUTE NUMBER _!V1CKEN~!!= HIGHW~!,j) 26) HIGHWAY NUMBER COUNTY 015 .20 = LANE BETWEEN OR NEAR LANDMARKS [-I3URIED JCABLE N/A 49th STREET HWY REFERENCE MAP IV] PIPE ~ LINE TYPE STORM WATER ~- -------~ --- ----------~ --- - -- - -- --- DESIGNATED FREEWAY IN us FOREST FEE AMOUNT IZJ NO [J ~gttCOMMERCIAL $0 00 MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS AND/OR IZJ FACILITIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW BOND REQUIRED REFERENCE AMOUNT OF BOND DYES lZJ NO ~:5~~34-55 $000 HYDRAULIC STUDY PROVIDED BY' BRANCH ENGINEERING INSURANCE REQUIRED REFERENCE SPP"\D COMP DATE 310 5th STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 (541) 746-0637 lZJ YES D NO ~:5~1~34-55 ~ 12/01/2006 DETAIL LOCATION OF FACILlTY(For more space attach addItional sheets) 88-34-25 DYES APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS [zl NO DYES STEVE JOKINEN 4866 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 MILE MILE ENGINEERS ENGINEERS SIDE or HWY OR DISTANCE FROM BURIED CABLE OR PIPE SPAN POINT TO POINT STATION TO STATION ANGLE OF CROSSING CENTER or PVMl R/W LINE- DEPTH/VERT -SIZEAND KIND LENGTH r--- --- -- - -- --- --- - - ---- - ----- ----------- -- '541 224+94 NORTH 34'-0" 6'-0" SEE CON:; T Rue T ION !' LAN S PRE.SUBM\TTAl RI.:C'D OCT 2 3 ZOOli DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF NON-COMMERCIAL SIGNS OR MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS FACILITIES PERMIT IS FOR STORM WATER AND WATER QUALITY AT THE ABOVE LOCATION SPECIAL PROVISIONS (FOR MORE SPACE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS) TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED - OPEN CUTTING OF PAVED OR SURFACED AREAS ALLOWED7 · D YES [OAR 734-55-025(6)] [ZJ NO . r-j YES 10AR 734-55-100(2] [ZJ NO (OAR 734-55-100(1) . AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK, THE APPLICANT OR HIS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE AT TELEPHONE NUMBER (541) 726-2552 OR FAX A COPY OF THIS PAGE TO THE D1STRfCT OFF1CEAr(541) 726-2579- -~-~~ SPECIFY TIME AND DATE IN THE SPACE BELOW -- ---__ _ __ ~~_ . A COPY OF THIS PERMIT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION . ORS 75754 TO 757571 REQUIRES EXCAVATORS TO LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES YOU MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR DAMAGES CALL FOR UTILITY LOCATES CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-332-2344 COMMENTS - OOOT USE ONLY PERMIT & PERMISSION FOR STORM WATER DETENTION AND WATER QUALITY WITHIN ODOT RIGHT OF WAY AS PER PLANS SUBMITTED, REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY ODOT HYDRAULIC DESIGN ENGINEER, LUIS RIVAS, P E ANY DEVIATION FROM APPROVED PLANS MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM ODOT BEFORE CONSTRUCTION SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR GENERAL & SPECIAL PROVISIONS IF THE PROPOSED APPLICATION WILL AFFECT THE LOCALG-6VERNMENT, THE -A PPLICA NT- SHALL ACa-UIRE THELOCAL-GOV-ERNMENT OFFICIAL'S SIGNATURE BEFORE ACQUIRING THE DISTRICT MANAGER'S SIGNATURE LOCAL GOVERNMENT -OFFICIALSlGNA TLTRC --~ - -- - --- ------ -- -riTLE-- ---- -- --- -- - -- - -- -- - - - A/( 4 ' APPLICANT SIGNATlJR~- APPLICATION DATE ~-TITLE--------- --- ----- ----- -- ---~---- TELEPHONE NO X A~j J -_ ___ _~ 11/04/2004 __PROPERTY OWNER. ______~7l..G-1.:- 7"Z...L When thiS a:~pprOVed by the Department, the applicant IS subject 10, accepts and approves DISTRICT MANAGER OR REPRESENT A TIVE APPROV AL DATE the terms and prOVISIons cont81ned and attached and the terms of Oregon AdminIstrative Rules, LYNN STUCKR Chapter 734,Dlvls>an55, whlchlsby this reference madeapartotthlsperrnlt -------.~D~~~ ATH ._______~O_V 1 _~~_O~_ 734-3457(5-03) )AG - J · : l - -. ~ I DATE x 05M38567 - I GENERAL I SPECIAL PROVISIONS I STORIM WATER I MCKENZIE HWY (l26), MP 5.41 "APPLlCANT/PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND LIABLE FOR (1) INVESTlGA TlNG PRESENCE/ABSENCE OF ANY LEGALL Y PROTECTED OR REGULA TED ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE(S) IN THE ACTION AREA, (2) DETERMINING ANI' Y AND ALL RESTRICTIONS OR REQUIREMENTS THAT RELATE TO THE PROPOSED ACTIONS, AND COMPLYING WITH SUCH, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE RELA TlNG TO HAZARDOUS MA TERIAL(S), WA TER QUALITY CONSTRAINTS, WETLAND, ARCHEOLOGICAL OR HISTORIC RESOURCE(S), STA TE AND FEDERAL THREA TENED OR ENDANGERED SPECIES, ErG, (3) COMPLYING WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS, REGULATIONS, RULES AND ORDINA'NCES, WHETHER ENVIRONMENTAL IN NATURE OR OTHER, PERTAINING TO THE PROPOSED ACTION, AND OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED AND NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS I IF APPLlCANT/PERMITTEE IMPACTS A LEGALLY PROTECTED/ REGULA TED RESOURCE, APPLlCANT/PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH IMPACT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL COSTS OF MITIGATION AND REHABILITATION, AND SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS ODOT FOR SUCH IMPACTS AND BE RESPONSIBLE AND ILlABLE TO ODOT FOR ANY COSTS OR CLAIMS THA T ODOT MAY HA VE' DIRECT QUESTIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS TO LOCAL ODOT CONTACT, DENNIS JOLL AT 541-686-7526 ORS 570 570 STA TES, 'CONTRACTORS DUTY TO CLEAN MACHINERY BEFORE MOVING, WEED INFESTED RESIDUE NOT TO BE MOVED, NO PERSON OPERA TlNG OR HA VING CONTROL OF ANY MACHINERY SHALL MOVE SAID MACHINERY OVER ANY PUBLIC ROAD WITHOUT FIRST THOROUGHL Y CLEANING IT . I NOTHING IN THIS PERMIT IS INTENDED TO GRANT RIGHTS OR IMPL Y APPRqVAL NOT FALLING WITHIN THE AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION OF ODOT IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR AND TO OBTAIN SUCH LICENSES, PERMITS OR OTHER FORM OF APPROVAL WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED BY OTHER STA TE AGENCIES, FEDERAL AGENCIES, CITIES ANi/OR COUNTIES OF OREGON, UTILITY OR RAILROADS OAR 734-055-055 GENERAL PROVISION& ALL GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR POLE LINE, PIPELINE AND BURIED CABLE ARE APPLICABLE ALL WORK SHALL BE ACCORDING TO YOUR PLANS APPROVED BY ODOT & MEET ODOT AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY I STREET CONSTRUCTION 2002 SHOULD TRAFFIC CONTROL BECOME NECESSARY IT SHALL BE A.CCORDING TO CURRENT "MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS," USDOT & ODOT MANUAL, "SHORT TERM TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK, 1998" I A DETAILED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO iTHIS OFFICE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK SUBMIT ATTENTION TO LYNN STUCKRATH AT FAX (541) 726-2579 I ODOT PERMIT SPECIALIST SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND UPON COMPLETION OF PROJECT PHONE LYNN STUCKRATH AT (541) 726-2552 ' THIS PERMIT SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WORK AREA DURING WORKING HOURS SPECIAL PROVISIONS EXISTING PIPE SHALL BE SAW CUT OR CORE DRILLED ANY DEVIATION FROM APPROVED PLANS MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM ODOT BEFORE CONSTRUCTION NO TRENCH IN GRASS OR LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE ALLOW ~D TO REMAIN OPEN OVERNIGHT LANDSCAPE AREAS DAMAGED TO BE RESTORED PERMITTEE SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SEED DISTURBED RIGHT OF WAY WITH WEED FREE CERTIFIED GRASS, NATIVE TO THE AREA ANY DAMAGE TO ODOT RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE RESTORED TO THAT CONDITION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND TO THE SATISFACTION OF ODOT REPRESENTATIVE ADEQUATE COMPA ~TION OF TRENCHLlNE IS REQUIRED TO INSURE ABSENCE OF SINKAGE P AG: ,:::J 0;: --::) I. " /\ JJ[;;" ~" ~---- \ ,I H,';l GNTENNIAI BLVD · SPIHN(.FIf L I) OR q"4 i7 POBOX 9J1 · SPRINGrtElD, OR <)7477 PHON!:: 541 741 19111 rAX ';41 7410619 _~2J\ 117'; (0\ IN rRY ClUB R/l . W(,FN[, OR '1740 I "0 BUX lOLl I · f-I)(.[NL em '/74411 1'11UNr .41 hll7 '/7'/4 I ^X '>41 hll7 (I'll,' Ever()reCI1 1..111(j fit Ie b COIllDiltlV 11111 IN"" J!<I\NU ~LI{VIU-) ~ I:"" IH)W (I O)IN(,~ Apnl 7, 2008 Oll! Ordel No U, /-47155 14th SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Klush & AssocIates 607 HIghway 99 North Eugene, Oregon 97402 Attn Aaron Lstllnated PremIum lor "ART/AL BII,UNG ADDITIONAL CHAIN 'j,200 00 'j; I O(J 00 'IOTAL ~300 O(J Dear Aaron We a;'e prepared to I~~ue on lequest and on I ce()\ (lIng 01 the app)Oplldte doullllenh_ d policy 01 pollc)e~ as applied fOL \VI tll covel ages as I1lclIcated, hased 011 till s pi ell m 111011 Y .I epoll 'v LEG'At ))ESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBI'I A i Showmg fee sImple title L1S'IOr ApI II 2, 200X, at X ()O a III , ye"ted III I LRI L JOKINEN, ami SPRINGFIELD-EUGENE HAHrI 1\'1 H)R HUMANII Y I Subject only to the exceptIons shown helell1 alld to the knll~, comlItloll" illld excepllol1" lontamed 111 the poltcy 101 III No IldhIllty '" ;ISSlIlIlCd ulltil d full plClllllllll h(l~ heen J1011d - Date Received: APR 1 1 2008 Original Submittal CONTfNULD ;< ,.{ , ~- ~ ..~~... ,-~ ,- .' 'Ir'~ (H II( III I\'!NI:s4:vOII MA II Ll! ,\IUS j" , ' IV\\'\li,i'V"1 :(frchI.IIHllidff, IIPI ~ " ~ , . \1 . , ~..~ 'Pi " .--, LLT - 47155 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 Taxes or asscssmcnts whIch alC not ~hown as eXlc;tll1g Ilcne; by thc Iccold.., 01 all:- 1.1\lllg authollty that lcvles taxes or"assesslllentc; olllcal propelty 01 by (hc public IculIck pI11U:cdlllg.., by a public agency whIch may Icsult III taxc~ 01 a<.,..,cssl1lcn(s, 01 notlcc<" 0/ <.,lIch procccdlllg<., whether or not shown by the Icc..ords of~uch agency ()f by thc publIc recold<." 2 Facts, nghts, II1tercsts or clall1lS which dIe not shown by thc public Iccold<., but which could bc ascertall1cd by an II1spect\on ofthc land or by makIng IIlqUlIY of person.., In pm,..,c..,<.,\OIl thel cof 3 Easements, or claims of eascment, not shown by thc public rccords. I csel vatlon<., l)j c'Cccptlons 111 patcnts 01 III Act<; authonl:lIlg thc Is'suanec thclcol, watcr Ilghh_ clallll.., 01 (It Ie to watcl 4 Any cncloachmcnt (nfcxlstll1g lI11plOvcmcnts located on thc c;ublcct l,lIld onto adlolrllllg land or or CXlstll1g IInplOvcments locatcd on adJoll1lng land onto the subjcet land). cneumblancc, VIOlation. vallatlon. or advclse CIITumc;tanec afreetlng the tItle th<lt would hc cl1c;closcd by an accuratc and completc land slllvey 01 thc subJcct ,land 5 Any hcn, or nght to a lien, 101 SCI VI<:;C..,. lahol, matcnal. equQ1mcl1t I cntal or WOl kCI.., compensatIon hcretoforc or hClcaftcr fllllllc;hcd. Imposed by Ll\V and Ilot, ..,hmvll by thc publiC Iccords ' CURRENT EXCEPTIONS , ' 6 Eascment Agl ccmcnt. g,:alltcd to lJ S Wcst, IIlcludlllg thc tCll1lS and PI OVISlons thclco!. I?)' lIl~tllllnent Recorded Scptcinbel X. 1999. Rcceptlon No 99-0776X3, O/Iicla I Recol d.., 01 I anc County,Orcgon (AITcets Patccl I)' -- 7 Improvcment ^grecmcrit and ApplIcation 1'01 Sewer I-lookup. IIlcludlllg the tCII1l'" ,lIld provlslons'thercoC betwccn G Stephan Jokll1cn and rC11 L Jnkll1en_ and thc CIty 01 Spnngfield, by II1strumcnt R'ecOlcled Decemhcl :W. 2004, l\eccptloli No 2004-0Yl)O(1' I,dnc County Orcgon Records I' 8 Deed of Trust. IIlclucllllg the terms and PlOvlslons thclcn\, executed by G Stcphcll loklllcn arid Ten L Jokll1en, as tenants by the entirety, ~IS (;lantOl(s)"to Fidelity Natllinal I Hie a.., Trustce, for thc bene fit 0 I' Ilouschold FlIlancc COI pOI atlon II, as Bendic I ,II y. Datcd I kcclll hCl 27,2005, RecOlded l)eccl1lbel 30,2005, Reception No 2()05-1034SX, OlliLlal Record.., 01 Lalle County, Oregon, gIven to ,,>eellre paY~llenl of a Note f(lI $254,023 XI - " Date Received: ,; CONTlNULD \ APR 1 7 2008 Original,Submittal EL T - 47155 Page 3 \ " , , 9 Deed of Trust, mcluding thc tClms dnd provl:-'lon:-. -thcl eoL executed by 'I CII L lok mcn and G Stephan Jokmcn, Wife and'hu:-.band, as GrantOl(:-'), to Lvclglcen Land Iltk Compdny. a<., Trustee, for the benefit o[Brandt Fmanclal Services. lnc, as BeneficlalY. Dated M<lIch 2(). 2006, Recorded March 30, 2006, Rcceptlon No 2006-021710, OITi,cIaI RccOl ds of LlIlc County, Oregon, given to secure payment ofa Note for $33.731 91' --' 10 Deed ofTluSt, mcludmg the terms and PIOVISlOns thereot~ cxecuted by Tell L JokInen. a<., Grantor(s), to Evergreen Land Title Company, as Trustee, for the benefit of Sprlngficld/I ,ugelle Habitat for HumanIty, as BeneficlalY, Dated rune] 5,2007, Rccorded Junc 15,2007. l{cccptIoll No 2007-041021, OffiCial Record" of Lane County. Oregon. given to :-.eclIIe paymcnt 01 a Note for $3.07500 ' .J II Easement for Landscape Mamtenance, mcludmg the telms and proVIsions thel co L hy mstrument Recorded February 5, 200S, Reception No 200S-006481, I,ane County 01 cgon Records .- 12 Easement for Ingress and Egl e:-.s a:-. contamed 111 13drgam and S,ak Dccd Recollkd ^ pili 4. 2008. ReceptIon No 2008.,.018820, Lane County Oregon RecOlds 13 ORS 92.012 reqUIres ~hat any dlVl:-'lon of an eXlstmg parcells a partItIon lequllll1g Governmental approval 'I~itle InsUl ance covel age c10es not II1clude: as<;ul anccs that an y lot conveyed IS a legal lot for !Jlannmg purposes 'I hCI cfol e, I r the pI opo~ed tl allsactlon Includc:-. a diVIsion of an eXlstmg palQeL you :-.hould consult With the applicable pldnnml..( authollt\ a<., to I ,'- ' ~- any reql\lrements they npy}have as to the plOposed tI ansactJOl1 ;;; : , . [ I' . - ,'. f NOTE' Taxes, Map N.(i:'r~,~~02-32-41-00300, Code I ()-OO, ^ccOlq~J:.No 1 Cl67052. 2()07-200X.- $2,468 52, paid m full/(l;}arcel 1) ",~ 1,i" \' , (II' ,\~ H I.r 'j ~ 'I axes,~ Map'No. 17-02<12:1-41-00305, Code 19-()0~ ^CLOunt N(;:rl'7()77() I: 2007-2()()X. $62 14, paId 1\1 full. (P~lT~"I) - PI,!' Taxes,' Map No I 7-0~..:~2-4 I -00304. Code I C)-OO, ^ccount No, 'J':76X:215. 2001-2()I)X. $2.04447, paid III full '(Ij~~rcel 1) " 'I axe<;, Map No 17-02-3,2-41-00302, Codc 19-00. ^cLOunt No I M5025. 2007-2()()X. $ 1.177.52, p<ud 111 full (PdIce] 2) , \: Taxes, Map No 17-02-3:'2-41-00303, Code II)-Ot). Account No i'6670()0.2()07-200X $41926, pmcl1\1 full (PaISc1 3) 'h "\ 'c ,', NOTE' ^ JUDGEMEN r/tJEN/I3ANKRUP'1 CY SE^RCII wa" donc 1'01 thc namc(<,l I LRI L JOKINEN, SPRINGrIELI],-EUGENE HABII ^ I H)R IIlJM^NI'} Y, and a<., oj ^pl II 2. 20()X. none were found ,J, I, ,I , ,- NOTE' ^S or^pIIl2. 200H, there ale no lien:'. 100111c City 01 Spllllgllcld ,j 't ': Date Received: , II' rf. i' ,. " -[ 1"--....... ~i~;~ ~i~~'~:' ~ I,. t II, . " ~ ~ 1 i : ~ ~..~~11 ~ ';1 ' :,~;~j~~ ~lL, jl, '\. , I [~l I, i{}. l ii , H jt 01 , ,If I ~;~j: I .I, 'it[, ~Il, .~: !l ~ 1/( I " ! I:; , if ~ ~~: :1 ~~t~~f ~ ~rl j~F I .- "I .;: ), '!~I . APR 1 7 2008 CO N'T IN U I~ f) -<:-"i "'1Jr t41 I , ~\1 \(tJ" I .J, .,1t c'jl 'i ':;':';;OriginaI9U,bmittal . 11)~A, ~ l.; j'i/ C[ 'wl' ~ I '~;f~ I , J.~lll .f , ~ t fr i' f' ... ~ :~ ELI' - 47155 Page 4 NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATI~~ RI~PORT. Very truly yoUl s. EVERGREEN LAND TI f'LE COMPANY IIOME OFFICE \ By (7 ~1 \ 'l\L /\ (:1 ;; , \ ( '. ( ~ Kimberly A, Dltlefsen Title Department Manager ('C All State Real Estate Attn Artie Mae Harlow (cmaJl aJ tlel11ae(([)harlow~ net) CC All State Real Estate Attn' Chuck I-Iamson (Fax No 6X7-2327) CC Ilabitat for Ilumalllty Attn Don GnJTin CC Ten Jokmen 4X66 Mum Sheet. Springfield. OIC!!OIl <>747X NO LIABILITY IS ASSlJMED IIERI':UNDLR tiN III. POLICY IS ISSlJl~1) AND PREMIUM PAID IF FOR ANY RI',ASON IIII~ REPOR I IS CANCI~I.I.LI). A MINHv111M CANCELLATION FEE OF $200 00 WII ,I, nl', ('IIAR( iLl) Date Received: APR 1 7 2008 ~ 1 Origtnal submittaL .-= ELT - 47155 Page I of I Legal Descrt ption EXIIIBIT A I3eg1l1l1mg at a pomt on the North Imc orthc ^ W Hamlllltt DonatIon Land ClaIm No JX. TownshIp 17 South, Range 2 West of the WIIlamette Mellcl1an. 693 66 feet Ea5t ofthc Northwest corner of said claim, thence South paJallel to the West lme of ~aJcI cla]m 121 () 7() feet, more or less to the North line ofthe nght-of-way of the McKenZlc Highway. thcllcc South 89044' 00" East along saId hIghway 173 415 fcet, thencc North 1217 ()6 lceL mOle 01 Ie"" to the North lIne of said ClaIm No 38, thence West 173 4 15 !Cd to the Place 01 I3Cgllllllllg 111 Lane County, OregO!l EXCEPTfNG THEREFROM a parcel bcgmnmg at cl pOlllt bClIlg East 693 66 feet flOI11 thc Northwest corner of the A W Hamm]tt Donat]on Land ClaIm No 38, TownshIp 17 South. Range 2 West of the Wdlamette Mellcllan, s<1((1 pomt belllg on the North line or Said Donation r L1I1d ClaIm, thence along the North Ime. East 173 42 ICet, thence lcavlIlg ~<\Id' North Ill1l' South 753 55 feet, thence West 173 42 feet parallel to the saId NOIth Ime, thence NOIth 753 55 feet to the Pomt ofBegmning, m Lane County, Oregon , /\ " , ' , " \" 1! f ~'~ ~> , ; , , i, " , " , 't 1 " > I , l , , , , , q' ~ tf' I , ' r 'I , , 11';\ . ~ .- , " , ' , Date Received: \ r I ~ APR 1 7 2008 14" ~ ~ ~ i, , , ' ~ ~t ' ~ , 1 I,ll I, ". i~..! :~ (If ' "'1/ ' \11!, " '. J~/ I I ~ )~~ ~{~1 t~,'" \;l,l_ Ill\- \ It. :1j'i t' "' '~\';', It..." J ;"1" \ O~ginal Submittal , 'i ~!l ::1 :, qJ.. ,I~f, ~ii~~\~Jt, . dJfJ" ~ J~" J \ I , , 1, ,I: ' , - .l... " '4 . I ,~ . ('l'l ,~ '~ -I 500 ,I "" 16752' ~67 S~,) :;" at en c 0- 3 ;:+ .... ~ )> ~ ::::c ....... i',) c;::) c;::) co 0\ o o .., I " 9. 3/ ' o m -- (t) ;0 ('I) o (1) < (1) a. Il-o?-~3?-Yf: r" ,. c....... . ').,.O~b I JJwc..o\o On....... I ~~ -, , I ''"' 4047:5 ,qj", ~r oW m, ~ J I"" I.." ,0 OS 141.....0 .. ~ " \ ., 209 "- ~ ~ ~ C> 6 :!: 302 o 63 AC '" :0 :!2 ~- ---,----- 1\, N '3q'4~ 10' ... ( .....342 304 C 45 AC I - ! ~ , 300 o 40 AC = '" = '" I ~ 1 _ .~ '" l 1- . 207 qO 9 ~ ~:.. :0 ___ J'" - ..., 4<; 8 ~ ~ " "~ " >.D= 7 or<') CD ~ 124 J' , ~..q- 0 0 f; ~ "C'l N ~ " '" (,......4.).. 8 '" ..., ..c 5 ;J, ~ :0; ~ 9'l'+;'~ \~ 7. .\."l.. ~ 1m \~NORTH l~" rd' ~ 125 J ~ '11. ""'1... 800 ., '" ~. 12~ o f' ~ "W", <> oil \'13" I )~Z " .. ,) ~ ~J~ ~ l.( --, rd' _ fJ ,-,i''''- )~;t!.E ~ 206 205 303 o 27 AC :L -__, -- -., ( 305 )15 ;; .::. 0 _4 0 04.AC :: "I. ,/ 'I ;0'2= 28 -i...' , "lr JIf" - ~ \31 '"! 6 ~ ". <T 5 '\j s<; 4~ \... -'42 80J ...u1~-~2T~'" -bel ;-; -W3- : 204 g 245 0:::> 10 17 AC _ :>: gO 1 7 AC~:? g : - :~ ~ ~ ,0 ~ ~ _!..__~~_c~___ 4, , -62' 3~' <U N 89'44 .J '52 42 o~ ,,! -1':1 ~I 202 @,,, co 0 ;:: 0 2 201 2 o o '" , , : " _ ...;:......,47.. ,,,, ----.lilJ. ~s 7~ -+.... 1.G._ ,;I,~ ~ .. <r 4 ~i ro <T" I .;; , I 126 1! ~ 3 , I :, : "0 '0 127 Q 1 " ... 1 2 ! "" t " 55 ~ ~ I., J~ '" :" I,. \ ~ ~\ 'f. '<, .' " ~ " " \ Q '" " ~ '" '" __ /.Jd ~ ----- ~ I 600 -l I I ",I ~I " "- ~ , /1'47 f' T 1-4: :, ,\ \ ~\ ~ .::: r:) A : 3: :3 ~ I r i r~ ~ r r ~ ~ ::;< T-~ ~, '!O - - -. ~ ~ \ _ __..J... \_IC_ f j L r:., ... T - ='E"G '- '-J L... ~ fl,..:_:J ...,1'4' ,-, al For Final Plat SubmissionlTtanslnittal For Final P~at Su)mission/Transmitta~ Date Received: APR 11 2008 Name of Plat: Original submittal Meyer Estates I have checked through submItted documents, and the followmg have been submitted: , ItMYlar of plat (and bond copy for Planning) , ~I ('1-) Consent Affidavit(s) ISJ /(1) Ongmal sIgned cross Easement ' M ,(1) Origmal sIgned Blanket Easement ~urrent TItle Report ~ ~~i=l~;~:~~::f:::::::~:~~=-- /c.OVE~'V,4:.NlS .( fLES"\ILICT'O,0 S These documents are the only ones the Survey DiVIsIon requires for the Final Plat submission and filing. Smcerely, tl~ ~()~~ City Instructions: ThiS form IS to accompany the plat and the supportmg documents to the Public Works Department of the City of Spnngfield at the time of final plat submittal The purpose IS pnmanly to notify the plannmg office that the Surveymg DIVISIOn has received all the documents It reqUires for final plat submittal County Instructions: ThiS form IS to accompany the plat and the supportmg documents to the Lane County Surveyor's Office at the tIme of final submittal for recordmg The purpose IS pnmanly to notify that office of which Items need to be recorded sllnultaneously with the plat, but It also serves to remmd the developer/surveyor that these documents need to be mcluded In the final submittal package to the County Surveyor V \SUR VEy\Plat Drawmgs\Cogo'd Drawmgs & Letters\SubdlVlSlOns _ on plat BOB _ & review comments\Meyer Estates\Surveymg Approval doc