HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1987-9-29 - La~ti ::~:ization . ~ f:~ , for: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN RFVT.il/ Application/ ~~~~ ~7' Perm~t # "...L..7/1~--r 7OW;:SHIP RAtlGE 17 03 SECTION 25.2.1 I TAX LOT OOUT OF 12,700 IDT/Ph~CC~ I BLOCK PROpOSED USE OF PROPERTY ~ Residential 0 Industrial o Commercial D Public. S~BDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) 77~77 Sp}) T'" ~ ~ ~ r .-/f/ """ (7.::(/ 'ES~ON ~t;;p:/f}~s~iCl \ - /j) .Av-. (~ /2- /C/ ;c;- &~~D ~ Ei .a septic inspection for loan ~u = OF BEDROOMS J # OF STORIES o;~~ NAME AND ADDRESS 'thomason, Don CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR # I~~I STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PR<!PERTY / 1819 u'r~8R 81; .I",J";"', [p\';"~./;G;d 3fttl7 DlRECTIONS TU SITE LOCATIO~ ADDRESS 1<f/9 ~ C1':'Y ZIP \4.;.. ~........-I!-:-.: j~_ ~.~.--L I i! OF E"JPLQYCCS WA1'ER SUPPLY o Proposed !XrExisting TELEPHONE NUMBER N. 33rd, Springfield 97478 TELEPHONE NUMBER P~R!>IIT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS) BARNES, L. Dwight site TELEPHONE NUMBER 746 5560 I HAVE CAREfULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION ~'OR PERMIT. dnd ,k, hcr;:lJY eertlfy thut all infonlliltioll hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: Downer of record; 0 Cf,r,>:l'dl.t- purchaser; O<iuthorizcd agent. I f:.:.rther certify that any and all work performed sh...11 be done in ':'ccol-(li1:\I~<: ..0'1 th tl:t: ()n:lwanc~~ of Lan~ County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and. that NO OCCUPANCY will be :nude of dr..,. s".rllcture without ttle permission of the Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect. dS rec,uired by ORS 701.05S, that if'exelllpt the basis for cxc~tion is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. . "..J A\ ~' L. Dwiaht Barnes ;.)<7\ (\.1. . ~ 9-28-87 NAME (please print) ..... S NATURE - DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION 'I AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSl o PLANNING/ZONING: Zone Parti tion # Parcel It Parcel Size Minimum Setbacks: CL, front CL, side interior rear COfomENTS: SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW--NO SPECIAl PI ANNING ACTION RF(1IITRI'n /JA Date, 9-28-B7 ~ Installation Specifications: CQtoINENTS:~--'" 0:1 ~~. (] ~ EXAMINATION: Gallon Tank . . . . .......t-:- (<" ,..... S" ..f~_ ..>.1/. . ~nAb. I ~ ,1 Installation Record Issued? 0 Y'es 0 No Lineal Feet Maximum Depth of Pr:llir:field of Trenches ~.l..P: f':JA'~"!'~ ~ )/\ fh'-;f',.Lfp ( Date. t:j' _-2-c;>f-{f>,? fQ1 o SANITATION: S. 1. It B. P. II Type Group Use CQMHENTS: Date: n ~t). /~,iIT APPROVED BY au LANE COUNTY ~F NG OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (cer ORS 456.805(1)) DA~ PARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION 9-'z9/? C 14-25 R84- ,... . . , . SETBi,CKS ;":-;0 07!!SR CC~:DIT!O:;S OF APPRO'.';.I. ~:UST Bf. STRlC':':'';" 035ER.'.'SD. \'rOLATIO~l CAe; RSSULT IN Rf.\'O- C;,;10:: or :lUS Pi:",-!!., CI7,\no:: G:lDER PROVISIO:;S Or !..,\::E'::-:><.::;j'y'':; I:JFR,\CTIO~ OEDr::,;::C!::, ;,:WIOR OTHER RE~EDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. .....HE:; READY FOR r::SPCC7IO~, CAi..:" 687-~065. ,\ :'lIl\nll':': OF ,\T L::;'-,ST ~.; !lOURS ,'IOV,i.::CE :Wiler; FOR ItJSPF:C- 'hue: H~:':.'l.t:~.;..s ;.j:",'::>1' lJe: GIVS::~,J.':e lhe :0110',;i:19 ir.::o~:;lat.:on reJ.dy: ,er;';\iL number, job address, type of inspection, when it will he ready. your name and phone n~:;lber, and any-special directions to SltC. BUILDr;;c orVISIO;;: RF.QUIRSn I::SPECTIO:1S: 1. Found<ltion Inspection: To be made .:liter trenches are excavated and forms erected and when ;i-l r.:.:J.terlals ~or the toundation are \lelivered on the job. ~.;her:;- cO:Jcrctc from a cC:Jual ~ixing ,plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, !:1aterials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-Floor.Insnection; To be mace after-all in-slab or under-fioor building serVl:::e c'iuipment, conUUlt, p1plng accessories, and other ancillary equipment it:ems are in place but belore dny concrete is poured or floor sheathing inst:allcd, including the sublloor. 3. ~raminq , Insulation Insoections; To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and racing arc 1n ?ldCe and all ?lpeS, fireplaces, chi~neys, and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. .. Lath and/or Gvosum Boare Inspection: To be made aiter all lathing and gypsum board, 'nterior and e~t:erIOr~n-prace but before any plastering is applied and betore gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final Insoection; TO be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~o work shall be done on any part of ~he building or ~tructurc beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such appro~al shall b~ given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step 'in the cOnstruction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to; A. BLock Hall: To be' made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This rnspectIOn is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. \\'ood Stove: To be made after completio:l of masonry (if applicable) anc when installation is complete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. C. Mobile HOme: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewcr-or-ieptic syst:cm for sctback requirements, blocking, footing connection, ticdowns, Skirting, and plumbing connections. . 1. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the r.'ianufacturer. - . 2. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flOOd- plain management letter. J. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready fer inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWlmr.lln~ Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade wnen pool-rs-lnstalled. ,\PPROVED PLANS :'lUST BE 0:'1 THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. '!'HIS PER.~HT WILL EXPIRE If \WRK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 160 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SL:SPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR :.10RE THAN 160 DAYS. SUSPEtlSION OR REVOCATION ;.\AY OCCUR IF TillS PER.\lIT WAS ISSUED 0:>1 TllE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS H~'FORMATrON . M:YO:>lE PROCEEDING P,\ST THE por::T or REQUIRED INSPECTIO<IS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. .... '.. .:'\.r...r ~....... SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE ~ DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1, Permits shall be effective for one year from ,the cate of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder Shall notify the Lane County Department of Planning and Co~~unity Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it comp!ies with the rules contained in this division, If the cOnstruction does.comply with such rul.es"" tha Department 5.ha1.1 issue a certi fica te of sa tis fact?ry. c5'mple~10n to...the ,permi t~ ~older.:..... .If thrl constract':1o!1. oo<::s rlot comply wlth such rules, the Department 511;>.1-1 notlfy-thc"'peJ'mlt holder and shall require sat:isfactor~ completion pefore issuing ,the certificate. Failure to ~ meet the requirements for sa~i~fnctoLy"ssmRlction ~ithin a. reasonable time constit~tes a V10- "ldti"on6f OR~ 454.605 t;O 4S4.145~a~na-'thls rul"C. ~"... . -~ --., . ~. . ._" " . .... ~-,. Setbacks - Subsurface S~waryc Disposal Septic '!'ank Drainfield Fre::!: Interior prepert',' lines Ed'Je 0: road rlqht-of-w<lY fhllhiinq :ounc!ation \->ells. Other ....ater sources 10' 10' " ;0' 10' la' 10' 100' "- .:' ., ,'. ,. ., . , < . " ....). " . ..-' .' -\ '. . . . . TX1 ~fPTIC. TAN.t:. - -=,"-. \ . F''''''f'IJ>L, e-oo""" , ~ LIf-J.- - I . , \ ~ 1"1:> 4Q' I 36" fO 40 I I - - . '13E.D \ ,!:>-c D . l - Z. . - ( G7'~.A6e: 'ProPte.rl..{ I_JI\l~ , --^ . - -\~ 1: )..> L V rr l ~ ro \/ I ' -. :r-IO~ TO vY\OI>l.Aw~ "BL.VD. tl<.' r- I 60 Noer1-J OJU 10) rH Ie> I-/AYDl:t0 ~Jt ~D. 60 ""eST ON HA'-'lD'C.}.,J ~e, l<.D. 10 1.'0'\01 I 6ovTI-\ 0I'Ot.. . . , INFORMATION ~ FOR A SIGN PERMIT 1 , 1 , J . Pennit Ntmber . , , , \ . Total Sq. Ft. , (erect ) Building t'="':t application is to (alter ) (relocate a sign according to specifications . and description given below and de- ) tailed plans sulmitted. Location of Sign (Address) Name of Business and Address CMner of Sign (Name and Address) . Sign Erector (Name and Address) DIMENSIONS. cmsTRlJCITON & INSTAUATION INFORMATION Vert. Height of Sign Total Height Above Grade Material Sign is Constructed of Type of Sign (Check Applicable Itens) Horiz. Width of Sign Thickness or Depth . " Identity Sign Non-Identity Sign' Billboard Single Face Double Face Wall Sign Pole Sign Roof Sigti Marquee Sign Projecting Sign Other . M,llti-Face if IDITS : Plans Required: ~ canplete sets of plans drawn to scale, sOOwing d:ilrensions and height ot sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on t'~vt'c~""f with dimensions to property lines; structural details of sut-t'v~"s. framing. bracing and footings; mater- ials of construction f= sign and sign structure; electrical equipnent and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for same business. . Electrical: Pennits for all electrical work shall be secrued fran the state elec- trical division. M55-78 . - . . , .- . . /.,,'1 . . A . .I~ iD 'If' n It . .. .~ f , . e~ 11' ~ . .'~ ,~ is ~I . . r t n . .f " s ; . .. .' e~ 0 . .. :' .~ e. .: .. ,'r t. . . wi 5 LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT I 298687 DATE 09288? . 'I..' f.' I I.('^N.r C^I"Nf..'- D'J.[(..II.l. '1'1)1..' ,rl.'9 H^YDf'N 1<1..'.'.1)('1.' 1"Il SF'I..'.[N'..I...II'.lI). (..,M,..........r..1I 131n,"\ :.,,}/ 11..;(- ('L)..... 1\: I. 1"1 ';.1 ,'''.I. :I;;' '\'~I .. .... ..," ,::... TLI 1703~52112700 SUBDIV LOT BLK NEW BLDC TYPE USE R BDRMS 0 UNITS 001 STORIES IBLDGS 001 PHONE 746 5560 . OWNEf~ NME THot1ASON, DON ADDf~ HW;> HAYDEN IlI~IDGE FW., SprnNGFIEI...D . CODE M'PI... .NO. ACTION DESCFdPT ION S(~ FT UNIT COST VALLIf,~rIC)N FEE DAY."j. BP .I'P '.Ii Ill" n DP iD .);<1" ' .~ ~ .. ,. rr " F'L .~.F I X/I',,< TH :. .I'lECH SLm. PCK .U~ LC 29868;'. SDSV SWR: FT. WTR: MECH"N I C,;1... FEE STrHE SUF:CHAf,GE PLM! CHE:CK FEE 'FT. RAIN: FT . .1 60.00 w ~ . ~ .;;, ... " 1~ 13 .~ c...., -),:, - 2~:)1.: . , CATC: API" .SEQU: 1 T^I"'N B)' (:.r "I ~~.."C.I - RA FP SDS SI PCK OTH ISS EST. COMPLETION DATE DEPDS I T lH' 60.00 1.. CK ~ r .j 2 :-5 . ,. ~ o j .~ . . 1 ,~. , l-~~~ty - ... . , ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET EiVJD.., ~ .'. . ", .;. .-- L"OOOMAH""'''''''''D''''''ooo. u.-"'.._..,......."'_~.. Please complete all lIems above dotted line FILLING OUT * LINES WILL GET YOU INFORMATION ONLY *DATE q / c8 / 87 * PERSON , ACTUAL ~~la~ST 1 ,UN (.sh/ r 'B.AeNCo!, ~~O:EE:TrotlN AOORESS I '2 I OJ f-b, U f)EN. f\e E. D. AODRESS CITYE)PI;?J.N&Flf:LD STATED~ z1P.92i27 CITY0Pf-LD. TELEPHONE (BUS) ~ l.> -Sf5t"D tHOMEI TELEPHONE (BUSl *PROPERTY ADDRESS OR ~/1 ~ MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax maps in the Assessment & Taxation Dept.) !(;V,O, STAFF WILL DETERMINE_ r T~~hIP ~n~ ~~of/ ~~?()O ~U~laln ll-lC>\t\i\A<SC>N I\} ~~ eD. STATP~ z,PC\74lt; . (HOMEI Township Range Section Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain Township Range Section Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ACRES *kS~YOU want to dO)-J~;7':;~ tt!f---do/7/~'/ # Directions to site ....................Staff Use On~.................... Comments: Land Management Division, Public Works Department 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 phone 6874061