HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 11/27/2006
WATI:RSI:RVIC[ C["TI:R 202 South 18th Street Spr,ngfleld, OR 97477.5240 Tel 5417262396 Fax 5417477348 WWW subutd com
November 27,2006
Lmda Pauly
CIty of Spnngfield
225 N 5th Street
Spnngfield, OR 97477
Dear Lmda
17-03-24-31 TL 2000 2778 19TH STREET
LIsted below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal
The proposed development IS currently outsIde of an estabhshed water servIce area If pubhc
water supply IS deSIred pnor to annexatlOn, the SUB Water DIVISIOn WIll aSSIst the City and the
developer WIth a CIty water serVIce extratemtonal extenslOn apphcatIon Approval from the Lane
County Boundary CommISSIOn IS needed m order to serve the area WIth CIty water The CIty
Plannmg Department WIll be the lead agency m the apphcatIOn process
2 All new water system faclhtIes and modIficatIOns to water system facIhtIes both mSIde and
adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed m street nght-of-way at a locatIOn and depth
of bury that meets the standards of the SUB Water DIvIslOn
3 All water facIhty matenals shall be to a standard that must meet SUB Water DIVISIon
4 All workmanshIp shall be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water DlvlslOn constructIon
5 SIze of waterlme and other faClhtIes, mcludmg water meters, must meet the needs of the SUB
Water DIVlSlOn and the long-range needs of the CIty These needs mclude, but are not hmlted to,
meter locatIon and access, SIzes of water dlstrlbutlOn and transmISSlOn Imes, pumpmg fac1l1tIes,
and commumcatIOn hnes
6 Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Water DlvIslOn for detmled mformatIon on the
matenals and constructlOn standards, detmled costs for mstallmg SUB water faClhtIes, and a
schedule of constructIOn ConstructIon expenses may be reduced WIth good planmng of requued
water fac1l1tIes, good tImmg of faclhtIes mstallatlOn, and Jomt trench opportumtIes
7 All water meters WIll be placed m pubhc nght-of-way at a locatIon IdentIfied by the developer
Each lot or parcel must have ItS own water serVIce
Site Plan #ZON2006-00057
2778 - 19th Street
November 27,2006
Page 2 of2
8 Water serVIce facIhtIes WIll be mstalled upon collectIOn of development charges Development
pohcIes and charges Identified m thIS letter are subject to change Actual charges WIll be those m
effect at the time water servIce IS requested
9. Spnngfie1d has several wellhead protectIOn areas. Nmety percent of Spnngfie1d's dnnkmg water
comes from wells In every mstance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contammatIOn
Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsIble for the safe handhng and storage of chemIcals,
petroleum products, fertIhzers, and the preventIOn of groundwater and storm water runoff
SpecIal reqUirements may be necessary for groundwater protectIOn at thIS development Contact
Amy ChImtz at Spnngfie1d UtIhty Board Water DlVlSIOn for details at 726-2396
SUB development charges are paid dIrectly to SUB Water DlVlSIOn and
SUB ElectrIc DlVlsIOn
3~ E~ ~c~/J
Bart E McKee, P E
Semor CIVIl Engmeer - Water DIVISIon
BEM mkm
cc Dame1 Jackson, 2778 19th Street, Sprmgfie1d, OR 97477
\\svr-data\wscengnr\SITEPLAN\2778 19th St Jackson SubdIVISIOn 11-22-06 doc